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Nature ; 493(7431): 211-5, 2013 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23302861


The onset of melting in the Earth's upper mantle influences the thermal evolution of the planet, fluxes of key volatiles to the exosphere, and geochemical and geophysical properties of the mantle. Although carbonatitic melt could be stable 250 km or less beneath mid-oceanic ridges, owing to the small fraction (∼0.03 wt%) its effects on the mantle properties are unclear. Geophysical measurements, however, suggest that melts of greater volume may be present at ∼200 km (refs 3-5) but large melt fractions are thought to be restricted to shallower depths. Here we present experiments on carbonated peridotites over 2-5 GPa that constrain the location and the slope of the onset of silicate melting in the mantle. We find that the pressure-temperature slope of carbonated silicate melting is steeper than the solidus of volatile-free peridotite and that silicate melting of dry peridotite + CO(2) beneath ridges commences at ∼180 km. Accounting for the effect of 50-200 p.p.m. H(2)O on freezing point depression, the onset of silicate melting for a sub-ridge mantle with ∼100 p.p.m. CO(2) becomes as deep as ∼220-300 km. We suggest that, on a global scale, carbonated silicate melt generation at a redox front ∼250-200 km deep, with destabilization of metal and majorite in the upwelling mantle, explains the oceanic low-velocity zone and the electrical conductivity structure of the mantle. In locally oxidized domains, deeper carbonated silicate melt may contribute to the seismic X-discontinuity. Furthermore, our results, along with the electrical conductivity of molten carbonated peridotite and that of the oceanic upper mantle, suggest that mantle at depth is CO(2)-rich but H(2)O-poor. Finally, carbonated silicate melts restrict the stability of carbonatite in the Earth's deep upper mantle, and the inventory of carbon, H(2)O and other highly incompatible elements at ridges becomes controlled by the flux of the former.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(11): 113902, 2021 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34852545


We report a new rapid-quench technique for the Kawai-type multi-anvil press: several important improvements were made to our previous design. As a result, we are able to routinely quench melts with low glass-forming ability and form glasses. Owing to the use of 3D-printed parts to supply the coolant, the new design is easier to assemble and demonstrates better temperature stability and cooling rate. It was also found that the cooling rate is both pressure- and temperature-dependent. The cooling rate increases with increasing pressure from 6700 °C/s at 1 GPa to 8200 °C/s at 5.5 GPa and decreases with increasing temperature at a rate of 550 °C s-1/100 °C. Taking these dependencies into account, the new rapid-quench design produces more than 15% higher cooling rate compared to the previous design. Moreover, enhancing coolant circulation, which was achieved by using tapered inner anvils with holes, additionally increases the cooling rate by about 4%. As the structure of the rapid-quench assembly differs dramatically from other existing designs, pressure calibration and temperature distribution in the experimental cell and sample capsule were determined for the first time. It was found that the first 0.6 MN of press load is not used to generate pressure due to the hard tungsten components in the assembly. At the current state-of-the-art, it is possible to routinely reach a pressure of 9 GPa and a temperature of 2200 K with the temperature variation not exceeding 70 K within the sample capsule.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(6): 065105, 2020 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32611017


In order to extend the pressure and compositional range where silicate melts can be quenched to form glass in a multi-anvil high-pressure and high-temperature apparatus, a rapid-quench technique, which includes an external cooling system and a low thermal-inertia assembly, was developed. This technique allows much higher cooling rates (6000-7000 °C/s) than regular piston-cylinder (130 °C/s) apparatus and multi-anvil (650 °C/s) apparatus, which are widely used in solid Earth science. Such high cooling rates are critical to avoid unwanted changes in a sample, such as melt crystallization and volatile loss, during quenching.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 6278, 2020 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32286425


Synthetic Mg2TiO4 qandilite was investigated to 50 and 40.4 GPa at room temperature using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, respectively. The Raman measurements showed that cubic Mg2TiO4 spinel transforms to a high pressure tetragonal (I41/amd, No.141) phase at 14.7 GPa. Owing to sluggish kinetics at room temperature, the spinel phase coexists with the tetragonal phase between 14.7 and 24.3 GPa. In the X-ray diffraction experiment, transformation of the cubic Mg2TiO4 to the tetragonal structure was complete by 29.2 GPa, ~5 GPa higher than the transition pressure obtained by Raman measurements, owing to slow kinetics. The obtained isothermal bulk modulus of Mg2TiO4 spinel is KT0 = 148(3) GPa when KT0' = 6.6, or KT0 = 166(1) GPa when KT0' is fixed at 4. The isothermal bulk modulus of the high-pressure tetragonal phase is calculated to be 209(2) GPa and V0 = 270(2) Å3 when KT0' is fixed at 4, and the volume reduction on change from cubic to tetragonal phase is about 9%. The calculated thermal Grüneisen parameters (γth) of cubic and tetragonal Mg2TiO4 phases are 1.01 and 0.63. Based on the radii ratio of spinel cations, a simple model is proposed to predict post-spinel structures.