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Soft Matter ; 11(33): 6595-603, 2015 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26189711


Lanthanum phosphate (LaPO4) nanorods dispersed in the non-aqueous solvent of ethylene glycol form a system exhibiting large intrinsic birefringence, high colloidal stability and the ability to self-organize into liquid crystalline phases. In order to probe the electro-optical response of these rod dispersions we study here the electric-field-induced birefringence, also called Kerr effect, for a concentrated isotropic liquid state with an in-plane a.c. sinusoidal electric field, in conditions of directly applied (electrodes in contact with the sample) or externally applied (electrodes outside the sample cell) fields. Performing an analysis of the electric polarizability of our rod-like particles in the framework of Maxwell-Wagner-O'Konski theory, we account quantitatively for the coupling between the induced steady-state birefringence and the electric field as a function of the voltage frequency for both sample geometries. The switching time of this non-aqueous transparent system has been measured, and combined with its high Kerr coefficients and its features of optically isotropic "off-state" and athermal phase behavior, this represents a promising proof-of-concept for the integration of anisotropic nanoparticle suspensions into a new generation of electro-optical devices.

J Vis Exp ; (182)2022 Apr 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35467665


In this manuscript, three different step-by-step protocols to generate highly monodisperse emulsion drops using glass-based microfluidics are described. The first device is built for the generation of simple drops driven by gravity. The second device is designed to generate emulsion drops in a coflowing scheme. The third device is an extension of the coflowing device with the addition of a third liquid that acts as an electric ground, allowing the formation of electrified drops that subsequently discharge. In this setup, two of the three liquids have an appreciable electrical conductivity. The third liquid mediates between these two and is a dielectric. A voltage difference applied between the two conducting liquids creates an electric field that couples with hydrodynamic stresses of the coflowing liquids, affecting the jet and drop formation process. The addition of the electric field provides a path to generate smaller drops than in simple coflow devices and for generating particles and fibers with a wide range of sizes.

Phys Rev E ; 105(4-1): 044702, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35590637


We report the discovery and elucidation of giant spatiotemporal orientational fluctuations in nematic liquid crystal drops with radial orientation of the nematic anisotropy axis producing a central "hedgehog" defect. We study the spatial and temporal properties of the fluctuations experimentally using polarized optical microscopy, and theoretically, by calculating the eigenspectrum of the Frank elastic free energy of a nematic drop of radius R_{2}, containing a spherical central core of radius R_{1} and constrained by perpendicular boundary conditions on all surfaces. We find that the hedgehog defect with radial orientation has a complex excitation spectrum with a single critical mode whose energy vanishes at a critical value µ_{c} of the ratio µ=R_{2}/R_{1}. When µ<µ_{c}, the mode has positive energy, indicating that the radial hedgehog state is stable; when µ>µ_{c}, it has negative energy indicating that the radial state is unstable to the formation of a lower-energy state. This mode gives rise to the large-amplitude director fluctuations we observe near the core, for µ near µ_{c}. A collapse of the experimental data corroborates model predictions for µ<µ_{c} and provides an estimate of the defect core size.

Phys Rev E ; 105(4-1): 044703, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35590662


We present calculations of eigenmode energies and wave functions of both azimuthal and polar distortions of the nematic director relative to a radial hedgehog trapped in a spherical drop with a smaller concentric spherical droplet at its core. All surfaces interior to the drop have perpendicular (homeotropic) boundary conditions. We also calculate director correlation functions and their relaxation times. Of particular interest is a critical mode whose energy, with fixed Frank constants, vanishes as the ratio µ=R_{2}/R_{1} increases toward a critical value µ_{c}, where R_{2} is the radius of the drop and R_{1} that of the inner droplet, and then becomes negative for µ>µ_{c}. Our calculations form a basis for interpreting experimental measurements of director fluctuations relative to a radial hedgehog state in a spherical drop. We compare results with those obtained by previous investigations, which use a calculational approach different from ours, and with our experimental observations.

Sci Adv ; 8(26): eabn6129, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35776796


The bulk modulus, K, quantifies the elastic response of an object to an isotropic compression. For soft compressible colloids, knowing K is essential to accurately predict the suspension response to crowding. Most colloids have complex architectures characterized by different softness, which additionally depends on compression. Here, we determine the different values of K for the various morphological parts of individual nanogels and probe the changes of K with compression. Our method uses a partially deuterated polymer, which exerts the required isotropic stress, and small-angle neutron scattering with contrast matching to determine the form factor of the particles without any scattering contribution from the polymer. We show a clear difference in softness, compressibility, and evolution of K between the shell of the nanogel and the rest of the particle, depending on the amount of cross-linker used in their synthesis.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 1405, 2018 04 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29643349


Chirality plays an important role in science from enantiomeric separation in chemistry to chiral plasmonics in nanotechnology. However, the understanding of chirality amplification from chiral building blocks to ordered helical superstructures remains a challenge. Here, we demonstrate that topological defects, such as screw dislocations, can drive the chirality transfer from particle to supramolecular structure level during the crystallization process. By using a model system of chiral particles, which enables direct imaging of single particle incorporation into growing crystals, we show that the crystallization kinetic pathway is the key parameter for monitoring, via the defects, the chirality amplification of the crystalline structures from racemic to predominantly homohelical. We provide an explanation based on the interplay between geometrical frustration, racemization induced by thermal fluctuations, and particle chirality. Our results demonstrate that screw dislocations not only promote the growth, but also control the chiral morphology and therefore the functionality of crystalline states.

ACS Nano ; 11(10): 10616-10622, 2017 10 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28933822


We report on the construction of multiarm colloidal molecules by tip-linking filamentous bacteriophages, functionalized either by biological engineering or chemical conjugation. The affinity for streptavidin of a genetically modified vector phage displaying Strep-tags fused to one end of the viral particle is measured by determining the dissociation constant, Kd. In order to improve both the colloidal stability and the efficiency of the self-assembly process, a biotinylation protocol having a chemical yield higher than 90% is presented to regioselectively functionalize the cystein residues located at one end of the bacteriophages. For both viral systems, a theoretical comparison is performed by developing a quantitative model of the self-assembly and interaction of the modified viruses with streptavidin compounds, which accurately accounts for our experimental results. Multiarm colloidal structures of different valencies are then produced by conjugation of these tip-functionalized viruses with streptavidin activated nanoparticles. We succeed to form stable virus-based colloidal molecules, whose number of arms, called valency, is solely controlled by tuning the molar excess. Thanks to a fluorescent labeling of the viral arms, the dynamics of such systems is also presented in real time by fluorescence microscopy.