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J Obstet Gynaecol Can ; 45(6): 430-444.e1, 2023 06.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37244747


OBJECTIF: Décrire les pratiques actuelles fondées sur des données probantes pour le diagnostic et la prise en charge de l'adénomyose. POPULATION CIBLE: Toutes les patientes en âge de procréer qui ont un utérus. OPTIONS: Les options diagnostiques sont l'échographie endovaginale et l'imagerie par résonance magnétique. Les options thérapeutiques doivent être adaptées aux symptômes (saignements menstruels abondants, douleur et/ou infertilité) et comprendre des options médicamenteuses (anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens, acide tranexamique, contraceptifs oraux combinés, système intra-utérin à libération de lévonorgestrel, diénogest, autres progestatifs, analogues de la gonadotrophine), des options interventionnelles (embolisation de l'artère utérine) et des options chirurgicales (ablation de l'endomètre, excision de l'adénomyose, hystérectomie). RéSULTATS: Les critères de jugement sont la réduction des saignements menstruels abondants, l'atténuation de la douleur pelvienne (dysménorrhée, dyspareunie, douleur pelvienne chronique) et l'amélioration du devenir reproductif (fertilité, avortement spontané, issues de grossesse défavorables). BéNéFICES, RISQUES ET COûTS: Par la présentation des méthodes de diagnostic et des options de prise en charge, cette directive sera bénéfique pour les patientes qui expriment des plaintes de nature gynécologique potentiellement causées par l'adénomyose, en particulier celles qui souhaitent préserver leur fertilité. La directive sera également utile aux praticiens qui pourront améliorer leurs connaissances sur les différentes options. DONNéES PROBANTES: Des recherches ont été effectuées dans les bases de données MEDLINE Reviews, MEDLINE ALL, Cochrane, PubMed et Embase. La recherche initiale a été réalisée en 2021 et mise à jour avec les articles pertinents en 2022. Les termes de recherche utilisés sont les suivants : adenomyosis, adenomyoses, endometritis (utilisés ou indexés sous adenomyosis avant 2012), (endometrium AND myometrium) uterine adenomyosis/es, symptom/s/matic adenomyosis ET [diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, guideline, outcome, management, imaging, sonography, pathogenesis, fertility, infertility, therapy, histology, ultrasound, review, meta-analysis, evaluation]. Les articles retenus sont des essais cliniques randomisés, des méta-analyses, des revues systématiques, des études observationnelles et des études de cas. Des articles dans toutes les langues ont été répertoriés et examinés. MéTHODES DE VALIDATION: Les auteurs ont évalué la qualité des données probantes et la force des recommandations en utilisant le cadre méthodologique GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation). Voir l'annexe A en ligne (Tableau A1 pour les définitions et Tableau A2 pour l'interprétation des recommandations fortes et conditionnelles [faibles]). PROFESSIONNELS CONCERNéS: Obstétriciens-gynécologues, radiologistes, médecins de famille, urgentologues, sages-femmes, infirmières autorisées, infirmières praticiennes, étudiants en médecine, résidents et moniteurs cliniques (fellows). RéSUMé POUR TWITTER: L'adénomyose est fréquemment observée chez les femmes en âge de procréer. Il existe des options de diagnostic et de prise en charge qui préservent la fertilité. DÉCLARATIONS SOMMAIRES: RECOMMANDATIONS.

J Obstet Gynaecol Can ; 45(8): 607-628.e8, 2023 08.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37541735


OBJECTIF: Cette directive clinique passe en revue les données probantes sur la prise en charge de la grossesse gémellaire monochoriale normale et compliquée. POPULATION CIBLE: Les femmes menant une grossesse gémellaire ou multiple de haut rang. BéNéFICES, RISQUES ET COûTS: L'application des recommandations de cette directive devrait améliorer la prise en charge des grossesses gémellaires (ou multiples de haut rang) monochoriales compliquées et non compliquées. Ces recommandations aideront les fournisseurs de soins à surveiller adéquatement les grossesses gémellaires monochoriales ainsi qu'à détecter et prendre en charge rapidement les complications associées de façon optimale afin de réduire les risques de morbidité et mortalité périnatales. Ces recommandations impliquent une surveillance échographique plus fréquente en cas de grossesse monochoriale qu'en cas de grossesse bichoriale. DONNéES PROBANTES: La littérature publiée a été colligée par des recherches dans les bases de données PubMed et Cochrane Library au moyen de termes MeSH pertinents (Twins, Monozygotic; Ultrasonography, Prenatal; Placenta; Fetofetal Transfusion; Fetal Death; Fetal Growth Retardation). Les résultats ont été restreints aux revues systématiques, aux essais cliniques randomisés et aux études observationnelles. Aucune date limite n'a été appliquée, mais les résultats ont été limités aux contenus en anglais ou en français. MéTHODES DE VALIDATION: Les auteurs principaux ont rédigé le contenu et les recommandations et ils se sont entendus sur ces derniers. Le conseil d'administration de la SOGC a approuvé la version définitive aux fins de publication. Les auteurs ont évalué la qualité des données probantes et la force des recommandations en utilisant le cadre méthodologique GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation). Voir l'annexe A en ligne (tableau A1 pour les définitions et tableau A2 pour l'interprétation des recommandations fortes et conditionnelles [faibles]). PROFESSIONNELS CONCERNéS: Spécialistes en médecine fœto-maternelle, obstétriciens, radiologues, échographistes, médecins de famille, infirmières, sages-femmes, résidents et autres fournisseurs de soins de santé qui s'occupent de femmes menant une grossesse gémellaire ou multiple de haut rang. RéSUMé POUR TWITTER: Directive canadienne (SOGC) pour le diagnostic, la surveillance échographique et la prise en charge des complications de la grossesse gémellaire monochoriale (p. ex., STT, TAPS, retard de croissance sélectif, cojumeau acardiaque, monoamnionicité et mort d'un jumeau). DÉCLARATIONS SOMMAIRES: RECOMMANDATIONS.

J Obstet Gynaecol Can ; 45(9): 678-693.e3, 2023 09.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37661123


OBJECTIF: Résumer les données probantes actuelles et formuler des recommandations pour la surveillance prénatale du bien-être fœtal afin de détecter les facteurs de risque périnatal et toute potentielle décompensation fœtale et de permettre une intervention rapide en prévention de la morbidité et la mortalité périnatales. POPULATION CIBLE: Personnes enceintes avec ou sans facteurs maternels, fœtaux ou gravidiques associés à des risques périnataux et à la décompensation fœtale. OPTIONS: Utiliser des examens prénataux par technologie de base et/ou avancée en fonction des facteurs de risque de décompensation fœtale. RéSULTATS: La reconnaissance précoce de toute décompensation fœtale potentielle permet d'intervenir de façon à favoriser l'adaptation fœtale pour maintenir le bien-être ou à accélérer l'accouchement. BéNéFICES, RISQUES ET COûTS: Chez les personnes enceintes ayant des facteurs de risque périnatal confirmés, la surveillance du bien-être fœtal contribue à réduire le risque d'issue défavorable. Compte tenu du taux élevé de faux positifs, la surveillance du bien-être fœtal peut augmenter le risque d'interventions inutiles, ce qui peut avoir des effets nuisibles, dont l'anxiété parentale, l'accouchement prématuré ou assisté et l'utilisation accrue des ressources de soins de santé. L'optimisation des protocoles de surveillance d'après des pratiques fondées sur des données probantes peut améliorer les issues périnatales et réduire les effets nuisibles. DONNéES PROBANTES: Des recherches ont été effectuées dans les bases de données Medline, PubMed, Embase et Cochrane Library, de leur création jusqu'à janvier 2022, à partir de termes MeSH et de mots clés liés à la grossesse, à la surveillance fœtale, aux mouvements fœtaux, à la mortinaissance, aux complications de grossesse et à l'échographie fœtale. Le présent document est un résumé des données probantes et non pas une revue méthodologique. MéTHODES DE VALIDATION: Les auteurs ont évalué la qualité des données probantes et la force des recommandations en utilisant le cadre méthodologique GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation). Voir l'annexe A en ligne (tableau A1 pour les définitions et tableau A2 pour l'interprétation des recommandations fortes et faibles). PROFESSIONNELS CONCERNéS: Tous les membres de l'équipe de soins qui prodiguent des soins ou donnent de l'information aux patientes en obstétrique, notamment les spécialistes en médecine fœto-maternelle, les obstétriciens, les médecins de famille, les sages-femmes, les infirmières, les infirmières praticiennes et les radiologistes. DÉCLARATIONS SOMMAIRES: RECOMMANDATIONS.

J Obstet Gynaecol Can ; 45(10): 102155, 2023 10.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37730301


OBJECTIF: Le retard de croissance intra-utérin est une complication obstétricale fréquente qui touche jusqu'à 10 % des grossesses dans la population générale et qui est le plus souvent due à une pathologie placentaire sous-jacente. L'objectif de la présente directive clinique est de fournir des déclarations sommaires et des recommandations pour appuyer un protocole clinique de dépistage, diagnostic et prise en charge du retard de croissance intra-utérin pour les grossesses à risque ou atteintes. POPULATION CIBLE: Toutes les patientes enceintes menant une grossesse monofœtale. BéNéFICES, RISQUES ET COûTS: La mise en application des recommandations de la présente directive devrait améliorer la compétence des cliniciens quant à la détection du retard de croissance intra-utérin et à la réalisation des interventions indiquées. DONNéES PROBANTES: La littérature publiée a été colligée par des recherches effectuées jusqu'en septembre 2022 dans les bases de données PubMed, Medline, CINAHL et Cochrane Library en utilisant un vocabulaire contrôlé au moyen de termes MeSH pertinents (fetal growth retardation and small for gestational age) et de mots-clés (fetal growth, restriction, growth retardation, IUGR, FGR, low birth weight, small for gestational age, Doppler, placenta, pathology). Seuls les résultats de revues systématiques, d'essais cliniques randomisés ou comparatifs et d'études observationnelles ont été retenus. La littérature grise a été obtenue par des recherches menées dans des sites Web d'organismes s'intéressant à l'évaluation des technologies dans le domaine de la santé et d'organismes connexes, dans des collections de directives cliniques, des registres d'essais cliniques et des sites Web de sociétés de spécialité médicale nationales et internationales. MéTHODES DE VALIDATION: Les auteurs ont évalué la qualité des données probantes et la force des recommandations en utilisant le cadre méthodologique GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation). Voir l'annexe A en ligne (tableau A1 pour les définitions et tableau A2 pour l'interprétation des recommandations fortes et conditionnelles [faibles]). PROFESSIONNELS CONCERNéS: Obstétriciens, médecins de famille, infirmières, sages-femmes, spécialistes en médecine fœto-maternelle, radiologistes et autres professionnels de la santé qui prodiguent des soins aux patientes enceintes. RéSUMé POUR TWITTER: Mise à jour de la directive sur le dépistage, le diagnostic et la prise en charge du retard de croissance intra-utérin pour les grossesses à risque ou atteintes. DÉCLARATIONS SOMMAIRES: RECOMMANDATIONS: Prédiction du retard de croissance intra-utérin Prévention du retard de croissance intra-utérin Détection du retard de croissance intra-utérin Examens en cas de retard de croissance intra-utérin soupçonné Prise en charge du retard de croissance intra-utérin précoce Prise en charge du retard de croissance intra-utérin tardif Prise en charge du post-partum et consultations préconception.

Ann Chir Plast Esthet ; 68(3): 260-269, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36967309


Despite the frequency of paediatric hand injuries, recommendations for diagnostic investigations are limited due to paucity of published guidelines. This has led to inappropriate diagnoses and therefore inappropriate management. Ultrasonography is a portable, non-ionising imaging modality that allows rapid real-time evaluation of anatomical structures at a low cost and without sedation. In the adult population, ultrasonography has already been shown to improve accuracy in hand injury diagnoses. However, in the paediatric population, only one narrative review focuses on the application of ultrasonography to diagnose hand injury. A systematic search using PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE, Scopus, Cochrane database of systematic reviews and University Library of York, Keele, Edinburgh and King's College London was conducted to assess literature surrounding use of ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool for paediatric hand injuries. The literature search yielded 11,860 articles and 21 studies were identified with a total of 30 patients. Ultrasonography was observed to be an accurate tool for diagnosing bone, tendon, ligament and nerve injuries in children. The results of our study suggest that ultrasonography should be considered as an early diagnostic step for paediatric hand injuries.

Traumatismos da Mão , Adulto , Humanos , Criança , Ultrassonografia
Prog Urol ; 33(11): 526-532, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37500351


Stress urinary incontinence is common in adult women. The use of introital or trans-labial ultrasound can help the surgeon (urologist or gynecologist) to better assess the type of incontinence the patient presents in order to guide him in the management of the patient. Often, surgical treatment with a mid-urethral sling (MSU) placement can be chosen in case of failure of non-invasive therapies (such as local estrogen or physical therapy) and if the clinical examination shows an urethral hypermobility. The use of ultrasound can help in this choice. Although rare, complications of MSU can sometimes cause disabling symptoms and be difficult to diagnose. Introital or trans-labial ltrasound can help diagnose them. The objective of this work was to describe the realization of ultrasound of stress urinary incontinence before or after the placement of a MSU, in order to make their realization easier for young surgeons which can use them in current practice.

Slings Suburetrais , Incontinência Urinária por Estresse , Incontinência Urinária , Humanos , Adulto , Feminino , Incontinência Urinária por Estresse/diagnóstico por imagem , Incontinência Urinária por Estresse/cirurgia , Slings Suburetrais/efeitos adversos , Incontinência Urinária/cirurgia , Vagina/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Urológicos/efeitos adversos
Prog Urol ; 33(7): 384-392, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37271669


OBJECTIVE: Insensible Urinary Incontinence (IUI) is a situation when you complain of urinary incontinence but are unaware of how it occurred. Therefore, it is necessary to apply highly specific diagnostic methods to promote accuracy in the diagnosis of IUI, including pelvic floor ultrasound (PFU) and urodynamic studies (UDS). METHODS: A total of 41 women with IUI were retrospectively included. Patients were categorized into two groups: the urodynamic urinary incontinence group (UUI group, n=20) and the non-urodynamic urinary incontinence group (NUUI group, n=21), according to the urine leakage during UDS. The baseline clinical characteristics, UDS results, and PFU parameters were collected. RESULTS: Compared with the NUUI group, the UUI group had a smaller maximum cystometric capacity (P=0.008), lower maximum urethral closure pressure (P=0.005), shorter functional urethral length (FUL) (P=0.01), more bladder neck funneling (BNF) (P=0.02), greater BNF depth (P=0.04), and larger BNF area (P=0.01). The area and depth of BNF were negatively correlated with maximum urethral closure pressure (r=-0.42, P=0.01), FUL (r=-0.36, P=0.02 versus r=-0.39, P=0.01), and maximum cystometric capacity (r=-0.35, P=0.03), but positively correlated with maximum urinary flow rate (r=0.33, P=0.04 versus r=0.36, P=0.02). The canonical correlation analysis of the ultrasound parameters and UDS parameters shows that the first pair of canonical variables was statistically significant (r1=0.9, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The PFU is associated with UDS in evaluating IUI. It has the advantages of low cost and high comfort, thus should be used as an auxiliary examination for IUI.

Incontinência Urinária por Estresse , Incontinência Urinária , Humanos , Feminino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Diafragma da Pelve/diagnóstico por imagem , Incontinência Urinária/diagnóstico por imagem , Bexiga Urinária/diagnóstico por imagem , Urodinâmica
Can J Physiol Pharmacol ; 100(6): 553-561, 2022 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35413217


Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography is used to study intracranial blood flow changes associated with migraine in humans, but whether this method is helpful in preclinical settings is yet unknown. To identify changes in rat intracranial blood flow specific to trigeminovascular activation-a key process in migraine pathophysiology-we measured Doppler indices in the middle cerebral artery and basilar artery before, during, and after dural or somatosensory electrical stimulation. Hemodynamic changes specific to dural stimulation were tested further in separate experiments. After baseline recordings, the animals received cumulative infusions of valproate (100 mg/kg, trice), sumatriptan (0.3, 1, and 3 mg/kg), or saline, and dural stimulation with measurement of Doppler indices was repeated every 10 min for 1 h. Several parameters of blood flow in the rat middle cerebral artery underwent alterations specific to trigeminovascular activation. These changes, however, were insensitive to valproate and sumatriptan and diminished over time. These findings question the reliability of blood flow velocity variations in large intracranial vessels as biological markers of migraine-related processes and do not support the idea of using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography for preclinical screening of antimigraine treatments, at least in the model of acute trigeminovascular activation in rats.

Transtornos de Enxaqueca , Ultrassonografia Doppler Transcraniana , Animais , Velocidade do Fluxo Sanguíneo/fisiologia , Circulação Cerebrovascular , Humanos , Transtornos de Enxaqueca/diagnóstico por imagem , Transtornos de Enxaqueca/tratamento farmacológico , Ratos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Sumatriptana/farmacologia , Sumatriptana/uso terapêutico , Ultrassonografia Doppler Transcraniana/métodos , Ácido Valproico/farmacologia
Prog Urol ; 32(4): 291-297, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34801388


INTRODUCTION: Detrusor thickness (DT) and intravesical prostatic protrusion (IPP) are closely related to bladder outlet obstruction. The aim of our study was to look for correlation between DT, IPP and maximum urinary flow (Qmax). METHODS: It is a prospective, observational study including men over fifty managed for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Low urinary tract symptoms were assessed with the International Prostatic Symptom Score (IPSS). Pelvic ultrasound was performed for all patients measuring prostatic volume, bladder volume, post- void residual, DT and IPP. Uroflowmetry was performed for all patients, Qmax was noted. Qmax equal or less than 15ml/s was considered pathologic. RESULTS: Sixty patients were included for our study. Strong negative correlation was noted between DT, IPP and Qmax (r=-0.59, r=-0.61 respectively). Patients with pathologic Qmax had higher DT and IPP than those with normal Qmax, the difference was significant (P<0.01). Threshold values predicting pathologic Qmax were 3mm for DT and 7mm for IPP. ROC analysis reveals for DT an AUC of 0.84 (95% CI 0.76-0.92) and for IPP an AUC of 0.88 (95% CI 0.80-0.97). CONCLUSION: Detrusor thickness and intravesical prostatic protrusion have strong negative correlation with Qmax. These parameters could be an alternative to Qmax measurement if uroflowmetry is unavailable. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Grade B.

Hiperplasia Prostática , Obstrução do Colo da Bexiga Urinária , Humanos , Masculino , Estudos Prospectivos , Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Próstata/patologia , Hiperplasia Prostática/complicações , Hiperplasia Prostática/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia , Obstrução do Colo da Bexiga Urinária/diagnóstico por imagem , Obstrução do Colo da Bexiga Urinária/etiologia
Prog Urol ; 32(6S1): 6S26-6S32, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36719643


INTRODUCTION: - Microultrasound (MicroUS) is a novel imaging modality relying on a high-frequency transducer which confers a three-fold improvement in spatial resolution as compared with conventional transrectal ultrasound. We evaluated the diagnostic value of MRI-MicroUS fusion biopsy and determined the additional benefit of employing MicroUS. METHODS: - Retrospective analysis of consecutive treatment-naïve men undergoing MRI-MicroUS fusion biopsy between May 2018 and March 2019. Pre-biopsy MRI was systematically reviewed in a dedicated meeting where suspicious lesions PIRADS ≥ 3 were registered and uploaded in the ExactVu MicroUS device. MRI and MicroUS lesions were individually marked in a PIRADS v2 scheme. The biopsy protocol included MRI-MicroUS fusion and MicroUS targeted biopsies; systematic biopsies were performed at clinician's discretion. The diagnostic value was evaluated in terms of detection rate of clinically significant prostate cancer, defined as Gleason pattern ≥ 4 at histology. RESULTS: - In all, 148 patients with a median age of 69 years (IQR 63-74) and median PSA density of 0.16 ng/ml/cc (0.10-0.23) were included. Clinically significant cancer was detected in 42.5% (63/148) patients. MRI detected 89 lesions in the peripheral zone; 73% (65/89) were visible on MicroUS. Clinically significant cancer was detected in 46.1% (30/65) MRI and MicroUS visible lesions, and in 4.2% (1/24) lesions only visible on mpMRI. MicroUS additionally identified 35 suspicious lesions non-visible on MRI of which clinically significant cancer was present in 25.7% (9/35). CONCLUSION: - Adding MicroUS to the conventional pathway seems to increase the detection rate of clinically significant disease in unselected men undergoing biopsy. © 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Neoplasias da Próstata , Masculino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Estudos Retrospectivos , Neoplasias da Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias da Próstata/patologia , Biópsia Guiada por Imagem/métodos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Ultrassonografia
Prog Urol ; 2022 03 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35292179


INTRODUCTION: Microultrasound (MicroUS) is a novel imaging modality relying on a high-frequency transducer which confers a three-fold improvement in spatial resolution as compared with conventional transrectal ultrasound. We evaluated the diagnostic value of MRI-MicroUS fusion biopsy and determined the additional benefit of employing MicroUS. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of consecutive treatment-naïve men undergoing MRI-MicroUS fusion biopsy between May 2018 and March 2019. Pre-biopsy MRI was systematically reviewed in a dedicated meeting where suspicious lesions PIRADS≥3 were registered and uploaded in the ExactVu MicroUS device. MRI and MicroUS lesions were individually marked in a PIRADS v2 scheme. The biopsy protocol included MRI-MicroUS fusion and MicroUS targeted biopsies; systematic biopsies were performed at clinician's discretion. The diagnostic value was evaluated in terms of detection rate of clinically significant prostate cancer, defined as Gleason pattern≥4 at histology. RESULTS: In all, 148 patients with a median age of 69 years (IQR 63-74) and median PSA density of 0.16ng/ml/cc (0.10-0.23) were included. Clinically significant cancer was detected in 42.5% (63/148) patients. MRI detected 89 lesions in the peripheral zone; 73% (65/89) were visible on MicroUS. Clinically significant cancer was detected in 46.1% (30/65) MRI and MicroUS visible lesions, and in 4.2% (1/24) lesions only visible on mpMRI. MicroUS additionally identified 35 suspicious lesions non-visible on MRI of which clinically significant cancer was present in 25.7% (9/35). CONCLUSION: Adding MicroUS to the conventional pathway seems to increase the detection rate of clinically significant disease in unselected men undergoing biopsy.

Prog Urol ; 32(12): 836-842, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35577670


OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study is to compare the performance of systematic, targeted and combined biopsies in the same cohort for the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer (csCaP). MATERIAL AND METHOD: We included patients coming for first series of prostate biopsies, from January 2016 to May 2020, with at least one PI-RADS lesion ≥3 on MRI. All patients underwent 12 systematic biopsies, combined with at least 2 biopsies per target lesion, using the MRI/3D ultrasound fusion system Urostation® (Koelis). RESULTS: We included 234 patients. Combined biopsies allowed a better detection rate of csCaP (59.4%) compared to systematic biopsies (55.6%, P=0.01) and targeted biopsies alone (44.4%, P<0.001). The same is true for the overall prostate cancer (CaP) rate: 65.4% for the combined biopsies versus 61.1% for the systematic biopsies (P=0.002) and 49.1% for the targeted biopsies (P<0.001). The detection rates of clinically non-significant prostate cancer (ncsCaP) were similar (6% vs. 5.6% vs. 4.7% for combined, systematic and targeted biopsies respectively). Targeted biopsies found 10 (4.3%) CaP undiagnosed by systematic biopsies including 6 (2.6%) csCaP, and an upgraded ISUP score for 17 (7.3%) patients. Systematic biopsies found 38 (16.2%) CaP undiagnosed by targeted biopsies including 33 (14.1%) csCaP, and allowed an upgraded ISUP score for 19 (8.1%) patients. CONCLUSION: Combined biopsies provide the best detection rate for csCaP in our study.

Próstata , Neoplasias da Próstata , Humanos , Biópsia Guiada por Imagem , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Masculino , Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Próstata/patologia , Neoplasias da Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias da Próstata/patologia , Ultrassonografia
Can J Physiol Pharmacol ; 99(2): 231-236, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33590782


There are controversies in the literature on the blood supply to the forearm after surgical removal of the radial artery in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). The objective was to investigate the arterial remodeling of the ulnar artery after the removal of the radial artery in myocardial revascularization by means of ultrasound examination with color Doppler in the pre- and post-operative periods. This paper describes an observational prospective study of the remodeling of the left brachial and ulnar arteries (donor arm) in 103 right-handed non-consecutive adult patients undergoing CABG with removal of the ipsilateral radial artery using the color Doppler ultrasound examination. In the ulnar artery, a significant increase (P < 0.05) was seen in the following measurements: lumen diameter by 13%, lumen area by 26%, peak systolic flow by 40%, and average flow by 46%. Intima-media thickness measured in the ulnar artery did not show a statistically significant difference (P = 0.22), except in diabetic patients (P = 0.007). We conclude that the ulnar artery undergoes positive physiological remodeling, adapting to the new requirements of chronic increase in flow after the ipsilateral removal of the radial artery to serve as a graft in CABG. There was no evidence of increased intima-media thickness, except in diabetic patients.

Antebraço , Artéria Radial/cirurgia , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos , Artéria Ulnar/fisiologia , Remodelação Vascular , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Ann Chir Plast Esthet ; 66(1): 25-41, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32988663


INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and mammography in detecting breast implant rupture. METHODS: This retrospective study included all cases of breast implant revision. Implant integrity was determined preoperatively by magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and mammography. The primary study endpoint was the surgical finding. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value and positive and negative likelihood ratio of the tests were evaluated. RESULTS: Two hundred and thirty-four (234) patients were included; 213 mammographies, 295 ultrasounds and 160 magnetic resonance imagings were carried out. While 114 clinical ruptures were confirmed, 253 implants remained intact. Magnetic resonance imaging was the most sensitive (99%); outperforming mammography (sensitivity: 70%). Mammography was the most accurate in diagnosis of intact implant (specificity: 93%), and magnetic resonance imaging was second (specificity: 78%). Ultrasound was rated intermediately. Positive mammography signifies a rupture in 84% of cases, whereas magnetic resonance imaging (positive predictive value: 78%) can be mistaken in 20% of cases. Negative ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging rule out a rupture (negative predictive value of 93% and 99% respectively). Mammography and ultrasound are more accurate than magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing implant rupture (positive likelihood ratios of 9.78, 8.24 and 4.44 respectively). Magnetic resonance imaging provides convincing affirmation of implant integrity (negative likelihood ratio: 0.02). CONCLUSION: Ultrasound seems to be the most reliable imaging method for patients younger than 50 years. In cases where doubt exists, mammography ensures supplementary assessment. In patients over 50 years of age, mammography and ultrasound should be carried out immediately. If necessary, magnetic resonance imaging rules out a hypothesized rupture.

Implantes de Mama , Feminino , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Mamografia , Falha de Prótese , Estudos Retrospectivos , Silicones , Ultrassonografia Mamária
Prog Urol ; 31(12): 739-746, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33431200


INTRODUCTION: We aimed to compare the pathway including multi-parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging (mpMRI) versus the one without mpMRI in detection of prostate cancer (PCa) when mpMRI is not centralized. MATERIALS: January 2019-March 2020: prospective data collection of trans-perineal prostate biopsies. Group A: biopsy-naïve patients who underwent mpMRI (at any institution) versus Group B: patients who did not. Within Group A, patients were stratified into those with negative mpMRI (mpMRI-, PIRADS v2.1=1-3, with PSA density <0.15 if PIRADS 3) who underwent standard biopsy (SB), versus those with positive mpMRI (mpMRI+, when PIRADS 3-5, with PSA density>0.15 if PIRADS 3) who underwent cognitive fusion biopsy. RESULTS: Two hundred and eighty one biopsies were analyzed. 153 patients underwent mpMRI (Group A). 98 mpMRI+ underwent fusion biopsy; 55 mpMRI- underwent SB. 128 Group B patients underwent SB. Overall PCa detection rate was 52.3% vs. 48.4% (Group A vs. B, P=0.5). Non-clinically-significant PCa was detected in 7.8 vs. 13.3% (Group A vs. B, P=0.1). Among the 98 mpMRI+ Group A patients only 2 had non clinically-significant disease. In 55 mpMRI- patients who underwent SB, 10 (18.2%) had clinically-significant PCa. Prostate volume predicted detection of PCa. In Group B, age and PSA predicted PCa. Sensitivity of mpMRI was 75.0% for all PCa, 85.3% for clinically-significant PCa. CONCLUSION: Higher detection of PCa and lower detection of non-clinically-significant PCa favored mpMRI pathway. A consistent number of clinically-significant PCa was diagnosed after a mpMRI-. Thus, in real-life scenario, mpMRI- does not obviate indication to biopsy when mpMRI is not centralized. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 3.

Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética Multiparamétrica , Neoplasias da Próstata , Humanos , Biópsia Guiada por Imagem , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Masculino , Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias da Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem
Soins Pediatr Pueric ; 42(319): 19-21, 2021.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33926631


Ante-natal consultations are major places of prevention, with regard to the psychological vulnerabilities of "becoming parents" specific to the pregnancy period. A study was carried out on future fathers and their impressions of ultrasound examinations. Men's impulsive ambivalence towards pregnancy is the main subject of this research, which shows how ultrasound scans are a place for exploring these impulsive movements of fathers.

Pai , Comportamento Paterno , Feminino , Humanos , Imaginação , Masculino , Pais , Gravidez
Trop Med Int Health ; 24(8): 1018-1022, 2019 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31173433


OBJECTIVE: Ascites in severe pre-eclampsia may impact foetal and maternal outcomes. The objective was to determine the prevalence of ascites in women with severe pre-eclampsia by point of care (POC) ultrasound and to determine whether it correlates with higher perinatal risks. METHODS: Prospective cohort study of patients admitted with severe pre-eclampsia at 2 teaching hospitals in Kigali, Rwanda. Serial POC ultrasound was performed to document ascites. Patients were stratified by the presence of ascites in perinatal period. Maternal demographics and complications were recorded and compared between groups. RESULTS: There were 112 patients with severe pre-eclampsia, and ascites was found in 53.5% (76.7% antepartum, and 23.3% postpartum). Antepartum ascites correlated with an earlier delivery (32.2 ± 0.51 vs. 33.8 ± 0.47 weeks, P = 0.022) as well as lower birthweight (1587.3 ± 77.03 vs. 2011.6 ± 103.5 g, P = 0.002). Antepartum ascites was associated with higher stillbirth rates (P = 0.034) and NICU admission (87.2% vs. 68%, P = 0.034). Maternal hospital stay was increased in the ascites group (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Ascites is common in severe pre-eclampsia in Rwanda and maybe a prognosticator for poor outcomes. A larger sample is necessary to determine whether ascites is independently associated with maternal morbidity and mortality and whether documenting its presence aids in the management of the foetus and mother.

OBJECTIF: L'ascite dans la pré-éclampsie sévère peut avoir un impact sur les résultats pour le fœtus et la mère. L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence de l'ascite chez les femmes présentant une échographie de pré-éclampsie sévère au point des soins et de déterminer si elle corrélait avec des risques périnataux plus élevés. MÉTHODES: Etude de cohorte prospective de patientes admises avec une pré-éclampsie sévère dans deux hôpitaux universitaires de Kigali, au Rwanda. Une échographie au point des soins a été réalisée en série pour documenter l'ascite. Les patientes ont été stratifiées en fonction de la présence d'ascite en période périnatale. Les données démographiques maternelles et les complications ont été enregistrées et comparées entre les groupes. RÉSULTATS: Il y avait 112 patientes atteintes de pré-éclampsie sévère et l'ascite a été trouvé chez 53,5% (76,7% antépartum et 23,3% postpartum). L'ascite antépartum corrélait avec un accouchement antérieur (32,2 ± 0,51 vs 33,8 ± 0,47 semaines, p = 0,022) ainsi qu'avec un poids à la naissance plus faible (1587,3 ± 77,03 vs 2011,6 ± 103,5 g, p = 0,002). L'ascite antépartum était associée à des taux de mortinatalité plus élevés (p = 0,034) et à une admission en USIN-US (87,2% contre 68%, p = 0,034). Le séjour à l'hôpital de la mère était augmenté dans le groupe ascite (p <0,0001). CONCLUSIONS: L'ascite est fréquente dans la pré-éclampsie sévère au Rwanda et peut être un pronostic pour des résultats médiocres. Un échantillon plus important est nécessaire pour déterminer si l'ascite est associée de manière indépendante à la morbidité et à la mortalité maternelles et si la documentation de sa présence facilite la prise en charge du fœtus et de la mère.

Ascite/diagnóstico por imagem , Sistemas Automatizados de Assistência Junto ao Leito , Pré-Eclâmpsia/diagnóstico por imagem , Resultado da Gravidez , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/métodos , Adulto , Ascite/complicações , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso , Recém-Nascido , Gravidez , Estudos Prospectivos , Ruanda
Can J Physiol Pharmacol ; 97(5): 341-344, 2019 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30508395


The objective of this study was to evaluate the value of real-time contrast-enhanced ultrasound in differential diagnosis of malignant liver tumors. Sixty patients pathologically diagnosed with liver cancer from May 2016 to May 2017 were selected as the subjects. All patients received ultrasonic diagnosis followed by the observation on dynamic contrast enhancement of the image and the analysis on perfusion characteristics and difference in contrast-enhanced ultrasound results in patients with different types of liver cancer. The signal during the arterial phase of 21 patients with well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma increased, including 12 cases of slow withdrawal of portal venous phase. The relative height of artery of 30 patients with middle-low differentiation of hepatocellular carcinoma increased along with the speed at which the contrast media was washed out at the end of the portal phase. In 9 patients with intrahepatic bile duct cancer, the enhancement of the arteries was slightly increased in the periphery of the tumor and low enhancement was found in the portal venous phase. There were some differences in the timing and the intensity of the enhancement of the ultrasound signals with 3 different types of diseases (P < 0.05). There are obvious differences in real-time contrast-enhanced ultrasound features of patients with different types of malignant liver tumor, which may provide references for clinical diagnosis.

Meios de Contraste , Neoplasias Hepáticas/diagnóstico por imagem , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores de Tempo , Ultrassonografia
Can J Physiol Pharmacol ; 97(10): 1006-1011, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31269406


Smoking is associated with endothelial and left ventricular diastolic disfunction. We aimed to determine the endothelial and diastolic function in young adults exposed to tobacco smoke and the effects of acute exposure to it. Smokers were considered as cases and non-smokers as controls. Brachial artery diameter, brachial artery flow velocity, and echocardiographic variables were measured. Mean age of the participants was 21 years. Smokers showed significant endothelial dysfunction compared with non-smokers. Arterial dilation mediated by the endothelium was significantly higher in non-smokers than in smokers (p = 0.005). Non-endothelium-mediated arterial dilation was significantly impaired in smokers compared with non-smokers (p = 0.02). After reactive hyperaemia, there was a significant increase in blood flow in non-smokers (61%) compared with that in smokers (29%). Acute cigarette exposure showed a trend towards left ventricle diastolic disfunction in smokers. Left atrium diameter was significantly higher in smokers than in non-smokers. After acute exposure to cigarette smoke, arterial dilation and brachial flow velocity were lower than those achieved in the abstinence phase (p = 0.005). We concluded that endothelium-dependent arterial dilation is impaired in young smokers and it worsens even after acute exposure to cigarette smoke.

Doenças Cardiovasculares/fisiopatologia , Endotélio Vascular/fisiopatologia , Ventrículos do Coração/fisiopatologia , Fumar Tabaco/efeitos adversos , Função Ventricular Esquerda/fisiologia , Velocidade do Fluxo Sanguíneo/fisiologia , Artéria Braquial/fisiopatologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/etiologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Diástole/fisiologia , Feminino , Átrios do Coração/fisiopatologia , Humanos , Masculino , Nicotiana , Fumar Tabaco/fisiopatologia , Vasodilatação/fisiologia , Adulto Jovem
J Obstet Gynaecol Can ; 41(3): 396-404, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30784570


OBJECTIF: Révision des indications cliniques de l'échographie du premier trimestre. RéSULTATS: L'échographie au premier trimestre offre des avantages cliniques démontrés. DONNéES PROBANTES: Les données probantes ont été révisées au moyen de recherche dans Medline et selon la bibliographie des articles pertinents. VALEURS: Le contenu et les recommandations ont été évalués par les auteurs principaux et le Comité d'imagerie diagnostique de la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada. Le niveau d'évidence a été défini en fonction des critères du Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs. RECOMMANDATIONS.