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Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14191, 2024 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38180844


Bird populations are declining globally. Wind and solar energy can reduce emissions of fossil fuels that drive anthropogenic climate change, yet renewable-energy production represents a potential threat to bird species. Surveys to assess potential effects at renewable-energy facilities are exclusively local, and the geographic extent encompassed by birds killed at these facilities is largely unknown, which creates challenges for minimizing and mitigating the population-level and cumulative effects of these fatalities. We performed geospatial analyses of stable hydrogen isotope data obtained from feathers of 871 individuals of 24 bird species found dead at solar- and wind-energy facilities in California (USA). Most species had individuals with a mix of origins, ranging from 23% to 98% nonlocal. Mean minimum distances to areas of likely origin for nonlocal individuals were as close as 97 to >1250 km, and these minimum distances were larger for species found at solar-energy facilities in deserts than at wind-energy facilities in grasslands (Cohen's d = 6.5). Fatalities were drawn from an estimated 30-100% of species' desingated ranges, and this percentage was significantly smaller for species with large ranges found at wind facilities (Pearson's r = -0.67). Temporal patterns in the geographic origin of fatalities suggested that migratory movements and nonmigratory movements, such as dispersal and nomadism, influence exposure to fatality risk for these birds. Our results illustrate the power of using stable isotope data to assess the geographic extent of renewable-energy fatalities on birds. As the buildout of renewable-energy facilities continues, accurate assessment of the geographic footprint of wildlife fatalities can be used to inform compensatory mitigation for their population-level and cumulative effects.

Extensión geográfica de las poblaciones de aves afectadas por desarrollos de energía renovable Resumen Las poblaciones mundiales de aves están en declive. Las energías solar y eólica pueden reducir las emisiones de combustibles fósiles que causan el cambio climático, aunque la producción de energías renovables representa una amenaza potencial para las aves. Los censos para evaluar los efectos potenciales en los centros de energía renovable son exclusivamente locales y se sabe poco sobre la extensión geográfica representada por las aves que mueren en estas instalaciones, lo que plantea obstáculos para mitigar los efectos acumulativos y de nivel poblacional de estas muertes. Realizamos análisis geoespaciales con datos del isótopo de hidrógeno estable obtenido de las plumas de 871 ejemplares de 24 especies de aves que fueron hallados muertos en los centros de energía solar y eólica en California, EE.UU. La mayoría de las especies contó con ejemplares de orígenes mixtos, con un rango del 23% al 98% no local. La media de la distancia mínima a las áreas de probable origen de los ejemplares no locales varía entre los 97 hasta > 1,250 km. Estas distancias mínimas fueron mayores para las especies encontradas en los centros de energía solar situadas en desiertos que para las especies encontradas en los centros de energía eólica localizadas en pastizales (d de Cohen = 6.5). Las muertes representan un 30­100% de la extensión de las especies. Este porcentaje fue significativamente menor para las especies con extensiones amplias encontradas en instalaciones eólicas (r de Pearson = ­0.67). Los patrones temporales en el origen geográfico de las muertes sugieren que los movimientos migratorios y no migratorios, como la dispersión y el nomadismo, influyen en la exposición de estas aves al riesgo de muerte. Nuestros resultados demuestran la utilidad de los isótopos estables para evaluar el alcance geográfico de las muertes de aves asociadas a energías renovables. Con el progresivo aumento de instalaciones de energía renovable, una evaluación precisa de la huella geográfica de la mortandad de fauna salvaje podrá guiar la mitigación compensatoria de sus efectos acumulativos y de nivel poblacional.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Energia Renovável , Animais , Aves , Isótopos , Vento
Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14193, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37768190


There is a growing trend of nation states invoking national security and emergency declarations to build state-sponsored infrastructure projects for border defense, energy production, and transportation. Established laws, regulations, and agreements for the protection of nature and cultural heritage within and between countries are becoming secondary to national security, compromising the function of protected areas, such as national parks, wilderness areas, and biosphere reserves that safeguard biodiversity, climate, and human health. We considered cases where decades-long multinational cross-border endangered species recovery programs have been jeopardized by waivers of environmental protection laws to facilitate rapid construction of border barriers that impede the movement and migration of animals, such as at the US-Mexico and Poland-Belarus borders. Renewable energy megaprojects, such as the Pinacate solar plant in Mexico, coupled with power transmission lines and road networks likewise cast a large footprint on the land and are being carried out with minimal to no environmental compliance under the guise of national security. National sovereignty likewise has been used as justification for bypassing laws to proceed with similar projects, such as Mexico's Dos Bocas refinery and Poland's Vistula Spit canal. Emphasis on security is also apparent in increasing military expenditure by the world's largest economies, which has created a mismatch with improvement in environmental policy stringency. Decisions to prioritize security can undermine democratic principles and environmental review protocols, trivialize humanity's dependence on functioning ecosystems, and contradict the United Nation's resolution on the human right to a healthy environment. Framing infrastructure projects as matters of national security also foments civil and political unrest by the labeling and casting of dissenters, including conservation scientists and environmental defenders, as antinational. World leaders must refrain from misusing extraordinary powers, adhere to laws and international agreements, and consult experts and local people before taking unilateral action on projects that affect ecological and human communities.

Amenazas para la conservación a partir de los intereses nacionales de seguridad Resumen En los países existe una tendencia creciente por invocar la seguridad nacional y las declaraciones de emergencia para construir infraestructuras financiadas por el estado para la defensa de las fronteras, producción de energía y transporte. Las leyes, regulaciones y acuerdos establecidos para la protección de la naturaleza y el patrimonio cultural dentro y entre los países se están relegando por la seguridad nacional, lo que compromete la función de las áreas protegidas (parques nacionales, áreas silvestres y reservas de la biósfera) que resguardan la biodiversidad, el clima y la salud humana. Consideramos los casos en donde se han puesto en peligro los programas longevos y multinacionales de recuperación de especies en peligro por las exenciones a las leyes de protección ambiental para facilitar la construcción rápida de barreras fronterizas que impiden el movimiento y la migración de animales, como es el caso de las fronteras entre EU y México y Polonia y Bielorrusia. Los megaproyectos de energía renovable, como la planta solar del Pinacate en México, en conjunto con las líneas de transmisión eléctrica y las redes de carreteras también dejan una gran huella sobre la tierra y se realizan con el mínimo o ningún cumplimiento bajo el aspecto de la seguridad nacional. La soberanía nacional también se ha usado para justificar la omisión de las leyes para proceder con proyectos similares, como la refinería de Dos Bocas en México y el canal Vistula Spit en Polonia. El énfasis sobre la seguridad también es evidente con el incremento del gasto militar de las mayores economías mundiales, lo que ha creado una desigualdad con las mejoras en la exigencia de la política ambiental. Las decisiones para priorizar la seguridad pueden debilitar los principios democráticos y los protocolos de revisión ambiental, banalizar la dependencia de la humanidad por los ecosistemas funcionales y contradecir la resolución de las Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho humano a un ambiente saludable. Cuando se denominan los proyectos de infraestructura como asuntos de seguridad nacional, también se fomenta el malestar civil y político al etiquetar como antinacionales a los disidentes, incluidos los defensores ambientales y los científicos de la conservación. Los líderes mundiales deben abstenerse de usar indebidamente los poderes extraordinarios, adherirse a las leyes y acuerdos internacionales y consultar con expertos y personas locales antes de actuar de forma unilateral en cuanto a proyectos que afectan las comunidades humanas y ecológicas.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Animais , Humanos , Biodiversidade , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Medidas de Segurança
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14188, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37768199


Anthropogenic noise is one of the fastest growing, globally widespread pollutants, affecting countless species worldwide. Despite accumulating evidence of the negative impacts of wind turbines on wildlife, little is known about how the noise they generate affects ecological systems. Songbirds may be susceptible to noise pollution due to their reliance on vocal communication and thus, in this field study, we examined how songbirds are affected by wind turbine noise. We broadcasted noise produced by one wind turbine in a migratory stopover site during the nonbreeding season. Throughout the study, we repeatedly monitored the acoustic environment and songbird community before, during, and after the noise treatments with passive acoustic monitoring and mist netting. We employed generalized linear mixed effects models to assess the impact of experimental noise treatment on birds behavior and likelihood ratio tests to compare models with variables of interest with null models. The daily number of birds in the presence of wind turbine noise decreased by approximately 30% compared with the before and after phases. This reduction had a significant spatial pattern; the largest decrease was closer to the speaker and on its downwind side, fitting measured sound propagation. Although we found no impact on species diversity, two out of three most common species showed clear avoidance behavior: 45% and 36% decrease in abundance for the lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca) and Sardinian warbler (Sylvia melanocephala momus), respectively. In the after phase, there were lingering effects on the lesser whitethroat. The age structure of the lesser whitethroat population was affected because only juvenile birds showed avoidance behavior. No difference in avoidance extent was found between migratory and nonmigratory species, but the impacts of displacement on migrants during stopover are especially troubling from a conservation perspective. Our results stress the need to address the impacts of noise pollution on wildlife when planning noise-generating infrastructures, such as wind turbines, to allow for sustainable development without threatening already declining songbird populations.

El ruido antropogénico es uno de los contaminantes con mayor crecimiento y distribución a nivel mundial, por lo que afecta a incontables especies en todo el mundo. A pesar de acumular evidencia sobre el impacto negativo que tienen las turbinas eólicas sobre la fauna, se sabe muy poco sobre cómo el ruido que generan afecta a los sistemas ecológicos. Las aves canoras pueden ser susceptibles a la contaminación sonora ya que dependen de la comunicación vocal y, por lo tanto, en este estudio de campo, analizamos cómo les afecta el sonido producido por las turbinas eólicas. Transmitimos ruido producido por una turbina en un punto de parada migratorio durante la temporada no reproductiva. Durante el estudio, monitoreamos repetidas veces el entorno acústico y la comunidad de aves canoras antes, durante y después de los tratamientos de ruido con monitoreo acústico pasivo y redes de niebla. Empleamos modelos de efectos lineales mixtos generalizados para evaluar el impacto del ruido experimental sobre el comportamiento de las aves y pruebas de probabilidad de proporción para comparar los modelos con variables de interés con los modelos nulos. El número diario de aves en la presencia del ruido de turbinas eólicas disminuyó aproximadamente un 30% en comparación con las fases de antes y después. Esta reducción tuvo un patrón espacial significativo: la mayor disminución ocurrió más cerca a la bocina y en el lado de sotavento, lo que se ajusta a la medida de la propagación del sonido. Aunque no encontramos impacto alguno sobre la diversidad de especies, dos de tres de las especies más comunes mostraron un comportamiento de evasión evidente: 45% y 36% de disminución en la abundancia de Sylvia curruca y Sylvia melanocephala momus, respectivamente. Durante la fase posterior al ruido, observamos efectos prolongados en S. curruca. La composición de edades de la población de S. curruca se vio afectada porque sólo los individuos juveniles mostraron un comportamiento de evasión. No encontramos una diferencia en el grado de evasión entre las especies migratorias y no migratorias, pero el impacto del traslado sobre las migrantes durante el punto de parada es de preocupación especial desde una perspectiva de conservación. Nuestros resultados acentúan la necesidad de abordar el impacto de la contaminación sonora sobre la fauna cuando se planean estructuras que producen ruido, como las turbinas eólicas, para permitir el desarrollo sustentable sin amenazar a las poblaciones de aves canoras que ya están en declive. Efectos del ruido de turbinas eólicas sobre el comportamiento de las aves canoras durante la temporada no reproductiva.

Aves Canoras , Animais , Ruído/efeitos adversos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Estações do Ano , Ecossistema , Animais Selvagens
Conserv Biol ; : e14302, 2024 May 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38808391


Anthropogenic stressors threaten large whales globally. Effective management requires an understanding of where, when, and why threats are occurring. Strandings data provide key information on geographic hotspots of risk and the relative importance of various threats. There is currently considerable public interest in the increased frequency of large whale strandings occurring along the US East Coast of the United States since 2016. Interest is accentuated due to a purported link with offshore wind energy development. We reviewed spatiotemporal patterns of strandings, mortalities, and serious injuries of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), the species most frequently involved, for which the US government has declared an "unusual mortality event" (UME). Our analysis highlights the role of vessel strikes, exacerbated by recent changes in humpback whale distribution and vessel traffic.  Humpback whales have expanded into new foraging grounds in recent years. Mortalities due to vessel strikes have increased significantly in these newly occupied regions, which show high vessel traffic that also increased markedly during the UME. Surface feeding and feeding in shallow waters may have been contributing factors. We found no evidence that offshore wind development contributed to strandings or mortalities. This work highlights the need to consider behavioral, ecological, and anthropogenic factors to determine the drivers of mortality and serious injury in large whales and to provide informed guidance to decision-makers.

Análisis de las causantes de los recientes varamientos de ballenas en la costa este de los Estados Unidos Resumen El estrés antropogénico amenaza a las ballenas en todo el mundo. El manejo efectivo requiere comprender en dónde, cuándo y por qué ocurren las amenazas. Los datos de varamientos proporcionan información clave sobre los puntos críticos geográficos de riesgo y la importancia relativa de varias amenazas. Actualmente existe un interés público considerable por el incremento en la frecuencia de varamientos de ballenas que ocurren en la costa este de los Estados Unidos desde 2016, al cual el gobierno nacional ha denominado un "evento inusual de mortalidad" (EIM). El interés se acentúa debido a la supuesta conexión con el desarrollo de la energía eólica marina. Revisamos los patrones espaciotemporales de los varamientos, mortandad y lesiones graves de las ballenas jorobadas (Megaptera novaeangliae), la especie involucrada con mayor frecuencia. Nuestro análisis resalta el papel de las colisiones con navíos, agudizados por los cambios recientes en la distribución de la especie, y el tráfico de navíos. Las ballenas jorobadas se han expandido hacia nuevas áreas de forrajeo y los años recientes. La mortandad causada por las colisiones con navíos ha incrementado significativamente en estas regiones ocupadas recientemente, las cuales también muestran un tráfico elevado de navíos que también incrementó durante el EIM. La alimentación superficial y en áreas someras podrían ser factores contribuyentes. No encontramos evidencia de que la energía eólica marina contribuya a los varamientos o a la mortandad. Este trabajo resalta la necesidad de considerar los factores ecológicos, antropogénicos y de comportamiento para determinar las causas de la mortalidad y las lesiones graves en las ballenas y de proporcionar orientación informada para quienes toman las decisiones.

Conserv Biol ; 37(3): e14056, 2023 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36661061


Climate warming can substantially impact embryonic development and juvenile growth in oviparous species. Estimating the overall impacts of climate warming on oviparous reproduction is difficult because egg-laying events happen throughout the reproductive season. Successful egg laying requires the completion of embryonic development as well as hatching timing conducive to offspring survival and energy accumulation. We propose a new metric-egg-laying opportunity (EO)-to estimate the annual hours during which a clutch of freshly laid eggs yields surviving offspring that store sufficient energy for overwintering. We estimated the EO within the distribution of a model species, Sceloporus undulatus, under recent climate condition and a climate-warming scenario by combining microclimate data, developmental functions, and biophysical models. We predicted that EO will decline as the climate warms at 74.8% of 11,407 sites. Decreasing hatching success and offspring energy accounted for more lost EO hours (72.6% and 72.9%) than the occurrence of offspring heat stress (59.9%). Nesting deeper (at a depth of 12 cm) may be a more effective behavioral adjustment for retaining EO than using shadier (50% shade) nests because the former fully mitigated the decline of EO under the considered warming scenario at more sites (66.1%) than the latter (28.3%). We advocate for the use of EO in predicting the impacts of climate warming on oviparous animals because it encapsulates the integrative impacts of climate warming on all stages of reproductive life history.

Efectos divergentes del cambio climático sobre la oportunidad de desove de las especies en regiones cálidas y frías Resumen El calentamiento global puede tener un impacto considerable sobre el desarrollo embrionario y el crecimiento juvenil de las especies ovíparas. Es complicado estimar el impacto general que tiene el calentamiento global sobre la reproducción ovípara ya que los eventos de desove suceden durante la época reproductiva. El desove exitoso requiere que se complete el desarrollo embrionario y que el momento de eclosión sea favorable para la supervivencia de las crías y la acumulación de energía. Proponemos una nueva medida-oportunidad de desove (OD)-para estimar las horas anuales durante las cuales una puesta de huevos recién desovados produce crías que sobreviven y almacenan suficiente energía para invernar. Estimamos la OD dentro de un modelo de distribución de la especie Sceloporus undulatus bajo las recientes condiciones climáticas y bajo un escenario de calentamiento global mediante la combinación de datos microclimáticos, funciones del desarrollo y modelos biofísicos. Pronosticamos que la OD declinará conforme la temperatura aumente en 74.8% de los 11407 sitios. La disminución del éxito de eclosión y de la energía de las crías explicó más horas perdidas de OD (72.6% y 72.9%) que la presencia de estrés por calor en las crías (59.9%). Una anidación más profunda (a una profundidad de 12 cm) puede ser un ajuste conductual más efectivo para la retención de la OD que los nidos con mayor sombreado (50% de sombra) porque el primero mitigó por completo la declinación de la OD bajo el escenario de calentamiento en más sitios (66.1%) que el segundo ajuste (28.3%). Defendemos el uso de la OD en el pronóstico del impacto del calentamiento global sobre los animales ovíparos porque encapsula los impactos integrales que tiene el calentamiento global sobre todas las etapas de la vida reproductiva. 气候变化在寒冷和温暖地区对物种产卵机会造成不同影响.

Mudança Climática , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , Reprodução , Estações do Ano
Conserv Biol ; 36(3): e13872, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34856018


International demand for wood and other forest products continues to grow rapidly, and uncertainties remain about how animal communities will respond to intensifying resource extraction associated with woody bioenergy production. We examined changes in alpha and beta diversity of bats, bees, birds, and reptiles across wood production landscapes in the southeastern United States, a biodiversity hotspot that is one of the principal sources of woody biomass globally. We sampled across a spatial gradient of paired forest land-uses (representing pre and postharvest) that allowed us to evaluate biological community changes resulting from several types of biomass harvest. Short-rotation practices and residue removal following clearcuts were associated with reduced alpha diversity (-14.1 and -13.9 species, respectively) and lower beta diversity (i.e., Jaccard dissimilarity) between land-use pairs (0.46 and 0.50, respectively), whereas midrotation thinning increased alpha (+3.5 species) and beta diversity (0.59). Over the course of a stand rotation in a single location, biomass harvesting generally led to less biodiversity. Cross-taxa responses to resource extraction were poorly predicted by alpha diversity: correlations in responses between taxonomic groups were highly variable (-0.2 to 0.4) with large uncertainties. In contrast, beta diversity patterns were highly consistent and predictable across taxa, where correlations in responses between taxonomic groups were all positive (0.05-0.4) with more narrow uncertainties. Beta diversity may, therefore, be a more reliable and information-rich indicator than alpha diversity in understanding animal community response to landscape change. Patterns in beta diversity were primarily driven by turnover instead of species loss or gain, indicating that wood extraction generates habitats that support different biological communities.

Conservación de la Diversidad Alfa y Beta en Paisajes de Producción Maderera Resumen La demanda internacional de madera y otros productos forestales sigue creciendo rápidamente mientras permanecen las incertidumbres sobre cómo responderán las comunidades animales a la intensificación de la extracción de recursos asociada con la producción de bioenergía leñosa. Examinamos los cambios en la diversidad alfa y beta de murciélagos, abejas, aves y reptiles en los paisajes de producción maderera en el sureste de los Estados Unidos, un punto caliente de biodiversidad y una de las fuentes principales de biomasa leñosa a nivel mundial. Muestreamos a lo largo de un gradiente espacial de usos de suelo forestales emparejados (representando la pre- y postcosecha) que nos permitió evaluar los cambios en las comunidades biológicas resultantes de varios tipos de recolección de biomasa. Las prácticas de corta rotación y de eliminación de residuos después de la tala estuvieron asociadas con la reducción de la diversidad alfa (−14.1 y −13.9 especies, respectivamente) y una diversidad beta más baja (es decir, diferencia de Jaccard) entre los pares de uso de suelo (0.46 y 0.50, respectivamente), mientras que el raleo de rotación media incrementó la diversidad alfa (+3.5 especies) y beta (0.59). Durante la duración de una rotación permanente en una sola ubicación, la cosecha de biomasa generalmente derivó en menos biodiversidad. La respuesta de los taxones a la extracción de recursos estuvo muy mal pronosticada por la diversidad alfa: la correlación de las respuestas entre los grupos taxonómicos fue altamente variable (−0.2 a 0.4) con muchas incertidumbres. Como contraste, los patrones de diversidad beta fueron fuertemente coherentes y predecibles en todos los taxones, mientras que la correlación de las respuestas entre los grupos taxonómicos siempre fue positiva (0.05 a 0.4) con incertidumbres más limitadas. Por lo tanto, la diversidad beta puede ser un indicador más confiable y rico en información que la diversidad alfa para entender las respuestas de la comunidad animal a los cambios en el paisaje. Los patrones de la diversidad beta estuvieron impulsados principalmente por la rotación en lugar de la pérdida o ganancia de especies, lo que indica que la extracción de madera genera hábitats que mantienen a diferentes comunidades biológicas.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Madeira , Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Florestas
Conserv Biol ; 35(1): 64-76, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31913528


Increasing global energy demand is fostering the development of renewable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels. However, renewable energy facilities may adversely affect wildlife. Facility siting guidelines recommend or require project developers complete pre- and postconstruction wildlife surveys to predict risk and estimate effects of proposed projects. Despite this, there are no published studies that have quantified the types of surveys used or how survey types are standardized within and across facilities. We evaluated 628 peer-reviewed publications, unpublished reports, and citations, and we analyzed data from 525 of these sources (203 facilities: 193 wind and 10 solar) in the United States and Canada to determine the frequency of pre- and postconstruction surveys and whether that frequency changed over time; frequency of studies explicitly designed to allow before-after or impact-control analyses; and what types of survey data were collected during pre- and postconstruction periods and how those data types were standardized across periods and among facilities. Within our data set, postconstruction monitoring for wildlife fatalities and habitat use was a standard practice (n = 446 reports), but preconstruction estimation of baseline wildlife habitat use and mortality was less frequently reported (n = 84). Only 22% (n = 45) of the 203 facilities provided data from both pre- and postconstruction, and 29% (n = 59) had experimental study designs. Of 108 facilities at which habitat-use surveys were conducted, only 3% estimated of detection probability. Thus, the available data generally preclude comparison of biological data across construction periods and among facilities. Use of experimental study designs and following similar field protocols would improve the knowledge of how renewable energy affects wildlife. Article Impact Statement Many surveys at wind and solar facilities provide limited information on wildlife use and fatality rates.

Limitaciones, Falta de Estandarización y las Mejores Prácticas Recomendadas en Estudios de los Efectos de las Energías Renovables sobre las Aves y los Murciélagos Resumen La creciente demanda global por energía está fomentando el desarrollo de energías renovables como una alternativa a los combustibles fósiles. Sin embargo, las instalaciones de energías renovables pueden afectar de manera adversa a la fauna. Las pautas para la ubicación de dichas instalaciones recomiendan o requieren que los desarrolladores de los proyectos realicen censos previa y posteriormente a la construcción de las instalaciones para pronosticar el riesgo y estimar los efectos de los proyectos propuestos. A pesar de esto, no existen estudios publicados que hayan cuantificado los tipos de censo usados o cómo los tipos de censo están estandarizados para las instalaciones en específico y en general. Evaluamos 628 publicaciones revisadas por pares, reportes sin publicar y referencias y analizamos los datos de 525 de estas fuentes (203 instalaciones: 193 de energía eólica y 10 de energía solar) en los Estados Unidos y Canadá para determinar la frecuencia de los censos previos y posteriores a la construcción y si dicha frecuencia cambió con el tiempo; para determinar la frecuencia de los estudios diseñados explícitamente para permitir los análisis antes-y-después o de control-impacto; y para determinar cuáles tipos de datos fueron recolectados previa y posteriormente a la construcción y cómo aquellos tipos de datos estuvieron estandarizados a través de los periodos y entre las instalaciones. Dentro de nuestro conjunto de datos, el monitoreo posterior a la construcción de las fatalidades faunísticas y el uso de hábitat fue una práctica común (n = 446 reportes), pero la estimación previa a la construcción de la línea base del uso de hábitat por la fauna y la mortalidad estuvo reportada con menor frecuencia (n = 84). Sólo el 22% (n = 45) de las 203 instalaciones proporcionaron datos de los censos previos y posteriores a la construcción y el 29% (n = 59) contó con diseño de estudios experimentales. De las 108 instalaciones en las que se realizaron censos de uso de hábitat, sólo el 3% incluyó la estimación de la probabilidad de detección. Por lo tanto, los datos disponibles generalmente impiden la comparación de los datos biológicos durante los periodos de construcción y entre las instalaciones. El uso del diseño de estudios experimentales y el seguimiento de protocolos de campo similares mejoraría el conocimiento sobre cómo las energías renovables afectan a la fauna.

Quirópteros , Animais , Aves , Canadá , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Padrões de Referência , Energia Renovável , Vento
Conserv Biol ; 35(1): 227-238, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32424911


Renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, are essential tools for reducing the causes of climate change, but wind turbines can pose a collision risk for bats. To date, the population-level effects of wind-related mortality have been estimated for only 1 bat species. To estimate temporal trends in bat abundance, we considered wind turbines as opportunistic sampling tools for flying bats (analogous to fishing nets), where catch per unit effort (carcass abundance per monitored turbine) is a proxy for aerial abundance of bats, after accounting for seasonal variation in activity. We used a large, standardized data set of records of bat carcasses from 594 turbines in southern Ontario, Canada, and corrected these data to account for surveyor efficiency and scavenger removal. We used Bayesian hierarchical models to estimate temporal trends in aerial abundance of bats and to explore the effect of spatial factors, including landscape features associated with bat habitat (e.g., wetlands, croplands, and forested lands), on the number of mortalities for each species. The models showed a rapid decline in the abundance of 4 species in our study area; declines in capture of carcasses over 7 years ranged from 65% (big brown bat [Eptesicus fuscus]) to 91% (silver-haired bat [Lasionycteris noctivagans]). Estimated declines were independent of the effects of mitigation (increasing wind speed at which turbines begin to generate electricity from 3.5 to 5.5 m/s), which significantly reduced but did not eliminate bat mortality. Late-summer mortality of hoary (Lasiurus cinereus), eastern red (Lasiurus borealis), and silver-haired bats was predicted by woodlot cover, and mortality of big brown bats decreased with increasing elevation. These landscape predictors of bat mortality can inform the siting of future wind energy operations. Our most important result is the apparent decline in abundance of four common species of bat in the airspace, which requires further investigation.

Estimación de Tendencias Espacio-Temporales en la Abundancia de Murciélagos a Partir de Datos de Mortalidad Recolectados Alrededor de Turbinas de Viento Resumen Las fuentes de energía renovable, como la energía eólica, son herramientas esenciales para la reducción de las causas del cambio climático, aunque las turbinas de viento pueden representar un riesgo de colisión para los murciélagos. A la fecha, los efectos a nivel poblacional de la mortalidad asociada a estas turbinas sólo han sido estimados para una especie de murciélagos. Para estimar las tendencias temporales en la abundancia de murciélagos consideramos a las turbinas de viento como herramientas para el muestreo oportunista de los murciélagos en vuelo (análogo a las redes de pesca), en donde el esfuerzo de captura por unidad (abundancia de cadáveres por turbina monitoreada) es un sustituto para la abundancia aérea de murciélagos, después de considerar la variación estacional en la actividad. Utilizamos un conjunto grande de datos estandarizados del registro de cadáveres de murciélagos alrededor de 594 turbinas al sur de Ontario, Canadá, y corregimos estos datos para justificar la eficiencia del muestreador y la extracción por carroñeros. Usamos modelos de jerarquía bayesiana para estimar las tendencias temporales en la abundancia aérea de los murciélagos y para explorar los efectos de los factores espaciales, incluyendo las características del paisaje asociadas con el hábitat de los murciélagos (p. ej.: humedales, tierras de cultivo y bosques), sobre el número de muertes para cada especie. Los modelos mostraron una declinación rápida en la abundancia de cuatro especies dentro de nuestra área de estudio. Las declinaciones en la captura de cadáveres a lo largo de siete años variaron desde el 65% (Eptesicus fuscus) hasta el 91% (Lasionycteris noctivagans). Las declinaciones estimadas fueron independientes a los efectos de mitigación (el incremento en la velocidad a la cual las turbinas comienzan a generar electricidad de 3.5 a 5.5 m/s), lo cual redujo significativamente la mortalidad de los murciélagos, aunque no llegó a eliminarla. La mortalidad a finales del verano de las especies Lasiurus cinereus, Lasiurus borealis y Lasionycteris noctivagans la pronosticó la cobertura de los lotes boscosos, mientras que la mortalidad de E. fuscus disminuyó conforme incrementó la elevación. Estos elementos pronosticadores del paisaje pueden utilizarse para informar al momento de elegir el sitio para la actividad eólica en el futuro y así evitar la mortalidad en murciélagos. Nuestro resultado más importante es la declinación aparente en la abundancia de cuatro especies comunes de murciélagos en el espacio aéreo, lo cual requiere de más investigación.

Quirópteros , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Canadá , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Estações do Ano
Conserv Biol ; 33(5): 1094-1105, 2019 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30793368


Translocation is used by managers to mitigate the negative impacts of development on species. Moving individuals to a new location is challenging, and many translocation attempts have failed. Robust, posttranslocation monitoring is therefore important for evaluating effects of translocation on target species. We evaluated the efficacy of a translocation designed to mitigate the effects of a utility-scale solar energy project on the U.S. federally listed Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). The species is a long-lived reptile threatened by a variety of factors, including habitat loss due to renewable energy development in the Mojave Desert and portions of the Colorado Desert in southern California (southwestern United States). We translocated 58 individual tortoises away from the project's construction site and intensively monitored them over 5 years (2012-2017). We monitored these individuals and tortoises located in the translocation release area (resident tortoises; n = 112) and control tortoises (n = 149) in a nearby location. We used our tortoise encounter data and known-fate survival models to estimate annual and cumulative survival. Translocated tortoises in each of 2 size classes (120-160 mm, >160 mm) did not survive at lower rates than resident and control tortoises over the study period. For models with different sets of biotic and abiotic covariates, annual and cumulative estimates of survival were always >0.87 and >0.56, respectively. Larger tortoises tended to have higher survival, but translocated tortoises were not differentially affected by the covariates used to model variation in survival. Based on these findings, our translocation design and study protocols could inform other translocation projects for desert species. Our case study highlights the benefits of combining rigorous scientific monitoring with well-designed, mitigation-driven management actions to reduce the negative effects of development on species of conservation concern.

Monitoreo Multianual de la Supervivencia de un Reptil Longevo en Peligro después de una Reubicación por Mitigación Resumen Los administradores utilizan la reubicación para mitigar los impactos negativos que el desarrollo tiene sobre las especies. El traslado de individuos hacia una nueva ubicación es todo un reto y muchos intentos de reubicación han fallado. Por esto el monitoreo robusto post-reubicación es importante para la evaluación de los efectos de la reubicación sobre las especies. Evaluamos la eficiencia de una reubicación diseñada para mitigar los efectos de un proyecto de energía solar fotovoltaica sobre la tortuga terrestre del desierto de Mojave (Gopherus agassizii), una especie en la lista federal estadunidense de especies en peligro. Los reptiles de esta especie son longevos y se encuentran en peligro por una variedad de factores, incluyendo la pérdida del hábitat por el desarrollo de energías renovables en el desierto de Mojave y en porciones del desierto del Colorado en el sur de California (suroeste de los Estados Unidos). Reubicamos a 58 individuos de esta especie para alejarlos del sitio de construcción del proyecto y los monitoreamos intensivamente durante cinco años (2012 - 2017). Monitoreamos a estos individuos y a las tortugas que ya se encontraban en el sitio de liberación (tortugas residentes; n = 112), así como a un grupo control de tortugas (n = 149) en una ubicación cercana. Usamos nuestros datos de encuentro con tortugas y modelos de supervivencia con destino conocido para estimar la supervivencia anual y acumulativa. Las tortugas reubicadas en cada una de las dos clases de tamaño (120-160 mm, >160 mm) no sobrevivieron a tasas más bajas que las residentes y las del grupo control durante el periodo de estudio. Para los modelos con conjuntos diferentes de co-variados bióticos y abióticos los estimados anuales y acumulativos de supervivencia fueron siempre >0.87 y >0.56, respectivamente. Las tortugas más grandes tendieron a tener una mayor supervivencia, aunque las tortugas reubicadas no se vieron afectadas diferencialmente por los co-variados que se usaron para modelar la variación de la supervivencia. Con base en estos hallazgos, nuestro diseño de reubicación y nuestros protocolos de estudio podrían informar a otros proyectos de reubicación para especies de desierto. Nuestro estudio de caso resalta los beneficios de la combinación del monitoreo científico riguroso con acciones de manejo bien diseñadas y llevadas por la mitigación para reducir los efectos negativos del desarrollo sobre las especies de importancia para la conservación.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Tartarugas , Animais , California , Colorado , Répteis , Sudoeste dos Estados Unidos
Conserv Biol ; 32(4): 849-859, 2018 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29431232


It is well documented that hydropower plants can affect the dynamics of fish populations through landscape alterations and the creation of new barriers. Less emphasis has been placed on the examination of the genetic consequences for fish populations of the construction of dams. The relatively few studies that focus on genetics often do not consider colonization history and even fewer tend to use this information for conservation purposes. As a case study, we used a 3-pronged approach to study the influence of historical processes, contemporary landscape features, and potential future anthropogenic changes in landscape on the genetic diversity of a fish metapopulation. Our goal was to identify the metapopulation's main attributes, detect priority areas for conservation, and assess the consequences of the construction of hydropower plants for the persistence of the metapopulation. We used microsatellite markers and coalescent approaches to examine historical colonization processes, traditional population genetics, and simulations of future populations under alternate scenarios of population size reduction and gene flow. Historical gene flow appeared to have declined relatively recently and contemporary populations appeared highly susceptible to changes in landscape. Gene flow is critical for population persistence. We found that hydropower plants could lead to a rapid reduction in number of alleles and to population extirpation 50-80 years after their construction. More generally, our 3-pronged approach for the analyses of empirical genetic data can provide policy makers with information on the potential impacts of landscape changes and thus lead to more robust conservation efforts.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Fluxo Gênico , Animais , Água Doce , Variação Genética , Genética Populacional , Repetições de Microssatélites , Densidade Demográfica
Conserv Biol ; 31(2): 406-415, 2017 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27677518


Renewable energy production is expanding rapidly despite mostly unknown environmental effects on wildlife and habitats. We used genetic and stable isotope data collected from Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) killed at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA) in California in demographic models to test hypotheses about the geographic extent and demographic consequences of fatalities caused by renewable energy facilities. Geospatial analyses of δ2 H values obtained from feathers showed that ≥25% of these APWRA-killed eagles were recent immigrants to the population, most from long distances away (>100 km). Data from nuclear genes indicated this subset of immigrant eagles was genetically similar to birds identified as locals from the δ2 H data. Demographic models implied that in the face of this mortality, the apparent stability of the local Golden Eagle population was maintained by continental-scale immigration. These analyses demonstrate that ecosystem management decisions concerning the effects of local-scale renewable energy can have continental-scale consequences.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Águias , Vento , Animais , California , Plumas , Dinâmica Populacional , Energia Renovável
Orv Hetil ; 158(15): 587-597, 2017 Apr.
Artigo em Húngaro | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28393597


INTRODUCTION AND AIM: The aim of the study was to assess and monitor the dietary habits and nutrient intake of Hungarian adults. METHOD: Three-day dietary records were used for dietary assessment, the sample was representative for the Hungarian population aged ≥18ys by gender and age. RESULTS: The mean proportion of energy from fat was higher (men: 38 energy%, women: 37 energy%), that from carbohydrates was lower (men: 45 energy%, women: 47 energy%) than recommended, the protein intake is adequate. CONCLUSION: Unfavorable change compared to the previous survey in 2009 was the increase of fat and saturated fatty acid energy percent in women, the decrease in fruit and vegetable consumption, which explains the decreased fiber intake. An increasing trend in added sugar energy percent in each age groups of both genders was observed compared to 2009. Interventions focusing on the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption and decreasing of saturated fat and added sugar intake are needed. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(15), 587-597.

Carboidratos da Dieta/administração & dosagem , Gorduras na Dieta/administração & dosagem , Proteínas Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Necessidades Nutricionais , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Comportamento Alimentar , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Inquéritos Nutricionais , Obesidade/prevenção & controle , Distribuição por Sexo , Adulto Jovem
Radiologia ; 59(4): 306-312, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28495460


OBJECTIVE: To qualitatively and quantitatively explore the spectral study of focal liver lesions, comparing it with the usual polychromatic assessment with single-energy computed tomography. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We prospectively studied 50 patients with at least one focal liver lesion who were referred for abdominal multidetector computed tomography with intravenous contrast material. The portal phase was acquired with dual energy sources. The density of the lesions and of the surrounding liver parenchyma was measured both in the baseline polychromatic acquisition and in the posterior monochromatic reconstructions at 40 keV, 70 keV, and 140 keV. Spectral curves were traced and the dual-energy indices and contrast-to-noise ratio were calculated. Lastly, the quality of the images and the detectability of the lesions were assessed qualitatively. RESULTS: Densitometric differences between the different types of lesions (avascular and vascularized) and the liver were greater at low energy levels (left side of the spectral curve) than in the polychromatic evaluation. In the subjective assessment, the 40keV energy level had the greatest lesion detectability. CONCLUSIONS: Monochromatic spectral study with dual-energy computed tomography provides better lesion detectability at 40keV compared to that provided by the ordinary polychromatic evaluation.

Hepatopatias/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos
Conserv Biol ; 30(1): 59-71, 2016 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26213098


The contribution of renewable energy to meet worldwide demand continues to grow. Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable sectors, but new wind facilities are often placed in prime wildlife habitat. Long-term studies that incorporate a rigorous statistical design to evaluate the effects of wind facilities on wildlife are rare. We conducted a before-after-control-impact (BACI) assessment to determine if wind facilities placed in native mixed-grass prairies displaced breeding grassland birds. During 2003-2012, we monitored changes in bird density in 3 study areas in North Dakota and South Dakota (U.S.A.). We examined whether displacement or attraction occurred 1 year after construction (immediate effect) and the average displacement or attraction 2-5 years after construction (delayed effect). We tested for these effects overall and within distance bands of 100, 200, 300, and >300 m from turbines. We observed displacement for 7 of 9 species. One species was unaffected by wind facilities and one species exhibited attraction. Displacement and attraction generally occurred within 100 m and often extended up to 300 m. In a few instances, displacement extended beyond 300 m. Displacement and attraction occurred 1 year after construction and persisted at least 5 years. Our research provides a framework for applying a BACI design to displacement studies and highlights the erroneous conclusions that can be made without the benefit of adopting such a design. More broadly, species-specific behaviors can be used to inform management decisions about turbine placement and the potential impact to individual species. Additionally, the avoidance distance metrics we estimated can facilitate future development of models evaluating impacts of wind facilities under differing land-use scenarios.

Distribuição Animal , Aves/fisiologia , Pradaria , Energia Renovável/efeitos adversos , Vento , Animais , Aprendizagem da Esquiva , North Dakota , South Dakota
Radiologia ; 58(2): 120-8, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26460216


OBJECTIVE: To prospectively evaluate the usefulness of dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) with and without dedicated software in identifying uric acid kidney stones in vivo. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We studied 65 kidney stones in 63 patients. All stones were analyzed in vivo by DECT and ex vivo by spectrophotometry. We evaluated the diagnostic performance in identifying uric acid stones with DECT by analyzing the radiologic densities with dedicated software and without using it (through manual measurements) as well as by analyzing the attenuation ratios of the stones in both energies with and without the dedicated software. RESULTS: The six uric acid stones included were correctly identified by evaluating the attenuation ratios with a cutoff of 1.21, both with the dedicated software and without it, yielding perfect diagnostic performance without false positives or false negatives. The study of the attenuations of the stones obtained the following values on the receiver operating characteristic curves in the classification of the uric acid stones: 0.92 for the measurements done with the software and 0.89 for the manual measurements; a cutoff of 538 HU yielded 84% (42/50) diagnostic accuracy for the software and 83.1% (54/65) for the manual measurements. CONCLUSIONS: DECT enabled the uric acid stones to be identified correctly through the calculation of the ratio of the attenuations in the two energies. The results obtained with the dedicated software were similar to those obtained manually.

Cálculos Renais/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Humanos , Software , Ácido Úrico
Conserv Biol ; 29(1): 12-8, 2015 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25040040


Mitigation translocation of nuisance animals is a commonly used management practice aimed at resolution of human-animal conflict by removal and release of an individual animal. Long considered a reasonable undertaking, especially by the general public, it is now known that translocated subjects are negatively affected by the practice. Mitigation translocation is typically undertaken with individual adult organisms and has a much lower success rate than the more widely practiced conservation translocation of threatened and endangered species. Nonetheless, the public and many conservation practitioners believe that because population-level conservation translocations have been successful that mitigation translocation can be satisfactorily applied to a wide variety of human-wildlife conflict situations. We reviewed mitigation translocations of reptiles, including our own work with 3 long-lived species (Gila monsters [Heloderma suspectum], Sonoran desert tortoises [Gopherus morafkai], and western diamond-backed rattlesnakes [Crotalus atrox]). Overall, mitigation translocation had a low success rate when judged either by effects on individuals (in all studies reviewed they exhibited increased movement or increased mortality) or by the success of the resolution of the human-animal conflict (translocated individuals often returned to the capture site). Careful planning and identification of knowledge gaps are critical to increasing success rates in mitigation translocations in the face of increasing pressure to find solutions for species threatened by diverse anthropogenic factors, including climate change and exurban and energy development.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Répteis/fisiologia , Animais , Arizona , Crotalus/fisiologia , Lagartos/fisiologia , Tartarugas/fisiologia
Conserv Biol ; 29(3): 702-12, 2015 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25490854


Modern society uses massive amounts of energy. Usage rises as population and affluence increase, and energy production and use often have an impact on biodiversity or natural areas. To avoid a business-as-usual dependence on coal, oil, and gas over the coming decades, society must map out a future energy mix that incorporates alternative sources. This exercise can lead to radically different opinions on what a sustainable energy portfolio might entail, so an objective assessment of the relative costs and benefits of different energy sources is required. We evaluated the land use, emissions, climate, and cost implications of 3 published but divergent storylines for future energy production, none of which was optimal for all environmental and economic indicators. Using multicriteria decision-making analysis, we ranked 7 major electricity-generation sources (coal, gas, nuclear, biomass, hydro, wind, and solar) based on costs and benefits and tested the sensitivity of the rankings to biases stemming from contrasting philosophical ideals. Irrespective of weightings, nuclear and wind energy had the highest benefit-to-cost ratio. Although the environmental movement has historically rejected the nuclear energy option, new-generation reactor technologies that fully recycle waste and incorporate passive safety systems might resolve their concerns and ought to be more widely understood. Because there is no perfect energy source however, conservation professionals ultimately need to take an evidence-based approach to consider carefully the integrated effects of energy mixes on biodiversity conservation. Trade-offs and compromises are inevitable and require advocating energy mixes that minimize net environmental damage. Society cannot afford to risk wholesale failure to address energy-related biodiversity impacts because of preconceived notions and ideals.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Política Ambiental/legislação & jurisprudência , Energia Nuclear/economia , Energia Renovável/economia
Conserv Biol ; 29(2): 333-40, 2015 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25439093


Human pressure on the environment is expanding and intensifying, especially in coastal and offshore areas. Major contributors to this are the current push for offshore renewable energy sources, which are thought of as environmentally friendly sources of power, as well as the continued demand for petroleum. Human disturbances, including the noise almost ubiquitously associated with human activity, are likely to increase the incidence, magnitude, and duration of adverse effects on marine life, including stress responses. Stress responses have the potential to induce fitness consequences for individuals, which add to more obvious directed takes (e.g., hunting or fishing) to increase the overall population-level impact. To meet the requirements of marine spatial planning and ecosystem-based management, many efforts are ongoing to quantify the cumulative impacts of all human actions on marine species or populations. Meanwhile, regulators face the challenge of managing these accumulating and interacting impacts with limited scientific guidance. We believe there is scientific support for capping the level of impact for (at a minimum) populations in decline or with unknown statuses. This cap on impact can be facilitated through implementation of regular application cycles for project authorization or improved programmatic and aggregated impact assessments that simultaneously consider multiple projects. Cross-company collaborations and a better incorporation of uncertainty into decision making could also help limit, if not reduce, cumulative impacts of multiple human activities. These simple management steps may also form the basis of a rudimentary form of marine spatial planning and could be used in support of future ecosystem-based management efforts.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Ecossistema , Oceanos e Mares , Biota , Atividades Humanas
Conserv Biol ; 28(3): 745-55, 2014 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24405249


When wildlife habitat overlaps with industrial development animals may be harmed. Because wildlife and people select resources to maximize biological fitness and economic return, respectively, we estimated risk, the probability of eagles encountering and being affected by turbines, by overlaying models of resource selection for each entity. This conceptual framework can be applied across multiple spatial scales to understand and mitigate impacts of industry on wildlife. We estimated risk to Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) from wind energy development in 3 topographically distinct regions of the central Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania (United States) based on models of resource selection of wind facilities (n = 43) and of northbound migrating eagles (n = 30). Risk to eagles from wind energy was greatest in the Ridge and Valley region; all 24 eagles that passed through that region used the highest risk landscapes at least once during low altitude flight. In contrast, only half of the birds that entered the Allegheny Plateau region used highest risk landscapes and none did in the Allegheny Mountains. Likewise, in the Allegheny Mountains, the majority of wind turbines (56%) were situated in poor eagle habitat; thus, risk to eagles is lower there than in the Ridge and Valley, where only 1% of turbines are in poor eagle habitat. Risk within individual facilities was extremely variable; on average, facilities had 11% (SD 23; range = 0-100%) of turbines in highest risk landscapes and 26% (SD 30; range = 0-85%) of turbines in the lowest risk landscapes. Our results provide a mechanism for relocating high-risk turbines, and they show the feasibility of this novel and highly adaptable framework for managing risk of harm to wildlife from industrial development.

Migração Animal , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Águias/fisiologia , Modelos Teóricos , Energia Renovável/normas , Vento , Animais , Geografia , Pennsylvania , Medição de Risco
Conserv Biol ; 28(4): 1089-99, 2014 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24628394


Wind energy is targeted to meet 20% of U.S. energy needs by 2030, but new sites for development of renewable energy may overlap with important habitats of declining populations of grassland birds. Greater Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) are an obligate grassland bird species predicted to respond negatively to energy development. We used a modified before-after control-impact design to test for impacts of a wind energy development on the reproductive ecology of prairie-chickens in a 5-year study. We located 59 and 185 nests before and after development, respectively, of a 201 MW wind energy facility in Greater Prairie-Chicken nesting habitat and assessed nest site selection and nest survival relative to proximity to wind energy infrastructure and habitat conditions. Proximity to turbines did not negatively affect nest site selection (ß = 0.03, 95% CI = -1.2-1.3) or nest survival (ß = -0.3, 95% CI = -0.6-0.1). Instead, nest site selection and survival were strongly related to vegetative cover and other local conditions determined by management for cattle production. Integration of our project results with previous reports of behavioral avoidance of oil and gas facilities by other species of prairie grouse suggests new avenues for research to mitigate impacts of energy development.

Galinhas/fisiologia , Conservação de Recursos Energéticos/métodos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Pradaria , Vento , Animais , Kansas , Comportamento de Nidação