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New Phytol ; 242(1): 61-76, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38358032


Plants possess a large variety of nonacquisitive belowground organs, such as rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, and coarse roots. These organs determine a whole set of functions that are decisive in coping with climate, productivity, disturbance, and biotic interactions, and have been hypothesized to affect plant distribution along environmental gradients. We assembled data on belowground organ morphology for 1712 species from Central Europe and tested these hypotheses by quantifying relationships between belowground morphologies and species optima along ecological gradients related to productivity and disturbance. Furthermore, we linked these data with species co-occurrence in 30 115 vegetation plots from the Czech Republic to determine relationships between belowground organ diversity and these gradients. The strongest gradients determining belowground organ distribution were disturbance severity and frequency, light, and moisture. Nonclonal perennials and annuals occupy much smaller parts of the total environmental space than major types of clonal plants. Forest habitats had the highest diversity of co-occurring belowground morphologies; in other habitats, the diversity of belowground morphologies was generally lower than the random expectation. Our work shows that nonacquisitive belowground organs may be partly responsible for plant environmental niches. This adds a new dimension to the plant trait spectrum, currently based on acquisitive traits (leaves and fine roots) only.

Ecossistema , Plantas , Florestas , Clima , Europa (Continente)
Ann Bot ; 134(3): 401-414, 2024 Aug 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38407819


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Understanding biomass allocation among plant organs is crucial for comprehending plant growth optimization, survival and responses to the drivers of global change. Yet, the mechanisms governing mass allocation in vascular plants from extreme elevations exposed to cold and drought stresses remain poorly understood. METHODOLOGY: We analysed organ mass weights and fractions in 258 Himalayan herbaceous species across diverse habitats (wetland, steppe, alpine), growth forms (annual, perennial taprooted, rhizomatous and cushiony) and climatic gradients (3500-6150 m elevation) to explore whether biomass distribution adhered to fixed allometric or optimal partitioning rules, and how variations in size, phylogeny and ecological preferences influence their strategies for resource allocation. KEY FINDINGS: Following optimal partitioning theory, Himalayan plants distribute more biomass to key organs vital for acquiring and preserving limited resources necessary for their growth and survival. Allocation strategies are mainly influenced by plant growth forms and habitat conditions, notably temperature, water availability and evaporative demands. Alpine plants invest primarily in below-ground stem bases for storage and regeneration, reducing above-ground stems while increasing leaf mass fraction to maximize carbon assimilation in their short growing season. Conversely, arid steppe plants prioritize deep roots over leaves to secure water and minimize transpiration. Wetland plants allocate resources to above-ground stems and below-ground rhizomes, enabling them to resist competition and grazing in fertile environments. CONCLUSIONS: Himalayan plants from extreme elevations optimize their allocation strategies to acquire scarce resources under specific conditions, efficiently investing carbon from supportive to acquisitive and protective functions with increasing cold and drought. Intraspecific variation and shared ancestry have not significantly altered biomass allocation strategies of Himalayan plants. Despite diverse evolutionary histories, plants from similar habitats have developed comparable phenotypic structures to adapt to their specific environments. This study offers new insights into plant adaptations in diverse Himalayan environments and underscores the importance of efficient resource allocation for survival and growth in challenging conditions.

Adaptação Fisiológica , Biomassa , Temperatura Baixa , Secas , Magnoliopsida , Magnoliopsida/fisiologia , Magnoliopsida/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema
Biol Lett ; 20(5): 20230509, 2024 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38746982


A central goal in biology is to understand which traits underlie adaptation to different environments. Yet, few studies have examined the relative contribution of competitive ability towards adaptive divergence among species occupying distinct environments. Here, we test the relative importance of competitive ability as an adaptation to relatively benign versus challenging environments, using previously published studies of closely related species pairs of primarily tidal plants subjected to reciprocal removal with transplant experiments in nature. Subordinate species typically occupy more challenging environments and showed consistent evidence for adaptation to challenging conditions, with no significant competitive effect on non-local, dominant species. In contrast, dominant species typically occupy relatively benign environments and performed significantly better than non-local, subordinate species that faced competition from the dominant species. Surprisingly, when the two species were not allowed to compete, the subordinate species performed as well as the dominant species in the benign environments where the subordinate species do not occur. These results suggest that competitive ability is the most important adaptation distinguishing the species that occupy relatively benign environments. The limited scope and number of suitable experimental studies encourage future work to test if these results are generalizable across taxa and environments.

Adaptação Fisiológica , Ecossistema , Especificidade da Espécie , Meio Ambiente , Plantas/classificação , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Comportamento Competitivo
Conserv Biol ; : e14287, 2024 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38745504


In a warming Arctic, circumpolar long-term monitoring programs are key to advancing ecological knowledge and informing environmental policies. Calls for better involvement of Arctic peoples in all stages of the monitoring process are widespread, although such transformation of Arctic science is still in its infancy. Seabirds stand out as ecological sentinels of environmental changes, and priority has been given to implement the Circumpolar Seabird Monitoring Plan (CSMP). We assessed the representativeness of a pan-Arctic seabird monitoring network focused on the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) by comparing the distribution of environmental variables for all known versus monitored colonies. We found that with respect to its spatiotemporal coverage, this monitoring network does not fully embrace current and future environmental gradients. To improve the current scheme, we designed a method to identify colonies whose inclusion in the monitoring network will improve its ecological representativeness, limit logistical constraints, and improve involvement of Arctic peoples. We thereby highlight that inclusion of study sites in the Bering Sea, Siberia, western Russia, northern Norway, and southeastern Greenland could improve the current monitoring network and that their proximity to local populations might allow increased involvement of local communities. Our framework can be applied to improve existing monitoring networks in other ecoregions and sociological contexts.

Una red de monitoreo participativa y ecológica para las aves marinas del Ártico Resumen En un Ártico cada vez más cálido, los programas circumpolares de monitoreo a largo plazo son importantes para potenciar el conocimiento ecológico e informar las políticas ambientales. Existe un llamado generalizado para involucrar de mejor manera a los pueblos árticos en el proceso de monitoreo, aunque dicha transformación de la ciencia ártica todavía está en desarrollo. Las aves marinas resaltan como centinelas del cambio ambiental y se ha priorizado implementar el Plan Circumpolar de Monitoreo de Aves Marinas (CSMP). Comparamos la distribución de las variables ambientales de todas las colonias conocidas de la gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla) contra las colonias monitoreadas para evaluar la representación de una red pan­ártica de monitoreo enfocada en esta especie. Encontramos que esta red de monitoreo no considera del todo los gradientes ambientales actuales y futuros con respecto a la cobertura espaciotemporal. Para mejorar el esquema actual, diseñamos un método para identificar las colonias cuya inclusión en la red de monitoreo mejorará su representación ecológica, limitará las restricciones logísticas e incrementará la participación de los pueblos árticos. Por lo tanto, resaltamos que la inclusión de los sitios de estudio en el Mar de Bering, Siberia, Rusia occidental, el norte de Noruega y el sureste de Groenlandia mejorarían la red actual de monitoreo. También destacamos que la proximidad de los sitios de estudio con las poblaciones locales podría permitir una mayor participación de estas. Nuestro marco puede aplicarse para mejorar las redes de monitoreo existentes en otros contextos socioecológicos y ecoregiones.

J Environ Manage ; 359: 120957, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38703642


Landscape patterns are pivotal in the realms of land use planning and ecological development, yet there remains a dearth of comprehensive research pertaining to the prediction of changes in landscape pattern characteristics. Within this study, we adopt the PLUS-CA-Markov and Fragstats models to forecast landscape patterns on the Tibetan Plateau spanning the period from 2030 to 2050. Through qualitative and quantitative analyses, we explore the spatiotemporal characteristics of landscape pattern changes between 2000 and 2050, concurrently identifying correlations among landscape pattern indices. Moreover, acknowledging the distinctive environmental gradients encompassing the plateau, notably elevation, slope, temperature, and precipitation, we investigate their implications on landscape pattern changes. Our findings indicate that: (1) Grassland degradation exhibited the utmost severity between 2000 and 2020, primarily attributed to overgrazing and climate-induced glacial melt. In contrast, cropland, forest, and water showcased divergent trends from 2020 to 2050 when compared to the preceding two decades, indicative of the efficacy of climate change control measures. (2) The distribution of landscape patterns on the Tibetan Plateau exhibited a considerable level of instability, marked by a decline in aggregation, reduced diversity and complexity, and amplified ecological connectivity between 2000 and 2020, signifying a partial amelioration in ecological quality. Between 2020 and 2050, landscape aggregation decreased alongside landscape fragmentation and the number of connectivity paths, signifying a discernible degradation of the plateau's ecosystem. (3) The most significant trade-off relationship was observed between landscape division index and largest patch index, while the synergistic relationship between landscape shape index and mean shape index was more pronounced. (4) Landscape aggregation, division, and largest patch index demonstrated non-linear quadratic trends in relation to elevation and temperature. Landscape shape index and patch density exhibited irregular non-linear effects. Largest patch index was predominantly influenced by slope, whereas division index was most affected by precipitation.

Mudança Climática , Tibet , Ecossistema , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Florestas
J Environ Manage ; 370: 122480, 2024 Sep 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39303589


Abandoned agricultural areas (i.e. oldfields) represent an opportunity for natural vegetation recovery, increasing soil carbon sequestration and lessening the impacts of climate change and desertification. Ecological succession in oldfields can be hampered by the harsh conditions of semiarid and arid ecosystems, and hence, restoration actions may be needed in some contexts to reactivate the ecosystem functioning. Fleshy-fruited shrubs are indicators of progression in the ecological succession, which can shift notably across environmental gradients, making difficult to obtain robust conclusions at regional scales. Other poorly studied aspects at such scales (agricultural legacy, structural features and local landscape effects) add to this knowledge gap. Here, we study the species-specific natural colonization patterns of fleshy-fruited shrubs in semiarid oldfields across environmental gradients in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula taking into account specific traits of plants. We used Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC) to test the influence of the time since the abandonment and the past land-use history of the oldfields, and the effect of local structural factors, such as the presence of remnant trees and natural patches of vegetation, on the shrub recolonization patterns. We found that altitude and lithology conditioned the structure of shrub communities, allowing the selection of different focal species for making recommendations for restoration. Time since abandonment was not relevant for the colonization process. The persistence of remnant trees in the oldfields showed a positive effect on the occurrence of several shrub species. Close sources of propagules (terrace edges and/or natural vegetation patches) benefited the occurrence of certain species mainly at lower altitudes. Traits of species (growth form, root depth, dispersal mode, fruit length and water content) helped to explain the performance of species along the environmental gradients. We identified the main drivers of natural colonization of fleshy-fruited shrubs in semiarid oldfields across environmental gradients, providing ecological knowledge to guide scientists and practitioners to develop nature-based restoration frameworks. Different management actions are recommended according to the environmental gradient.

Am Nat ; 202(1): 1-17, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37384767


AbstractClosely related, ecologically similar species often segregate their distributions along environmental gradients of time, space, and resources, but previous research suggests diverse underlying causes. Here, we review reciprocal removal studies in nature that experimentally test the role of interactions among species in determining their turnover along environmental gradients. We find consistent evidence for asymmetric exclusion coupled with differences in environmental tolerance causing the segregation of species pairs, where a dominant species excludes a subordinate from benign regions of the gradient but is unable to tolerate challenging regions to which the subordinate species is adapted. Subordinate species were consistently smaller and performed better in regions of the gradient typically occupied by the dominant species compared with their native distribution. These results extend previous ideas contrasting competitive ability with adaptation to abiotic stress to include a broader diversity of species interactions (intraguild predation, reproductive interference) and environmental gradients, including gradients of biotic challenge. Collectively, these findings suggest that adaptation to environmental challenge compromises performance in antagonistic interactions with ecologically similar species. The consistency of this pattern across diverse organisms, environments, and biomes suggests generalizable processes structuring the segregation of ecologically similar species along disparate environmental gradients, a phenomenon that we propose should be named the competitive exclusion-tolerance rule.

Aclimatação , Ecossistema , Animais , Comportamento Predatório , Reprodução
Mol Ecol ; 32(7): 1708-1725, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36627230


Adaptive genetic divergence occurs when selection imposed by the environment causes the genomic component of the phenotype to differentiate. However, genomic signatures of natural selection are usually identified without information on which trait is responding to selection by which selective agent(s). Here, we integrate whole-genome sequencing with phenomics and measures of putative selective agents to assess the extent of adaptive divergence in threespine stickleback occupying the highly heterogeneous lake Mývatn, NE Iceland. We find negligible genome wide divergence, yet multiple traits (body size, gill raker structure and defence traits) were divergent along known ecological gradients (temperature, predatory bird densities and water depth). SNP based heritability of all measured traits was high (h2  = 0.42-0.65), indicating adaptive potential for all traits. Environment-association analyses further identified thousands of loci putatively involved in selection, related to genes linked to, for instance, neuron development and protein phosphorylation. Finally, we found that loci linked to water depth were concurrently associated with pelvic spine length variation - supporting the conclusion that divergence in pelvic spine length occurred in the face of gene flow. Our results suggest that whilst there is substantial genetic variation in the traits measured, phenotypic divergence of Mývatn stickleback is mostly weakly associated with environmental gradients, potentially as a result of substantial gene flow. Our study illustrates the value of integrative studies that combine genomic assays of multivariate trait variation with landscape genomics.

Variação Genética , Smegmamorpha , Animais , Genoma/genética , Fenótipo , Seleção Genética , Smegmamorpha/genética , Água
Oecologia ; 202(2): 261-273, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37261510


Both abiotic and biotic conditions may be important for biodiversity. However, their relative importance may vary among different diversity dimensions as well as across spatial scales. Spiders (Araneae) offer an ecologically relevant system for evaluating variation in the relative strength abiotic and biotic biodiversity regulation. We quantified the relative importance of abiotic and biotic conditions for three diversity dimensions of spider communities quantified across two spatial scales. Spiders were surveyed along elevation gradients in northern Sweden. We focused our analysis on geomorphological and climatic conditions as well as vegetation characteristics, and quantified the relative importance of these conditions for the taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity of spider communities sampled across one intermediate (500 m) and one local (25 m) scale. There were stronger relationships among diversity dimensions at the local than the intermediate scale. There were also variation in the relative influence of abiotic and biotic conditions among diversity dimensions, but this variation was not consistent across spatial scales. Across both spatial scales, vegetation was related to all diversity dimensions whereas climate was important for phylogenetic and functional diversity. Our study does not fully support stronger abiotic regulation at coarser scales, and conversely stronger abiotic regulation at more local scales. Instead, our results indicate that community assembly is shaped by interactions between abiotic constrains in species distributions and biotic conditions, and that such interactions may be both scale and context dependent.

Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Aranhas , Filogenia , Suécia
Can J Microbiol ; 69(6): 228-239, 2023 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36753712


To elucidate the effects of environmental heterogeneity on diversity, composition, and degree of overlap between free-living (FL) and particle-attached (PA) bacteria, we sampled large, shallow, eutrophic Lake Taihu, China across gradients spanning riverine inflow, cyanobacterial blooms, and the open limnetic area. Using high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, we show that (i) bacterial communities near riverine inflow had high α-diversity and a high degree of overlap between FL and PA lifestyles, (ii) communities in cyanobacterial blooms have reduced α-diversity within the PA lifestyle, and (iii) communities from the limnetic area had the lowest bacterial α-diversity within the FL lifestyle and a medium degree of overlap between the FL and PA lifestyles. Redundancy analysis showed that the variation of the FL bacterial community was shaped by suspended solids and total phosphorous, while the variation of the PA bacterial community was shaped by suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, and the percentage of organic matter in suspended solids. This study highlights the importance of environmental heterogeneity, riverine input, cyanobacterial blooms, and nutrient status on the spatial distribution patterns of FL and PA bacterial communities in freshwater lakes.

Cianobactérias , Lagos , Lagos/microbiologia , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Biodiversidade , Cianobactérias/genética , China , Eutrofização
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(1): 479-485, 2020 01 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31871191


Populations of many marine species are only weakly synchronous, despite coupling through larval dispersal and exposure to synchronous environmental drivers. Although this is often attributed to observation noise, factors including local environmental differences, spatially variable dynamics, and chaos might also reduce or eliminate metapopulation synchrony. To differentiate spatially variable dynamics from similar dynamics driven by spatially variable environments, we applied hierarchical delay embedding. A unique output of this approach, the "dynamic correlation," quantifies similarity in intrinsic dynamics of populations, independently of whether their abundance is correlated through time. We applied these methods to 17 populations of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) along the US Atlantic coast and found that their intrinsic dynamics were broadly similar despite largely independent fluctuations in abundance. The weight of evidence suggests that the latitudinal gradient in temperature, filtered through a unimodal response curve, is sufficient to decouple crab populations. As unimodal thermal performance is ubiquitous in ectotherms, we suggest that this may be a general explanation for the weak synchrony observed at large distances in many marine species, although additional studies are needed to test this hypothesis.

Braquiúros/fisiologia , Larva/fisiologia , Modelos Biológicos , Análise Espaço-Temporal , Animais , Oceano Atlântico , Monitorização de Parâmetros Ecológicos/estatística & dados numéricos , Dinâmica Populacional/estatística & dados numéricos , Temperatura , Estados Unidos
J Fish Biol ; 103(1): 143-154, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37073097


Reductions in a limiting nutrient might be expected to necessitate compromises in the functional traits that depend on that nutrient; yet populations existing in locations with low levels of such nutrients often do not show the expected degradation of functional traits. Indeed, logperch (Percina caprodes), pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) residing in low-calcium water in the Upper St. Lawrence River were all previously found to maintain levels of scale calcium comparable to those of conspecific populations in high-calcium water. Yet it remains possible that the maintenance of one functional trait (i.e., scale calcium) under nutrient-limited (i.e., low calcium) conditions could come at the expense of maintaining other functional traits that depend on the same nutrient. The present study therefore examines other calcium-dependent traits, specifically skeletal element sizes and bone densities in the same fish species in the same area. Using radiographs of 101 fish from the three species across four locations (two in high-calcium water and two in low-calcium water), this new work documents multi-trait "homeostasis" along the gradient of water calcium. That is, no effect of calcium regime (low-calcium vs. high-calcium) was detected on any of the measured variables. Further, effect sizes for the skeletal traits were very low - lower even than effect sizes previously documented for scale calcium. These results thus show that native fishes maintain phenotypic stability across a suite of functional traits linked to calcium regulation, perhaps pointing to an "organismal-level homeostasis" scenario rather than a "trait-level homeostasis" scenario.

Percas , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Animais , Cálcio , Peixes , Percas/fisiologia , Rios , Água
Ecol Lett ; 25(5): 1263-1276, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35106910


Modelling species interactions in diverse communities traditionally requires a prohibitively large number of species-interaction coefficients, especially when considering environmental dependence of parameters. We implemented Bayesian variable selection via sparsity-inducing priors on non-linear species abundance models to determine which species interactions should be retained and which can be represented as an average heterospecific interaction term, reducing the number of model parameters. We evaluated model performance using simulated communities, computing out-of-sample predictive accuracy and parameter recovery across different input sample sizes. We applied our method to a diverse empirical community, allowing us to disentangle the direct role of environmental gradients on species' intrinsic growth rates from indirect effects via competitive interactions. We also identified a few neighbouring species from the diverse community that had non-generic interactions with our focal species. This sparse modelling approach facilitates exploration of species interactions in diverse communities while maintaining a manageable number of parameters.

Teorema de Bayes , Ecologia
Ecol Lett ; 25(8): 1914-1916, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35610664


Luna et al. (2022) concluded that the environment contributes to explaining specialisation in open plant-pollinator networks. When reproducing their study, we instead found that network size alone largely explained the variation in their specialisation metrics. Thus, we question whether empirical network specialisation is driven by the environment.

Plantas , Polinização , Ecossistema
Ecol Lett ; 25(12): 2651-2662, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36217951


Clustering of species with similar niches or traits occurs in communities, but the mechanisms behind this pattern are still unclear. In the emergent neutrality model, species with similar niches and competitive ability self-organise into clusters. In the hidden-niche model, unaccounted-for niche differences stabilise coexistence within clusters. Finally, clustering may occur through alliances of species that facilitate each other. We tested these hypotheses using population-growth models that consider interspecific interactions parameterised for 35 species using field data. We simulated the expected community dynamics under different species-interaction scenarios. Interspecific competition was weaker within rather than between clusters, suggesting that differences in unmeasured niche axes stabilise coexistence within clusters. Direct facilitation did not drive clustering. In contrast, indirect facilitation seemingly promoted species alliances in clusters whose members suppressed common competitors in other clusters. Such alliances have been overlooked in the literature on clustering, but may arise easily when within cluster competition is weak.

Ecossistema , Pradaria , Análise por Conglomerados , Fenótipo
J Exp Bot ; 73(3): 939-952, 2022 01 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34545938


Addressing the intraspecific variability of functional traits helps understand how climate change might influence the distribution of organismal traits across environments, but this is notably understudied in the Amazon, especially for plant hydraulic traits commonly used to project drought responses. We quantified the intraspecific trait variability of leaf mass per area, wood density, and xylem embolism resistance for two dominant central Amazonian tree species, along gradients of water and light availability, while accounting for tree age and height. Intraspecific variability in hydraulic traits was high, with within-species variability comparable to the whole-community variation. Hydraulic trait variation was modulated mostly by the hydrological environment, with higher embolism resistance of trees growing on deep-water-table plateaus compared with shallow-water-table valleys. Intraspecific variability of leaf mass per area and wood density was mostly modulated by intrinsic factors and light. The different environmental and intrinsic drivers of variation among and within individuals lead to an uncoupled coordination among carbon acquisition/conservation and water-use traits. Our findings suggest multivariate ecological strategies driving tropical tree distributions even within species, and reflect differential within-population sensitivities along environmental gradients. Therefore, intraspecific trait variability must be considered for accurate predictions of the responses of tropical forests to climate change.

Árvores , Xilema , Secas , Florestas , Folhas de Planta/fisiologia , Árvores/fisiologia , Água , Xilema/fisiologia
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(13): 4143-4162, 2022 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35359032


Environmental variation within a species' range can create contrasting selective pressures, leading to divergent selection and novel adaptations. The conservation value of populations inhabiting environmentally marginal areas remains in debate and is closely related to the adaptive potential in changing environments. Strong selection caused by stressful conditions may generate novel adaptations, conferring these populations distinct evolutionary potential and high conservation value under climate change. On the other hand, environmentally marginal populations may be genetically depauperate, with little potential for new adaptations to emerge. Here, we explored the use of ecological niche models (ENMs) linked with common garden experiments to predict and test for genetically determined phenotypic differentiation related to contrasting environmental conditions. To do so, we built an ENM for the alpine plant Silene ciliata in central Spain and conducted common garden experiments, assessing flowering phenology changes and differences in leaf cell resistance to extreme temperatures. The suitability patterns and response curves of the ENM led to the predictions that: (1) the environmentally marginal populations experiencing less snowpack and higher minimum temperatures would have delayed flowering to avoid risks of late-spring frosts and (2) those with higher minimum temperatures and greater potential evapotranspiration would show enhanced cell resistance to high temperatures to deal with physiological stress related to desiccation and heat. The common garden experiments revealed the expected genetically based phenotypic differentiation in flowering phenology. In contrast, they did not show the expected differentiation for cell resistance, but these latter experiments had high variance and hence lower statistical power. The results highlight ENMs as useful tools to identify contrasting putative selective pressures across species ranges. Linking ENMs with common garden experiments provides a theoretically justified and practical way to study adaptive processes, including insights regarding the conservation value of populations inhabiting environmentally marginal areas under ongoing climate change.

Adaptação Fisiológica , Mudança Climática , Aclimatação , Adaptação Fisiológica/fisiologia , Evolução Biológica , Ecossistema
Proc Biol Sci ; 288(1957): 20210950, 2021 08 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34403635


As biodiversity loss accelerates globally, understanding environmental influence over biodiversity-ecosystem functioning (BEF) relationships becomes crucial for ecosystem management. Theory suggests that resource supply affects the shape of BEF relationships, but this awaits detailed investigation in marine ecosystems. Here, we use deep-sea chemosynthetic methane seeps and surrounding sediments as natural laboratories in which to contrast relationships between BEF proxies along with a gradient of trophic resource availability (higher resource methane seep, to lower resource photosynthetically fuelled deep-sea habitats). We determined sediment fauna taxonomic and functional trait biodiversity, and quantified bioturbation potential (BPc), calcification degree, standing stock and density as ecosystem functioning proxies. Relationships were strongly unimodal in chemosynthetic seep habitats, but were undetectable in transitional 'chemotone' habitats and photosynthetically dependent deep-sea habitats. In seep habitats, ecosystem functioning proxies peaked below maximum biodiversity, perhaps suggesting that a small number of specialized species are important in shaping this relationship. This suggests that absolute biodiversity is not a good metric of ecosystem 'value' at methane seeps, and that these deep-sea environments may require special management to maintain ecosystem functioning under human disturbance. We promote further investigation of BEF relationships in non-traditional resource environments and emphasize that deep-sea conservation should consider 'functioning hotspots' alongside biodiversity hotspots.

Ecossistema , Metano , Biodiversidade , Sedimentos Geológicos , Humanos
New Phytol ; 232(3): 1123-1158, 2021 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33159479


The effects of plants on the biosphere, atmosphere and geosphere are key determinants of terrestrial ecosystem functioning. However, despite substantial progress made regarding plant belowground components, we are still only beginning to explore the complex relationships between root traits and functions. Drawing on the literature in plant physiology, ecophysiology, ecology, agronomy and soil science, we reviewed 24 aspects of plant and ecosystem functioning and their relationships with a number of root system traits, including aspects of architecture, physiology, morphology, anatomy, chemistry, biomechanics and biotic interactions. Based on this assessment, we critically evaluated the current strengths and gaps in our knowledge, and identify future research challenges in the field of root ecology. Most importantly, we found that belowground traits with the broadest importance in plant and ecosystem functioning are not those most commonly measured. Also, the estimation of trait relative importance for functioning requires us to consider a more comprehensive range of functionally relevant traits from a diverse range of species, across environments and over time series. We also advocate that establishing causal hierarchical links among root traits will provide a hypothesis-based framework to identify the most parsimonious sets of traits with the strongest links on functions, and to link genotypes to plant and ecosystem functioning.

Ecossistema , Plantas , Atmosfera , Ecologia , Fenótipo
Ecol Appl ; 31(6): e02381, 2021 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34028912


Identifying how plant species diversity varies across environmental gradients remains a controversial topic in plant community ecology because of complex interactions among putative factors. This is especially true for grasslands where habitat loss has limited opportunities for systematic study across broad spatial scales. Here we overcome these limitations by examining restored plant community responses to a large-scale precipitation gradient under two common Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) restoration approaches. The two restoration strategies examined were CP2, which seeds a relatively low number of species, and CP25, which seeds a higher number of species. We sampled plant communities on 55 CRP fields distributed along a broad precipitation gradient (410-1,170 mm mean annual precipitation) spanning 650 km within the grassland biome of North America. Mean annual precipitation (MAP) was the most important predicator of plant species richness and had a positive, linear response across the gradient. To a lesser degree, restoration practices also played a role in determining community diversity. The linear increase in species richness across the precipitation gradient reflects the species pool increase from short to tallgrass prairie communities and explained most of the richness variation. These findings provide insight into the diversity constraints and fundamental drivers of change across a large-scale gradient representing a wide variety of grassland habitats. Across a broad environmental gradient, initial planting differences between restoration practices had lower effects on plant diversity than expected. This suggests that new strategies are needed to effectively establish diverse plant communities on large-scale restorations such as these.

Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental , Pradaria , Plantas , Biodiversidade , América do Norte