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Nelson, Cynthia.
U: the Caribbean health digest ; (13): 20-23, Apr. 2011. ilus
Article in English | MedCarib | ID: med-17536
From the bark, to the leaves, to the fruit and its seeds, the jamoon tree is another of nature's wonderful gifts. Jamoon is not just for enjoyment; it's good for your health. It's a very good source of Vitamin C, and the skin has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help fight certain diseases and protect our bodies. Societies that practice herbal, traditional, or alternative medicine use the leaves and the seeds of the jamoon fruit because theses traditions believe that these assist in the control of some illnesses - for example, diabetes, digestive problems and high blood pressure, though there is no formal scientific confirmation of this.
Responsible library: TT5
Localization: TT5; W1, CA788H