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Acompanhante de livre escolha no parto e nascimento: desejos, expectativas e experiências de mulheres / Free choice childbirth companion: women's desires, expectations and experiences / Acompañante de libre elección en el parto y nacimiento: deseos, expectativas y experiencias de las mujeres

Santos, Alice Parentes da Silva; Lamy, Zeni Carvalho; Koser, Maria Eduarda; Gomes, Clarice Maria Ribeiro de Paula; Souza, Polliana Carolina da Silva; Alves, Maria Teresa Seabra Soares de Britto e; Lamy Filho, Fernando; Gonçalves, Laura Lamas Martins.
Tempus (Brasília); 12(2)nov. 2, 2019.
Article in Pt | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434430
The presence of a free choice companion during childbirth is a humanized practice perceived positively by the women who experience it. This article analyzed the desires, expectations and experiences of women in the pregnancy-puerperal period regarding the presence of a free choice companion during childbirth. We carried out a qualitative survey at a University Hospital in the capital of northeastern Brazil from prenatal and postpartum interviews, observation at childbirth and consultation in medical records. Data were analyzed through Content Analysis, in the theme modality. Eighteen women participated in the survey. The categories identified were "The desire to have a companion", "Expectation uncertainty for the presence of a free choice companion" and "Experience the presence of a companion as a right in progress". The women wanted the presence of a companion but expectations showed uncertainty about the presence of this figure during childbirth. Most women wished to have their partner as their companion. The experiences showed that all had a companion, but not at all times at childbirth. We consider that the desires regarding the companion presence were different from the expectations; Some of these expectations were consistent with the experiences. The full implementation of the studied practice is still a challenge. (AU)
Responsible library: BR1935.9