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Fisiología del ejercicio y pedagogía vocal: reflexiones calisténicas

Coelho, Ariel.
Article in Es | LILACS-Express | ID: biblio-1535346
Introduction: The gymnastic calisthenics method is configured as a specific form of exercises involving the adoption of artificial postures through specific movements. These movements are designed to produce clearly defined hygienic and educational effects. This mode of exercise bears notable similarities to the modus operandi of vocalises in vocal pedagogy. Objective: The objective of this work is to investigate the potential relationships between the technical-scientific principles that guide the gymnastic calisthenics system and the technical-pedagogical principles governing vocal exercises practiced by singers during their teaching and learning process. Additionally, it aims to explore the connections between the objectives and purposes of the gymnastic calisthenics system and those of vocal exercises in this process. Method: To address this objective, a bibliographic research was conducted, involving a detailed analysis of relevant sources. Academic publications and specialized literature related to gymnastic calisthenics and vocal pedagogy were examined. Reflection: Gymnastic calisthenics and vocal exercises share a fundamental structure of specific exercises involving artificial postures and specific movements. Both seek refinement in hygiene and education, enabling individuals, either in the physical or vocal realm, to develop appropriately and healthily. Conclusion: Based on the bibliographic research, it is concluded that vocal exercises in the teaching and learning process of singers can be considered a form of vocal calisthenics. This conclusion is based on the intrinsic relationships observed between the principles and objectives of the gymnastic calisthenics system and the modus operandi of vocal exercises. This reflection provides valuable insights into vocal pedagogy, aiming to offer a more specifically physiological and biomechanical understanding of vocal exercises. This effectively guides the application of vocalizations in the process of vocal education and training.
Responsible library: CO304.1