Eukaryotic genomes contain many duplicated genes closely located with each other, such as the hexose transporter (HXT) genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. They can potentially recombine via single-strand annealing (SSA) pathway. SSA between highly divergent sequences generates heteroduplex DNA intermediates with many mismatches, which can be corrected by mismatch repair (MMR), resulting in recombinant sequences with a single junction point. In this report, we demonstrate that SSA between HXT1 and HXT4 genes in MMR-deficient yeast cells produces recombinant genes with multiple-junctions resulting from alternating HXT1 and HXT4 tracts. The mutations in MMR genes had differential effects on SSA frequencies; msh6Δ mutation significantly stimulated SSA events, whereas msh2Δ and msh3Δ slightly suppressed it. We set up an assay that can identify a pair of recombinant genes derived from a single heteroduplex DNA. As a result, the recombinant genes with multiple-junctions were found to accompany genes with single-junctions. Based on the results presented here, a model was proposed to generate multiple-junctions in SSA pathway involving an alternative short-patch repair system.