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J Environ Manage ; 331: 117236, 2023 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36652880


The EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 sets out a framework of commitments and actions to tackle the main drivers of biodiversity loss. Such framework needs to be built on a whole-of-society approach to biodiversity protection, mobilizing private and public funding. In this context, our goal was estimating societal support and preferences about some basic wildlife management principles, which may be useful to inform EU decision-makers about societal priorities and other additional funding sources for wildlife conservation. A discrete choice experiment was conducted by 2415 inhabitants in six European countries (Spain, France, Italy, UK, Germany, Sweden), including residents in both rural (47% of respondents) and urban areas. Our findings reveal a clear pattern across western Europe with similar trends along the studied countries, and even between rural and urban citizens, on some basic wildlife management principles. According to our survey, payments for environmental services contribute to achieving a higher well-being from European citizens in any of the prospective wildlife programs considered, which suggests it is an acceptable tool to share out funds for biodiversity conservation. In addition, managing scarce species is preferred over managing too abundant species; management in forest, agricultural and aquatic habitats is prioritized over that in urban landscapes; and management in protected areas is preferred over management in non-protected ones. These findings suggest that there is a common culture in Europe related to the management of wildlife even when considering citizens with contrasted ways of life: rural vs urban citizens from northern to southwestern Europe. Overall, this study may help in the design of wildlife management policies that maximize societal acceptability and gather higher support.

Animales Salvajes , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Animales , Estudios Prospectivos , Europa (Continente) , Ecosistema , Biodiversidad
Ecol Lett ; 25(9): 1986-1998, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35908289


The dynamics of cyclic populations distributed in space result from the relative strength of synchronising influences and the limited dispersal of destabilising factors (activators and inhibitors), known to cause multi-annual population cycles. However, while each of these have been well studied in isolation, there is limited empirical evidence of how the processes of synchronisation and activation-inhibition act together, largely owing to the scarcity of datasets with sufficient spatial and temporal scale and resolution. We assessed a variety of models that could be underlying the spatio-temporal pattern, designed to capture both theoretical and empirical understandings of travelling waves using large-scale (>35,000 km2 ), multi-year (2011-2017) field monitoring data on abundances of common vole (Microtus arvalis), a cyclic agricultural rodent pest. We found most support for a pattern formed from the summation of two radial travelling waves with contrasting speeds that together describe population growth rates across the region.

Crecimiento Demográfico , Roedores , Agricultura , Animales , Arvicolinae/fisiología , Dinámica Poblacional
J Anim Ecol ; 90(12): 2848-2858, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34486116


Individuals' distribution across habitats may depend on their personality. Human activities and infrastructures are critical elements of the landscape that may impact the habitat selection process. However, depending on their personality, individuals may respond differently to these unnatural elements. In the present study, we first investigated whether some human infrastructures (buildings, roads and paths) shaped Montagu's harrier nest spatial distribution in the landscape according to female personality (boldness). Second, we tested if the reproductive success of females depended on their boldness and nest location regarding infrastructures. Using a long-term (19 years) dataset, we calculated, for each infrastructure type, the distance from each nest to the nearest infrastructure and the infrastructure density around the nest. We tested the effects of female boldness (bold vs. shy) and its interaction with egg-laying date on these six metrics. Nest location in the landscape depended on female personality and on some human infrastructures: the building density was smaller around nests from shy females than from bold ones. Nest distribution related to other infrastructure metrics did not depend on female boldness. The pattern related to building density is consistent with some habitat choice hypotheses, which are discussed. Path density around nests negatively affected reproductive success regardless of female boldness, and late breeders nested further away from paths than early breeders. Human activities on paths (more common later in the season) could lead to disturbance and a decrease in parental care, reducing reproductive success. Increasing human presence in farmlands implies a need to better understand its impact on population composition, in terms of personality. Our results suggest that individual behavioural differences should be taken into account in studies assessing the effects of human disturbance on animal populations, to propose more appropriate conservation measures.

La distribution des individus au sein de l'habitat peut dépendre de leur personnalité. Les activités et infrastructures humaines sont des éléments importants du paysage qui peuvent impacter le processus de sélection des habitats. Cependant, en fonction de leur personnalité, les individus peuvent répondre différemment à ces éléments non naturels. Dans cette étude, nous avons d'abord examiné si certaines infrastructures humaines (bâtiments, routes et chemins) influençaient la répartition spatiale des nids de busard cendré en fonction de la personnalité des femelles (témérité). Ensuite, nous avons testé si le succès reproducteur des femelles dépendait de leur témérité et de la localisation du nid par rapport aux infrastructures. En utilisant des données à long terme (19 ans), nous avons calculé, pour chaque type d'infrastructure, la distance de chaque nid à la plus proche infrastructure et la densité en infrastructures autour de chaque nid. Nous avons testé les effets de la témérité des femelles (téméraire vs. timide) et son interaction avec la date de ponte sur les six métriques. La répartition spatiale des nids dépendait de la personnalité des femelles et de certaines infrastructures humaines: la densité en bâtiments était plus faible autour des nids de femelles timides qu'autour de ceux des téméraires. La distribution des nids par rapport aux autres métriques d'infrastructure n'était pas influencée par la témérité des femelles. Le patron lié à la densité en bâtiments est en accord avec certaines hypothèses de choix d'habitat qui sont discutées. La densité en chemins autour des nids affectait négativement le succès reproducteur indépendamment de la témérité des femelles, et les femelles tardives nichaient plus loin des chemins que les précoces. Les activités humaines sur les chemins (plus fréquentes tard dans la saison de reproduction) pourraient entrainer une perturbation et une diminution des soins parentaux, réduisant ainsi le succès reproducteur. L'augmentation de la présence humaine dans les zones agricoles implique la nécessité de mieux comprendre son impact sur la composition de la population, en termes de personnalité. Nos résultats suggèrent que les différences comportementales interindividuelles devraient être prises en compte dans les études évaluant les effets des perturbations humaines sur les populations animales afin de proposer des mesures de conservations plus appropriées.

Comportamiento de Nidificación , Rapaces , Animales , Aves , Granjas , Femenino , Humanos , Personalidad
Conserv Biol ; 34(4): 868-878, 2020 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32406979


The extraordinary population growth of certain ungulate species is increasingly a concern in agroforestry areas because overabundance may negatively affect natural environments and human livelihoods. However, society may have negative perceptions of killing wildlife to reduce their numbers and mitigate damage. We used an online survey that included a choice experiment to determine Spanish citizens' (n = 190) preferences toward wildlife population control measures related to negative effects of ungulate overabundance (negative impacts on vegetation and other wildlife species and disease transmission to livestock) in 2 agroforestry national parks in Spain. We used latent-class and willingness-to-pay in space models to analyze survey results. Two percent of respondents thought a national park should have no human intervention even if lack of management may cause environmental degradation, whereas 95% of respondents favored efforts to reduce damage caused by overabundant ungulate species. We estimated human well-being losses of survey respondents when sustainable effects of deer overabundance on the environment became unsustainable effects and well-being gains when sustainable effects transitioned to no visible effects. We found that the type of wildlife-control program was a very relevant issue for the respondents; indirect control in which killing was avoided was the preferred action. Sixty-six percent of respondents agreed with the option of hunters paying for culling animals to reduce ungulate impacts rather than management cost coming out of taxes, whereas 19% of respondents were against this option and willing to pay for other solutions in national parks. Our results suggest that killing wildlife in national parks could be a socially acceptable tool to manage overabundance problems in certain contexts, but it could also generate social conflicts.

Soluciones para las Actitudes Sociales hacia el Control Letal de la Fauna en Parques Nacionales Resumen El extraordinario crecimiento de ciertas poblaciones de ungulados es cada vez más preocupante en las áreas agroforestales ya que la sobreabundancia puede afectar negativamente al ambiente natural y el sustento humano. Sin embargo, la sociedad puede percibir negativamente el exterminio de fauna para reducir sus números y mitigar el daño. Usamos una encuesta en línea que incluía un experimento de elección para determinar las preferencias de los ciudadanos españoles (n = 190) por las medidas de control poblacional relacionadas con los efectos negativos de la sobreabundancia de ungulados (impactos negativos sobre la vegetación y otras especies silvestres y el contagio de enfermedades al ganado) en dos parques nacionales agroforestales de España. Usamos la clase latente y la disposición para pagar dentro modelos espaciales para analizar los resultados de la encuesta. El 2% de los respondientes creyó que un parque nacional no debería tener intervención humana, incluso si la falta de manejo pudiera causar una degradación ambiental. Mientras tanto, el 95% de los respondientes estuvieron a favor de los esfuerzos para reducir el daño causado por la sobreabundancia de ungulados. Cuando los efectos sustentables sobre el ambiente de la sobreabundancia de venados se convertían en efectos insostenibles, los estimamos como pérdidas de bienestar humano para los respondientes de la encuesta; cuando los efectos sustentables transitaron hacia la nula visibilidad de efectos, los estimamos como ganancias de bienestar. Descubrimos que el tipo de programa de control de fauna era un tema muy relevante para los respondientes; el control indirecto, en el que se evita el exterminio, fue la acción preferida por los respondientes. El 66% de los respondientes estuvo de acuerdo con la opción de que los cazadores paguen por sacrificar animales para reducir el impacto de los ungulados en lugar de que el costo del manejo provenga de los impuestos, mientras que el 19% de los respondientes estuvo en contra de esta opción y dispuesto a pagar por otras soluciones en los parques nacionales. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el exterminio de vida silvestre en los parques nacionales podría ser una herramienta socialmente aceptable para manejar problemas de sobreabundancia en ciertos contextos, pero también podría generar algunos conflictos sociales.

Ciervos , Parques Recreativos , Animales , Animales Salvajes , Actitud , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Humanos , España
Molecules ; 26(1)2020 Dec 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33374385


This study aimed to obtain a third-generation snack from native rice starch (NS), rice starch modified by extrusion (MS), nopal flour (NF) and xanthan gum (XG). These raw materials were characterized by proximal analysis, pH, particle size distribution, water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI), degree of substitution (DS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), rheology, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The analysis of the response variables in the nine formulations of the snack: expansion index (EI), apparent density (AD), hardness (H), luminosity (L*) and tendency to green-red (a*), was performed through a composite central design (CCD), the selected formulations were characterized by SEM. Results showed an increase in WAI, 4.69 ± 0.04, and WSI, 12.61 ± 0.10, for MS, higher than NS values due to chemical modification. According to the color analysis the NF obtained a value of 60.73 ± 0.008 in L* and -6.51 ± 0.004 in a* with green tendency. The DS value obtained was 0.09 ± 0.005, being within the FDA's permissible range for food use. By FTIR analysis, the acetyl group was corroborated. Finally, employing microwave cooking, snacks made from NS with concentrations of NF (5%) and XG (0%) obtained the highest EI value, 4.47, as well the low Dap and D value (0.37 g/cm3, 2.25 N, respectively), corroborated by SEM analysis.

Harina/análisis , Opuntia/química , Oryza/química , Bocadillos , Almidón/química , Algoritmos , Fenómenos Químicos , Análisis de los Alimentos , Modelos Teóricos , Solubilidad , Análisis Espectral , Almidón/ultraestructura
Agric Ecosyst Environ ; 272: 105-113, 2019 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30774172


Common voles are a main European facultative, fossorial, farmland rodent pest that can greatly reduce crop yields during population outbreaks. Crop protection against common voles is a complex task that requires the consideration of a set of preventive and control measures within an integrated pest management strategy. A possible option could be to modify farming practices to reduce the availability of refuges for rodents and the damage to crops that they subsequently cause. Farming, however, must simultaneously meet multiple goals including the reduction of the carbon (C) emissions, soil erosion and water use, and the improvement of soil quality. Crop establishment through conservation agriculture strategies, like zero-tillage, would reduce crop management investment, but is also promoted in many regions to reduce C emissions and increase soil organic matter. It could, however, create favourable refuge habitats for fossorial rodent crop pests, like common voles, benefitting from reduced soil disturbance between crop rotations and thus increasing burrow persistence. Assessing the impact that tillage practices, their interaction with different crops and the influence of proximity to potential common vole sources, have on common vole occupancy could provide a valuable tool within an integrated management strategy. Using a 2-ha experimental field with 62 plots 180 m2 (each roughly matching common vole home range size) located experimental plots in north-western Spain, we tested how tillage practices, crop type (wheat, barley, vetch, Narbonne vetch, pea and fallow) and distances from possible colonization sources affect field use by common vole during low population density conditions. Our results show that tillage practices have more influence on common vole occurrence (zero tillage > reduced and conventional tillage) than other aspects such as crop type thus supporting the hypothesis that tillage practices play a key role in common vole habitat use.

Molecules ; 24(13)2019 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31269663


This study aimed to obtain a second-generation snack by extrusion from the by-product of rice milling enriched with amaranth. The raw material used was amaranth flour (AF), rice starch (NS) and modified rice starch (MS), which were evaluated by the analysis of substitution degree (SD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), viscosity (RVA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The snacks were expanded by extrusion and microwave oven, as a reference method. The samples were evaluated in hardness (D), expansion index (EI), apparent density (DAP), and protein content (P). Afterward, the optimized samples were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and resistant starch (RS). During the thermal characterization, a clear trend in the decrement in gelatinization temperatures was observed (78.35 to 63.90 °C in NS and MS respectively). The curves obtained in RVA analyses showed typical behavior of native (6.35 Pa.s) and extruded starches (2.88 Pa.s), with a significant decrease in viscosity peak. Through the analysis of FT-IR, the introduction of the functional acetyl group (stretching at a wavelength of 1735 cm-1) was corroborated. Snack samples results showed a maximum hardness in MS, with a value of 121 N, and the NS (100%) presented the highest EI value (1.41). The lowest DAP values were obtained for the MS (0.48 g/cm3, 100%) and AF (0.49 g/cm3, 100%) samples. P increased to a higher concentration of AF. In the optimum formulation, the SEM image showed that the expanded microwave sample increased the porosity and obtained an RS value of 8.2%. The formulation obtained in the present study presents high characteristics to be used in the development of a healthy snack.

Amaranthus/química , Oryza/química , Bocadillos , Almidón/química , Acetilación , Amilosa/química , Color , Cristalización , Dureza , Espectroscopía Infrarroja por Transformada de Fourier , Propiedades de Superficie , Temperatura , Viscosidad , Difracción de Rayos X
Glob Chang Biol ; 24(7): 2752-2754, 2018 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29656590


Rodents damaging alfalfa crops typically destined for export to booming Eastern markets often cause economical losses to farmers, but management interventions attempting to control rodents (i.e., use of rodenticides) are themselves damaging to biodiversity. These damages resonate beyond dairy feed producing regions through animal migration and are an overlooked part of the transferred environmental burden caused by a growing thirst for milk in China and elsewhere.

Biodiversidad , Industria Lechera , Leche , Distribución Animal , Alimentación Animal , Animales , China , Productos Agrícolas , Europa (Continente) , Femenino , Medicago sativa , Ratas , Control de Roedores
Ecol Lett ; 20(3): 317-325, 2017 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28103631


Whether human disturbance can lead to directional selection and phenotypic change in behaviour in species with limited behavioural plasticity is poorly understood in wild animal populations. Using a 19-year study on Montagu's harrier, we report a long-term increase in boldness towards humans during nest visits. The probability of females fleeing or being passive during nest visits decreased, while defence intensity steadily increased over the study period. These behavioural responses towards humans were significantly repeatable. The phenotypic composition of the breeding population changed throughout the study period (4-5 harrier generations), with a gradual disappearance of shy individuals, leading to a greater proportion of bolder ones and a more behaviourally homogeneous population. We further show that nest visit frequency increased nest failure probability and reduced productivity of shy females, but not of bold ones. Long-term research or conservation programmes needing nest visits can therefore lead to subtle but relevant population compositional changes that require further attention.

Falconiformes/fisiología , Comportamiento de Nidificación , Timidez , Animales , Conducta Animal , Femenino , Francia , Personalidad , Reproducción , Asunción de Riesgos
Emerg Infect Dis ; 23(8): 1377-1379, 2017 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28726608


Tularemia in humans in northwestern Spain is associated with increases in vole populations. Prevalence of infection with Francisella tularensis in common voles increased to 33% during a vole population fluctuation. This finding confirms that voles are spillover agents for zoonotic outbreaks. Ecologic interactions associated with tularemia prevention should be considered.

Arvicolinae/microbiología , Francisella tularensis , Tularemia/epidemiología , Tularemia/transmisión , Zoonosis , Animales , Brotes de Enfermedades , Humanos , Población , Prevalencia , España/epidemiología
PeerJ ; 12: e16661, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38188158


The little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) is a steppe bird strongly and negatively influenced by agricultural intensification in Europe. Here, we use the little bustard as a model species to examine how favourability (relative occurrence likelihood of a species based on environmental characteristics, such as habitat availability) varies regionally with degree of protection in north-western Spain. The Natura2000 network is one of the main biodiversity conservation tools of the European Union, aiming to protect areas hosting species of conservation concern from unfavourable land-use changes. The network covers many landscapes across the continent, including farmland. Additionally, we examine the relationship between trends in land-use favourability and little bustard population trends over a decade in the Nature Reserve of Lagunas de Villafáfila, a protected area also in the Natura2000 network where active and intense management focused on steppe bird conservation is carried out. Favourability was much greater in Villafáfila than in both protected areas with lower degree of protection and in non-protected areas. Land-use favourability increased slightly between 2011 and 2020 both in and out of protected areas, whereas little bustard populations declined sharply in that period, even in Villafáfila. Spatial variations in little bustard abundance within Villafáfila depended on social attraction (increasing with the number of neighbouring males) but not significantly on small-scale variations in land-use favourability. These results suggest that land-use management in Natura2000 areas needs to be more conservation-focused, favouring natural and seminatural habitats and traditional farming practices to improve land-use favourability for little bustards and other steppe birds. Additional factors, such as field-level agricultural management or social interaction variables that may cause an Allee effect, should be incorporated in little bustard favourability models to improve their use in conservation planning.

Agricultura , Biodiversidad , Masculino , Animales , Aves , Europa (Continente) , Unión Europea
Neuroscience ; 2024 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39097181


Understanding the intricate mechanisms underlying memory formation and retention relies on unraveling how the hippocampus, a structure fundamental for memory acquisition, is organized. Within the complex hippocampal network, interneurons play a crucial role in orchestrating memory processes. Among these interneurons, Oriens-Lacunosum Moleculare (OLM) cells emerge as key regulators, governing the flow of information to CA1 pyramidal cells. In this review, we explore OLM interneurons in detail, describing their mechanisms and effects on memory processing, particularly in spatial and contextual memory tasks. Our aim is to provide a detailed understanding of how OLM interneurons contribute to the dynamic landscape of memory formation and retrieval.

Ecohealth ; 20(2): 138-143, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37851287


Zoonotic emerging diseases (ZEDs) are increasing and may deeply impact human wellbeing, but our recent survey of public opinion in six European countries (n = 2415 participants) suggests a low concern among Europeans about the risk associated with ZEDs. This contrasts with Europeans' high awareness of climate change risks, which was confirmed by our survey. Given the increasing risk of ZEDs, it is therefore essential to increase Europeans' awareness of their impacts. In addition, our study suggests that Europeans may be more likely to support sustainable environmental policies that would reduce the risk associated with ZEDs, consequently improving the human wellbeing.

Zoonosis , Animales , Humanos , Zoonosis/epidemiología , Zoonosis/prevención & control , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Europa (Continente)
Sci Total Environ ; 868: 161192, 2023 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36638975


Knowledge of seasonal variation in hunting pressure and the demographic composition of hunting bags is likely to be important for the effective management of quarry species. Such knowledge is particularly important where regulatory mechanisms aim to avoid the over-exploitation of quarry species having unfavourable conservation status. We compiled information on the age composition of harvested European Turtle-doves (Streptopelia turtur), and the daily numbers of doves shot and retrieved from 68 hunting estates spread across four Spanish regions. We use these data to describe temporal variation, and identify factors affecting daily hunting bags, age composition and crippling losses. We found that more juvenile doves were hunted than adults (and more than expected in a stable population) especially at the beginning of the hunting season, suggesting greater vulnerability of juveniles to hunting. The number of doves hunted each day declined through the hunting season and increased with the number of hunters present. Crippling losses averaged 9.6 % of all doves shot; applying this rate to recent Spanish government hunting statistics suggests under-recording of approximately 90,000 doves annually for the entire country. Our data on age composition and crippling losses can serve as direct inputs into future models of sustainable harvest for Turtle Dove in Europe. Our results highlight the importance of improving knowledge about the variables influencing take at the hunting event level for designing more efficiency regulatory measures.

Columbidae , Caza , Animales , España , Europa (Continente) , Estaciones del Año
J Wildl Manage ; 76(7): 1354-1363, 2012 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23049142


A basic rule to attain sustainable use of harvested resources is to adjust take to availability. Populations of red-legged partridges in Spain have decreased in recent decades, and releases of farm-bred partridges to improve short-term availability are increasingly common. We used questionnaires and bird surveys to assess whether harvest was related to availability of wild partridges or intensity of farm-bred partridge releases. We studied 50 hunting estates, including 6 administratively labeled as intensive (with few numerical and temporal restrictions to releases). In addition, we considered hunting pressure (number of hunters × hunting days/km(2)) and habitat as explanatory variables in the analyses. In intensive estates, annual harvest was exclusively related to release intensity, indicating that in these estates hunting is detached from natural resources and approaches an industrial activity based on external inputs. In non-intensive estates, harvest was affected by wild stock availability, walked-up shooting pressure, and habitat (greater harvest in estates with more Mediterranean shrubland). In these estates, releases did not increase annual harvest, and can be considered an inefficient practice. Additionally, the relationship between abundance estimates and harvest disappeared in estates with low partridge abundance estimates, suggesting possibilities for overharvesting in a large proportion of estates. Increasing the abundance of wild red-legged partridge through techniques like habitat management, and improving the adjustment of harvest to availability, may be a good strategy to increase long-term harvest in non-intensive estates. Additionally, Government and managers must create ways to segregate and label the estates where only wild red-legged partridges are managed from those where releases are used, to reduce ecological costs of management decisions. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.

Commun Earth Environ ; 3(1): 217, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36158999


European green agricultural policies have been relaxed to allow cultivation of fallow land to produce animal feed and meet shortfalls in exports from Ukraine and Russia. However, conversion of semi-natural habitats will disproportionately impact long term biodiversity and food security.

BMC Evol Biol ; 11: 333, 2011 Nov 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22093489


BACKGROUND: Environmental preferences and past climatic changes may determine the length of time during which a species range has contracted or expanded from refugia, thereby influencing levels of genetic diversification. Connectivity among populations of steppe-associated taxa might have been maximal during the long glacial periods, and interrupted only during the shorter interglacial phases, potentially resulting in low levels of genetic differentiation among populations. We investigated this hypothesis by exploring patterns of genetic diversity, past demography and gene flow in a raptor species characteristic of steppes, the Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), using mitochondrial DNA data from 13 breeding populations and two wintering populations. RESULTS: Consistent with our hypothesis, Montagu's harrier has relatively low genetic variation at the mitochondrial DNA. The highest levels of genetic diversity were found in coastal Spain, France and central Asia. These areas, which were open landscapes during the Holocene, may have acted as refugia when most of the European continent was covered by forests. We found significant genetic differentiation between two population groups, at the SW and NE parts of the species' range. Two events of past population growth were detected, and occurred ca. 7500-5500 and ca. 3500-1000 years BP in the SW and NE part of the range respectively. These events were likely associated with vegetation shifts caused by climate and human-induced changes during the Holocene. CONCLUSIONS: The relative genetic homogeneity observed across populations of this steppe raptor may be explained by a short isolation time, relatively recent population expansions and a relaxed philopatry. We highlight the importance of considering the consequence of isolation and colonization processes in order to better understand the evolutionary history of steppe species.

Flujo Génico , Filogenia , Rapaces/genética , Animales , ADN Mitocondrial/genética , Variación Genética , Filogeografía
Sci Total Environ ; 799: 149406, 2021 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34426345


Many farmland bird populations are declining, and their negative trends are often associated with changes in land-use or farming practices, including the use of agrochemicals. The red-legged partridge (RLP) is a Mediterranean farmland game species of high socio-economic importance whose populations are thought to have declined sharply since the mid-20th century associated with farmland changes. However, no large-scale studies have tested whether abundance or trends of RLP are related to farmland composition or management. We used hierarchical distance sampling models to estimate RLP abundance in 2010 in central Spain (Castilla-La Mancha), a main European population stronghold of this species. We studied associations between RLP density and land-uses (including variation in management: irrigated crops or organic farming). We also assessed regional abundance variation over seven years (2010-2017) and its relationship with changes in land-use. Our results show that RLP abundance increased with the availability of natural vegetation and traditional rain-fed vineyards, but decreased with increasing proportions of tree crops and irrigated vineyards; the latter association was less pronounced in areas sensitive to nitrate contamination in water, where the amount of fertilizers applied in farmland and use of certain farming practices is more strictly regulated. These results support the idea that increases in intensive vineyards are detrimental to the RLP. We also report a strong population decline of RLP in the region, with a 51% abundance reduction in seven years. This decline was steeper in areas where more natural vegetation had been lost and where ecological tree crops had increased. Overall, our results indicate that changes in land-use (type of crop, or the destruction of natural vegetation in farmland) and farming practices (e.g. use of irrigation in certain crops, use of nitrates) have important impacts on this farmland bird, affecting both spatial distribution and population dynamics.

Agricultura , Galliformes , Animales , Productos Agrícolas , Granjas , Densidad de Población , España , Análisis Espacio-Temporal
Sci Total Environ ; 791: 148168, 2021 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34126478


Designing evidence-based policies that regulate harvest levels is essential to avoid unsustainable hunting. This requires a good understanding of the relationship between bag sizes and regulatory mechanisms of harvest, and particularly of how these mechanisms are implemented locally and how they vary between game estates. The European Turtle-dove (Streptopelia turtur) has decreased by 30-49% since the late 1990s. The three main identified threats for the species are habitat loss, illegal killing and unsustainable legal hunting. We assessed how turtle dove estate-level harvest varies in relation to hunter density, number of hunting days, the adopted hunting method, game management intensity and the economic investment of the estate. Additionally, we assessed whether estate-level harvest had declined concomitantly with the population decline, and whether trends had been similar in relation to hunting method. We analysed Hunting Management Plans and Annual Hunting Reports of several thousand estates in central Spain, one of the main breeding and hunting areas of the species. Annual estate harvest was positively associated with hunter density, and was higher on estates that offered fixed-position hunting compared to those that only provided walked-up shooting. Importantly, these decisions are made by managers at the estate level and are not directly regulated by policy. We also found that more turtle doves are harvested on estates that invest more money in management, suggesting that the socioeconomic characteristics of the estate also influence local decisions on harvest intensity. Average annual estate-level harvest declined by 27% between 2007 and 2018, accompanied by a switch from fixed-position to walked-up hunting practices. Our study indicates that reducing hunting density or the number of fixed-position hunting days may be the most efficient ways to reduce turtle dove harvest, and that factors influencing estate-level decision-making have to be understood if reduction of hunting pressure in declining species is sought.

Columbidae , Ecosistema , Animales , Factores Socioeconómicos , España