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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(21): 5389-5394, 2017 05 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28490502


The low-temperature crystal structure of elemental lithium, the prototypical simple metal, is a several-decades-old problem. At 1 atm pressure and 298 K, Li forms a body-centered cubic lattice, which is common to all alkali metals. However, a low-temperature phase transition was experimentally detected to a structure initially identified as having the 9R stacking. This structure, proposed by Overhauser in 1984, has been questioned repeatedly but has not been confirmed. Here we present a theoretical analysis of the Fermi surface of lithium in several relevant structures. We demonstrate that experimental measurements of the Fermi surface based on the de Haas-van Alphen effect can be used as a diagnostic method to investigate the low-temperature phase diagram of lithium. This approach may overcome the limitations of X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques and makes possible, in principle, the determination of the lithium low-temperature structure (and that of other metals) at both ambient and high pressure. The theoretical results are compared with existing low-temperature ambient pressure experimental data, which are shown to be inconsistent with a 9R phase for the low-temperature structure of lithium.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(27): 6990-6995, 2017 07 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28630301


A systematic structure search in the La-H and Y-H systems under pressure reveals some hydrogen-rich structures with intriguing electronic properties. For example, LaH10 is found to adopt a sodalite-like face-centered cubic (fcc) structure, stable above 200 GPa, and LaH8 a C2/m space group structure. Phonon calculations indicate both are dynamically stable; electron phonon calculations coupled to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) arguments indicate they might be high-Tc superconductors. In particular, the superconducting transition temperature Tc calculated for LaH10 is 274-286 K at 210 GPa. Similar calculations for the Y-H system predict stability of the sodalite-like fcc YH10 and a Tc above room temperature, reaching 305-326 K at 250 GPa. The study suggests that dense hydrides consisting of these and related hydrogen polyhedral networks may represent new classes of potential very high-temperature superconductors.

J Am Chem Soc ; 141(26): 10253-10271, 2019 Jul 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31144505


We present a quantum mechanical model capable of describing isotropic compression of single atoms in a non-reactive neon-like environment. Studies of 93 atoms predict drastic changes to ground-state electronic configurations and electronegativity in the pressure range of 0-300 GPa. This extension of atomic reference data assists in the working of chemical intuition at extreme pressure and can act as a guide to both experiments and computational efforts. For example, we can speculate on the existence of pressure-induced polarity (red-ox) inversions in various alloys. Our study confirms that the filling of energy levels in compressed atoms more closely follows the hydrogenic aufbau principle, where the ordering is determined by the principal quantum number. In contrast, the Madelung energy ordering rule is not predictive for atoms under compression. Magnetism may increase or decrease with pressure, depending on which atom is considered. However, Hund's rule is never violated for single atoms in the considered pressure range. Important (and understandable) electron shifts, s→p, s→d, s→f, and d→f are essential chemical and physical consequences of compression. Among the specific intriguing changes predicted are an increase in the range between the most and least electronegative elements with compression; a rearrangement of electronegativities of the alkali metals with pressure, with Na becoming the most electropositive s1 element (while Li becomes a p group element and K and heavier become transition metals); phase transitions in Ca, Sr, and Ba correlating well with s→d transitions; spin-reduction in all d-block atoms for which the valence d-shell occupation is d n (4 ≤ n ≤ 8); d→f transitions in Ce, Dy, and Cm causing Ce to become the most electropositive element of the f-block; f→d transitions in Ho, Dy, and Tb and a s→f transition in Pu. At high pressure Sc and Ti become the most electropositive elements, while Ne, He, and F remain the most electronegative ones.

J Am Chem Soc ; 139(25): 8740-8751, 2017 06 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28627173


In a search for gold hydrides, an initial discouraging result of no theoretical stability in any binary AuHn at P < 300 GPa was overcome by introducing alkali atoms as reductants. A set of AAuH2 compounds, A = Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs, is examined; of these, certain K, Rb, and Cs compounds are predicted to be thermodynamically stable. All contain AuH2- molecular units and are semiconducting at P = 1 atm, and some form metallic and superconducting symmetrically bonded AuHAu sheets under compression. To induce metallicity by bringing the Au atoms closer together under ambient conditions, we examined alkaline earth ion substitution for two A, i.e., materials of composition AE(AuH2)2. For AE = Ba and Sr, the materials are already marginally metallic at P = 1 atm and the combination of high and low phonon frequencies and good electron-phonon coupling leads to reasonably high calculated superconducting transition temperatures for these materials.

J Am Chem Soc ; 138(42): 14108-14120, 2016 Oct 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27731636


In pursuit of new lithium-rich phases and potential electrides within the Li-N phase diagram, we explore theoretically the ground-state structures and electronic properties of Li4N at P = 1 atm. Crystal structure exploration methods based on particle swarm optimization and evolutionary algorithms led to 25 distinct structures, including 23 dynamically stable structures, all quite close to each other in energy, but not in detailed structure. Several additional phases were obtained by following the imaginary phonon modes found in low-energy structures, as well as structures constructed to simulate segregation into Li and Li3N. The candidate Li4N structures all contain NLin polyhedra, with n = 6-9. They may be classified into three types, depending on their structural dimensionality: NLin extended polyhedral slabs joined by an elemental Li layer (type a), similar structures, but without the Li layer (type b), and three-dimensionally interconnected NLin polyhedra without any layering (type c). We investigate the electride nature of these structures using the electron localization function and partial charge density around the Fermi level. All of the structures can be characterized as electrides, but they differ in electronic dimensionality. Type-a and type-b structures may be classified as two-dimensional (2-D) electrides, while type-c structures emerge quite varied, as 0-D, 2-D, or 3-D. The calculated structural variety (as well as detailed models for amorphous and liquid Li4N) points to potential amorphous character and likely ionic conductivity in the material.

Chemistry ; 22(41): 14625-32, 2016 Oct 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27554240


Atomic and cationic radii have been calculated for the first 96 elements, together with selected anionic radii. The metric adopted is the average distance from the nucleus where the electron density falls to 0.001 electrons per bohr(3) , following earlier work by Boyd. Our radii are derived using relativistic all-electron density functional theory calculations, close to the basis set limit. They offer a systematic quantitative measure of the sizes of non-interacting atoms, commonly invoked in the rationalization of chemical bonding, structure, and different properties. Remarkably, the atomic radii as defined in this way correlate well with van der Waals radii derived from crystal structures. A rationalization for trends and exceptions in those correlations is provided.

J Am Chem Soc ; 137(45): 14373-86, 2015 Nov 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26488180


How might fully saturated benzene polymers of composition [(CH)6]n form under high pressure? In the first approach to answering this question, we examine the stepwise increase in saturation of a one-dimensional stack of benzene molecules by enumerating the partially saturated polymer intermediates, subject to constraints of unit cell size and energy. Defining the number of four-coordinate carbon atoms per benzene formula unit as the degree of saturation, a set of isomers for degree-two and degree-four polymers can be generated by either thinking of the propagation of partially saturated building blocks or by considering a sequence of cycloadditions. There is also one 4 + 2 reaction sequence that jumps directly from a benzene stack to a degree-four polymer. The set of degree-two polymers provides several useful signposts toward achieving full saturation: chiral versus achiral building blocks, certain forms of conformational freedom, and also dead ends to further saturation. These insights allow us to generate a larger set of degree-four polymers and enumerate the many pathways that lead from benzene stacks to completely saturated carbon nanothreads.

J Am Chem Soc ; 137(39): 12639-52, 2015 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26365084


Inside the cages of hypothetical carbon clathrates there is precious little room, even for the smallest atoms, such as Li-unless it is the Li(+) ion that is inserted, in which case a compensating negative charge should be distributed over the carbon cage. The hypothesis explored in this paper is that Li insertion can be achieved with appropriate B substitution within the framework. The resulting structures of 2Li@C10B2 (Clathrate VII), 8Li@C38B8 (Clathrate I), 7Li@C33B7 (Clathrate IV), 6Li@C28B6 (Clathrate H), and 6Li@C28B6 (Clathrate II) are definitely stabilized in theoretical calculations, especially under elevated pressure, as judged by enthalpy criteria and bond length metrics. Different strategies for B substitution (symmetry reduction, following the parent charge distribution, and substitution on the most weakened bonds, relieving stress on bond angles) are explored. Two possible competing channels for Li doping-B substitution, formation of LiBC and C-vacancies, are investigated.

J Chem Phys ; 143(6): 064702, 2015 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26277151


Though hydrogen and lithium have been assigned a common column of the periodic table, their crystalline states under common conditions are drastically different: the former at temperatures where it is crystalline is a molecular insulator, whereas the latter is a metal that takes on simple structures. On compression, however, the two come to share some structural and other similarities associated with the insulator-to-metal and metal-to-insulator transitions, respectively. To gain a deeper understanding of differences and parallels in the behaviors of compressed hydrogen and lithium, we performed an ab initio comparative study of these systems in selected identical structures. Both elements undergo a continuous pressure-induced s-p electronic transition, though this is at a much earlier stage of development for H. The valence charge density accumulates in interstitial regions in Li but not in H in structures examined over the same range of compression. Moreover, the valence charge density distributions or electron localization functions for the same arrangement of atoms mirror each other as one proceeds from one element to the other. Application of the virial theorem shows that the kinetic and potential energies jump across the first-order phase transitions in H and Li are opposite in sign because of non-local effects in the Li pseudopotential. Finally, the common tendency of compressed H and Li to adopt three-fold coordinated structures as found is explained by the fact that such structures are capable of yielding a profound pseudogap in the electronic densities of states at the Fermi level, thereby reducing the kinetic energy. These results have implications for the phase diagrams of these elements and also for the search for new structures with novel properties.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 109(3): 745-50, 2012 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22207625


H(2)O will be more resistant to metallization than previously thought. From computational evolutionary structure searches, we find a sequence of new stable and meta-stable structures for the ground state of ice in the 1-5 TPa (10 to 50 Mbar) regime, in the static approximation. The previously proposed Pbcm structure is superseded by a Pmc2(1) phase at p = 930 GPa, followed by a predicted transition to a P2(1) crystal structure at p = 1.3 TPa. This phase, featuring higher coordination at O and H, is stable over a wide pressure range, reaching 4.8 TPa. We analyze carefully the geometrical changes in the calculated structures, especially the buckling at the H in O-H-O motifs. All structures are insulating--chemistry burns a deep and (with pressure increase) lasting hole in the density of states near the highest occupied electronic levels of what might be component metallic lattices. Metallization of ice in our calculations occurs only near 4.8 TPa, where the metallic C2/m phase becomes most stable. In this regime, zero-point energies much larger than typical enthalpy differences suggest possible melting of the H sublattice, or even the entire crystal.

Hielo , Presión , Cristalización , Hidrógeno/química , Modelos Moleculares , Dinámicas no Lineales , Transición de Fase , Teoría Cuántica , Termodinámica , Vibración
J Am Chem Soc ; 136(9): 3410-23, 2014 Mar 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24495133


The absence of a crystalline SiO phase under ordinary conditions is an anomaly in the sequence of group 14 monoxides. We explore theoretically ordered ground-state and amorphous structures for SiO at P = 1 atm, and crystalline phases also at pressures up to 200 GPa. Several competitive ground-state P = 1 atm structures are found, perforce with Si-Si bonds, and possessing Si-O-Si bridges similar to those in silica (SiO2) polymorphs. The most stable of these static structures is enthalpically just a little more stable than a calculated random bond model of amorphous SiO. In that model we find no segregation into regions of amorphous Si and amorphous SiO2. The P = 1 atm structures are all semiconducting. As the pressure is increased, intriguing new crystalline structures evolve, incorporating Si triangular nets or strips and stishovite-like regions. A heat of formation of crystalline SiO is computed; it is found to be the most negative of all the group 14 monoxides. Yet, given the stability of SiO2, the disproportionation 2SiO(s) → Si(s)+SiO2(s) is exothermic, falling right into the series of group 14 monoxides, and ranging from a highly negative ΔH of disproportionation for CO to highly positive for PbO. There is no major change in the heat of disproportionation with pressure, i.e., no range of stability of SiO with respect to SiO2. The high-pressure SiO phases are metallic.

Nature ; 451(7177): 445-8, 2008 Jan 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18216850


High pressure is known to influence electronic structure and crystal packing, and can in some cases even induce compound formation between elements that do not bond under ambient conditions. Here we present a computational study showing that high pressure fundamentally alters the reactivity of the light elements lithium (Li) and beryllium (Be), which are the first of the metals in the condensed state and immiscible under normal conditions. We identify four stoichiometric Li(x)Be(1-x) compounds that are stable over a range of pressures, and find that the electronic density of states of one of them displays a remarkable step-like feature near the bottom of the valence band and then remains almost constant with increasing energy. These characteristics are typical of a quasi-two-dimensional electronic structure, the emergence of which in a three-dimensional environment is rather unexpected. We attribute this observation to large size differences between the ionic cores of Li and Be: as the density increases, the Li cores start to overlap and thereby expel valence electrons into quasi-two-dimensional layers characterized by delocalized free-particle-like states in the vicinity of Be ions.

J Chem Phys ; 141(2): 024505, 2014 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25028025


We discuss the high-pressure phases of crystalline lithium hydroxide, LiOH. Using first-principles calculations, and assisted by evolutionary structure searches, we reproduce the experimentally known phase transition under pressure, but we suggest that the high-pressure phase LiOH-III be assigned to a new hydrogen-bonded tetragonal structure type that is unique amongst alkali hydroxides. LiOH is at the intersection of both ionic and hydrogen bonding, and we examine the various ensuing structural features and their energetic driving mechanisms. At P = 17 GPa, we predict another phase transition to a new phase, Pbcm-LiOH-IV, which we find to be stable over a wide pressure range. Eventually, at extremely high pressures of 1100 GPa, the ground state of LiOH is predicted to become a polymeric structure with an unusual graphitic oxygen-hydrogen net. However, because of its ionic character, the anticipated metallization of LiOH is much delayed; in fact, its electronic band gap increases monotonically into the TPa pressure range.

J Am Chem Soc ; 135(31): 11651-6, 2013 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23841481


In the Si/C phase diagram, the only stable phases at P = 1 atm are the numerous polytypes of the simplest 1:1 stoichiometry, SiC. However, many metastable yet likely to be kinetically persistent phases can be found for almost any composition. Given the instability of simple graphite-type structures with considerable Si content, we thought these metastables would be only of the diamondoid class. Indeed they are for Si3C, a stoichiometry we studied on the silicon-rich side of the phase diagram. Yet on the carbon-rich side, which we chose to explore computationally with SiC3, there was a surprise in store, a series of unusual metastable structures. The most striking of these had the appearance of a collapsed graphite structure, with benzenoid C6 units and SiSi bridges between layers. This SiC3 structure is related to known meta-(1,3,5)cyclophanes. Three other metastable structures featured layers with all carbon polyene and polyphenylene arrays. Some of these can be metallic, as we have found.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(11): 116404, 2013 Sep 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24074111


The condensed matter properties of the nominal terminating element of the halogen group with atomic number 85, astatine, are as yet unknown. In the intervening more than 70 years since its discovery significant advances have been made in substrate cooling and the other techniques necessary for the production of the element to the point where we might now enquire about the key properties astatine might have if it attained a condensed phase. This subject is addressed here using density functional theory and structural selection methods, with an accounting for relativistic physics that is essential. Condensed astatine is predicted to be quite different in fascinating ways from iodine, being already at 1 atm a metal, and monatomic at that, and possibly a superconductor (as is dense iodine).

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(23): 237001, 2013 Dec 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24476299


We suggest, and demonstrate, a systematic approach to the study of cuprate superconductors, namely, progressive change of ion size in order to systematically alter the interaction strength and other key parameters. R(Ba,Sr)2Cu3Oy (R={La,…,Lu,Y}) is such a system where potentially obscuring structural changes are minimal. We thereby systematically alter both dielectric and magnetic properties. Dielectric fluctuation is characterized by ionic polarizability while magnetic fluctuation is characterized by exchange interactions measurable by Raman scattering. The range of transition temperatures is 70-107 K, and we find that these correlate only with the dielectric properties, a behavior which persists with external pressure. The ultimate significance may remain to be proven, but it highlights the role of dielectric screening in the cuprates and adds support to a previously proposed novel pairing mechanism involving exchange of quantized waves of electronic polarization.

Chemistry ; 19(13): 4184-97, 2013 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23401125


We explore ground-state structures and stoichiometries of the Be-B system in the static limit, with Be atom concentrations of 20 % or greater, and from P = 1 atm up to 320 GPa. At P = 1 atm, predictions are offered for several known compounds, the structures of which have not yet been determined experimentally. Specifically, at 1 atm, we predict a structure of R3m symmetry for the compound Be2B3, seen experimentally at high temperatures, which contains interesting BeBBBBe rods; and for the compound BeB4 we calculate metastability with respect to the elements with a structure similar to MgB4, which is quickly replaced as the pressure is elevated by a Cmcm structure that features 6- and 4-membered rings in B cages, with Be interstitials. For another high-temperature compound, Be2B, we confirm the CaF2 structure, but find a competitive and actually slightly more stable ground-state structure of C2/m symmetry that features B2 pairs. In the case of BeB2, a material for which the stoichiometry has been the subject of debate, we have a clear prediction of a stable F43m structure at P=1 atm. It has a diamondoid structure that is based on cubic (lower P) or hexagonal (higher P) diamond networks of B, but with Be in the interstices. This Zintl structure is a semiconductor at low and intermediate pressures. At higher pressures, BeB2 dominates the phase diagram. In general, the Zintl-Klemm concept of effective electron transfer from the more electropositive ion and bond formation among the resulting anions has proven useful in analyzing the structural preferences of many compositions in the Be-B system at P=1 atm and at elevated pressures. An unusual feature of this binary system is that the 1:1 BeB stoichiometry never appears to reach stability in the static limit, although it comes close, as does Be17B12. Also stable at high pressures are stoichiometries BeB3, BeB4, and Be5B2.

J Am Chem Soc ; 134(45): 18606-18, 2012 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23066852


Structural diversity and a variety of bonding schemes emerge as characteristics of the Li-B phase diagram in this ground-state theoretical investigation. We studied stoichiometries ranging from LiB(15) to Li(5)B, over a pressure range from 1 atm to 300 GPa. At P = 1 atm, stability is found for the experimentally known LiB(0.8-1.0), LiB(3), and Li(3)B(14) phases. As the pressure rises, the latter two structures are no longer even metastable, while the LiB(0.8-1.0) structures change in geometry and narrow their range of off-stoichiometry, eventually coming at high pressure to a diamondoid NaTl-type LiB. This phase then dominates the convex hull of stability. Other phases emerge as stable points at some pressure: LiB(4), Li(3)B(2), Li(2)B, and Li(5)B. At the boron-rich end, one obtains structures expectedly containing polyhedral motifs, and geometries are governed by Wade-Mingos electron counts; LiB(4) has a BaAl(4) structure. In the center and on the lithium-rich side of the phase diagram, Zintl-phase considerations, i.e., bonding between B(n-) entities, give us insight into the structures-tetrahedral B(-) networks in LiB; B pairs to isolated bonds in Li(5)B.