There is growing interest in informed decision-making about breast cancer screening with mammography and growing advocacy for the provision of balanced information about potential benefits and harms. The authors report on a survey evaluating nurses' intention to support women targeted by the Quebec Breast Cancer Screening Program in making informed decisions about breast cancer screening with mammography. Of the 840 questionnaires completed, 618 were included in the data analysis. The mean +/- standard deviation score for intention was 1.7 +/- 1.2 on a 6-point Likert scale ranging from -3 to +3, indicating strong intention to support the targeted women. Perceived behavioural control was the theory-based variable most strongly associated with intention, followed by attitude and social norm. These results can be used to develop interventions to train nurses in integrating informed decision-making about breast cancer screening with mammography into their practice and to design relevant decision support tools.