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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(8)2022 02 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35165180


The origin of volatile species such as water in the Earth-Moon system is a subject of intense debate but is obfuscated by the potential for volatile loss during the Giant Impact that resulted in the formation of these bodies. One way to address these topics and place constraints on the temporal evolution of volatile components in planetary bodies is by using the observed decay of 87Rb to 87Sr because Rb is a moderately volatile element, whereas Sr is much more refractory. Here, we show that lunar highland rocks that crystallized ∼4.35 billion years ago exhibit very limited ingrowth of 87Sr, indicating that prior to the Moon-forming impact, the impactor commonly referred to as "Theia" and the proto-Earth both must have already been strongly depleted in volatile elements relative to primitive meteorites. These results imply that 1) the volatile element depletion of the Moon did not arise from the Giant Impact, 2) volatile element distributions on the Moon and Earth were principally inherited from their precursors, 3) both Theia and the proto-Earth probably formed in the inner solar system, and 4) the Giant Impact occurred relatively late in solar system history.

Nature ; 477(7362): 70-2, 2011 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21849974


Chemical evolution of planetary bodies, ranging from asteroids to the large rocky planets, is thought to begin with differentiation through solidification of magma oceans many hundreds of kilometres in depth. The Earth's Moon is the archetypical example of this type of differentiation. Evidence for a lunar magma ocean is derived largely from the widespread distribution, compositional and mineralogical characteristics, and ancient ages inferred for the ferroan anorthosite (FAN) suite of lunar crustal rocks. The FANs are considered to be primary lunar flotation-cumulate crust that crystallized in the latter stages of magma ocean solidification. According to this theory, FANs represent the oldest lunar crustal rock type. Attempts to date this rock suite have yielded ambiguous results, however, because individual isochron measurements are typically incompatible with the geochemical make-up of the samples, and have not been confirmed by additional isotopic systems. By making improvements to the standard isotopic techniques, we report here the age of crystallization of FAN 60025 using the (207)Pb-(206)Pb, (147)Sm-(143)Nd and (146)Sm-(142)Nd isotopic systems to be 4,360 ± 3 million years. This extraordinarily young age requires that either the Moon solidified significantly later than most previous estimates or the long-held assumption that FANs are flotation cumulates of a primordial magma ocean is incorrect. If the latter is correct, then much of the lunar crust may have been produced by non-magma-ocean processes, such as serial magmatism.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 110(43): 17241-6, 2013 Oct 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24101483


The isotopic composition of our Solar System reflects the blending of materials derived from numerous past nucleosynthetic events, each characterized by a distinct isotopic signature. We show that the isotopic compositions of elements spanning a large mass range in the earliest formed solids in our Solar System, calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), are uniform, and yet distinct from the average Solar System composition. Relative to younger objects in the Solar System, CAIs contain positive r-process anomalies in isotopes A < 140 and negative r-process anomalies in isotopes A > 140. This fundamental difference in the isotopic character of CAIs around mass 140 necessitates (i) the existence of multiple sources for r-process nucleosynthesis and (ii) the injection of supernova material into a reservoir untapped by CAIs. A scenario of late supernova injection into the protoplanetary disk is consistent with formation of our Solar System in an active star-forming region of the galaxy.

Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre/química , Isótopos/análisis , Meteoroides , Sistema Solar/química , Aluminio/química , Bario/química , Calcio/química , Molibdeno/química , Neodimio/química , Samario/química , Estroncio/química , Factores de Tiempo
Talanta ; 221: 121431, 2021 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33076062


Uranium ore is mined and milled to produce uranium ore concentrate (UOC), a regulated product of the nuclear fuel cycle. Diversion of UOC from the fuel cycle into possible weapons production is a key concern in global nonproliferation efforts. As such, the ability to trace the origin of seized nuclear materials is imperative to law enforcement efforts. Although isotopic signatures of UOCs have proven fruitful to pinpoint sample provenance, new isotopic signatures are needed because most existing isotopic signatures are not indicative of the original ore body from which the U is derived. In this work, we developed a new method to separate samarium (Sm) from a U-rich sample matrix and report the first Sm isotope compositions of 32 UOCs derived from a variety of worldwide uranium mines. Relative to terrestrial standards, approximately half the UOCs have resolved and anticorrelated 149Sm-150Sm isotope compositions, consistent with the capture of thermal neutrons by 149Sm in the ore body. The UOCs with anomalous Sm isotope compositions tend to derive from older (~>1.5Ga) and higher-grade ore bodies, although other factors, such as the presence of neutron moderators like water, also play a role. Nonetheless, the Sm isotope compositions of UOCs directly reflects the neutron fluence over the history of the original ore body and can be used to discern different geologic conditions associated with that ore body. As such, this work demonstrates the potential use of Sm isotopes as a novel nuclear forensics signature for origin assessment of UOCs.

Nature ; 432(7014): 209-11, 2004 Nov 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15538366


Primordial solidification of the Moon (or its uppermost layer) resulted in the formation of a variety of rock types that subsequently melted and mixed to produce the compositional diversity observed in the lunar sample suite. The initial rocks to crystallize from this Moon-wide molten layer (the magma ocean) contained olivine and pyroxene and were compositionally less evolved than the plagioclase-rich rocks that followed. The last stage of crystallization, representing the last few per cent of the magma ocean, produced materials that are strongly enriched in incompatible elements including potassium (K), the rare earth elements (REE) and phosphorus (P)--termed KREEP. The decay of radioactive elements in KREEP, such as uranium and thorium, is generally thought to provide the thermal energy necessary for more recent lunar magmatism. The ages of KREEP-rich samples are, however, confined to the earliest periods of lunar magmatism between 3.8 and 4.6 billion years (Gyr) ago, providing no physical evidence that KREEP is directly involved in more recent lunar magmatism. But here we present evidence that KREEP magmatism extended for an additional 1 Gyr, based on analyses of the youngest dated lunar sample.

Astrobiology ; 5(6): 663-89, 2005 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16379524


In October 2004, more than 130 terrestrial and planetary scientists met in Jackson Hole, WY, to discuss early Mars. The first billion years of martian geologic history is of particular interest because it is a period during which the planet was most active, after which a less dynamic period ensued that extends to the present day. The early activity left a fascinating geological record, which we are only beginning to unravel through direct observation and modeling. In considering this time period, questions outnumber answers, and one of the purposes of the meeting was to gather some of the best experts in the field to consider the current state of knowledge, ascertain which questions remain to be addressed, and identify the most promising approaches to addressing those questions. The purpose of this report is to document that discussion. Throughout the planet's first billion years, planetary-scale processes-including differentiation, hydrodynamic escape, volcanism, large impacts, erosion, and sedimentation-rapidly modified the atmosphere and crust. How did these processes operate, and what were their rates and interdependencies? The early environment was also characterized by both abundant liquid water and plentiful sources of energy, two of the most important conditions considered necessary for the origin of life. Where and when did the most habitable environments occur? Did life actually occupy them, and if so, has life persisted on Mars to the present? Our understanding of early Mars is critical to understanding how the planet we see today came to be.

Evolución Planetaria , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Geología , Marte , Conceptos Meteorológicos , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre/química , Geografía , Fenómenos Geológicos , Vida , Agua
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 372(2024): 20130246, 2014 Sep 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25114305


New Rb-Sr, (146,147)Sm-(142,143)Nd and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses of Mg-suite lunar crustal rocks 67667, 76335, 77215 and 78238, including an internal isochron for norite 77215, were undertaken to better define the time and duration of lunar crust formation and the history of the source materials of the Mg-suite. Isochron ages determined in this study for 77215 are: Rb-Sr=4450±270 Ma, (147)Sm-(143)Nd=4283±23 Ma and Lu-Hf=4421±68 Ma. The data define an initial (146)Sm/(144)Sm ratio of 0.00193±0.00092 corresponding to ages between 4348 and 4413 Ma depending on the half-life and initial abundance used for (146)Sm. The initial Nd and Hf isotopic compositions of all samples indicate a source region with slight enrichment in the incompatible elements in accord with previous suggestions that the Mg-suite crustal rocks contain a component of KREEP. The Sm/Nd-(142)Nd/(144)Nd correlation shown by both ferroan anorthosite and Mg-suite rocks is coincident with the trend defined by mare and KREEP basalts, the slope of which corresponds to ages between 4.35 and 4.45 Ga. These data, along with similar ages for various early Earth differentiation events, are in accord with the model of lunar formation via giant impact into Earth at ca 4.4 Ga.