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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 45: e103, 2021.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34703456


OBJECTIVES: To analyze progress in organizational structures, mechanisms, strategies, and enabling factors and barriers towards gender mainstreaming (GM) in health in Guatemala, Guyana, and Peru, given GM's role in addressing gender inequalities in health as a key structural driver of health equity. METHODS: Data was obtained through a grey literature review of laws, policies, and/or program documents and semi-structured qualitative interviews with 37 informants. Analysis was based on a theoretical framework including 7 categories considered essential to advance GM in the health sector. RESULTS: Despite significant efforts and accumulated experiences of GM in health, structural barriers include: wider societal challenges of transforming gender unequal power relations; health system complexity combined with the low technical, political, and financial capacity of institutional structures tasked with GM; and limited coordination with (often weak) National Women's Machineries (NWMs). In some contexts, barriers are compounded by limited understanding of basic concepts underlying GM (at times exacerbated by misunderstandings related to intersectionality and/or engagement with men) and the absence of indicators to measure GM's concrete results and impact. CONCLUSIONS: Successful GM requires a more strategic and transformational agenda, developed and implemented in coordination with NWMs and civil society and with reference to external bodies (e.g. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women) to go beyond process, with clearer distinction between gender sensitivity and gender transformation, and definition of expected results and indicators to measure advances. These then could be better documented and systematized, enabling GM to be more broadly understood and operationalized as a concrete instrument towards health equity.

OBJETIVOS: Analisar o progresso nas estruturas organizacionais, mecanismos, estratégias, e fatores habilitadores e barreiras para a integração do gênero (IG) na saúde na Guatemala, na Guiana e no Peru, dado o papel da IG na abordagem das desigualdades de gênero na saúde como um dos principais impulsionadores estruturais da equidade em saúde. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram obtidos por meio de uma análise das leis, políticas e/ou documentos de programa e entrevistas qualitativas semi-estruturadas junto a 37 informantes, extraídos da literatura cinza. A análise foi efetuada com base em uma estrutura teórica que incluiu 7 categorias consideradas essenciais para promover a IG no setor da saúde. RESULTADOS: Apesar dos esforços significativos e das experiências acumuladas na IG na saúde, as barreiras estruturais incluem: os desafios sociais mais amplos de transformar relacionamentos desiguais de poder; a complexidade dos sistemas de saúde associada à baixa capacidade técnica, política e financeira das instituições encarregadas pela IG; e a coordenação limitada (e muitas vezes fraca) com as Maquinarias Nacionais de Mulheres (NWM, na sigla em inglês). Em alguns contextos, as barreiras são exacerbadas pela compreensão limitada de conceitos básicos nas bases da IG (às vezes agravadas por mal entendidos relacionados à intersecção com homens e/ou o envolvimento deles); e a ausência de indicadores para medir resultados concretos da IG e seu impacto. CONCLUSÕES: Para que a IG ocorra de fato, é necessária uma pauta mais estratégica e transformadora, elaborada e implementada em coordenação com as NWM e a sociedade civil, e fazendo referência a organismos externos (por exemplo, Comitê sobre a Eliminação de todas as Formas de Discriminação contra a Mulher) para que a integração inclua não só o processo, mas que forneça, além disso, uma diferenciação mais clara entre a sensibilidade às questões de gênero e a transformação das relações de gênero, e defina os resultados esperados e os indicadores para medir os avanços. A partir de então, elas poderiam ser melhor documentadas e sistematizadas, permitindo um melhor entendimento sobre a IG e sua operacionalização como instrumento concreto rumo à equidade na saúde.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 45: e130, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34987555


The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated social, economic, and health-related disparities, which disproportionately affect persons living in conditions of vulnerability. Such populations include ethnic groups who face discrimination and experience barriers to accessing comprehensive health care. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed these health disparities, and disruptions of essential health services have further widened the gaps in access to health care. Noncommunicable diseases are more prevalent among groups most impacted by poor social determinants of health and have been associated with an increased likelihood of severe COVID-19 disease and higher mortality. Disruptions in the provision of essential health services for noncommunicable diseases, mental health, communicable diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, and maternal and child health services (including sexual and reproductive health), are projected to also increase poor health outcomes. Other challenges have been an increased frequency of interpersonal violence and food insecurity. Countries in the Americas have responded to the disruptions caused by the pandemic by means of health service delivery through telemedicine and other digital solutions and stepping up social service support interventions. As vaccinations for COVID-19 create the opportunity to overcome the pandemic, countries must strengthen primary health care and essential health services with a view to ensuring equity, if the region is to achieve universal health coverage in fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

La pandemia de COVID-19 ha acentuado las desigualdades sociales, económicas y relacionadas con la salud, que afectan desproporcionadamente a las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad. Esta población incluye grupos étnicos que se enfrentan a la discriminación y obstáculos para el acceso a la atención integral de salud. La pandemia de COVID-19 ha expuesto estas desigualdades de salud, y las interrupciones de los servicios esenciales de salud han ampliado aún más las brechas en el acceso a la atención de salud. Las enfermedades no transmisibles son más prevalentes en los grupos que han sufrido un mayor impacto de los determinantes sociales de la salud deficientes y se han asociado con una mayor probabilidad de presentar un cuadro grave de COVID-19 y una mayor mortalidad. Asimismo, se proyecta que las interrupciones en la prestación de servicios esenciales de salud para las enfermedades no transmisibles, la salud mental, las enfermedades transmisibles como la infección por el VIH, la tuberculosis y la malaria, y los servicios de salud maternoinfantil (como la salud sexual y reproductiva) incrementen los resultados deficientes en materia de salud. Otros retos son una mayor frecuencia de la violencia interpersonal y la inseguridad alimentaria. Los países de la Región de las Américas han respondido a las interrupciones causadas por la pandemia con la prestación de servicios de salud mediante la telemedicina y otras soluciones digitales, y la aceleración de las intervenciones de apoyo de los servicios sociales. A medida que la vacunación contra la COVID-19 crea la oportunidad de superar la pandemia, los países deben fortalecer su atención primaria de salud y sus servicios de salud esenciales a fin de garantizar la equidad, para que la Región logre la cobertura universal de salud en cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

A pandemia de COVID-19 exacerbou as disparidades sociais, econômicas e as relacionadas à saúde, que afetam de maneira desproporcional as pessoas que vivem em situação de vulnerabilidade. Essas populações incluem grupos étnicos que enfrentam discriminação e barreiras para o acesso à atenção integral à saúde. A pandemia de COVID-19 expôs essas disparidades, e as interrupções nos serviços essenciais de saúde ampliaram ainda mais as lacunas no acesso aos cuidados de saúde. As doenças não transmissíveis são mais prevalentes entre os grupos mais afetados por determinantes sociais da saúde deficientes e estão associadas a um aumento na probabilidade de doença grave pela COVID-19 e mortalidade mais elevada. Prevê-se que as interrupções na prestação de serviços essenciais de saúde para doenças não transmissíveis, saúde mental, doenças transmissíveis como HIV, tuberculose e malária, bem como dos serviços de saúde materno-infantil (incluindo saúde sexual e reprodutiva) também aumentem os desfechos adversos de saúde. Outros desafios são o aumento da frequência da violência interpessoal e insegurança alimentar. Os países das Américas responderam às interrupções causadas pela pandemia com a prestação de serviços de saúde por meio da telemedicina e outras soluções digitais, e a aceleração de intervenções de apoio dos serviços sociais. À medida em que a vacinação contra a COVID-19 oferece a oportunidade de superar a pandemia, os países devem fortalecer a atenção primária à saúde e os serviços essenciais de saúde com o objetivo de garantir a equidade, para que a região atinja a cobertura universal de saúde em cumprimento aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 44: e129, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33165446


OBJECTIVES: To analyze progress in organizational structures, mechanisms, strategies, and enabling factors and barriers towards gender mainstreaming (GM) in health in Guatemala, Guyana, and Peru, given GM's role in addressing gender inequalities in health as a key structural driver of health equity. METHODS: Data was obtained through a grey literature review of laws, policies, and/or program documents and semi-structured qualitative interviews with 37 informants. Analysis was based on a theoretical framework including 7 categories considered essential to advance GM in the health sector. RESULTS: Despite significant efforts and accumulated experiences of GM in health, structural barriers include: wider societal challenges of transforming gender unequal power relations; health system complexity combined with the low technical, political, and financial capacity of institutional structures tasked with GM; and limited coordination with (often weak) National Women's Machineries (NWMs). In some contexts, barriers are compounded by limited understanding of basic concepts underlying GM (at times exacerbated by misunderstandings related to intersectionality and/or engagement with men) and the absence of indicators to measure GM's concrete results and impact. CONCLUSIONS: Successful GM requires a more strategic and transformational agenda, developed and implemented in coordination with NWMs and civil society and with reference to external bodies (e.g. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women) to go beyond process, with clearer distinction between gender sensitivity and gender transformation, and definition of expected results and indicators to measure advances. These then could be better documented and systematized, enabling GM to be more broadly understood and operationalized as a concrete instrument towards health equity.

OBJETIVOS: Analizar el progreso en las estructuras, mecanismos y estrategias organizativas, así como los factores y las barreras, que favorecen la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la salud en Guatemala, Guyana y Perú, dado el papel que ello desempeña en el abordaje de las desigualdades de género en la salud como un motor estructural clave de la equidad en salud. MÉTODOS: Se obtuvieron datos a partir de la literatura gris de leyes, políticas o documentos de programas y entrevistas cualitativas semiestructuradas con 37 informantes. El análisis se basó en un marco teórico que incluía 7 categorías consideradas esenciales para avanzar la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en el sector de la salud. RESULTADOS: A pesar de los importantes esfuerzos y las experiencias acumuladas respecto de la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en el sector de la salud persisten obstáculos estructurales, como desafíos sociales más amplios para transformar las relaciones de poder desiguales entre los géneros; la complejidad del sistema de salud combinada con una baja capacidad técnica, política y financiera de las estructuras institucionales encargadas de abordar el tema; y la limitada coordinación con las instituciones nacionales dedicadas a la promoción de la mujer (a menudo débiles). En algunos contextos, los obstáculos se ven agravados por la limitada comprensión de los conceptos básicos subyacentes a la perspectiva de género (a veces exacerbada por una comprensión limitada de la interseccionalidad o el compromiso con los hombres) y la ausencia de indicadores para medir los resultados y el impacto concreto de la incorporación de la perspectiva de género. CONCLUSIONES: Para que la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la salud sea satisfactoria se requiere una agenda más estratégica y transformadora, elaborada e implementada en coordinación con las instituciones nacionales de promoción de la mujer y la sociedad civil y vinculada a instancias externas (p. ej., el Comité para la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra la Mujer). Es necesario, asimismo, una distinción más clara entre los enfoques sensibles al género y aquellos transformativos de las relaciones desiguales de género, y una definición de los resultados previstos y los indicadores para medir los avances. Estos podrían entonces documentarse y sistematizarse mejor, lo que permitiría que la perspectiva de género se comprendiera más ampliamente y se pusiera en práctica como instrumento concreto para lograr la equidad en salud.

Obes Rev ; 25(1): e13643, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37766661


Food marketing impacts the food behaviors of children and adults, but the underpinning neural mechanisms are poorly understood. This systematic review and meta-analysis pooled evidence from neuroimaging studies of exposure to food marketing stimuli (vs. control) on brain activations in children and adults to clarify regions associated with responding. Databases were searched for articles published to March 2022. Inclusion criteria included human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies employing a contrast between a food marketing stimulus and a non-food/non-exposure control, published in English in a peer-reviewed journal, reporting whole brain (not Region of Interest [ROI] only) co-ordinates. Eleven studies met inclusion criteria, of which eight were included in the quantitative synthesis (Activation Likelihood Estimation [ALE] meta-analysis). Food marketing exposures (vs. controls) produced greater activation in two clusters lying across the middle occipital gyrus, lingual gyrus, and cuneus (cluster 1), and the postcentral gyrus, precentral gyrus, and the inferior parietal lobule/supramarginal gyrus (cluster 2). Brain responses to food marketing are most consistently observed in areas relating to visual processing, attention, sensorimotor activity, and emotional processing. Subgroup analyses (e.g., adults vs. children) were not possible because of the paucity of data, and sensitivity analyses highlighted some instability in the clusters; therefore, conclusions remain tentative pending further research.

Encéfalo , Emociones , Adulto , Niño , Humanos , Funciones de Verosimilitud , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagen , Mapeo Encefálico/métodos , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Bebidas
Lancet Glob Health ; 12(5): e882-e890, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38614636


Engaging men and boys in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and doing so in a way that challenges harmful masculinities, is both neglected and vital for improving the SRHR of both women and men. To address this gap, WHO commissioned a global research priority setting exercise on masculinities and SRHR. The exercise adapted the quantitative child health and nutrition research initiative priority setting method by combining it with qualitative methods. Influenced by feminist and decolonial perspectives, over 200 diverse stakeholders from 60 countries across all WHO regions participated. The exercise forges a collaborative research agenda emphasising four key areas: gender-transformative approaches to men's and boys' engagement in SRHR, applied research to deliver services addressing diversity in SRHR among men and women and to generate gender-equality, research designs to support participation of target audiences and reach to policy makers, and research addressing the priorities of those in low-income and middle-income countries.

Salud Reproductiva , Salud Sexual , Masculino , Niño , Humanos , Femenino , Conducta Sexual , Reproducción , Investigación
Nutrients ; 14(1)2021 Dec 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35011032


Currently, food marketing for unhealthy foods is omnipresent. Foods high in fat, salt, and sugar (HFSS) are advertised intensively on several media platforms, including digital platforms that are increasingly used by children, such as social media, and can be bought almost everywhere. This could contribute to the obesity epidemic that we are facing. As the majority of children and adolescents do not eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables (F&V), which leads to chronic diseases, we need to change the obesogenic environment to a healthogenic environment. Reducing the marketing of energy-dense snacks to children and increasing the promotion of healthier foods, such as fruits and vegetables, may be an effective and necessary instrument to improve the dietary intake of children and reduce the risk of their experiencing some chronic diseases later in life. With this focused narrative review, we provide an overview of how children and adolescents react to food promotions and how food promotional efforts might be a useful tool to increase the attractiveness of fruit and vegetables. This review therefore contributes to the question of how changing the advertising and media environment of children and adolescents could help create a world where the healthy choice is the easier choice, which would reduce childhood obesity and improve children's health, as well as to make the food system more sustainable.

Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales Infantiles/fisiología , Dieta Saludable , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Frutas , Promoción de la Salud/métodos , Obesidad Infantil/prevención & control , Verduras , Adolescente , Niño , Enfermedad Crónica/prevención & control , Medios de Comunicación , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31936672


Exposure to influencer marketing of foods and beverages high in fat, sugar, and/or salt (HFSS) increases children's immediate intake. This study qualitatively explored children's understanding of, and attitudes towards, this marketing, to elucidate potential mechanisms through which exposure affects behavior. In six focus groups (n = 4) children (10-11 years) were shown a YouTube video featuring influencer marketing of an HFSS product. Inductive thematic analysis identified six themes from children's discussions of this marketing: (1) YouTubers fill a gap in children's lives, (2) the accessibility of YouTubers increases children's understanding of their actions, (3) influencer marketing impacts all-the influencer, the brand, and the viewer, (4) attitudes towards influencer marketing are most affected by a YouTuber's familiarity, (5) YouTuber influencer marketing is effective because they are not 'strangers', (6) children feel able to resist influencer marketing of HFSS products. Children had an understanding of the persuasive intent of this marketing, and although most were sceptical, familiar YouTubers elicited particularly sympathetic attitudes. Children felt affected by influencer marketing of HFSS products, but believed they were able to resist it. Beyond theoretical insight, this study adds to the growing body of evidence to suggest children's exposure to HFSS influencer marketing should be reduced.

Conducta Adictiva , Bebidas , Industria de Alimentos , Alimentos , Mercadotecnía , Medios de Comunicación Sociales , Actitud , Niño , Preescolar , Preferencias Alimentarias , Humanos , Intención , Comunicación Persuasiva
J Speech Lang Hear Res ; 63(6): 1878-1897, 2020 06 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32539588


Purpose Research has indicated that interactive shared book reading can support a wide range of early language skills and that children who are read to regularly in the early years learn language faster, enter school with a larger vocabulary, and become more successful readers at school. Despite the large volume of research suggesting interactive shared reading is beneficial for language development, two fundamental issues remain outstanding: whether shared book reading interventions are equally effective (a) for children from all socioeconomic backgrounds and (b) for a range of language skills. Method To address these issues, we conducted a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effects of two 6-week interactive shared reading interventions on a range of language skills in children across the socioeconomic spectrum. One hundred and fifty children aged between 2;6 and 3;0 (years;months) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: a pause reading, a dialogic reading, or an active shared reading control condition. Results The findings indicated that the interventions were effective at changing caregiver reading behaviors. However, the interventions did not boost children's language skills over and above the effect of an active reading control condition. There were also no effects of socioeconomic status. Conclusion This randomized controlled trial showed that caregivers from all socioeconomic backgrounds successfully adopted an interactive shared reading style. However, while the interventions were effective at increasing caregivers' use of interactive shared book reading behaviors, this did not have a significant impact on the children's language skills. The findings are discussed in terms of practical implications and future research. Supplemental Material

Libros , Lectura , Niño , Humanos , Lactante , Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Vocabulario
Pediatrics ; 143(4)2019 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30833297


OBJECTIVES: To examine the impact of social media influencer marketing of foods (healthy and unhealthy) on children's food intake. METHODS: In a between-subjects design, 176 children (9-11 years, mean 10.5 ± 0.7 years) were randomly assigned to view mock Instagram profiles of 2 popular YouTube video bloggers (influencers). Profiles featured images of the influencers with unhealthy snacks (participants: n = 58), healthy snacks (n = 59), or nonfood products (n = 59). Subsequently, participants' ad libitum intake of unhealthy snacks, healthy snacks, and overall intake (combined intake of healthy and unhealthy snacks) were measured. RESULTS: Children who viewed influencers with unhealthy snacks had significantly increased overall intake (448.3 kilocalories [kcals]; P = .001), and significantly increased intake of unhealthy snacks specifically (388.8 kcals; P = .001), compared with children who viewed influencers with nonfood products (357.1 and 292.2 kcals, respectively). Viewing influencers with healthy snacks did not significantly affect intake. CONCLUSIONS: Popular social media influencer promotion of food affects children's food intake. Influencer marketing of unhealthy foods increased children's immediate food intake, whereas the equivalent marketing of healthy foods had no effect. Increasing the promotion of healthy foods on social media may not be an effective strategy to encourage healthy dietary behaviors in children. More research is needed to understand the impact of digital food marketing and inform appropriate policy action.

Ingestión de Alimentos , Mercadotecnía/métodos , Obesidad Infantil/prevención & control , Medios de Comunicación Sociales/estadística & datos numéricos , Niño , Conducta Infantil , Dieta Saludable , Femenino , Preferencias Alimentarias , Humanos , Masculino , Necesidades Nutricionales , Estados Unidos
Pediatr Obes ; 14(10): e12540, 2019 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31168959


BACKGROUND: Children are active on social media and consequently are exposed to new and subtle forms of food marketing. OBJECTIVES: To examine whether exposure to a YouTube video featuring influencer marketing of an unhealthy snack affects children's ad libitum snack intake and whether inclusion of an advertising disclosure moderates this effect. METHODS: In a randomized between-subjects design, 151 children (aged 9-11 y; mean, 10.32 y ± 0.6) were exposed to influencer marketing of a non-food product (n = 51), or an unhealthy snack with (n = 50) or without (n = 50) an advertising disclosure. Participants' ad libitum intake of the marketed snack and an alternative brand of the same snack was measured. RESULTS: Children exposed to food marketing with (P < .001, d = 1.40) and without (P < .001, d = 1.07) a disclosure consumed more (kcals) of the marketed snack relative to the alternative; the control did not differ (.186, d = 0.45). Consumption of the alterative brand did not differ across conditions (.287, ηp2 = .02). Children who viewed food marketing with a disclosure (and not those without) consumed 41% more of the marketed snack (.004, ηp2 = .06), compared with control. CONCLUSIONS: Influencer marketing increases children's immediate intake of the promoted snack relative to an alternative brand. Advertising disclosures may enhance the effect.

Publicidad , Conducta Infantil , Revelación , Mercadotecnía , Bocadillos , Niño , Femenino , Preferencias Alimentarias , Humanos , Masculino
Front Psychol ; 10: 2142, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31616344


Food and beverage cues (visual displays of food or beverage products/brands) featured in traditional broadcast and digital marketing are predominantly for products high in fat, sugar and/or salt (HFSS). YouTube is hugely popular with children, and cues featured in content uploaded by YouTube video bloggers (influencers) has been shown to affect children's eating behavior. However, little is known about the prevalence of such cues, the contexts in which they appear, and the frequency with which they are featured as part of explicit marketing campaigns. The objective of this study was to explore the extent and nature of food and beverage cues featured in YouTube videos of influencers popular with children. All videos uploaded by two influencers (one female, one male) over a year (2017) were analyzed. Based on previous content analyses of broadcast marketing, cues were categorized by product type and classified as "healthy" or "less healthy" according to the UK Nutrient Profiling Model. Cues were also coded for branding status, and other factors related to their display (e.g., description). In total, the sample comprised 380 YouTube videos (119.5 h) and, of these, only 27 videos (7.4%) did not feature any food or beverage cues. Cakes (9.4%) and fast foods (8.9%) were the most frequently featured product types, less frequent were healthier products such as fruits (6.5%) and vegetables (5.8%). Overall, cues were more frequently classified as less healthy (49.4%) than healthy (34.5%) and were presented in different contexts according to nutritional profile. Less healthy foods (compared with healthy foods) were more often; branded, presented in the context of eating out, described positively, not consumed, and featured as part of an explicit marketing campaign. These data provide the first empirical assessment of the extent and nature of food and beverage cue presentation in YouTube videos by influencers popular with children. Given the emerging evidence of the effects of influencer marketing of food and beverages on children's eating behavior, this exploratory study offers a novel methodological platform for digital food marketing assessment and delivers important contextual information that could inform policy deliberations in this area.

Future Healthc J ; 5(2): 121-125, 2018 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31098546


There is little evidence as to whether clerking pro formas are more or less effective than continuation sheets for the acute medical admission clerking process. This two site audit aimed to assess the effect of introducing clerking pro formas on the completeness of documentation in 32 areas. Data were collected at two sites both pre- and post-introduction of two different clerking pro formas, and a two-tailed z-test used to assess the significance in changes in documentation at each individual site and combined across both sites. Site one showed improvements in 23/32 areas, with 7/32 (21.9%) being significant; three areas saw a decline and 1/32 showed a statistically significant decline. Site two showed improvement across 25/32 sites with 19 (59.4%) being significant; there were no areas showing less complete documentation. Cross-site analysis showed improvements in 30/32 categories, with 15 (46.9%) being significant; one area showed a non-significant decline. The greatest percentage improvement was seen in documentation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation / escalation decisions - an important consideration in this clinically unstable population. The introduction of clerking pro formas across two sites improved the completeness of documentation in a number of areas. This data supports the widespread introduction of clerking pro formas as a tool to improve the completeness of admission documentation.

Rev Esp Salud Publica ; 922018 Sep 26.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30245505


BACKGROUND: The evidence highlights the importance of working with ethnicity in relation to the social determinants of health for the progressive achievement of universal access to health and universal health coverage. This implies that all people and communities have access, without any kind of discrimination, to comprehensive, appropriate and timely, quality health services, while ensuring that the use of these services does not expose users to financial hardship. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) recognized the need for a political commitment and a consensual strategic framework to advance towards equity in health. As a result, in a participatory way, the first policy on ethnicity and health was elaborated and approved by the Ministries of Health in September 2017 during the 29th Pan American Sanitary Conference. This policy, promoted by PAHO / WHO, includes ethnicity as one of its four cross cutting themes for work, aligned with important global commitments, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This article presents the way in which this political proposal was elaborated, and the challenges for its implementation. This policy takes into account the need to work together and reorient health services with an intercultural approach in order to improve the health conditions of indigenous peoples, afro-descendants, Roma people and other ethnic groups that coexist in the Americas region, who present health results more unfavorable than the rest of the population. CONCLUSIONS: With the approval of the policy, the Americas becomes the first region of WHO to respond to the need to adopt an intercultural approach in the context of the social determinants of health. This is done by taking into account the gender and ethnic inequalities that interact, the differences in access to health throughout the life course, as well as the promotion and respect of individual rights and, in the case of indigenous peoples, collective rights.

Fundamentos: La evidencia pone de manifiesto la importancia de abordar la etnicidad en relación a los determinantes sociales de la salud para el logro progresivo del acceso universal a la salud y la cobertura universal en salud. Esto implica que todas las personas y las comunidades tengan acceso, sin discriminación alguna, a servicios integrales de salud adecuados, oportunos, de calidad, a la vez que se asegura que el uso de esos servicios no expone a los usuarios a dificultades financieras. La Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/OMS) reconoció la necesidad de un compromiso político y marco estratégico consensuado para avanzar hacia la equidad en salud, elaborando la primera política sobre etnicidad y salud para las Américas aprobada por los ministerios de salud en septiembre de 2017 durante la 29ª Conferencia Sanitaria Panamericana. Esta política, impulsada por la OPS/ OMS, que incluye la etnicidad como uno de sus cuatro ejes transversales de trabajo, está alineada con importantes compromisos globales, incluida la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible. El presente artículo presenta la forma como se elaboró esta política, y los desafíos para su implementación. Dicha política tiene en cuenta la necesidad de trabajar en conjunto y reorientar los servicios de salud con un enfoque intercultural para mejorar las condiciones de salud de los pueblos indígenas, los afrodescendientes, los romaníes y otros grupos étnicos que coexisten en la región de las Américas y que, en muchas ocasiones, presentan resultados de salud más desfavorables que el resto de la población. Conclusiones: Con la aprobación de esta política, la región de las Américas se convierte en la primera región de la OMS en dar respuesta a la necesidad de adoptar un abordaje intercultural, en el contexto de los determinantes sociales de la salud, considerando las desigualdades de género que interaccionan con las de etnicidad, las diferencias en acceso a la salud a través del curso de vida, la promoción y el respeto de los derechos individuales y, para los pueblos indígenas, de los derechos colectivos.

Etnicidad , Política de Salud , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud/organización & administración , Disparidades en Atención de Salud/etnología , Grupos Minoritarios , Américas , Humanos , Organización Panamericana de la Salud , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud , Factores Socioeconómicos , España , Cobertura Universal del Seguro de Salud
Health (London) ; 10(3): 283-301, 2006 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16775016


This article reports on a qualitative study in a materially deprived locality in northern England, which originally aimed to explore local residents' views of proposed changes to local health care provision. However, participants also quickly moved the research agenda onto widespread discussions of (mis)trust. Unlike much sociological literature that defines trust as operating on two levels (inter-personal and system-based), their narratives of trust were constructed on several inter-connected levels. We explore mistrust in local general practitioners (GPs) as a factor of mistrust of a number of local and national organizations and social systems, rather than solely related to the medical system. Widespread mistrust of 'authority' was narrated through a shared history of disinvestment and loss of services in the locality and 'broken promises' by a range of institutions, which precipitated feelings of social exclusion and disembeddedness.

Áreas de Pobreza , Medicina Estatal/organización & administración , Confianza , Inglaterra , Grupos Focales , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Hospitales Públicos , Humanos , Médicos de Familia , Investigación Cualitativa , Clase Social