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Conserv Biol ; : e14295, 2024 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38766922


Purse-seine fishers using drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs), mainly built with bamboo, plastic buoys, and plastic netting, to aggregate and catch tropical tuna, deploy 46,000-65,000 dFADs per year in the Pacific Ocean. Some of the major concerns associated with this widespread fishing device are potential entanglement of sea turtles and other marine fauna in dFAD netting; marine debris and pollution; and potential ecological damage via stranding on coral reefs, beaches, and other essential habitats for marine fauna. To assess and quantify the potential connectivity (number of dFADs deployed in an area and arriving in another area) between dFAD deployment areas and important oceanic or coastal habitat of critically endangered leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean, we conducted passive-drift Lagrangian experiments with simulated dFAD drift profiles and compared them with known important sea turtle areas. Up to 60% of dFADs from equatorial areas were arriving in essential sea turtle habitats. Connectivity was less when only areas where dFADs are currently deployed were used. Our simulations identified potential regions of dFAD interactions with migration and feeding habitats of the east Pacific leatherback turtle in the tropical southeastern Pacific Ocean; coastal habitats of leatherback and hawksbill in the western Pacific (e.g., archipelagic zones of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands); and foraging habitat of leatherback in a large equatorial area south of Hawaii. Additional research is needed to estimate entanglements of sea turtles with dFADs at sea and to quantify the likely changes in connectivity and distribution of dFADs under new management measures, such as use of alternative nonentangling dFAD designs that biodegrade, or changes in deployment strategies, such as shifting locations.

Simulación de las trayectorias de dispositivos de concentración de peces a la deriva para identificar las interacciones potenciales con las tortugas marinas en peligro de extinción Resumen Los pescadores que usan redes de cerco con dispositivos de concentración de peces a la deriva (dFADs), hechos principalmente con bambú, boyas de plástico y redes de plástico, para concentrar y capturar atún, instalan entre 46,000 y 65,000 dFADs al año en el Océano Pacífico. Algunas de las problemáticas principales asociadas con este dispositivo de pesca de uso extenso son el enredamiento potencial de tortugas marinas y otras especies marinas en las redes de los dFADs; los desechos marinos y la contaminación; y el potencial daño ecológico por el varamiento en los arrecifes de coral, playas y otros hábitats esenciales para la fauna marina. Realizamos experimentos lagrangianos de deriva pasiva con la simulación de perfiles de deriva de los dFADs y los comparamos con áreas conocidas de importancia para las tortugas marinas. Esto fue con el objetivo de evaluar y cuantificar la conectividad potencial (número de dFADs instalados en un área que llegan a otra área) entre las áreas de instalación de dFADs y los hábitats oceánicos o costeros importantes para la tortuga laúd (Dermochelys coriacea) y la tortuga de carey (Eretmochelys imbricata), ambas en peligro crítico de extinción, en el Océano Pacífico. Hasta el 60% de los dFADs de las áreas ecuatoriales llegaron a los hábitats esenciales para las tortugas marinas. La conectividad fue menor sólo cuando se usaron áreas en donde actualmente hay dFADs instalados. Nuestras simulaciones identificaron regiones potenciales de interacción entre los dFADs y los hábitats de migración y alimentación de la tortuga laúd en el sureste tropical del Océano Pacífico; los hábitats costeros de ambas especies en el Pacífico occidental (p. ej.: zonas de archipiélagos en Indonesia, Papúa Nueva Guinea y en las Islas Salomón); y en el hábitat de forrajeo de la tortuga laúd en una gran área ecuatorial al sur de Hawái. Se requiere de mayor investigación para estimar el enredamiento de las tortugas marinas con los dFADs en el mar y para cuantificar los cambios probables en la conectividad y la distribución de los dFADs bajo nuevas medidas de manejo, como el uso alternativo de diseños que eviten el enredamiento y sean biodegradables, o cambios en las estrategias de instalación, como la reubicación.

Mar Pollut Bull ; 196: 115585, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37778244


Abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is a major source of marine debris with significant ecological and economic consequences. We documented the frequency, types, sizes, and impacts of ALDFG recovered from Hawai'i and Palmyra Atoll in the Central North Pacific Ocean (CNPO) from 2009 to 2021. A total of 253 events weighing 15 metric tons were recovered, including 120 drifting fish aggregating device (dFAD) components, 61 conglomerates, fewer distinct nets, lines, buoys, and unique gear. The Hawaiian Islands were dominated by conglomerates and Palmyra Atoll by dFADs. DFADs were connected to the Eastern Pacific tropical tuna purse seine fishery. Windward O'ahu experienced up to seven events or 1800 kg of ALDFG per month. Across Hawai', ALDFG was present on 55 % of survey days, including hotspots with 100 % occurrence. Coral reef damage, entangled wildlife, navigational and removal costs are reported. The data highlight the large magnitude of ALDFG and associated impacts in the CNPO.

Contaminación Ambiental , Caza , Animales , Hawaii , Islas , Océano Pacífico , Explotaciones Pesqueras
Sci Rep ; 9(1): 14005, 2019 09 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31570729


In an effort to increase purse seine fishing efficiency for tropical tunas, over 30,000 drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (dFADs) are deployed every year by fishers in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). The use of dFADs also impacts ecosystems, in particular through marine pollution and dFAD beaching. This paper presents the first estimate of dFAD beaching events in the WCPO (>1300 in 2016-2017) and their distribution. Lagrangian simulations of virtual dFADs, released subject to contrasting deployment distributions, help us determine the relative importance of operational versus environmental drivers of dFADs drifting to beaching areas. The highest levels of beaching, occurring on Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, are likely a result of the prevailing westward oceanic circulation and subsequent local processes driving dFADs towards land. Similarly, high beaching rates in Tuvalu appear to be due to the general circulation of the WCPO. In contrast, beaching in Kiribati Gilbert Islands appear to be more strongly related to dFAD deployment strategy. These findings indicate that reducing beaching events via changes in deployment locations may be difficult. As such, management approaches combining dFAD deployment limits, the use of biodegradable dFADs, recoveries at-sea close to sensitive areas and/or beached dFAD removal should be considered.