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Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(3)2024 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38426899


A spectroscopic imaging-scanning tunneling microscope (SI-STM) allows for the atomic scale visualization of the surface electronic and magnetic structure of novel quantum materials with a high energy resolution. To achieve the optimal performance, a low vibration facility is required. Here, we describe the design and performance of an ultrahigh vacuum STM system supported by a hybrid vibration isolation system that consists of a pneumatic passive and a piezoelectric active vibration isolation stage. We present the detailed vibrational noise analysis of the hybrid vibration isolation system, which shows that the vibration level can be suppressed below 10-8 m/sec/√Hz for most frequencies up to 100 Hz. Combined with a rigid STM design, vibrational noise can be successfully removed from the tunneling current. We demonstrate the performance of our STM system by taking high resolution spectroscopic maps and topographic images on several quantum materials. Our results establish a new strategy to achieve an effective vibration isolation system for high-resolution STM and other scanning probe microscopies to investigate the nanoscale quantum phenomena.

Ultramicroscopy ; 196: 180-185, 2019 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30423505


Scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is a powerful tool for studying the structural and electronic properties of materials at the atomic scale. The combination of low temperature and high magnetic field for STM and related spectroscopy techniques allows us to investigate the novel physical properties of materials at these extreme conditions with high energy resolution. Here, we present the construction and the performance of an ultrahigh vacuum 3He fridge-based STM system with a 7 Tesla superconducting magnet. It features a double deck sample stage on the STM head so we can clean the tip by field emission or prepare a spin-polarized tip in situ without removing the sample from the STM. It is also capable of in situ sample and tip exchange and preparation. The energy resolution of scanning tunneling spectroscopy at T = 310 mK is determined to be 400 mK by measuring the superconducting gap with a niobium tip on a gold surface. We demonstrate the performance of this STM system by imaging the bicollinear magnetic order of Fe1+xTe at T = 5 K.

Adv Mater ; 31(37): e1901077, 2019 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31339199


Twisting between two stacked monolayers modulates periodic potentials and forms the Moiré electronic superlattices, which offers an additional degree of freedom to alter material property. Considerable unique observations, including unconventional superconductivity, coupled spin-valley states, and quantized interlayer excitons are correlated to the electronic superlattices but further study requires reliable routes to study the Moiré in real space. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is ideal to precisely probe the Moiré superlattice and correlate coupled parameters among local electronic structures, strains, defects, and band alignment at atomic scale. Here, a clean route is developed to construct twisted lattices using synthesized monolayers for fundamental studies. Diverse Moiré superlattices are predicted and successfully observed with STM at room temperature. Electrical tuning of the Moiré superlattice is achieved with stacked TMD on graphite.

ACS Omega ; 4(3): 5442-5450, 2019 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31459709


Single-crystalline SnSe has attracted much attention because of its record high figure-of-merit ZT ≈ 2.6; however, this high ZT has been associated with the low mass density of samples which leaves the intrinsic ZT of fully dense pristine SnSe in question. To this end, we prepared high-quality fully dense SnSe single crystals and performed detailed structural, electrical, and thermal transport measurements over a wide temperature range along the major crystallographic directions. Our single crystals were fully dense and of high purity as confirmed via high statistics 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy that revealed <0.35 at. % Sn(IV) in pristine SnSe. The temperature-dependent heat capacity (C p) provided evidence for the displacive second-order phase transition from Pnma to Cmcm phase at T c ≈ 800 K and a small but finite Sommerfeld coefficient γ0 which implied the presence of a finite Fermi surface. Interestingly, despite its strongly temperature-dependent band gap inferred from density functional theory calculations, SnSe behaves like a low-carrier-concentration multiband metal below 600 K, above which it exhibits a semiconducting behavior. Notably, our high-quality single-crystalline SnSe exhibits a thermoelectric figure-of-merit ZT ∼1.0, ∼0.8, and ∼0.25 at 850 K along the b, c, and a directions, respectively.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 5431, 2018 12 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30575727


In a superconductor Cooper pairs condense into a single state and in so doing support dissipation free charge flow and perfect diamagnetism. In a magnetic field the minimum kinetic energy of the Cooper pairs increases, producing an orbital pair breaking effect. We show that it is possible to significantly quench the orbital pair breaking effect for both parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields in a thin film superconductor with lateral nanostructure on a length scale smaller than the magnetic length. By growing an ultra-thin (2 nm thick) single crystalline Pb nanowire network, we establish nm scale lateral structure without introducing weak links. Our network suppresses orbital pair breaking for both perpendicular and in-plane fields with a negligible reduction in zero-field resistive critical temperatures. Our study opens a frontier in nanoscale superconductivity by providing a strategy for maintaining pairing in strong field environments in all directions with important technological implications.

Sci Adv ; 2(11): e1600894, 2016 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28138520


The search for topological superconductors (TSCs) is one of the most urgent contemporary problems in condensed matter systems. TSCs are characterized by a full superconducting gap in the bulk and topologically protected gapless surface (or edge) states. Within each vortex core of TSCs, there exists the zero-energy Majorana bound states, which are predicted to exhibit non-Abelian statistics and to form the basis of the fault-tolerant quantum computation. To date, no stoichiometric bulk material exhibits the required topological surface states (TSSs) at the Fermi level (EF) combined with fully gapped bulk superconductivity. We report atomic-scale visualization of the TSSs of the noncentrosymmetric fully gapped superconductor PbTaSe2. Using quasi-particle scattering interference imaging, we find two TSSs with a Dirac point at E ≅ 1.0 eV, of which the inner TSS and the partial outer TSS cross EF, on the Pb-terminated surface of this fully gapped superconductor. This discovery reveals PbTaSe2 as a promising candidate for TSC.