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Z Med Phys ; 2022 Dec 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36577627


PURPOSE: The Type A standard uncertainty in Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculations is usually determined using the "history by history" method. Its applicability is based on the assumption that the central limit theorem (CLT) can be applied such that the dispersion of repeated calculations can be modeled by a Normal distribution. The justification for this assumption, however, is not obvious. The concept of stochastic quantities used in the field of microdosimetry offers an alternative approach to assess uncertainty. This leads to a new and simple expression. METHODS: The value of the MC determined absorbed dose is considered a random variable which is comparable to the stochastic quantity specific energy, z. This quantity plays an important role in microdosimetry and in the definition of the quantity absorbed dose, D. One of the main features of z is that it is itself the product of two other random variables, specifically of the mean dose contribution in a 'single event' and of the mean number of such events. The term 'single event' signifies the sum of energies imparted by all correlated particles to the matter in a given volume. The similarity between the MC calculated absorbed dose and the specific energy is used to establish the 'event by event' method for the determination of the uncertainty. MC dose calculations were performed to test and compare both methods. RESULTS: It is shown that the dispersion of values obtained by MC dose calculations indeed depend on the product of the mean absorbed dose per event, and the number of events. Applying methods to obtain the variance of a product of two random variables, a simple formula for the assessment of uncertainties is obtained which is slightly different from the 'history by history' method. Interestingly, both formulas yield indistinguishable results. This finding is attributed to the large number of histories used in MC simulations. Due on the fact that the values of a MC calculated absorbed dose are the product of two approximately Normal distributions it can be demonstrated that the resulting product is also approximately normally distributed. CONCLUSIONS: The event by event approach appears to be more suitable than the history by history approach because it takes into account the randomness of the number of events involved in MC dose calculations. Under the condition of large numbers of histories, however, both approaches lead to the same simple expression for the determination of uncertainty in MC dose calculations. It is suggested to replace the formula currently used by the new expression. Finally, it turned out that the concept and ideas that were developed in the field of microdosimetry already 50 years ago can be usefully applied also in MC calculations.

Z Med Phys ; 32(4): 417-427, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35643800


PURPOSE: Simulation of absorbed dose deposition in a detector is one of the key tasks of Monte Carlo (MC) dosimetry methodology. Recent publications (Hartmann and Zink, 2018; Hartmann and Zink, 2019; Hartmann et al., 2021) have shown that knowledge of the charged particle fluence differential in energy contributing to absorbed dose is useful to provide enhanced insight on how response depends on detector properties. While some EGSnrc MC codes provide output of charged particle spectra, they are often restricted in setup options or limited in calculation efficiency. For detector simulations, a promising approach is to upgrade the EGSnrc code egs_chamber which so far does not offer charged particle calculations. METHODS: Since the user code cavity offers charged particle fluence calculation, the underlying algorithm was embedded in egs_chamber. The modified code was tested against two EGSnrc applications and DOSXYZnrc which was modified accordingly by one of the authors. Furthermore, the gain in efficiency achieved by photon cross section enhancement was determined quantitatively. RESULTS: Electron and positron fluence spectra and restricted cema calculated by egs_chamber agreed well with the compared applications thus demonstrating the feasibility of the new code. Additionally, variance reduction techniques are now applicable also for fluence calculations. Depending on the simulation setup, considerable gains in efficiency were obtained by photon cross section enhancement. CONCLUSION: The enhanced egs_chamber code represents a valuable tool to investigate the response of detectors with respect to absorbed dose and fluence distribution and the perturbation caused by the detector in a reasonable computation time. By using intermediate phase space scoring, egs_chamber offers parallel calculation of charged particle fluence spectra for different detector configurations in one single run.

Fotones , Radiometría , Método de Montecarlo , Radiometría/métodos , Electrones , Algoritmos , Iones , Fantasmas de Imagen
Med Phys ; 48(11): 7461-7475, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34613620


PURPOSE: Determination of absorbed dose is well established in many dosimetry protocols and considered to be highly reliable using ionization chambers under reference conditions. If dosimetry is performed under other conditions or using other detectors, however, open questions still remain. Such questions frequently refer to appropriate correction factors. A converted energy per mass (cema)-based approach to formulate such correction factors offers a good understanding of the specific response of a detector for dosimetry under various measuring conditions and thus an estimate of pros and cons of its application. METHODS: Determination of absorbed dose requires the knowledge of the beam quality correction factor kQ,Qo , where Q denotes the quality of a user beam and Qo is the quality of the radiation used for calibration. In modern Monte Carlo (MC)-based methods, kQ,Qo is directly derived from the MC-calculated dose conversion factor, which is the ratio between the absorbed dose at a point of interest in water and the mean absorbed dose in the sensitive volume of an ion chamber. In this work, absorbed dose is approximated by the fundamental quantity cema. This approximation allows the dose conversion factor to be substituted by the cema conversion factor. Subsequently, this factor is decomposed into a product of cema ratios. They are identified as the stopping power ratio water to the material in the sensitive detector volume, and as the correction factor for the fluence perturbation of the secondary charged particles in the detector cavity caused by the presence of the detector. This correction factor is further decomposed with respect to the perturbation caused by the detector cavity and that caused by external detector properties. The cema-based formalism was subsequently tested by MC calculations of the spectral fluence of the secondary charged particles (electrons and positrons) under various conditions. RESULTS: MC calculations demonstrate that considerable fluence perturbation may occur particularly under non-reference conditions. Cema-based correction factors to be applied in a 6-MV beam were obtained for a number of ionization chambers and for three solid-state detectors. Feasibility was shown at field sizes of 4 × 4 and 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm. Values of the cema ratios resulting from the decomposition of the dose conversion factor can be well correlated with detector response. Under the small field conditions, the internal fluence correction factor of ionization chambers is considerably dependent on volume averaging and thus on the shape and size of the cavity volume. CONCLUSIONS: The cema approach is particularly useful at non-reference conditions including when solid-state detectors are used. Perturbation correction factors can be expressed and evaluated by cema ratios in a comprehensive manner. The cema approach can serve to understand the specific response of a detector for dosimetry to be dependent on (a) radiation quality, (b) detector properties, and (c) electron fluence changes caused by the detector. This understanding may also help to decide which detector is best suited for a specific measurement situation.

Fotones , Radiometría , Calibración , Método de Montecarlo , Fenómenos Físicos
Z Med Phys ; 29(3): 239-248, 2019 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30262137


Detailed information on the different methods used to compute charged-particle fluence spectra during a Monte Carlo (MC) calculation is scattered throughout the literature or discussed in internal reports. This work summarizes the most commonly used methods and introduces an alternative approach, makes comparisons between the different techniques, both from a theoretical ground and performing ad-hoc MC calculations, and discusses the advantages and constraints of each technique. It is concluded that methods based on the apportion of a track segment to the different energy bins of a linear or logarithmic grid are independent of the length of the track segment and the amount of energy loss between its extremes. This is the case for two of the methods presented, but not for a third one, the former group being considered to yield more accurate distributions in most cases. It is shown that the positron fluence contribution to the total restricted cema may amount up to several percent, and its omission lead to cema underestimates of that order. The influence of restricted radiative energy losses of electrons and positrons on fluence distribution and cema calculations are discussed on the grounds of the relative weight of restricted and unrestricted stopping powers, leading to expect a practically negligible influence on dosimetry calculations. The expectation is confirmed with MC calculations of a high-energy photon beam in gold, leading to the conclusion that restricted radiative energy losses can be disregarded for the most commonly used threshold energies for secondary charged particle production.

Método de Montecarlo , Exposición a la Radiación/análisis , Radiometría
Med Phys ; 46(11): 5159-5172, 2019 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31314919


PURPOSE: Data on the output correction factor for small photon beam dosimetry of the microDiamond detector manufactured by the company PTW can be found in a variety of papers. Referring either to measurements or to Monte Carlo (MC) calculations, they show substantial disagreements particularly at very small fields. This work reports results of a further MC study aiming at a better understanding of how specific properties of the microDiamond detector are influencing its output correction factor and whether this can explain at least some of the disagreements. METHODS: In this study the method of a fluence-based decomposition of the dose conversion factor was used which is considered as a useful tool to understand the response of a detector in nonreference conditions. This decomposition method yields the following three factors: (a) the stopping power ratio water to diamond, (b) a perturbation factor pint taking into account all fluence changes in the transition from a small water voxel at the point of dose determination to the bare diamond detector, and (c) a perturbation factor pext taking into account all additional fluence changes in the fully simulated diamond detector caused by the material and design details outside the sensitive volume. RESULTS: Monte Carlo calculated output correction factors were obtained for Co-60, 6 MV and 10 MV photon beams showing that the maximum variation with field size remained in the order of 2% for quadratic field sizes larger than about 0.3 cm. For field sizes smaller than about 0.5 cm a clear under-response is obtained at all three radiation qualities in agreement with all known MC calculations, however, in contrast to some measured result. The shape of the output correction factor can be well explained by an opposite mode of action between under-response expressed by the perturbation factor pint and over-response expressed by the perturbation factor pext where the first one is mainly influenced by volume averaging, and the second one by a back scatter effect of electrons from the diamond substrate into the sensitive volume. CONCLUSION: The response of microDiamond detector can be well described under various measuring conditions by the dose conversion factor and the dependency of its fluence-based subfactors on detector characteristics. Monte Carlo simulations offer an improvement in the understanding particularly of small-field effects by relating the output correction factor to spectral fluence changes in the sensitive volume of the detector. The most significant influence factors are the finite size of the active volume and the presence of the high-density diamond substrate causing a field size-dependent backscattering. These perturbations are opposite in their effects. The diamond in the sensitive volume itself and in particular its density has almost no influence. Scattering of results at very small field sizes can be explained by different gradients of dose profiles around the beam axis at identical full width half maximum (FWHM) field size parameters and by possible deviations of the radius of the sensitive volume from the nominal radius. The backscattering effect also has an influence on the determination of profiles and for very small field sizes on the response at different rotation angles.

Diamante , Método de Montecarlo , Radiometría/instrumentación , Algoritmos , Radioisótopos de Cobalto , Fotones
Med Phys ; 2018 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29974479


PURPOSE: The dose conversion factor plays an important role in the dosimetry by enabling the absorbed dose in the sensitive volume of a detector to be converted into the absorbed dose in the surrounding medium (in most cases water). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that a specific fluence-based approach for the decomposition of the dose conversion factor is in particular useful for the interpretation of the influences of detector properties on measurements under nonreference conditions. METHODS: Data for the dose conversion factor and secondary fluence spectra were obtained by the Monte Carlo method. The calculation of the secondary charged particle fluence (electrons and positrons) in the sensitive detector volume was imbedded into the code for the calculation of absorbed dose in the detector. The decomposition method into subfactors is based on the use of these fluence data applied to a stepwise transition from the dose at the point of measurement next to a pure water detector and finally to the fully simulated detector geometry. Each subfactor is obtained as a ratio, at which the stopping power only is different in the numerator and the denominator or at which the fluence only is different in the numerator and the denominator. This method was applied at photon dose profiles obtained in water at different radiation qualities and with various detectors of cylindrical type. RESULTS: The resulting subfactors can be well identified as a stopping power ratio and as perturbation factors each reflecting particular detector properties. Two of them (f1 and f4 ) are equivalent with perturbation factors which have already been introduced by other authors previously. These are the volume perturbation factor and the extracameral perturbation factor. Subfactor f2 denoted as medium perturbation factor was found to resemble the density perturbation factor. Results obtained for the volume perturbation factor applied to dose profiles measured with cylindrical detectors confirm that the volume effect can be well described by a convolution of the true profile in water with a Gaussian kernel. It was found that the sigma parameter depends on the cylinder radius only and amounts almost exactly to half of its value. The medium perturbation factor strongly depends on the density of the detector medium. For an air-filled detector, the influence of the air again can be described by a Gauss convolution, however, with a less good agreement. For detectors with a density of the cavity medium larger than that of water, for instance, for a diamond detector, it was found that there is a tendency of compensation between the volume averaging effect and the medium effect. CONCLUSION: The fluence-based decomposition of the dose conversion factor leads to a fluence-based formulation of perturbation factors, referred to as volume, medium, and extracameral perturbation factor. These factors offer useful explanations for the behavior of detectors in nonreference conditions. An example was given for cylindrical detectors at dose profile measurements.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys ; 68(1): 301-10, 2007 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17448883


PURPOSE: Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) represents an important method for improving RT. The IMRT relative dosimetry checks are well established; however, open questions remain in reference dosimetry with ionization chambers (ICs). The main problem is the departure of the measurement conditions from the reference ones; thus, additional uncertainty is introduced into the dose determination. The goal of this study was to assess this effect systematically. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Monte Carlo calculations and dosimetric measurements with five different detectors were performed for a number of representative IMRT cases, covering both step-and-shoot and dynamic delivery. RESULTS: Using ICs with volumes of about 0.125 cm(3) or less, good agreement was observed among the detectors in most of the situations studied. These results also agreed well with the Monte Carlo-calculated nonreference correction factors (c factors). Additionally, we found a general correlation between the IC position relative to a segment and the derived correction factor c, which can be used to estimate the expected overall uncertainty of the treatment. CONCLUSION: The increase of the reference dose relative standard uncertainty measured with ICs introduced by nonreference conditions when verifying an entire IMRT plan is about 1-1.5%, provided that appropriate small-volume chambers are used. The overall standard uncertainty of the measured IMRT dose amounts to about 2.3%, including the 0.5% of reproducibility and 1.5% of uncertainty associated with the beam calibration factor. Solid state detectors and large-volume chambers are not well suited to IMRT verification dosimetry because of the greater uncertainties. An action level of 5% is appropriate for IMRT verification. Greater discrepancies should lead to a review of the dosimetric procedure, including visual inspection of treatment segments and energy fluence.

Dosificación Radioterapéutica/normas , Radioterapia de Intensidad Modulada/normas , Calibración , Método de Montecarlo , Control de Calidad , Radiometría/instrumentación , Radiometría/normas , Valores de Referencia , Incertidumbre
Phys Med Biol ; 62(4): 1613-1631, 2017 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28145285


Afterloading brachytherapy is conducted by the stepwise movement of a radioactive source through surgically implanted applicator tubes where at predefined dwell positions calculated dwell times optimize spatial dose delivery with respect to a planned dose level. The temporal exposure pattern exhibits drastic fluctuations in dose rate at a given coordinate and within a single treatment session because of the discontinuous and repeated source movement into the target volume. This could potentially affect biological response. Therefore, mammalian cells were exposed as monolayers to a high dose rate 192Ir source by utilizing a dedicated irradiation device where the distance between a planar array of radioactive source positions and the plane of the cell monolayer could be varied from 2.5 mm to 40 mm, thus varying dose rate pattern for any chosen total dose. The Gammamed IIi afterloading system equipped with a nominal 370 GBq (10 Ci) 192-Ir source was used to irradiate V79 Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts from both confluent and from exponential growth phase with dose up to 12 Gy (at room temperature, total exposure not exceeding 1 h). For comparison, V79 cells were also exposed to 6 MV x-rays from a clinical linear accelerator (dose rate of 2.5 Gy min-1). As biological endpoint, cell survival was determined by standard colony forming assay. Dose measurements were conducted with a diamond detector (sensitive area 7.3 mm2), calibrated by means of 60Co radiation. Additionally, dose delivery was simulated by Monte Carlo calculations using the EGSnrc code system. The calculated secondary electron fluence spectra at the cell location did not indicate a significant change of radiation quality (i.e. higher linear energy transfer) at the lower distances. Clonogenic cell survival curves obtained after brachytherapy exhibited an altered biological response compared to x-rays which was characterized by a significant reduction of the survival curve shoulder when dose rate fluctuations were high. Therefore, also for the time scale of the present investigation, cellular effects of radiation are not invariant to the temporal pattern in dose rate. We propose that with high dose rate variation the cells activate less efficiently their DNA damage response than after continuous irradiation.

Radiother Oncol ; 75(3): 342-8, 2005 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15967525


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Absolute dose measurements for Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) beamlets is difficult due to the lack of lateral electron equilibrium. Recently we found that the absolute dosimetry in the penumbra region of the IMRT beamlet, can suffer from significant errors (Capote et al., Med Phys 31 (2004) 2416-2422). This work has the goal to estimate the error made when measuring the Planning Target Volume's (PTV) absolute dose by a micro ion chamber (microIC) in typical IMRT treatment. The dose error comes from the assumption that the dosimetric parameters determining the absolute dose are the same as for the reference conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two IMRT treatment plans for common prostate carcinoma case, derived by forward and inverse optimisation, were considered. Detailed geometrical simulation of the microIC and the dose verification set-up was performed. The Monte Carlo (MC) simulation allows us to calculate the delivered dose to water and the dose delivered to the active volume of the ion chamber. However, the measured dose in water is usually derived from chamber readings assuming reference conditions. The MC simulation provides needed correction factors for ion chamber dosimetry in non reference conditions. RESULTS: Dose calculations were carried out for some representative beamlets, a combination of segments and for the delivered IMRT treatments. We observe that the largest dose errors (i.e. the largest correction factors) correspond to the smaller contribution of the corresponding IMRT beamlets to the total dose delivered in the ionization chamber within PTV. CONCLUSION: The clinical impact of the calculated dose error in PTV measured dose was found to be negligible for studied IMRT treatments.

Neoplasias de la Próstata/radioterapia , Dosificación Radioterapéutica , Radioterapia Conformacional/métodos , Humanos , Masculino , Método de Montecarlo , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador
Phys Med Biol ; 50(5): 959-70, 2005 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15798268


Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has become a treatment of choice in many oncological institutions. Small fields or beamlets with sizes of 1 to 5 cm2 are now routinely used in IMRT delivery. Therefore small ionization chambers (IC) with sensitive volumes 0.1 cm3 are generally used for dose verification of an IMRT treatment. The measurement conditions during verification may be quite different from reference conditions normally encountered in clinical beam calibration, so dosimetry of these narrow photon beams pertains to the so-called non-reference conditions for beam calibration. This work aims at estimating the error made when measuring the organ at risk's (OAR) absolute dose by a micro ion chamber (microIC) in a typical IMRT treatment. The dose error comes from the assumption that the dosimetric parameters determining the absolute dose are the same as for the reference conditions. We have selected two clinical cases, treated by IMRT, for our dose error evaluations. Detailed geometrical simulation of the microIC and the dose verification set-up was performed. The Monte Carlo (MC) simulation allows us to calculate the dose measured by the chamber as a dose averaged over the air cavity within the ion-chamber active volume (D(air)). The absorbed dose to water (D(water)) is derived as the dose deposited inside the same volume, in the same geometrical position, filled and surrounded by water in the absence of the ion chamber. Therefore, the D(water)/D(air) dose ratio is the MC estimator of the total correction factor needed to convert the absorbed dose in air into the absorbed dose in water. The dose ratio was calculated for the microIC located at the isocentre within the OARs for both clinical cases. The clinical impact of the calculated dose error was found to be negligible for the studied IMRT treatments.

Radiometría/métodos , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/métodos , Radioterapia Conformacional/métodos , Calibración , Humanos , Iones , Masculino , Modelos Teóricos , Método de Montecarlo , Aceleradores de Partículas , Fantasmas de Imagen , Fotones , Neoplasias de la Próstata/radioterapia , Dosis de Radiación , Dosificación Radioterapéutica , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Dispersión de Radiación
Z Med Phys ; 25(1): 48-57, 2015 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25081067


Helical TomoTherapy® is a radiation delivery technique that uses the superposition of many small fields to precisely deliver the prescribed dose to the patient. This work presents a dose verification tool that can be used as part of a quality assurance program for a tomotherapy system. This tool is based on a small field model that takes into account the two main effects that influence the dose distribution in small fields: the extended shape of the radiation source and the loss of lateral charged particle equilibrium (CPE) within the field. The dose verification tool was implemented for simple beam configurations and used to study the influence of temporal beam parameter variations on the delivered dose. After comparing measured and calculated output factors (OFs) and dose profiles for different field configurations, it was found that they agree well to within the globally-defined gamma acceptance criteria of 2%/2mm. The study demonstrated that none of the studied systematic and random variations applied resulted in failed gamma scores using gamma acceptance criteria of 3%/3mm. The developed model implemented in the verification tool allows to evaluate the performance of devices applying narrow photon beams in the treatment delivery and, in particular, to evaluate the delivery performance of a tomotherapy unit.

Modelos Biológicos , Radiometría/métodos , Dosificación Radioterapéutica , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/métodos , Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/métodos , Radioterapia de Intensidad Modulada/métodos , Simulación por Computador , Humanos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Sensibilidad y Especificidad
Radiat Res ; 158(5): 545-55, 2002 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12385632


This study investigated late effects in the brain after irradiation with carbon ions using a rat model. Thirty-six animals were irradiated stereotactically at the right frontal lobe using an extended Bragg peak with maximum doses between 15.2 and 29.2 Gy. Dose-response curves for late changes in the normal brain were measured using T1- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Tolerance doses were calculated at several effect probability levels and times after irradiation. The MRI changes were progressive in time up to 17 months and remained stationary after that time. At 20 months the tolerance doses at the 50% effect probability level were 20.3 +/- 2.0 Gy and 22.6 +/- 2.0 Gy for changes in T1- and T2-weighted MRI, respectively. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) was calculated on the basis of a previous animal study with photons. Using tolerance doses at the 50% effect probability level, RBE values of 1.95 +/- 0.20 and 1.88 +/- 0.18 were obtained for T1- and T2-weighted MRI. A comparison with data in the literature for the spinal cord yielded good agreement, indicating that the RBE values for single-dose irradiations of the brain and the spinal cord are the same within the experimental uncertainty.

Encéfalo/efectos de la radiación , Isótopos de Carbono/efectos adversos , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética/métodos , Animales , Relación Dosis-Respuesta en la Radiación , Estudios de Seguimiento , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética/instrumentación , Masculino , Tolerancia a Radiación , Ratas , Efectividad Biológica Relativa , Factores de Tiempo
Radiat Res ; 157(6): 617-25, 2002 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12005539


Late reaction of normal tissue is still a limiting factor in radiotherapy and radiosurgery of patients with brain tumors. Few quantitative data in terms of dose-response curves are available. In the present study, 99 animals were irradiated stereotactically at the right frontal lobe using a linear accelerator and single doses between 26 and 50 Gy. The diameter of the spherical dose distribution was 4.7 mm (80% isodose). Dose-response curves for late changes in the normal brain at 20 months were measured using T1- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The dependence of the dose-response curves on the follow-up time and the definition of the biological end point were determined. Tolerance doses were calculated at several effect probability levels and times after irradiation. The MRI changes were found to be dependent on dose and progressive in time. At 20 months, the tolerance doses at a 50% effect probability level were 39.6 +/- 1.0 Gy and 42.4 +/- 1.4 Gy for changes in T1- and T2-weighted images, respectively. These dose-response curves can be used for further quantitative investigations on the influence of various treatment parameters, such as the application of charged particles, radiopharmaceuticals or the variation of tissue oxygenation.

Encéfalo/efectos de la radiación , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética/métodos , Tolerancia a Radiación , Radiocirugia/efectos adversos , Animales , Encéfalo/patología , Relación Dosis-Respuesta en la Radiación , Determinación de Punto Final , Masculino , Ratas , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Médula Espinal/patología , Médula Espinal/efectos de la radiación , Factores de Tiempo
Med Phys ; 31(9): 2416-22, 2004 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15487721


Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) has evolved toward the use of many small radiation fields, or "beamlets," to increase the resolution of the intensity map. The size of smaller beamlets can be typically about 1-5 cm2. Therefore small ionization chambers (IC) with sensitive volumes < or = 0.1 cm3 are generally used for dose verification of IMRT treatment. The dosimetry of these narrow photon beams pertains to the so-called nonreference conditions for beam calibration. The use of ion chambers for such narrow beams remains questionable due to the lack of electron equilibrium in most of the field. The present contribution aims to estimate, by the Monte Carlo (MC) method, the total correction needed to convert the IBA-Wellhöfer NAC007 micro IC measured charge in such radiation field to the absolute dose to water. Detailed geometrical simulation of the microionization chamber was performed. The ion chamber was always positioned at a 10 cm depth in water, parallel to the beam axis. The delivered doses to air and water cavity were calculated using the CAVRZ EGSnrc user code. The 6 MV phase-spaces for Primus Clinac (Siemens) used as an input to the CAVRZnrc code were derived by BEAM/EGS4 modeling of the treatment head of the machine along with the multileaf collimator [Sánchez-Doblado et al., Phys. Med. Biol. 48, 2081-2099 (2003)] and contrasted with experimental measurements. Dose calculations were carried out for two irradiation geometries, namely, the reference 10x10 cm2 field and an irregular (approximately 2x2 cm2) IMRT beamlet. The dose measured by the ion chamber is estimated by MC simulation as a dose averaged over the air cavity inside the ion-chamber (Dair). The absorbed dose to water is derived as the dose deposited inside the same volume, in the same geometrical position, filled and surrounded by water (Dwater) in the absence of the ionization chamber. Therefore, the Dwater/Dair dose ratio is a MC direct estimation of the total correction factor needed to convert the absorbed dose in air to absorbed dose to water. The dose ratio was calculated for several chamber positions, starting from the penumbra region around the beamlet along the two diagonals crossing the radiation field. For this quantity from 0 up to a 3% difference is observed between the dose ratio values obtained within the small irregular IMRT beamlet in comparison with the dose ratio derived for the reference 10x10 cm2 field. Greater differences from the reference value up to 9% were obtained in the penumbra region of the small IMRT beamlet.

Algoritmos , Modelos Estadísticos , Método de Montecarlo , Radiometría/instrumentación , Radiometría/métodos , Radioterapia Conformacional/instrumentación , Radioterapia Conformacional/métodos , Simulación por Computador , Análisis de Falla de Equipo/métodos , Radiometría/normas , Dosificación Radioterapéutica , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/instrumentación , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/métodos , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/normas , Radioterapia Conformacional/normas , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Sensibilidad y Especificidad
Phys Med Biol ; 48(2): 211-21, 2003 Jan 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12587905


CT, MRI, PET and SPECT provide complementary information for treatment planning in stereotactic radiotherapy. Stereotactic correlation of these images requires commissioning tests to confirm the localization accuracy of each modality. A phantom was developed to measure the accuracy of stereotactic localization for CT, MRI, PET and SPECT in the head and neck region. To this end. the stereotactically measured coordinates of structures within the phantom were compared with their mechanically defined coordinates. For MRI, PET and SPECT, measurements were performed using two different devices. For MRI, T1- and T2-weighted imaging sequences were applied. For each measurement, the mean radial deviation in space between the stereotactically measured and mechanically defined position of target points was determined. For CT, the mean radial deviation was 0.4 +/- 0.2 mm. For MRI, the mean deviations ranged between 0.7 +/- 0.2 mm and 1.4 +/- 0.5 mm, depending on the MRI device and the imaging sequence. For PET, mean deviations of 1.1 +/- 0.5 mm and 2.4 +/- 0.3 mm were obtained. The mean deviations for SPECT were 1.6 +/- 0.5 mm and 2.0 +/- 0.6 mm. The phantom is well suited to determine the accuracy of stereotactic localization with CT, MRI, PET and SPECT in the head and neck region. The obtained accuracy is well below the physical resolution for CT, PET and SPECT, and of comparable magnitude for MRI. Since the localization accuracy may be device dependent, results obtained at one device cannot be generalized to others.

Imagen por Resonancia Magnética/métodos , Fantasmas de Imagen , Radiocirugia/métodos , Tomografía Computarizada de Emisión/métodos , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X/métodos , Humanos , Aumento de la Imagen/instrumentación , Aumento de la Imagen/métodos , Aumento de la Imagen/normas , Control de Calidad , Radiocirugia/instrumentación , Radiocirugia/normas , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/instrumentación , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/métodos , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/normas , Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/instrumentación , Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/métodos , Estándares de Referencia , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Técnica de Sustracción , Tomografía Computarizada de Emisión de Fotón Único/métodos
Z Med Phys ; 13(4): 241-50, 2003.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14732953


The International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna has recently published a new Code of Practice for absorbed dose determination in external beam radiotherapy (Technical Reports Series No. 398). This code claims to fulfill the need for a systematic and internationally unfied approach to the calibration of ionization chambers, as well as to the use of these detectors in determining the absorbed dose to water for the radiation beams used in radiotherapy. In Germany, the corresponding national norms are laid down in DIN 6800-2. Therefore, it appeared necessary to compare in detail the procedures and results obtained according to these two documents. The comparison was performed for a 6 MV and 15 MV photon beam, as well as for a 12 MeV and 18 MeV electron beam. Although a series of differences could be ascertained, in particular in the numerical values of the various perturbation factors, the agreement of the final results remained well within the expected uncertainty range. Nevertheless, it is suggested to modify DIN 6800-2 in order to make it more easily applicable to a hospital environment, to incorporate the progress of knowledge in the data involved, and to achieve a better adherence to international recommendations.

Electrones/uso terapéutico , Aceleradores de Partículas , Fotones/uso terapéutico , Radioterapia de Alta Energía/métodos , Calibración , Alemania , Humanos , Modelos Teóricos , Aceleradores de Partículas/normas , Fantasmas de Imagen , Garantía de la Calidad de Atención de Salud
Z Med Phys ; 14(4): 260-6, 2004.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15656108


The international Agency of Atomic Energy (IAEA) has recently published a new code of practice (TRS-398) for dosimetry of ionizing radiation. In this code, the saturation correction for pulsed radiation is treated differently compared to the German regulation DIN6800-2. The Code provides also an approximation formula that is not identical to that of DIN 6800-2. The present study analyzed the relations between the different formulas and determined the impact on the size of the resulting saturation correction factor. All formulas can be traced back to Boag's theory of ionic recombination, however the formula in DIN 6800-2 uses an additional linear approximation. The approximation in TRS-398, in turn, can be derived from the formula in DIN 6800-2 by applying a further linear approximation. Measurements were performed with four different ionization chambers using photon and electron beams. All formulas yielded the same saturation correction within 0.1%. However, for the medical physicist in a hospital it would be desirable to have the same formula in national regulations and international recommendations, to avoid any uncertainty on which method to apply.

Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/métodos , Calibración , Electrones , Fotones , Dosificación Radioterapéutica , Planificación de la Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/normas , Radioterapia de Alta Energía , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Z Med Phys ; 13(4): 275-80, 2003.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14732958


Dose calculation in brachytherapy is based on the assumption that the radiation sources defining a matrix of dwell positions are point-like. The planning systems, however, do not sufficiently take into account the finite extension of the sources. The present study focused on the problem of dosimetry in the vicinity of a 192Ir brachytherapy line source, particularly for small source-target distances (< 1 cm). Distance-dependent dose measurements were performed using a diamond detector with high spatial resolution. The measured distributions were then compared with dose calculations based on the extended version of the Sievert's integral for line sources. The first approach utilizes the classical Sievert's formulation. The second approach takes into account the finite extension of the detector surface, resulting in improved agreement with the measured dose distribution. Finally, the effect of self-attenuation within the source is also included. This further reduces the deviation between dose calculations and measurements.

Braquiterapia/métodos , Radioisótopos de Iridio/uso terapéutico , Aire , Algoritmos , Humanos , Dosificación Radioterapéutica , Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/métodos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Sensibilidad y Especificidad
Z Med Phys ; 12(3): 159-69, 2002.
Artículo en Alemán | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12375449


Since December 1997, patients are treated with carbon ions at GSI (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung). Dose delivery is performed with the intensity-controlled raster-scanning technique, which allows a highly conformal treatment of the tumor. To meet the special requirements of dosimetry with heavy ion beams, new dosimetric measurement techniques were developed and introduced into clinical application by the DKFZ (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum). The techniques comprise calibration of the irradiation monitor, checks of lateral and depth dose profiles, as well as verification of the beam delivery for complex three-dimensional dose distributions. The developed dosimetric methods are now integral part of clinical application and enable safe treatment with carbon ion therapy.

Radioterapia de Iones Pesados , Radioterapia Asistida por Computador/métodos , Humanos , Dosificación Radioterapéutica