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Nature ; 627(8004): 499-500, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38509274
Phys Rev Lett ; 132(26): 266501, 2024 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38996276


The two-dimensional electron gas is of fundamental importance in quantum many-body physics. We study a minimal extension of this model with C_{4} (as opposed to full rotational) symmetry and an electronic dispersion with two valleys with anisotropic effective masses. Electrons in our model interact via Coulomb repulsion, screened by distant metallic gates. Using variational Monte Carlo simulations, we find a broad intermediate range of densities with a metallic valley-polarized, spin-unpolarized ground state. Our results are of direct relevance to the recently discovered "nematic" state in AlAs quantum wells. For the effective mass anisotropy relevant to this system, m_{x}/m_{y}≈5.2, we obtain a transition from an anisotropic metal to a valley-polarized metal at r_{s}≈12 (where r_{s} is the dimensionless Wigner-Seitz radius). At still lower densities, we find a (possibly metastable) valley and spin-polarized state with a reduced electronic anisotropy.

Nature ; 555(7696): 342-345, 2018 03 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29334685


The modern theory of charge polarization in solids is based on a generalization of Berry's phase. The possibility of the quantization of this phase arising from parallel transport in momentum space is essential to our understanding of systems with topological band structures. Although based on the concept of charge polarization, this same theory can also be used to characterize the Bloch bands of neutral bosonic systems such as photonic or phononic crystals. The theory of this quantized polarization has recently been extended from the dipole moment to higher multipole moments. In particular, a two-dimensional quantized quadrupole insulator is predicted to have gapped yet topological one-dimensional edge modes, which stabilize zero-dimensional in-gap corner states. However, such a state of matter has not previously been observed experimentally. Here we report measurements of a phononic quadrupole topological insulator. We experimentally characterize the bulk, edge and corner physics of a mechanical metamaterial (a material with tailored mechanical properties) and find the predicted gapped edge and in-gap corner states. We corroborate our findings by comparing the mechanical properties of a topologically non-trivial system to samples in other phases that are predicted by the quadrupole theory. These topological corner states are an important stepping stone to the experimental realization of topologically protected wave guides in higher dimensions, and thereby open up a new path for the design of metamaterials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(8): 087002, 2022 Feb 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35275691


Flat-band superconductivity has theoretically demonstrated the importance of band topology to correlated phases. In two dimensions, the superfluid weight, which determines the critical temperature through the Berezinksii-Kosterlitz-Thouless criteria, is bounded by the Fubini-Study metric at zero temperature. We show this bound is nonzero within flat bands whose Wannier centers are obstructed from the atoms-even when they have identically zero Berry curvature. Next, we derive general lower bounds for the superfluid weight in terms of momentum space irreps in all 2D space groups, extending the reach of topological quantum chemistry to superconducting states. We find that the bounds can be naturally expressed using the formalism of real space invariants (RSIs) that highlight the separation between electronic and atomic degrees of freedom. Finally, using exact Monte Carlo simulations on a model with perfectly flat bands and strictly local obstructed Wannier functions, we find that an attractive Hubbard interaction results in superconductivity as predicted by the RSI bound beyond mean field. Hence, obstructed bands are distinguished from trivial bands in the presence of interactions by the nonzero lower bound imposed on their superfluid weight.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(24): 240603, 2021 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34951810


Identifying the relevant degrees of freedom in a complex physical system is a key stage in developing effective theories in and out of equilibrium. The celebrated renormalization group provides a framework for this, but its practical execution in unfamiliar systems is fraught with ad hoc choices, whereas machine learning approaches, though promising, lack formal interpretability. Here we present an algorithm employing state-of-the-art results in machine-learning-based estimation of information-theoretic quantities, overcoming these challenges, and use this advance to develop a new paradigm in identifying the most relevant operators describing properties of the system. We demonstrate this on an interacting model, where the emergent degrees of freedom are qualitatively different from the microscopic constituents. Our results push the boundary of formally interpretable applications of machine learning, conceptually paving the way toward automated theory building.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(2): 027002, 2021 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33512222


In flat bands, superconductivity can lead to surprising transport effects. The superfluid "mobility", in the form of the superfluid weight D_{s}, does not draw from the curvature of the band but has a purely band-geometric origin. In a mean-field description, a nonzero Chern number or fragile topology sets a lower bound for D_{s}, which, via the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless mechanism, might explain the relatively high superconducting transition temperature measured in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG). For fragile topology, relevant for the bilayer system, the fate of this bound for finite temperature and beyond the mean-field approximation remained, however, unclear. Here, we numerically use exact Monte Carlo simulations to study an attractive Hubbard model in flat bands with topological properties akin to those of MATBG. We find a superconducting phase transition with a critical temperature that scales linearly with the interaction strength. Then, we investigate the robustness of the superconducting state to the addition of trivial bands that may or may not trivialize the fragile topology. Our results substantiate the validity of the topological bound beyond the mean-field regime and further stress the importance of fragile topology for flat-band superconductivity.

Nat Mater ; 17(4): 323-328, 2018 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29335611


Identifying material geometries that lead to metamaterials with desired functionalities presents a challenge for the field. Discrete, or reduced-order, models provide a concise description of complex phenomena, such as negative refraction, or topological surface states; therefore, the combination of geometric building blocks to replicate discrete models presenting the desired features represents a promising approach. However, there is no reliable way to solve such an inverse problem. Here, we introduce 'perturbative metamaterials', a class of metamaterials consisting of weakly interacting unit cells. The weak interaction allows us to associate each element of the discrete model with individual geometric features of the metamaterial, thereby enabling a systematic design process. We demonstrate our approach by designing two-dimensional elastic metamaterials that realize Veselago lenses, zero-dispersion bands and topological surface phonons. While our selected examples are within the mechanical domain, the same design principle can be applied to acoustic, thermal and photonic metamaterials composed of weakly interacting unit cells.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(33): E4767-75, 2016 08 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27482105


Topological phononic crystals, alike their electronic counterparts, are characterized by a bulk-edge correspondence where the interior of a material dictates the existence of stable surface or boundary modes. In the mechanical setup, such surface modes can be used for various applications such as wave guiding, vibration isolation, or the design of static properties such as stable floppy modes where parts of a system move freely. Here, we provide a classification scheme of topological phonons based on local symmetries. We import and adapt the classification of noninteracting electron systems and embed it into the mechanical setup. Moreover, we provide an extensive set of examples that illustrate our scheme and can be used to generate models in unexplored symmetry classes. Our work unifies the vast recent literature on topological phonons and paves the way to future applications of topological surface modes in mechanical metamaterials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(20): 205501, 2018 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29864363


Phononic crystals and metamaterials can sculpt elastic waves, controlling their dispersion using different mechanisms. These mechanisms are mostly Bragg scattering, local resonances, and inertial amplification, derived from ad hoc, often problem-specific geometries of the materials' building blocks. Here, we present a platform that ultilizes a lattice of spiraling unit cells to create phononic materials encompassing Bragg scattering, local resonances, and inertial amplification. We present two examples of phononic materials that can control waves with wavelengths much larger than the lattice's periodicity. (1) A wave beaming plate, which can beam waves at arbitrary angles, independent of the lattice vectors. We show that the beaming trajectory can be continuously tuned, by varying the driving frequency or the spirals' orientation. (2) A topological insulator plate, which derives its properties from a resonance-based Dirac cone below the Bragg limit of the structured lattice of spirals.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(14): 143601, 2015 Oct 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26551811


We study the interplay of geometric frustration and interactions in a nonequilibrium photonic lattice system exhibiting a polariton flat band as described by a variant of the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model. We show how to engineer strong photonic correlations in such a driven, dissipative system by quenching the kinetic energy through frustration. This produces an incompressible state of photons characterized by short-ranged crystalline order with period doubling. The latter manifests itself in strong spatial correlations, i.e., on-site and nearest-neighbor antibunching combined with extended density-wave oscillations at larger distances. We propose a state-of-the-art circuit QED realization of our system, which is tunable in situ.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 108(50): 19925-30, 2011 Dec 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22109548


The Hall response provides an important characterization of strongly correlated phases of matter. We study the Hall conductivity of interacting bosons on a lattice subjected to a magnetic field. We show that for any density or interaction strength, the Hall conductivity is characterized by an integer. We find that the phase diagram is intersected by topological transitions between different values of this integer. These transitions lead to surprising effects, including sign reversal of the Hall conductivity and extensive regions in the phase diagram where it acquires a negative sign, which implies that flux flow is reversed in these regions--vortices there flow upstream. Our findings have immediate applications to a wide range of phenomena in condensed matter physics, which are effectively described in terms of lattice bosons.

Phys Rev E ; 104(6-1): 064106, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35030903


Real-space mutual information (RSMI) was shown to be an important quantity, formally and from a numerical standpoint, in finding coarse-grained descriptions of physical systems. It very generally quantifies spatial correlations and can give rise to constructive algorithms extracting relevant degrees of freedom. Efficient and reliable estimation or maximization of RSMI is, however, numerically challenging. A recent breakthrough in theoretical machine learning has been the introduction of variational lower bounds for mutual information, parametrized by neural networks. Here we describe in detail how these results can be combined with differentiable coarse-graining operations to develop a single unsupervised neural-network-based algorithm, the RSMI-NE, efficiently extracting the relevant degrees of freedom in the form of the operators of effective field theories, directly from real-space configurations. We study the information contained in the statistical ensemble of constructed coarse-graining transformations and its recovery from partial input data using a secondary machine learning analysis applied to this ensemble. In particular, we show how symmetries, also emergent, can be identified. We demonstrate the extraction of the phase diagram and the order parameters for equilibrium systems and consider also an example of a nonequilibrium problem.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 3227, 2020 Jun 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32591512


Topologically protected surface modes of classical waves hold the promise to enable a variety of applications ranging from robust transport of energy to reliable information processing networks. However, both the route of implementing an analogue of the quantum Hall effect as well as the quantum spin Hall effect are obstructed for acoustics by the requirement of a magnetic field, or the presence of fermionic quantum statistics, respectively. Here, we construct a two-dimensional topological acoustic crystal induced by the synthetic spin-orbit coupling, a crucial ingredient of topological insulators, with spin non-conservation. Our setup allows us to free ourselves of symmetry constraints as we rely on the concept of a non-vanishing "spin" Chern number. We experimentally characterize the emerging boundary states which we show to be gapless and helical. More importantly, we observe the spin flipping transport in an H-shaped device, demonstrating evidently the spin non-conservation of the boundary states.

Science ; 367(6479): 797-800, 2020 02 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32054764


Symmetries crucially underlie the classification of topological phases of matter. Most materials, both natural as well as architectured, possess crystalline symmetries. Recent theoretical works unveiled that these crystalline symmetries can stabilize fragile Bloch bands that challenge our very notion of topology: Although answering to the most basic definition of topology, one can trivialize these bands through the addition of trivial Bloch bands. Here, we fully characterize the symmetry properties of the response of an acoustic metamaterial to establish the fragile nature of the low-lying Bloch bands. Additionally, we present a spectral signature in the form of spectral flow under twisted boundary conditions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(16): 160402, 2009 Oct 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19905674


We study a quantum quench in a system of two coupled one-dimensional tubes of interacting atoms. After the quench the system is out of equilibrium and oscillates between the tubes with a frequency determined by microscopic parameters. Despite the high energy at which the system is prepared we find an emergent long time scale responsible for the dephasing of the oscillations and a transition at which this time scale diverges. We show that the universal properties of the dephasing and the transition arise from an infrared orthogonality catastrophe. Furthermore, we show how this universal behavior is realized in a realistic model of fermions with attractive interactions.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 4236, 2019 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31530815


Phonon engineering of solids enables the creation of materials with tailored heat-transfer properties, controlled elastic and acoustic vibration propagation, and custom phonon-electron and phonon-photon interactions. These can be leveraged for energy transport, harvesting, or isolation applications and in the creation of novel phonon-based devices, including photoacoustic systems and phonon-communication networks. Here we introduce nanocrystal superlattices as a platform for phonon engineering. Using a combination of inelastic neutron scattering and modeling, we characterize superlattice-phonons in assemblies of colloidal nanocrystals and demonstrate that they can be systematically engineered by tailoring the constituent nanocrystals, their surfaces, and the topology of superlattice. This highlights that phonon engineering can be effectively carried out within nanocrystal-based devices to enhance functionality, and that solution processed nanocrystal assemblies hold promise not only as engineered electronic and optical materials, but also as functional metamaterials with phonon energy and length scales that are unreachable by traditional architectures.

Adv Mater ; 29(26)2017 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28466978


In many applications, one needs to combine materials with varying properties to achieve certain functionalities. For example, the inner layer of a helmet should be soft for cushioning while the outer shell should be rigid to provide protection. Over time, these combined materials either separate or wear and tear, risking the exposure of an undesired material property. This work presents a design principle for a material that gains unique properties from its 3D microstructure, consisting of repeating basic building blocks, rather than its material composition. The 3D printed specimens show, at two of its opposing faces along the same axis, different stiffness (i.e., soft on one face and hard on the other). The realized material is protected by design (i.e., topology) against cuts and tears: No matter how material is removed, either layer by layer, or in arbitrary cuts through the repeating building blocks, two opposing faces remain largely different in their mechanical response.

Science ; 349(6243): 47-50, 2015 Jul 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26138969


A topological insulator, as originally proposed for electrons governed by quantum mechanics, is characterized by a dichotomy between the interior and the edge of a finite system: The bulk has an energy gap, and the edges sustain excitations traversing this gap. However, it has remained an open question whether the same physics can be observed for systems obeying Newton's equations of motion. We conducted experiments to characterize the collective behavior of mechanical oscillators exhibiting the phenomenology of the quantum spin Hall effect. The phononic edge modes are shown to be helical, and we demonstrate their topological protection via the stability of the edge states against imperfections. Our results may enable the design of topological acoustic metamaterials that can capitalize on the stability of the surface phonons as reliable wave guides.