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Nature ; 601(7894): 537-541, 2022 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35082420


Quantum control of motion is central for modern atomic clocks1 and interferometers2. It enables protocols to process and distribute quantum information3,4, and allows the probing of entanglement in correlated states of matter5. However, the motional coherence of individual particles can be fragile to maintain, as external degrees of freedom couple strongly to the environment. Systems in nature with robust motional coherence instead often involve pairs of particles, from the electrons in helium, to atom pairs6, molecules7 and Cooper pairs. Here we demonstrate long-lived motional coherence and entanglement of pairs of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice array. The common and relative motion of each pair realize a robust qubit, protected by exchange symmetry. The energy difference between the two motional states is set by the atomic recoil energy, is dependent on only the mass and the lattice wavelength, and is insensitive to the noise of the confining potential. We observe quantum coherence beyond ten seconds. Modulation of the interactions between the atoms provides universal control of the motional qubit. The methods presented here will enable coherently programmable quantum simulators of many-fermion systems8, precision metrology based on atom pairs and molecules9,10 and, by implementing further advances11-13, digital quantum computation using fermion pairs14.

Nature ; 582(7810): 41-45, 2020 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32494082


Much of the richness in nature emerges because simple constituents form an endless variety of ordered states1. Whereas many such states are fully characterized by symmetries2, interacting quantum systems can exhibit topological order and are instead characterized by intricate patterns of entanglement3,4. A paradigmatic example of topological order is the Laughlin state5, which minimizes the interaction energy of charged particles in a magnetic field and underlies the fractional quantum Hall effect6. Efforts have been made to enhance our understanding of topological order by forming Laughlin states in synthetic systems of ultracold atoms7,8 or photons9-11. Nonetheless, electron gases remain the only systems in which such topological states have been definitively observed6,12-14. Here we create Laughlin-ordered photon pairs using a gas of strongly interacting, lowest-Landau-level polaritons as a photon collider. Initially uncorrelated photons enter a cavity and hybridize with atomic Rydberg excitations to form polaritons15-17, quasiparticles that here behave like electrons in the lowest Landau level owing to a synthetic magnetic field created by Floquet engineering18 a twisted cavity11,19 and by Rydberg-mediated interactions between them16,17,20,21. Polariton pairs collide and self-organize to avoid each other while conserving angular momentum. Our finite-lifetime polaritons only weakly prefer such organization. Therefore, we harness the unique tunability of Floquet polaritons to distil high-fidelity Laughlin states of photons outside the cavity. Particle-resolved measurements show that these photons avoid each other and exhibit angular momentum correlations, the hallmarks of Laughlin physics. This work provides broad prospects for the study of topological quantum light22.

Nature ; 571(7766): 532-536, 2019 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31270460


Ordinarily, photons do not interact with one another. However, atoms can be used to mediate photonic interactions1,2, raising the prospect of forming synthetic materials3 and quantum information systems4-7 from photons. One promising approach combines highly excited Rydberg atoms8-12 with the enhanced light-matter coupling of an optical cavity to convert photons into strongly interacting polaritons13-15. However, quantum materials made of optical photons have not yet been realized, because the experimental challenge of coupling a suitable atomic sample with a degenerate cavity has constrained cavity polaritons to a single spatial mode that is resonant with an atomic transition. Here we use Floquet engineering16,17-the periodic modulation of a quantum system-to enable strongly interacting polaritons to access multiple spatial modes of an optical cavity. First, we show that periodically modulating an excited state of rubidium splits its spectral weight to generate new lines-beyond those that are ordinarily characteristic of the atom-separated by multiples of the modulation frequency. Second, we use this capability to simultaneously generate spectral lines that are resonant with two chosen spatial modes of a non-degenerate optical cavity, enabling what we name 'Floquet polaritons' to exist in both modes. Because both spectral lines correspond to the same Floquet-engineered atomic state, adding a single-frequency field is sufficient to couple both modes to a Rydberg excitation. We demonstrate that the resulting polaritons interact strongly in both cavity modes simultaneously. The production of Floquet polaritons provides a promising new route to the realization of ordered states of strongly correlated photons, including crystals and topological fluids, as well as quantum information technologies such as multimode photon-by-photon switching.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(11): 113601, 2020 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32975995


We report on the single atom and single site-resolved detection of the total density in a cold atom realization of the 2D Fermi-Hubbard model. Fluorescence imaging of doublons is achieved by splitting each lattice site into a double well, thereby separating atom pairs. Full density readout yields a direct measurement of the equation of state, including direct thermometry via the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Site-resolved density correlations reveal the Pauli hole at low filling, and strong doublon-hole correlations near half filling. These are shown to account for the difference between local and nonlocal density fluctuations in the Mott insulator. Our technique enables the study of atom-resolved charge transport in the Fermi-Hubbard model, the site-resolved observation of molecules, and the creation of bilayer Fermi-Hubbard systems.

Science ; 381(6653): 82-86, 2023 Jul 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37410819


The Hubbard model of attractively interacting fermions provides a paradigmatic setting for fermion pairing. It features a crossover between Bose-Einstein condensation of tightly bound pairs and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superfluidity of long-range Cooper pairs, and a "pseudo-gap" region where pairs form above the superfluid critical temperature. We directly observe the nonlocal nature of fermion pairing in a Hubbard lattice gas, using spin- and density-resolved imaging of [Formula: see text]1000 fermionic potassium-40 atoms under a bilayer microscope. Complete fermion pairing is revealed by the vanishing of global spin fluctuations with increasing attraction. In the strongly correlated regime, the fermion pair size is found to be on the order of the average interparticle spacing. Our study informs theories of pseudo-gap behavior in strongly correlated fermion systems.