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Chemphyschem ; 25(10): e202300975, 2024 May 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38418402


A novel experimental approach for the rapid online monitoring of the enantiomeric ratio of chiral analytes in solution is presented. The charged analyte is transferred to the gas phase by electrospray. Diastereomeric complexes are formed with a volatile chiral selector in a buffer-gas-filled ion guide held at room temperature, mass-selected, and subsequently spectrally differentiated by cryogenic ion trap vibrational spectroscopy. Based on the spectra of the pure complexes in a small diastereomer-specific spectral range, the composition of diastereomeric mixtures is characterized using the cosine similarity score, from which the enantiomeric ratio in the solution is determined. The method is demonstrated for acidified alanine solutions and using three different chiral selectors (2-butanol, 1-phenylethanol, 1-amino-2-propanol). Among these, 2-butanol is the best choice as a selector for protonated alanine, also because the formation ratio of the corresponding diastereomeric complexes is found to be independent of the nature of the enantiomer. Subsequently, a microfluidic chip is implemented to mix enantiomerically pure alanine solutions continuously and determine the enantiomeric ratio online with minimal sample consumption within one minute and with competitive accuracy.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(8): 6600-6607, 2024 Feb 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38333952


Vibrational wave-packet dynamics on the ground electronic state of the neutral silver pentamer (Ag5) are studied by femtosecond (fs) pump-probe spectroscopy using the 'negative ion - to neutral - to positive ion' (NeNePo) excitation scheme. A vibrational wave packet is prepared on the 2A1 state of Ag5via photodetachment of mass-selected, cryogenically cooled Ag5- anions using a fs pump pulse. The temporal evolution of the vibrational wave packet is then probed by an ultrafast probe pulse via resonant multiphoton ionization to Ag5+. Frequency analysis of the fs NeNePo transients for pump-probe delay times from 0.2 to 8 ps reveals three primary beating frequencies at 157 cm-1, 101 cm-1 and 56 cm-1 as well as four weaker features. A comparison of these experimentally obtained beating frequencies to harmonic normal mode frequencies calculated from electronic structure calculations confirms that Ag5 in the gas phase adopts a planar trapezoidal geometry, similar to that previously observed in solid argon. The dependence of the ionization yield on the laser polarization indicates a s-d wave electron photodetachment from a 'p-type' occupied molecular orbital of Ag5. Franck-Condon analysis shows that both processes, photodetachment and subsequent photoionization determine the beating frequencies probed in the time-dependent cation yield. The present study extends the applicability of fs NeNePo spectroscopy to characterize the vibrational spectra in the far-IR frequency range in the absence of perturbations from a medium or a messenger atom to mass-selected neutral metal clusters with more than three atoms in the ground electronic states.

Chemistry ; 29(72): e202302247, 2023 Dec 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37749942


Superelectrophilic anions constitute a special class of molecular anions that show strong binding of weak nucleophiles despite their negative charge. In this study, the binding characteristics of smaller gaseous electrophilic anions of the types [B6 X5 ]- and [B10 X9 ]- (with X=Cl, Br, I) were computationally and experimentally investigated and compared to those of the larger analogues [B12 X11 ]- . The positive charge of vacant boron increases from [B6 X5 ]- via [B10 X9 ]- to [B12 X11 ]- , as evidenced by increasing attachment enthalpies towards typical σ-donor molecules (noble gases, H2 O). However, this behavior is reversed for σ-donor-π-acceptor molecules. [B6 Cl5 ]- binds most strongly to N2 and CO, even more strongly than to H2 O. Energy decomposition analysis confirms that the orbital interaction is responsible for this opposite trend. The extended transition state natural orbitals for chemical valence method shows that the π-backdonation order is [B6 X5 ]- >[B10 X9 ]- >[B12 X11 ]- . This predicted order explains the experimentally observed red shifts of the CO and N2 stretching fundamentals compared to those of the unbound molecules, as measured by infrared photodissociation spectroscopy. The strongest red shift is observed for [B6 Cl5 N2 ]- : 222 cm-1 . Therefore, strong activation of unreactive σ-donor-π-acceptor molecules (commonly observed for cationic transition metal complexes) is achieved with metal-free molecular anions.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(36): 24313-24320, 2023 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37664952


The nuclear quantum dynamics on the ground electronic state of the neutral silver dimer 107Ag109Ag are studied by femtosecond (fs) pump-probe spectroscopy using the 'negative ion - to neutral - to positive ion' (NeNePo) excitation scheme. A vibrational wave packet is prepared on the X1Σ+g state of Ag2via photodetachment of mass-selected, cryogenically cooled Ag2- using a first ultrafast pump laser pulse. The temporal evolution of the wave packet is then probed by an ultrafast probe pulse via resonant multiphoton ionization to Ag2+. Frequency analysis of the fs-NeNePo spectra obtained for a single isotopologue and pump-probe delay times up to 60 ps yields the harmonic (ωe = 192.2 cm-1), quadratic anharmonic (ωexe = 0.637 cm-1) and cubic anharmonic (ωeye = 3 × 10-4 cm-1) constants for the X1Σ+g state of neutral Ag2. The fs-NeNePo spectra obtained at different pump wavelengths provide insight into the excitation mechanism. At a pump wavelength of 510 nm instead of 1010 nm, resonant excitation of a short-lived electronically excited state of the anion followed by autodetachment results in population of higher-energy vibrational levels of the neutral ground state. In contrast, at 1140 nm dynamics with a slightly shorter beating period and different relative phase are observed. The present study demonstrates that isotopologue-specific fs-NeNePo spectroscopy provides accurate vibrational constants of mass-selected neutral clusters in their electronic ground state in the terahertz spectral region, which remains difficult to obtain directly in the frequency domain with any other type of spectroscopy of comparable sensitivity.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(6): 5262-5270, 2023 Feb 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36723211


The vibrational spectra of the copper(I) cation-dihydrogen complexes Cu+(H2)4, Cu+(D2)4 and Cu+(D2)3H2 are studied using cryogenic ion trap vibrational spectroscopy in combination with quantum chemical calculations. The infrared photodissociation (IRPD) spectra (2500-7300 cm-1) are assigned based on a comparison to IR spectra calculated using vibrational second-order perturbation theory (VPT2). The IRPD spectra exhibit ≈60 cm-1 broad bands that lack rotational resolution, indicative of rather floppy complexes even at an ion trap temperature of 10 K. The observed vibrational features are assigned to the excitations of dihydrogen stretching fundamentals, combination bands of these fundamentals with low energy excitations as well as overtone excitations of a minimum-energy structure with Cs symmetry. The three distinct dihydrogen positions present in the structure can interconvert via pseudorotations with energy barriers less than 10 cm-1, far below the zero-point vibrational energy. Ab initio Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics (BOMD) simulations confirm the fluxional behavior of these complexes and yield an upper limit for the timeframe of the pseudorotation on the order of 10 ps. For Cu+(D2)3H2, the H2 and D2 loss channels yield different IRPD spectra indicating non-ergodic behavior.

J Chem Phys ; 156(18): 184305, 2022 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35568551


A highly excited electronic state of dicopper is observed and characterized for the first time. The [39.6]0u +-X1Σg +(0g +) system is measured at rotational resolution by using degenerate and two-color resonant four-wave-mixing, as well as laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Double-resonance experiments are performed by labeling selected rotational levels of the ground state by tuning the probe laser wavelength to transitions in the well-known (1-0) band of the B0u +-X1Σg +(0g +) electronic system. Spectra obtained by scans of the pump laser in the UV wavelength range were then assigned unambiguously by the stringent double-resonance selection rules. The absence of a Q-band suggests a parallel transition (ΔΩ = 0) and determines the term symbol of the state as 0u + in Hund's case (c) notation. The equilibrium constants for 63Cu2 are Te = 39 559.921(92) cm-1, ωe = 277.70(14) cm-1, Be = 0.104 942(66) cm-1, and re = 2.2595(11) Å. These findings are supported by high-level ab initio calculations at the MRCI+Q level, which clearly identifies this state as resulting from a 4p ← 3d transition. In addition, three dark perturber states are found in the v = 1 and v = 2 vibrational levels of the new state. A deperturbation analysis characterizes the interaction and rationalizes the anomalous dips in the excitation spectrum of the [39.6]0u +-X1Σg +(0g +) system.

Chemistry ; 27(1): 412-418, 2021 Jan 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33104262


Two structural isomers containing five second-row element atoms with 24 valence electrons were generated and identified by matrix-isolation IR spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. The OCBNO complex, which is produced by the reaction of boron atoms with mixtures of carbon monoxide and nitric oxide in solid neon, rearranges to the more stable OBNCO isomer on UV excitation. Bonding analysis indicates that the OCBNO complex is best described by the bonding interactions between a triplet-state boron cation with an electron configuration of (2s)0 (2pσ )0 (2pπ )2 and the CO/NO- ligands in the triplet state forming two degenerate electron-sharing π bonds and two ligand-to-boron dative σ bonds.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(28): 6246-6253, 2021 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34254811


The boron-dinitrogen cation complexes B(NN)3+ and B2(NN)3,4+ are produced in the gas phase and are studied by infrared photodissociation spectroscopy in the N-N stretching vibrational frequency region. The geometric and electronic structures are determined by comparison of the experimental spectra with density functional theory calculations. The B(NN)3+ cation is characterized to have a closed-shell singlet ground state with planar D3h symmetry. The B2(NN)3+ cation is determined to have a B═B bonded (NN)2BBNN structure with C2v symmetry. Two isomers of the B2(NN)4+ cation contribute to the experimental spectrum. One is a N2-tagged complex involving a B2(NN)3+ core ion. Another one is a B-B bonded B2(NN)4+ complex with a planar D2h structure. Bonding analyses reveal that the B-NN interactions in these complexes come mainly from covalent orbital interactions, with the NN → B σ donation being stronger than the B → NN π back-donation.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 60(3): 1651-1655, 2021 Jan 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33026696


Homoleptic dinuclear beryllium carbonyl cation complexes have been produced and characterized in the gas phase. Infrared photodissociation spectroscopic and theoretical results confirm that Be2 (CO)5 + is a coordination saturated complex that can be assigned to a mixture of two almost isoenergetic structural isomers. Besides a beryllium-beryllium single-bonded (OC)2 Be-Be(CO)3 + isomer, another structure involving an unusual end-on and side-on bridging carbonyl ligand with very low carbonyl stretching frequency is identified.

Chemistry ; 26(46): 10487-10500, 2020 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32191361


Homoleptic Group 4 metal carbonyl cation and neutral complexes were prepared in the gas phase and/or in solid neon matrix. Infrared spectroscopy studies reveal that both zirconium and hafnium form eight-coordinate carbonyl neutral and cation complexes. In contrast, titanium forms only the six-coordinate Ti(CO)6 + and seven-coordinate Ti(CO)7 . Titanium octacarbonyl Ti(CO)8 is unstable as a result of steric repulsion between the CO ligands. The 20-electron Zr(CO)8 and Hf(CO)8 complexes represent the first experimentally observed homoleptic octacarbonyl neutral complexes of transition metals. The molecules still fulfill the 18-electron rule, because one doubly occupied valence orbital does not mix with any of the metal valence atomic orbitals. Zr(CO)8 and Hf(CO)8 are stable against the loss of one CO because the CO ligands encounter less steric repulsion than Zr(CO)7 and Hf(CO)7 . The heptacarbonyl complexes have shorter metal-CO bonds than that of the octacarbonyl complexes due to stronger electrostatic and covalent bonding, but the significantly smaller repulsive Pauli term makes the octacarbonyl complexes stable.

Chemistry ; 25(13): 3229-3234, 2019 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30566753


The lanthanide octacarbonyl anion complexes Ln(CO)8 - (Ln=Tm, Yb, Lu) were produced in the gas phase and detected by mass-selected infrared photodissociation spectroscopy in the carbonyl stretching-frequency region. By comparison of the experimental CO-stretching frequencies with calculated data, which are strongly red-shifted with respect to free CO, the Yb(CO)8 - and Lu(CO)8 - complexes were determined to possess octahedral (Oh ) symmetry and a doublet X2 A2u (Yb) and singlet X1 A1g (Lu) electronic ground state, whereas Tm(CO)8 - exhibits a D4h equilibrium geometry and a triplet X3 B1g ground state. The analysis of the electronic structures revealed that the metal-CO attractive forces come mainly from covalent orbital interactions, which are dominated by [Ln(d)]→(CO)8 π backdonation and [Ln(d)]←(CO)8 σ donation (contributes ≈77 and 16 % to covalent bonding, respectively). The metal f orbitals play a very minor role in the bonding. The electronic structure of all three lanthanide complexes obeys the 32-electron rule if only those electrons that occupy the valence orbitals of the metal are considered.

Chemistry ; 25(50): 11772-11784, 2019 Sep 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31276242


The octacarbonyl cation and anion complexes of actinide metals [An(CO)8 ]+/- (An=Th, U) are prepared in the gas phase and are studied by mass-selected infrared photodissociation spectroscopy. Both the octacarbonyl cations and anions have been characterized to be saturated coordinated complexes. Quantum chemical calculations by using density functional theory show that the [Th(CO)8 ]+ and [Th(CO)8 ]- complexes have a distorted octahedral (D4h ) equilibrium geometry and a doublet electronic ground state. Both the [U(CO)8 ]+ cation and the [U(CO)8 ]- anion exhibit cubic structures (Oh ) with a 6 A1g ground state for the cation and a 4 A1g ground state for the anion. The neutral species [Th(CO)8 ] (Oh ; 1 A1g ) and [U(CO)8 ] (D4h ; 5 B1u ) have also been calculated. Analysis of their electronic structures with the help on an energy decomposition method reveals that, along with the dominating 6d valence orbitals, there are significant 5f orbital participation in both the [An]←CO σ donation and [An]→CO π back donation interactions in the cations and anions, for which the electronic reference state of An has both occupied and vacant 5f AOs. The trend of the valence orbital contribution to the metal-CO bonds has the order of 6d≫5f>7s≈7p, with the 5f orbitals of uranium being more important than the 5f orbitals of thorium.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(12): 6743-6749, 2019 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30860207


Gaseous TMO(CO)n+ (TM = Sc, Y, La) complex cations prepared via laser vaporization were mass-selected and studied by infrared photodissociation spectroscopy in the C-O stretching frequency region. The structures and vibrational frequencies were calculated by density functional theory to support and interpret the experimental results. The saturated coordination number of CO ligands for ScO(CO)n+, YO(CO)n+ and LaO(CO)n+ was demonstrated to be six, seven and nine, respectively, namely, the nominal 18-, 20- and 24-electron gaseous cation complexes were synthesized. Based on our analysis of the electronic structure, the YO(CO)7+ complex also obeys the 18-electron rule, since one of the occupied valence molecular orbitals is formed only by ligand orbitals. The contribution of 4f orbitals in LaO(CO)9+ accounts for its high coordination number with a 24-electron valence shell.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(28): 15639-15646, 2019 Jul 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31268441


We investigate the gaseous ScO(H2O)1-3Ar+ cations prepared by laser vaporization coupled with supersonic molecular beam using infrared photodissociation spectroscopy in the O-H stretching region. The cation structures are characterized by comparing the experimentally observed frequencies with the simulated vibration spectra. We reveal that stoichiometric ScO(H2O)Ar+ is intrinsically the hydrated oxide cation expressed as H2O-ScOAr+ hydrate rather than Sc(OH)2Ar+ dihydroxide, although the former is higher in energy by 29.5 kcal mol-1 than the latter. Interestingly, when more water molecules are introduced to the complex, we find that the stoichiometric ScO(H2O)2-3Ar+ embraces the core subunit of Sc(OH)2+. Theoretical calculations suggest that the energy barrier of hydrogen transfer plays a critical role in the isomerization from hydrated complex to dihydroxide. When more than one water molecule is involved in the complex, the hydrogen transfer becomes nearly barrierless through a six-member cyclic transition state, leading to the reduction in the energy barrier from 21.8 kcal mol-1 to 4.2 kcal mol-1. Altogether, we conclude that the solvent molecules such as water can decrease the energy barrier and thus induce the formation of hydroxy species in the hydrolysis process.

J Phys Chem A ; 122(10): 2688-2694, 2018 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29466667


The boron carbonyl cluster cations in the form of B3(CO) n+ ( n = 4-6) are produced and studied by infrared photodissociation spectroscopy in the carbonyl stretching frequency region in the gas phase. Their geometric structures are determined with the aid of density functional theory calculations. The B3(CO)4+ cation is characterized to have a D2 d (OC)2B═B═B(CO)2 structure and 1A1 electronic ground state with a linear boron skeleton. The B3(CO)5+ cation is determined to have a chain boron framework with C2 v symmetry. The B3(CO)6+ cation is a weakly bound CO-tagged complex involving a B3(CO)5+ ion core. Bonding analysis reveals that B3(CO)4+ has a chemical bonding pattern similar to allene, while bonding in B3(CO)5+ is similar to that in allyl anion.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 57(21): 6236-6241, 2018 05 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29578636


We report the gas-phase synthesis of stable 20-electron carbonyl anion complexes of group 3 transition metals, TM(CO)8- (TM=Sc, Y, La), which are studied by mass-selected infrared (IR) photodissociation spectroscopy. The experimentally observed species, which are the first octacarbonyl anionic complexes of a TM, are identified by comparison of the measured and calculated IR spectra. Quantum chemical calculations show that the molecules have a cubic (Oh ) equilibrium geometry and a singlet (1 A1g ) electronic ground state. The 20-electron systems TM(CO)8- are energetically stable toward loss of one CO ligand, yielding the 18-electron complexes TM(CO)7- in the 1 A1 electronic ground state; these exhibit a capped octahedral structure with C3v symmetry. Analysis of the electronic structure of TM(CO)8- reveals that there is one occupied valence molecular orbital with a2u symmetry, which is formed only by ligand orbitals without a contribution from the metal atomic orbitals. The adducts of TM(CO)8- fulfill the 18-electron rule when only those valence electrons that occupy metal-ligand bonding orbitals are considered.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(15): 2903-2910, 2017 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28346783


The carbon suboxide cation C3O2+ and the protonated carbon suboxide HC3O2+/DC3O2+ were produced in the gas phase. The vibrational spectra were measured via infrared photodissociation spectroscopy of their argon- or CO-tagged complexes. Spectroscopic evidence combined with state-of-the-art quantum chemical calculations indicate that both cations have a bent C2v symmetry and can be designated as dicarbonyls of a carbon cation and methylidyne cation, respectively.

J Chem Phys ; 146(21): 214301, 2017 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28576091


The carbon chain cations, HC2n+1O+ (n = 2-5), are produced via pulsed laser vaporization of a graphite target in supersonic expansions containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The infrared spectra are measured via mass-selected infrared photodissociation spectroscopy of the CO "tagged" [HC2n+1O·CO]+ cation complexes in the 1600-3500 cm-1 region. The geometries and electronic ground states of these cation complexes are determined by their infrared spectra compared to the predications of theoretical calculations. All of the HC2n+1O+ (n = 2-5) core cations are characterized to be linear carbon chain derivatives terminated by hydrogen and oxygen, which have the closed-shell singlet ground states with polyyne-like carbon chain structures.

Chemistry ; 22(7): 2376-85, 2016 Feb 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26773594


A combined experimental and theoretical study on the main-group tricarbonyls [B(CO)3 ] in solid noble-gas matrices and [C(CO)3 ](+) in the gas phase is presented. The molecules are identified by comparing the experimental and theoretical IR spectra and the vibrational shifts of nuclear isotopes. Quantum chemical ab initio studies suggest that the two isoelectronic species possess a tilted η(1) (µ1 -CO)-bonded carbonyl ligand, which serves as an unprecedented one-electron donor ligand. Thus, the central atoms in both complexes still retain an 8-electron configuration. A thorough analysis of the bonding situation gives quantitative information about the donor and acceptor properties of the different carbonyl ligands. The linearly bonded CO ligands are classical two-electron donors that display classical σ-donation and π-back-donation following the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson model. The tilted CO ligand is a formal one-electron donor that is bonded by σ-donation and π-back-donation that involves the singly occupied orbital of the radical fragments [B(CO)2 ] and [C(CO)2 ](+) .

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 55(6): 2078-82, 2016 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26836340


We report the spectroscopic identification of the [B3 (NN)3](+) and [B3 (CO)3](+) complexes, which feature the smallest π-aromatic system B3 (+). A quantum chemical bonding analysis shows that the adducts are mainly stabilized by L→[B3 L2 ](+) σ-donation.