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Anal Chem ; 91(14): 8789-8794, 2019 07 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31246434


Ion isolation was achieved via selective pulsing of the entrance and exit ion mirrors in an electrostatic linear ion trap mass spectrometer (ELIT). Mirror switching has been described previously as a method for capturing injected ions in ELIT devices. After ion trapping, mirror switching can be used as a method for ion isolation of successively narrower ranges of mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio. By taking advantage of the spatial separation of ions in an ELIT device, pulsing of the entrance and/or exit mirrors can release unwanted ions while continuing to store ions of interest. Furthermore, mirror switching can be repeated multiple times to isolate ions of very similar m/z values with minimal loss of the stored ions, as is demonstrated by the isolation of protonated l-glutamine and l-lysine (Δ m/z = 0.0364) from a mixture of the two amino acid ions and the isobaric mixture of [PC P-18:0/22:6] and [PC 19:0/19:0] (Δ m/z = 0.0575). As isolation is accomplished due to the spatial/temporal separation of ion packets within the ELIT, multiple reflection-time-of-flight (MR-TOF) mass spectra are shown to demonstrate separation in the ELIT at the time of isolation. An isolation resolution of greater than 35 000 fwhm is demonstrated here using a 5.25 in. ELIT. This resolution corresponds to the fwhm resolution necessary to reduce contaminant overlap of an equally abundant adjacent ion to 1% or less of the isolated ion intensity.

Anal Chem ; 91(19): 12574-12580, 2019 10 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31497950


Simultaneous isolation of ions of disparate mass-to-charge (m/z) ratios is demonstrated via appropriately timed pulsing of entrance and exit ion mirrors in an electrostatic linear ion trap (ELIT) mass spectrometer. Manipulation of the voltages of the entrance and exit mirrors, referred to as "mirror switching", has been demonstrated as a method in which ions can be both captured and isolated. High resolution isolation (>35 000) was previously demonstrated by selective gating of trapping electrodes to avoid ion lapping while closely spaced ions could continue to separate [ Johnson et al. Anal. Chem. 2019 , 91 , 8789 ]. In this work, we demonstrate that advantage can be taken of the ion lapping phenomenon in an ELIT to enable the simultaneous isolation of ions of disparate m/z ratios using mirror switching. This process is demonstrated with minimal ion loss using isotopologues of three carborane compounds ranging in m/z from 320 to 1020. Simultaneous isolation is demonstrated with the isolation of two and three peaks in separate isotopic distributions as well as with the isolation of alternating isotopologues within the same distribution. Such simultaneous isolation experiments are particularly useful when conducting experiments in which a mass calibrant is needed or when multiplexing in a tandem MS workflow.

Anal Chem ; 89(8): 4392-4397, 2017 04 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28326764


Mass resolution (M/ΔM fwhm) is observed to linearly increase with harmonic order in a Fourier transform electrostatic linear ion trap (ELIT) mass spectrometer. This behavior was predicted by Grosshans and Marshall for frequency-multiple detection in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer only for situations when the prominent mechanism for signal decay is ion ejection from the trap. As the analyzer pressure in our ELIT chamber is relatively high, such that collisional scattering and collision-induced dissociation are expected to underlie much of the ion loss, we sought to explore the relationship between harmonic order and mass resolution. Mass resolutions of 36 900 (fundamental), 75 850 (2nd harmonic), and 108 200 (3rd harmonic) were obtained for GdO+ (avg. m/z 173.919) with a transient length of 300 ms. To demonstrate that the mass resolution was truly increasing with harmonic order, the unresolved isotopes at the fundamental distribution of cytochrome c+8 (m/z ∼ 1549) were nearly baseline, resolved at the third harmonic (mass resolution ≈ 23 000) with a transient length of only 200 ms. This experiment demonstrates that, when the ion density is sufficiently low, ions with frequency differences of less than 4 Hz remain uncoalesced. Higher harmonics can be used to increase the effective mass resolution for a fixed transient length and thereby may enable the resolution of closely spaced masses, determination of a protein ion's charge state, and study of the onset of peak coalescence when the resolution at the fundamental frequency is insufficient.

Anal Chem ; 89(20): 10965-10972, 2017 10 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28926221


An electrostatic linear ion trap (ELIT) has been configured to allow for the simultaneous acquisition of mass spectra via Fourier transform (FT) techniques (frequency measurement) and via time-of-flight (TOF; time measurement). In the former case, the time-domain image charge derived from a pick-up electrode in the field-free region of the ELIT is converted to frequency-domain data via Fourier transformation (i.e., FT-ELIT MS). In the latter case, the time difference between ion injection into the ELIT and ion detection after release from the ELIT using a microchannel plate (MCP) enables the acquisition of multireflection time-of-flight mass spectra (MR-TOF MS). The ELIT geometry facilitates the acquisition of both types of data simultaneously because the detection schemes are independent and do not preclude one another. The two MS approaches exhibit a degree of complementarity. Resolution increases much faster with time with the MR-TOF approach, for example, but the closed-path nature of executing MR-TOF in an ELIT limits both the m/z range and the peak capacity. For this reason, the FT-ELIT MS approach is most appropriate for wide m/z range applications, whereas MR-TOF MS can provide advantages in a "zoom-in" mode in which moderate resolution (M/ΔMfwhm ≈ 10000) at short analysis times (10 ms) is desirable.

J Am Soc Mass Spectrom ; 34(3): 426-434, 2023 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36797211


Tandem mass spectrometry based on diagnostic gas-phase ion-molecule reactions represents a robust method for functional group identification in unknown compounds. To date, most of these reactions have been studied using unit-resolution instruments, such as linear quadrupole ion traps and triple quadrupoles, which cannot be used to obtain elemental composition information for the species of interest. In this study, a high-resolution mass spectrometer, a quadrupole/orbitrap/linear quadrupole ion trap tribrid, was modified by installing a portable reagent inlet system to obtain high-resolution data for ion-molecule reactions. Examination of a previously published test system, the reaction between protonated 1,1'-sulfonyldiimizadole with 2-methoxypropene, demonstrated the ability to perform ion-molecule reactions on the modified tribrid mass spectrometer. High-resolution data were obtained for ion-molecule reactions of three isobaric ions (protonated glycylalanine, protonated glutamine, and protonated lysine) with diethylmethoxyborane. On the basis of these data, the isobaric ions can be differentiated based on both their measured accurate mass as well as the different product ions they generated upon the ion-molecule reactions. In a different experiment, analyte ions were subjected to collision-induced dissociation (CID), and the structures of the resulting fragment ions were examined via diagnostic ion-molecule reactions. This experiment allows for the functional group interrogation of fragment ions and can be used to improve the understanding of the structures of fragment ions generated in the gas phase.

J Am Soc Mass Spectrom ; 30(4): 588-594, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30756324


Mass resolution (M/ΔMFWHM) was increased by reducing the axial length of a Fourier transform electrostatic linear ion trap (FT-ELIT) mass spectrometer. The increase in mass resolution corresponds directly to increased axial ion frequencies in the FT-ELIT. Increased mass resolution was demonstrated for equivalent transient lengths in a 5.25″ versus 2.625″ ELIT using the isotopes of [bradykinin+2H]2+ and [insulin+5H]5+ as test ions. Both bradykinin and insulin show mass resolution increases of ~ 90% allowing baseline resolution of the [insulin+5H]5+ isotopes after only 300 ms of data acquisition. Relative changes in mass/charge range were explored using mirror switching to trap ions injected axially into the ELIT. When trapping ions using mirror switching, the mass/charge range in a FT-ELIT mass spectrometer for a given switch time is determined by the time required for fast ions to enter and exit the trap after one reflection versus the time it takes for slow ions to enter the trap. By reducing the length of the FT-ELIT mass spectrometer while maintaining a constant distance from the point from which ions are initially accelerated to the entrance mirror, only the low m/z limit is affected for a given mirror switching time. For the two ELIT lengths examined here, the effective mass/charge range at any given switch time is reduced from m/zlow-8.9*m/zlow for the 5.25″ ELIT to m/zlow-5.2*m/zlow for the 2.625″ ELIT. Graphical Abstract.

J Am Soc Mass Spectrom ; 29(2): 242-250, 2018 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28699063


Collision cross sections (CCSs) were determined from the frequency-domain linewidths in a Fourier transform electrostatic linear ion trap. With use of an ultrahigh-vacuum precision leak valve and nitrogen gas, transients were recorded as the background pressure in the mass analyzer chamber was varied between 4× 10-8 and 7 × 10-7 Torr. The energetic hard-sphere ion-neutral collision model, described by Xu and coworkers, was used to relate the recorded image charge to the CCS of the molecule. In lieu of our monoisotopically isolating the mass of interest, the known relative isotopic abundances were programmed into the Lorentzian fitting algorithm such that the linewidth was extracted from a sum of Lorentzians. Although this works only if the isotopic distribution is known a priori, it prevents ion loss, preserves the high signal-to-noise ratio, and minimizes the experimental error on our homebuilt instrument. Six tetraalkylammonium cations were used to correlate the CCS measured in the electrostatic linear ion trap with that measured by drift-tube ion mobility spectrometry, for which there was an excellent correlation (R 2 ≈ 0.9999). Although the absolute CCSs derived with our method differ from those reported, the extracted linear correlation can be used to correct the raw CCS. With use of [angiotensin II]2+ and reserpine, the corrected CCSs (334.9 ± 2.1 and 250.1 ± 0.5, respectively) were in good agreement with the reported ion mobility spectrometry CCSs (335 and 254.3, respectively). With sufficient signal-to-noise ratio, the CCSs determined are reproducible to within a fraction of a percent, comparable to the uncertainties reported on dedicated ion mobility instruments. Graphical Abstract ᅟ.