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Phys Rev Lett ; 121(10): 107204, 2018 Sep 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30240252


Exact fractals of nonlinear waves that rely on strong dispersion and nonlinearity and arise spontaneously out of magnetic media were observed for the first time. The experiments make use of a microwave to excite a spin wave in a quasi-one-dimensional magnonic crystal. When the power of the input microwave (P_{in}) is low, the output signal has a power-frequency spectrum that consists of a single peak. When P_{in} is increased to a certain level, new side modes are generated through modulational instability, resulting in a comblike frequency spectrum. With a further increase in P_{in}, each peak in the frequency comb can evolve into its own finer comb through the modulational instability. As P_{in} is increased further, one can observe yet another set of finer frequency combs. Such a frequency-domain fractal manifests itself as multiple layers of amplitude modulation in the time-domain signal.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(20): 207206, 2018 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29864320


The nontrivial feature and penetration depth of the topological surface states (TSS) in SmB_{6} were studied via spin pumping. The experiments used SmB_{6} thin films grown on the bulk magnetic insulator Y_{3}Fe_{5}O_{12} (YIG). Upon the excitation of magnetization precession in the YIG, a spin current is generated in the SmB_{6} that produces, via spin-orbit coupling, a lateral electrical voltage in the film. This spin-pumping voltage signal becomes considerably stronger as the temperature decreases from 150 to 10 K, and such an enhancement most likely originates from the spin-momentum locking of the TSS and may thereby serve as evidence for the nontrivial nature of the TSS. The voltage data also show a unique film thickness dependence that suggests a TSS depth of ∼32 nm. The spin-pumping results are supported by transport measurements and analyses using a tight binding model.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(1): 017201, 2011 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21231769


The transition from stationary to chaotic spin-wave soliton trains has been observed. The experiment utilized cw excitation of envelope solitons through self-modulation instability of spin waves. By increasing the spin-wave power, the secondary self-modulation instability succeeded the primary modulation instability, resulting in after-modulation of the soliton train amplitude. Further increase of the spin-wave power led to development of the higher-order instabilities, resulting in formation of the chaotic soliton train.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(11): 114102, 2011 Sep 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22026671


Chaotic spin-wave solitons in magnetic film active feedback rings were observed for the first time. At some ring gain level, one observes the self-generation of a single spin-wave soliton pulse in the ring. When the pulse circulates in the ring, its amplitude varies chaotically with time. Numerical simulations based on a gain-loss nonlinear Schrödinger equation reproduce the observed responses.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(3): 037207, 2010 Jan 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20366682


This Letter reports experimental results on random temporal dark solitons. One excites an incoherent large-amplitude propagating spin-wave packet in a ferromagnetic film strip with a repulsive, instantaneous nonlinearity. One then observes the random formation of dark solitons from this wave packet. The solitons appear randomly in time and in position relative to the entire wave packet. They can be gray or black. In spite of the randomness of the initial wave packets and the random formation processes, the solitons show signatures that are found for conventional coherent dark solitons.

Nature ; 426(6963): 159-62, 2003 Nov 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14614500


Solitons are large-amplitude, spatially confined wave packets in nonlinear media. They occur in a wide range of physical systems, such as water surfaces, optical fibres, plasmas, Bose-Einstein condensates and magnetically ordered media. A distinguishing feature of soliton behaviour that is common to all systems, is that they propagate without a change in shape owing to the stabilizing effect of the particular nonlinearity involved. When the propagation path is closed, modes consisting of one or several solitons may rotate around the ring, the topology of which imposes additional constraints on their allowed frequencies and phases. Here we measure the mode spectrum of spin-wave solitons in a nonlinear active ring constructed from a magnetic ferrite film. Several unusual symmetry-breaking soliton-like modes are found, such as 'Möbius' solitons, which break the fundamental symmetry of 2pi-periodicity in the phase change acquired per loop: a Möbius soliton needs to travel twice around the ring to meet the initial phase condition.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(20): 207202, 2009 May 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19519067


This Letter reports experimental results on the three-wave interactions of backward volume spin waves in a magnetic film and the excitation of chaotic waves through such interactions in a magnetic film-based active feedback ring. The three-wave interactions manifest themselves in the power saturation responses of spin waves, and the chaotic excitation manifests itself in chaotic waveforms and broad spectra. The fractal dimensions of the chaotic signals are finite and can be controlled by changing the ring gain.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(23): 237203, 2009 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19658967


This Letter reports the first experimental demonstration of chaotic excitations through modulational instability for waves with a repulsive nonlinearity. The experiments were carried out for surface spin waves in a magnetic thin film strip in an active feedback ring configuration. At a low ring gain level, one observes the self-generation of one eigenmode. With an increase in the ring gain, one observes the production of additional modes and the onset and enrichment of chaotic behaviors.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(2): 027206, 2008 Jul 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18764225


This letter reports the first results on the coupled modulational instability of copropagating spin waves in a magnetic film. Strong instability was observed for the two waves with either attractive or repulsive nonlinearity. If the two waves have attractive nonlinearity, the instability leads to the formation of bright solitons. If the two waves have repulsive nonlinearity, the process results in the formation of black solitons. The instability was also observed for the two waves in separated attractive-repulsive nonlinearity regimes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(22): 227202, 2006 Jun 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16803341


The random generation of coherent solitary waves from incoherent waves in a medium with an instantaneous nonlinearity has been observed. One excites a propagating incoherent spin wave packet in a magnetic film strip and observes the random appearance of solitary wave pulses. These pulses are as coherent as traditional solitary waves, but with random timing and a random peak amplitude.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(18): 187202, 2006 May 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16712392


The manifestation of fractals in soliton dynamics has been observed for the first time. The experiment utilized self-generated spin-wave envelope solitons in a magnetic film based active feedback ring. At high ring gain, the soliton that circulates in the ring breathes in a fractal pattern. The corresponding power frequency spectrum shows a comb structure, with each peak in the comb having its own comb, and so on, to finer and finer scales.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(23): 237202, 2005 Dec 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16384334


The chaotic self-generation of short solitary spin wave pulses has been observed for the first time. The pulses were produced from parametrically excited spin waves in an yttrium-iron-garnet film in an active feedback ring under conditions where both three-wave and four-wave parametric processes were allowed. The power-frequency spectrum was broadband and chaotic.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(15): 157207, 2004 Oct 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15524938


The generation of dark spin wave envelope soliton trains from a continuous wave input signal due to spontaneous modulational instability has been observed for the first time. The dark soliton trains were formed from high dispersion dipole-exchange spin waves propagated in a thin yttrium iron garnet film with pinned surface spins at frequencies situated near the dipole gaps in the dipole-exchange spin wave spectrum. Dark and bright soliton trains were generated for one and the same film through placement of the input carrier frequency in regions of negative and positive dispersion, respectively. Two unreported effects in soliton dynamics, hysteresis and period doubling, were also observed.