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Front Neurosci ; 17: 1244675, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38075285


Spiking neural networks coupled with neuromorphic hardware and event-based sensors are getting increased interest for low-latency and low-power inference at the edge. However, multiple spiking neuron models have been proposed in the literature with different levels of biological plausibility and different computational features and complexities. Consequently, there is a need to define the right level of abstraction from biology in order to get the best performance in accurate, efficient and fast inference in neuromorphic hardware. In this context, we explore the impact of synaptic and membrane leakages in spiking neurons. We confront three neural models with different computational complexities using feedforward and recurrent topologies for event-based visual and auditory pattern recognition. Our results showed that, in terms of accuracy, leakages are important when there are both temporal information in the data and explicit recurrence in the network. Additionally, leakages do not necessarily increase the sparsity of spikes flowing in the network. We also investigated the impact of heterogeneity in the time constant of leakages. The results showed a slight improvement in accuracy when using data with a rich temporal structure, thereby validating similar findings obtained in previous studies. These results advance our understanding of the computational role of the neural leakages and network recurrences, and provide valuable insights for the design of compact and energy-efficient neuromorphic hardware for embedded systems.

Front Neurosci ; 16: 825879, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35310103


The field of artificial intelligence has significantly advanced over the past decades, inspired by discoveries from the fields of biology and neuroscience. The idea of this work is inspired by the process of self-organization of cortical areas in the human brain from both afferent and lateral/internal connections. In this work, we develop a brain-inspired neural model associating Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and Hebbian learning in the Reentrant SOM (ReSOM) model. The framework is applied to multimodal classification problems. Compared to existing methods based on unsupervised learning with post-labeling, the model enhances the state-of-the-art results. This work also demonstrates the distributed and scalable nature of the model through both simulation results and hardware execution on a dedicated FPGA-based platform named SCALP (Self-configurable 3D Cellular Adaptive Platform). SCALP boards can be interconnected in a modular way to support the structure of the neural model. Such a unified software and hardware approach enables the processing to be scaled and allows information from several modalities to be merged dynamically. The deployment on hardware boards provides performance results of parallel execution on several devices, with the communication between each board through dedicated serial links. The proposed unified architecture, composed of the ReSOM model and the SCALP hardware platform, demonstrates a significant increase in accuracy thanks to multimodal association, and a good trade-off between latency and power consumption compared to a centralized GPU implementation.

Front Neurosci ; 16: 951164, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36440280


Spatio-temporal pattern recognition is a fundamental ability of the brain which is required for numerous real-world activities. Recent deep learning approaches have reached outstanding accuracies in such tasks, but their implementation on conventional embedded solutions is still very computationally and energy expensive. Tactile sensing in robotic applications is a representative example where real-time processing and energy efficiency are required. Following a brain-inspired computing approach, we propose a new benchmark for spatio-temporal tactile pattern recognition at the edge through Braille letter reading. We recorded a new Braille letters dataset based on the capacitive tactile sensors of the iCub robot's fingertip. We then investigated the importance of spatial and temporal information as well as the impact of event-based encoding on spike-based computation. Afterward, we trained and compared feedforward and recurrent Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) offline using Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT) with surrogate gradients, then we deployed them on the Intel Loihi neuromorphic chip for fast and efficient inference. We compared our approach to standard classifiers, in particular to the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) deployed on the embedded NVIDIA Jetson GPU, in terms of classification accuracy, power, and energy consumption together with computational delay. Our results show that the LSTM reaches ~97% of accuracy, outperforming the recurrent SNN by ~17% when using continuous frame-based data instead of event-based inputs. However, the recurrent SNN on Loihi with event-based inputs is ~500 times more energy-efficient than the LSTM on Jetson, requiring a total power of only ~30 mW. This work proposes a new benchmark for tactile sensing and highlights the challenges and opportunities of event-based encoding, neuromorphic hardware, and spike-based computing for spatio-temporal pattern recognition at the edge.

Front Neurosci ; 14: 637, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32903824


Hand gestures are a form of non-verbal communication used by individuals in conjunction with speech to communicate. Nowadays, with the increasing use of technology, hand-gesture recognition is considered to be an important aspect of Human-Machine Interaction (HMI), allowing the machine to capture and interpret the user's intent and to respond accordingly. The ability to discriminate between human gestures can help in several applications, such as assisted living, healthcare, neuro-rehabilitation, and sports. Recently, multi-sensor data fusion mechanisms have been investigated to improve discrimination accuracy. In this paper, we present a sensor fusion framework that integrates complementary systems: the electromyography (EMG) signal from muscles and visual information. This multi-sensor approach, while improving accuracy and robustness, introduces the disadvantage of high computational cost, which grows exponentially with the number of sensors and the number of measurements. Furthermore, this huge amount of data to process can affect the classification latency which can be crucial in real-case scenarios, such as prosthetic control. Neuromorphic technologies can be deployed to overcome these limitations since they allow real-time processing in parallel at low power consumption. In this paper, we present a fully neuromorphic sensor fusion approach for hand-gesture recognition comprised of an event-based vision sensor and three different neuromorphic processors. In particular, we used the event-based camera, called DVS, and two neuromorphic platforms, Loihi and ODIN + MorphIC. The EMG signals were recorded using traditional electrodes and then converted into spikes to be fed into the chips. We collected a dataset of five gestures from sign language where visual and electromyography signals are synchronized. We compared a fully neuromorphic approach to a baseline implemented using traditional machine learning approaches on a portable GPU system. According to the chip's constraints, we designed specific spiking neural networks (SNNs) for sensor fusion that showed classification accuracy comparable to the software baseline. These neuromorphic alternatives have increased inference time, between 20 and 40%, with respect to the GPU system but have a significantly smaller energy-delay product (EDP) which makes them between 30× and 600× more efficient. The proposed work represents a new benchmark that moves neuromorphic computing toward a real-world scenario.