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J Chem Phys ; 160(24)2024 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38940540


We develop a multi-state generalization of the recently proposed mapping approach to surface hopping (MASH) for the simulation of electronically nonadiabatic dynamics. This new approach extends the original MASH method to be able to treat systems with more than two electronic states. It differs from previous approaches in that it is size consistent and rigorously recovers the original two-state MASH in the appropriate limits. We demonstrate the accuracy of the method by applying it to a series of model systems for which exact benchmark results are available, and we find that the method is well suited to the simulation of photochemical relaxation processes.

J Chem Phys ; 160(17)2024 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38748021


In response to a community prediction challenge, we simulate the nonadiabatic dynamics of cyclobutanone using the mapping approach to surface hopping (MASH). We consider the first 500 fs of relaxation following photoexcitation to the S2 state and predict the corresponding time-resolved electron-diffraction signal that will be measured by the planned experiment. 397 ab initio trajectories were obtained on the fly with state-averaged complete active space self-consistent field using a (12,11) active space. To obtain an estimate of the potential systematic error, 198 of the trajectories were calculated using an aug-cc-pVDZ basis set and 199 with a 6-31+G* basis set. MASH is a recently proposed independent trajectory method for simulating nonadiabatic dynamics, originally derived for two-state problems. As there are three relevant electronic states in this system, we used a newly developed multi-state generalization of MASH for the simulation: the uncoupled spheres multi-state MASH method (unSMASH). This study, therefore, serves both as an investigation of the photodissociation dynamics of cyclobutanone, and also as a demonstration of the applicability of unSMASH to ab initio simulations. In line with previous experimental studies, we observe that the simulated dynamics is dominated by three sets of dissociation products, C3H6 + CO, C2H4 + C2H2O, and C2H4 + CH2 + CO, and we interpret our predicted electron-diffraction signal in terms of the key features of the associated dissociation pathways.

J Chem Phys ; 158(10): 104111, 2023 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36922129


We present a nonadiabatic classical-trajectory approach that offers the best of both worlds between fewest-switches surface hopping (FSSH) and quasiclassical mapping dynamics. This mapping approach to surface hopping (MASH) propagates the nuclei on the active adiabatic potential-energy surface, such as in FSSH. However, unlike in FSSH, transitions between active surfaces are deterministic and occur when the electronic mapping variables evolve between specified regions of the electronic phase space. This guarantees internal consistency between the active surface and the electronic degrees of freedom throughout the dynamics. MASH is rigorously derivable from exact quantum mechanics as a limit of the quantum-classical Liouville equation (QCLE), leading to a unique prescription for momentum rescaling and frustrated hops. Hence, a quantum-jump procedure can, in principle, be used to systematically converge the accuracy of the results to that of the QCLE. This jump procedure also provides a rigorous framework for deriving approximate decoherence corrections similar to those proposed for FSSH. We apply MASH to simulate the nonadiabatic dynamics in various model systems and show that it consistently produces more accurate results than FSSH at a comparable computational cost.

J Chem Phys ; 159(21)2023 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38054513


The violation of detailed balance poses a serious problem for the majority of current quasiclassical methods for simulating nonadiabatic dynamics. In order to analyze the severity of the problem, we predict the long-time limits of the electronic populations according to various quasiclassical mapping approaches by applying arguments from classical ergodic theory. Our analysis confirms that regions of the mapping space that correspond to negative populations, which most mapping approaches introduce in order to go beyond the Ehrenfest approximation, pose the most serious issue for reproducing the correct thermalization behavior. This is because inverted potentials, which arise from negative electronic populations entering the nuclear force, can result in trajectories unphysically accelerating off to infinity. The recently developed mapping approach to surface hopping (MASH) provides a simple way of avoiding inverted potentials while retaining an accurate description of the dynamics. We prove that MASH, unlike any other quasiclassical approach, is guaranteed to describe the exact thermalization behavior of all quantum-classical systems, confirming it as one of the most promising methods for simulating nonadiabatic dynamics in real condensed-phase systems.

J Chem Phys ; 156(2): 024108, 2022 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35032975


We present a partially linearized method based on spin-mapping for computing both linear and nonlinear optical spectra. As observables are obtained from ensembles of classical trajectories, the approach can be applied to the large condensed-phase systems that undergo photosynthetic light-harvesting processes. In particular, the recently derived spin partially linearized density matrix method has been shown to exhibit superior accuracy in computing population dynamics compared to other related classical-trajectory methods. Such a method should also be ideally suited to describing the quantum coherences generated by interaction with light. We demonstrate that this is, indeed, the case by calculating the nonlinear optical response functions relevant for the pump-probe and 2D photon-echo spectra for a Frenkel biexciton model and the Fenna-Matthews-Olsen light-harvesting complex. One especially desirable feature of our approach is that the full spectrum can be decomposed into its constituent components associated with the various Liouville-space pathways, offering a greater insight beyond what can be directly obtained from experiments.

Chimia (Aarau) ; 76(6): 582-588, 2022 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38069729


Many chemical reactions exhibit nonadiabatic effects as a consequence of coupling between electronic states and/or interaction with light. While a fully quantum description of nonadiabatic reactions is unfeasible for most realistic molecules, a more computationally tractable approach is to combine a classical description of the nuclei with a quantum description of the electronic states. Combining the formalisms of quantum and classical dynamics is however a difficult problem for which standard methods (such as Ehrenfest dynamics and surface hopping) may be insufficient. In this article, we review a new trajectory-based approach developed in our group that is able to describe nonadiabatic dynamics with a higher accuracy than previous approaches but for a similar level of computational effort. This method treats the electronic states with a phase-space representation for discrete-level systems, which in the two-level case is analogous to a spin-½. We point out the key features of the method and demonstrate its use in a variety of applications, including ultrafast transfer through conical intersections, damped coherent excitation under coupling to a strong light field, and nonlinear spectroscopy of light-harvesting complexes.

J Chem Phys ; 153(19): 194109, 2020 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33218231


We present a new partially linearized mapping-based approach for approximating real-time quantum correlation functions in condensed-phase nonadiabatic systems, called the spin partially linearized density matrix (spin-PLDM) approach. Within a classical trajectory picture, partially linearized methods treat the electronic dynamics along forward and backward paths separately by explicitly evolving two sets of mapping variables. Unlike previously derived partially linearized methods based on the Meyer-Miller-Stock-Thoss mapping, spin-PLDM uses the Stratonovich-Weyl transform to describe the electronic dynamics for each path within the spin-mapping space; this automatically restricts the Cartesian mapping variables to lie on a hypersphere and means that the classical equations of motion can no longer propagate the mapping variables out of the physical subspace. The presence of a rigorously derived zero-point energy parameter also distinguishes spin-PLDM from other partially linearized approaches. These new features appear to give the method superior accuracy for computing dynamical observables of interest when compared with other methods within the same class. The superior accuracy of spin-PLDM is demonstrated in this paper through application of the method to a wide range of spin-boson models as well as to the Fenna-Matthews-Olsen complex.

J Chem Phys ; 153(19): 194110, 2020 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33218246


In a previous paper [J. R. Mannouch and J. O. Richardson, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 194109 (2020)], we derived a new partially linearized mapping-based classical-trajectory technique called the spin partially linearized density matrix (spin-PLDM) approach. This method describes the dynamics associated with the forward and backward electronic path integrals using a Stratonovich-Weyl approach within the spin-mapping space. While this is the first example of a partially linearized spin-mapping method, fully linearized spin-mapping is already known to be capable of reproducing dynamical observables for a range of nonadiabatic model systems reasonably accurately. Here, we present a thorough comparison of the terms in the underlying expressions for the real-time quantum correlation functions for spin-PLDM and fully linearized spin mapping in order to ascertain the relative accuracy of the two methods. In particular, we show that spin-PLDM contains an additional term within the definition of its real-time correlation function, which diminishes many of the known errors that are ubiquitous for fully linearized approaches. One advantage of partially linearized methods over their fully linearized counterparts is that the results can be systematically improved by re-sampling the mapping variables at intermediate times. We derive such a scheme for spin-PLDM and show that for systems for which the approximation of classical nuclei is valid, numerically exact results can be obtained using only a few "jumps." Additionally, we implement focused initial conditions for the spin-PLDM method, which reduces the number of classical trajectories that are needed in order to reach convergence of dynamical quantities, with seemingly little difference to the accuracy of the result.

Faraday Discuss ; 221(0): 281-298, 2019 Dec 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31539013


We use the coarse-grained Frenkel-Holstein model to simulate the relaxation, decoherence, and localization of photoexcited states in conformationally disordered π-conjugated polymers. The dynamics are computed via wave-packet propagation using matrix product states and the time evolution block decimation method. The ultrafast (i.e., t < 10 fs) coupling of an exciton to C-C bond vibrations creates an exciton-polaron. The relatively short (ca. 10 monomers) exciton-phonon correlation length causes ultrafast exciton-site decoherence, which is observable on conformationally disordered chains as fluorescence depolarization. Dissipative coupling to the environment (modelled via quantum jumps) causes the localization of quasi-extended exciton states (QEESs) onto local exciton ground states (LEGSs, i.e., chromophores). This is observable as lifetime broadening of the 0-0 transition (and vibronic satellites) of the QEES in two-dimensional electronic coherence spectroscopy. However, as this process is incoherent, neither population increases of the LEGSs nor coherences with LEGSs are observable.

J Chem Phys ; 149(21): 214107, 2018 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30525718


We develop a model of excitons coupled to the rotational motion of monomers to study the torsionally induced relaxation and decoherence of excitons in π-conjugated polymers. The model assumes that the monomer units are described by elastically uncoupled harmonic oscillators and that there is a linear exciton-roton coupling. Although the rotational degrees of freedom are much slower than the exciton, so that the adiabatic approximation is generally expected to be valid, we also investigate possible quantized roton corrections via coupled time evolving block decimation-Ehrenfest equations of motion. For the relaxation of the lowest-excited exciton, we find that (1) for a polymer chain with a ground state spiral torsional conformation, the equilibrium angular displacement of each monomer is proportional to the difference of the exciton bond-orders on the neighboring bridging bonds. Consequently, this displacement vanishes in the long chain limit and a classical (Landau) exciton-polaron is not formed. (2) For a polymer chain with a ground state staggered torsional conformation, the equilibrium angular displacement of each monomer is proportional to the sum of the exciton bond-orders on the neighboring bridging bonds. Consequently, there is significant angular displacement and local planarization causing exciton density localization. A classical (Landau) exciton-polaron is formed where the staggered angular displacement is proportional to the exciton density. (3) Generally, in the adiabatic limit, the decay of off-diagonal long-range order (i.e., exciton decoherence) mirrors the localization of the exciton density. However, quantum corrections to the rotational motion alter this adiabatic prediction because of correlated exciton-roton dynamics within the first rotational half-period. In particular, exciton-polaron quasiparticle formation causes more rapid and oscillatory exciton decoherence and slower exciton density localization.

J Chem Phys ; 148(3): 034901, 2018 Jan 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29352773


The exciton relaxation dynamics of photoexcited electronic states in poly(p-phenylenevinylene) are theoretically investigated within a coarse-grained model, in which both the exciton and nuclear degrees of freedom are treated quantum mechanically. The Frenkel-Holstein Hamiltonian is used to describe the strong exciton-phonon coupling present in the system, while external damping of the internal nuclear degrees of freedom is accounted for by a Lindblad master equation. Numerically, the dynamics are computed using the time evolving block decimation and quantum jump trajectory techniques. The values of the model parameters physically relevant to polymer systems naturally lead to a separation of time scales, with the ultra-fast dynamics corresponding to energy transfer from the exciton to the internal phonon modes (i.e., the C-C bond oscillations), while the longer time dynamics correspond to damping of these phonon modes by the external dissipation. Associated with these time scales, we investigate the following processes that are indicative of the system relaxing onto the emissive chromophores of the polymer: (1) Exciton-polaron formation occurs on an ultra-fast time scale, with the associated exciton-phonon correlations present within half a vibrational time period of the C-C bond oscillations. (2) Exciton decoherence is driven by the decay in the vibrational overlaps associated with exciton-polaron formation, occurring on the same time scale. (3) Exciton density localization is driven by the external dissipation, arising from "wavefunction collapse" occurring as a result of the system-environment interactions. Finally, we show how fluorescence anisotropy measurements can be used to investigate the exciton decoherence process during the relaxation dynamics.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 15(22): 5814-5823, 2024 Jun 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38781480


Nonadiabatic dynamics methods are an essential tool for investigating photochemical processes. In the context of employing first-principles electronic structure techniques, such simulations can be carried out in a practical manner using semiclassical trajectory-based methods or wave packet approaches. While all approaches applicable to first-principles simulations are necessarily approximate, it is commonly thought that wave packet approaches offer inherent advantages over their semiclassical counterparts in terms of accuracy and that this trait simply comes at a higher computational cost. Here we demonstrate that the mapping approach to surface hopping (MASH), a recently introduced trajectory-based nonadiabatic dynamics method, can be efficiently applied in tandem with ab initio electronic structure. Our results even suggest that MASH may provide more accurate results than on-the-fly wave packet techniques, all at a much lower computational cost.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 15(3): 707-716, 2024 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38214476


It is well-known that fewest-switches surface hopping (FSSH) fails to correctly capture the quadratic scaling of rate constants with diabatic coupling in the weak-coupling limit, as expected from Fermi's golden rule and Marcus theory. To address this deficiency, the most widely used approach is to introduce a "decoherence correction", which removes the inconsistency between the wave function coefficients and the active state. Here we investigate the behavior of a new nonadiabatic trajectory method, called the mapping approach to surface hopping (MASH), on systems that exhibit an incoherent rate behavior. Unlike FSSH, MASH hops between active surfaces deterministically and can never have an inconsistency between the wave function coefficients and the active state. We show that MASH not only can describe rates for intermediate and strong diabatic coupling but also can accurately reproduce the results of Marcus theory in the golden-rule limit, without the need for a decoherence correction. MASH is therefore a significant improvement over FSSH in the simulation of nonadiabatic reactions.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 13(15): 3392-3399, 2022 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35404611


Photosynthetic organisms are known to use a mechanism of vibrationally assisted exciton energy transfer to efficiently harvest energy from light. The importance of quantum effects in this mechanism is a long-standing topic of debate, which has traditionally focused on the role of excitonic coherences. Here, we address another recent claim: that the efficient energy transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex relies on nuclear quantum uncertainty and would not function if the vibrations were classical. We present a counter-example to this claim, showing by trajectory-based simulations that a description in terms of quantum electrons and classical nuclei is indeed sufficient to describe the funneling of energy to the reaction center. We analyze and compare these findings to previous classical-nuclear approximations that predicted the absence of an energy funnel and conclude that the key difference and the reason for the discrepancy is the ability of the trajectories to properly account for Newton's third law.

Complejos de Proteína Captadores de Luz , Vibración , Proteínas Bacterianas/metabolismo , Complejos de Proteína Captadores de Luz/metabolismo , Fotosíntesis , Teoría Cuántica , Incertidumbre
J Phys Condens Matter ; 28(45): 455601, 2016 11 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27618214


The periodic Anderson model (PAM) is studied within the framework of dynamical mean-field theory, with particular emphasis on the interaction-driven Mott transition it contains, and on resultant Mott insulators of both Mott-Hubbard and charge-transfer type. The form of the PAM phase diagram is first deduced on general grounds using two exact results, over the full range of model parameters and including metallic, Mott, Kondo and band insulator phases. The effective low-energy model which describes the PAM in the vicinity of a Mott transition is then shown to be a one-band Hubbard model, with effective hoppings that are not in general solely nearest neighbour, but decay exponentially with distance. This mapping is shown to have a range of implications for the physics of the problem, from phase boundaries to single-particle dynamics; all of which are confirmed and supplemented by NRG calculations. Finally we consider the locally degenerate, non-Fermi liquid Mott insulator, to describe which requires a two-self-energy description. This is shown to yield a number of exact results for the associated local moment, charge, and interaction-renormalised levels, together with a generalisation of Luttinger's theorem to the Mott insulator.