Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive disease belonging to the so-called storage diseases. More than 300 mutations of the GBA1 gene encoding the β-glucocerebrosidase enzyme are known. It is a very rare disease in the Czech Republic. Currently 35 patients are treated. In our case report, we present the case of a 16 year old female patient attending the Clinic of Pediatric Medicine at the University Hospital in Ostrava. Since 2007, the patient has suffered prolonged thrombocytopenia, at the time with progression, and splenomegaly, which has not been further investigated. Trepanobiopsy was sent to the Department of Pathology with suspicion of myelodysplastic syndrome in May of 2018. In the biopsy examination, the individual bloodline did not show dysplastic features and the number of blasts was not increased. The marrow interstitium was 70% permeated with gaucher cells with intraplasmatic fibrous material. Cells were in the appearance of „crumpled paper“ and expressed CD68 in immunohistochemical stain and in histochemical examination of PAS and iron (Fe) staining. Based on a morphological finding, Gauchers disease was suspected. Repeated bone marrow aspirates were subsequently captured by gaucher cells, and a next biochemical examination showed a β-glucocerebrosidase enzyme decrease of activity. Gaucher disease is a progressive disease that requires early diagnosis with the onset of therapy.