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Rev Sci Tech ; 39(1): 57-67, 2020 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32729578


The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is a major actor in international cooperation to improve animal health and welfare throughout the world. The OIE sets international standards to support Member Countries in their efforts to prevent and control animal diseases, strengthen Veterinary Services and Aquatic Animal Health Services, and facilitate safe international trade. Member Countries face many challenges in the implementation of OIE standards. Poor governance and a lack of resources and technical capacity are often major constraints. Trade concerns raised at the World Trade Organization (WTO) can also be a signal that countries are experiencing difficulties in implementing international standards. In May 2018, the World Assembly of OIE Delegates adopted a resolution recommending the establishment of an observatory to monitor the implementation of OIE standards. This monitoring mechanism will help the OIE to improve its international standard-setting process and identify the capacity-building needs of Member Countries. Monitoring implementation will be challenging as the OIE does not prescribe a specific procedure for implementing OIE standards. World Organisation for Animal Health Member Countries use a range of approaches to implement OIE standards, because of differences in animal health situations, legal frameworks and procedures, trade profiles, and acceptable levels of risk. Given this complexity, this article proposes a 'cross-over' approach to monitoring implementation that would require the collection of information from various trusted sources, such as the World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS), the OIE Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) Pathway mission reports and the WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Information Management System database. This approach aims to document what is currently happening and to identify potential patterns in Member Country practices when implementing OIE standards.

L'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) est un acteur majeur de la coopération internationale oeuvrant à l'amélioration de la santé et du bien-être animal dans le monde. L'OIE élabore des normes internationales visant à soutenir les efforts déployés par ses Membres pour prévenir et lutter contre les maladies animales, renforcer les Services vétérinaires et les Services chargés de la santé des animaux aquatiques, et faciliter un commerce international sûr. Les Membres rencontrent de nombreuses difficultés lors de la mise en oeuvre des normes de l'OIE. Une mauvaise gouvernance et l'insuffisance des ressources et des capacités techniques constituent souvent des contraintes majeures. Les préoccupations commerciales soulevées au sein de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) sont également révélatrices des difficultés rencontrées par les pays pour mettre en oeuvre les normes internationales. En mai 2018, l'Assemblée mondiale des Délégués de l'OIE a adopté une résolution recommandant la création d'un observatoire destiné à assurer le suivi de la mise en oeuvre des normes de l'OIE. Grâce à ce mécanisme de suivi, l'OIE sera à même d'améliorer le processus d'élaboration de ses normes internationales et d'identifier les besoins de ses Membres en matière de renforcement des capacités. Le suivi de la mise en oeuvre ne sera pas une tâche facile, dans la mesure où l'OIE ne prescrit pas de procédure spécifique pour appliquer ses normes. Les Membres de l'OIE recourent à diverses approches pour mettre en oeuvre les normes de l'OIE, dictées par des différences dans les situations zoosanitaires, les cadres et procédures juridiques, les profils commerciaux et les niveaux de risque considérés comme acceptables. Face à une telle complexité, les auteurs proposent une méthode transversale de suivi de la mise en oeuvre, qui passe par la collecte d'informations auprès de diverses sources fiables telles que le Système mondial d'information sanitaire de l'OIE (WAHIS), les rapports de mission du Processus de l'OIE pour évaluer la Performance des Services vétérinaires (Processus PVS) et la base de données de l'OMC de gestion des renseignements sanitaires et phytosanitaires. Cette approche vise à documenter ce qui se fait actuellement et à identifier d'éventuelles tendances dans les pratiques des Membres en matière de mise en oeuvre des normes de l'OIE.

La Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) es uno de los actores principales de la cooperación internacional para mejorar la sanidad y el bienestar animales en todo el mundo. La OIE elabora normas internacionales destinadas a apoyar el esfuerzo de los Países Miembros por prevenir y combatir las enfermedades animales, fortalecer los Servicios Veterinarios y los Servicios de sanidad de los animales acuáticos y facilitar un comercio internacional seguro. Los Países Miembros afrontan numerosos desafíos a la hora de implementar las normas de la OIE. La insuficiencia de mecanismos de gobernanza y la falta de recursos y capacidad técnica constituyen a menudo obstáculos de gran calado. Las preocupaciones comerciales expresadas ante la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) también pueden ser una señal de las dificultades que afrontan los países para implementar las normas internacionales. En mayo de 2018, la Asamblea Mundial de Delegados de la OIE aprobó una resolución en la que recomendaba la creación de un observatorio para el seguimiento de la implementación de las normas de la OIE. Este mecanismo ayudará a la OIE a mejorar su proceso de elaboración de normas internacionales y a identificar las necesidades de capacidades específicas de los Países Miembros. El seguimiento de la implementación no será fácil, pues la OIE no prescribe ningún procedimiento específico para poner en práctica sus normas. Los Países Miembros utilizan modalidades distintas debido a las diferencias en cuanto a situaciones zoosanitarias, ordenamiento y procedimientos jurídicos, perfiles comerciales y niveles de riesgo aceptables. Teniendo en cuenta esta compleja situación, los autores proponen aquí un enfoque «transversal¼ de seguimiento de la implementación de las normas, que requeriría reunir información de diversas fuentes fidedignas, como el Sistema Mundial de Información Zoosanitaria (WAHIS), los informes de las misiones de evaluación de las prestaciones de los Servicios Veterinarios (Proceso PVS) de la OIE y la base de datos del sistema de la OMC de gestión de información relativa a las medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias. Tal enfoque tiene por objetivo documentar lo que está ocurriendo actualmente e identificar posibles patrones en las prácticas de los Países Miembros al implementar las normas de la OIE.

Enfermedades de los Animales/prevención & control , Medicina Veterinaria , Animales , Comercio , Salud Global , Cooperación Internacional , Internacionalidad
Rev Sci Tech ; 38(1): 291-302, 2019 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31564721


Animals, and the health systems which ensure their protection, play a vital role in the security and economic and social well-being of humanity, and are therefore a key component of the One Health concept. For global and national health security, prevention is better than cure, and targeting 'risk at source' in animal populations is a vital strategy in safeguarding the planet from risks of emerging zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Neglected zoonoses - such as rabies and brucellosis - continue to have a significant global impact on human health and are also best managed at their animal source. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has built international consensus on the principles of good governance and the quality of Veterinary Services, which are incorporated within its international standards. The OIE has a proven track record in the provision of Member Country support based on these standards, especially since the advent of its flagship Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) Pathway programme in 2006-2007. To date, approximately 140 countries have benefited from the structured and sustainable process of animal health systems evaluation and planning afforded by the PVS Pathway. The PVS Tool, the basic methodology upon which the PVS Pathway is based, addresses One Health by evaluating the Veterinary Authority's ability to coordinate with other Competent Authorities that have a role to play in One Health, most notably public health, food safety, and environmental authorities. Despite the undoubted success of the PVS Pathway, the OIE felt that it was time to consider how the programme might be developed to adapt to new challenges. Consequently, during 2017-2018, the OIE embarked on a process of PVS evolution, during which it carried out extensive consultation and further tailored the PVS Pathway to a changing global context. These improvements, which include both fundamental adaptations to the PVS Pathway methods and the development of new PVS Pathway activities targeting topics such as multisectoral collaboration, rabies and AMR, have further strengthened and embedded the One Health approach within the PVS Pathway.

Parce qu'ils jouent un rôle crucial pour la sécurité et le bien-être économique et social de l'humanité, les animaux et les systèmes sanitaires en charge de leur protection sont une composante clé du concept Une seule santé. En matière de sécurité sanitaire à l'échelle du monde ou d'un pays, il vaut toujours mieux prévenir que guérir ; c'est pourquoi la stratégie consistant à cibler le risque à sa source est la seule qui puisse protéger la planète contre les zoonoses émergentes et le développement de l'antibiorésistance. L'impact sur la santé publique des zoonoses négligées comme la rage et la brucellose reste important et c'est également à leur source animale que les interventions visant à les contrôler sont les plus efficaces. L'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) a forgé un consensus international autour des principes de bonne gouvernance et de qualité des Services vétérinaires et les a inscrites au coeur de ses normes internationales. L'OIE a démontré sa capacité à apporter aux Pays membres un soutien basé sur ces normes, en particulier depuis la création en 2006­2007 du Processus sur les Performances des Services vétérinaires (PVS), son programme phare. À ce jour, près de 140 pays ont bénéficié d'une procédure structurée d'évaluation et de planification durable de leurs systèmes de santé animale, grâce au Processus PVS. L'Outil PVS, instrument méthodologique du Processus PVS, couvre certains aspects relevant de l'approche Une seule santé en évaluant les capacités de concertation des Autorités vétérinaires avec d'autres autorités compétentes ayant un rôle à jouer dans ce contexte, en particulier celles en charge de la santé publique, de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments et de la protection de l'environnement. En dépit de la réussite incontestée du Processus PVS, l'OIE a estimé que le temps était venu d'envisager l'évolution de ce programme afin de l'adapter aux nouveaux défis. En conséquence, l'OIE a lancé en 2017­2018 la phase d'Évolution du Processus OIE à travers de larges consultations visant à adapter le Processus PVS aux mutations du contexte mondial. Les améliorations apportées, qui portent à la fois sur les fondements méthodologiques et sur la conception de nouvelles activités du Processus PVS dédiées à des sujets tels que la collaboration multisectorielle, la rage et la résistance aux agents antimicrobiens ont renforcé l'approche Une seule santé ainsi que son ancrage dans le Processus PVS.

Los animales y los sistemas sanitarios que velan por su protección cumplen una función vital para la seguridad y el bienestar económico y social de la humanidad, razón por la cual constituyen un elemento básico del concepto de Una sola salud. Desde el punto de vista de la seguridad sanitaria del mundo y de los países, más vale prevenir que curar, y el hecho de ir a combatir un riesgo en las poblaciones animales en las que tiene su origen es una estrategia indispensable para salvaguardar al planeta de los peligros que entrañan las zoonosis emergentes y la resistencia a los antimicrobianos. La mejor forma de luchar contra zoonosis desatendidas como la rabia o la brucelosis, que en todo el mundo siguen repercutiendo sensiblemente en la salud humana, pasa por atacarlas en su origen animal. La Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) ha sabido suscitar un consenso internacional en torno a los principios de buen gobierno y calidad de los Servicios Veterinarios, integrados ahora en sus normas internacionales. La OIE goza de contrastada experiencia en la prestación de apoyo a los Países Miembros basándose en estas normas, especialmente desde la instauración en 2006­2007 de su emblemático programa llamado Proceso PVS (Prestaciones de los Servicios Veterinarios). Hasta la fecha, alrededor de 140 países han podido beneficiarse del procedimiento estructurado y sostenible de evaluación y planificación de los sistemas de sanidad animal que se propone a través del Proceso PVS. La Herramienta PVS aporta la metodología básica en que descansa el Proceso PVS: con ella se trabaja en clave de Una sola salud evaluando la capacidad de la Autoridad Veterinaria del país para coordinarse con las demás autoridades competentes que cumplen alguna función relacionada con Una sola salud, sobre todo las de salud pública, seguridad sanitaria de los alimentos y medio ambiente. Pese al indiscutible éxito cosechado por el Proceso PVS, la OIE estimó llegado el momento de plantearse hacia dónde hacer evolucionar el programa para adaptarlo a nuevas problemáticas. Obrando en consecuencia, en 2017 y 2018 la OIE se embarcó en un proceso de «evolución del PVS¼ durante el cual celebró vastas consultas y adaptó aún más el Proceso PVS a un panorama mundial en constante evolución, incorporándole mejoras que incluyen a la vez una serie de ajustes básicos en los métodos del Proceso PVS y la creación de nuevas actividades encuadradas en él sobre temas como la colaboración multisectorial, la rabia o la resistencia a los antimicrobianos, mejoras que a la postre han servido para potenciar la filosofía de Una sola salud e integrarla aún más en el Proceso PVS.

Salud Única , Salud Pública , Medicina Veterinaria , Animales , Inocuidad de los Alimentos , Salud Global , Humanos , Salud Pública/tendencias , Medicina Veterinaria/tendencias , Zoonosis/prevención & control
Rev Sci Tech ; 38(1): 303-314, 2019 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31564720


Under the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005), a legally binding document adopted by 196 States Parties, countries are required to develop their capacity to rapidly detect, assess, notify and respond to unusual health events of potential international concern. To support countries in monitoring and enhancing their capacities and complying with the IHR (2005), the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (IHR MEF). This framework comprises four complementary components: the State Party Annual Report, the Joint External Evaluation, after-action reviews and simulation exercises. The first two are used to review capacities and the second two to help to explore their functionality. The contribution of different disciplines, sectors, and areas of work, joining forces through a One Health approach, is essential for the implementation of the IHR (2005). Therefore, WHO, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), and other international and national partners, has actively worked on facilitating the inclusion of the relevant sectors, in particular the animal health sector, in each of the four components of the IHR MEF. Other tools complement the IHR MEF, such as the WHO/OIE IHR-PVS [Performance of Veterinary Services] National Bridging Workshops, which facilitate the optimal use of the results of the IHR MEF and the OIE Performance of Veterinary Services Pathway and create an opportunity for stakeholders from animal health and human health services to work on the coordination of their efforts. The results of these various tools are used in countries' planning processes and are incorporated in their National Action Plan for Health Security to accelerate the implementation of IHR core capacities. The present article describes how One Health is incorporated in all components of the IHR MEF.

En vertu du Règlement sanitaire international (RSI, 2005), instrument juridique ayant force obligatoire pour les 196 États Parties dans le monde, les pays s'engagent à renforcer leurs capacités de détection, d'évaluation, de notification et de réaction en cas d'événements sanitaires inhabituels ou présentant une dimension internationale inquiétante. Le Cadre de suivi et d'évaluation du RSI (2005) a été élaboré par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) afin de soutenir les pays souhaitant évaluer et améliorer leurs capacités et leur niveau de conformité avec le RSI (2005). Ce cadre comprend quatre composantes complémentaires : le rapport annuel de l'État Partie, l'Évaluation extérieure conjointe, les examens « après action¼ et les exercices de simulation. Les deux premières composantes permettent de faire le point sur les capacités tandis que les deux dernières visent une connaissance détaillée de leur fonctionnement. La mise en oeuvre du RSI (2005) demande aux différentes disciplines, secteurs et domaines d'activités de fédérer leurs forces dans une approche Une seule santé. Par conséquent, en partenariat avec l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), avec l'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) et avec d'autres partenaires internationaux et nationaux, l'OMS a fait en sorte de faciliter l'intégration de tous les secteurs concernés, en particulier celui de la santé animale, dans les diverses composantes du Cadre d'évaluation du RSI. D'autres outils complètent celui-ci, en particulier les ateliers de liaison nationaux OMS/OIE sur le RSI et le Processus d'évaluation des performances des Services vétérinaires (PVS), dont le but est de faciliter l'utilisation optimale des résultats du Cadre d'évaluation du RSI et du Processus PVS de l'OIE et de fournir aux acteurs des services de santé animale et de santé publique la possibilité de se concerter sur les modalités d'une synergie de leur action. Les résultats de ces outils sont ensuite pris en compte par les pays lors des procédures de planification et intégrés dans les Plans d'action nationaux pour la sécurité sanitaire afin d'accélérer la mise en oeuvre des capacités fondamentales décrites dans le RSI. Les auteurs décrivent l'intégration du concept Une seule santé dans chacune des composantes du Cadre d'évaluation du RSI.

Según lo dispuesto en el Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI, 2005), documento jurídicamente vinculante suscrito por 196 Estados Partes, los países están obligados a dotarse de la capacidad necesaria para detectar, evaluar, notificar y afrontar con rapidez todo evento sanitario inusual que pueda revestir importancia internacional. Para ayudar a los países a dotarse de mejores capacidades, a seguir de cerca su evolución al respecto y a dar cumplimiento al RSI (2005), la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) elaboró el marco de seguimiento y evaluación del RSI, que consta de cuatro elementos complementarios: el informe anual que debe presentar cada Estado Parte; la evaluación externa conjunta; exámenes posteriores a las intervenciones; y ejercicios de simulación. Los dos primeros sirven para examinar las capacidades, y los dos segundos para ayudar a estudiar su funcionalidad. Para la aplicación del RSI (2005) es fundamental la contribución de diferentes disciplinas, sectores y ámbitos de trabajo, que aúnen esfuerzos actuando desde los postulados de Una sola salud. Por ello la OMS, en colaboración con la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) y otros asociados internacionales y nacionales, ha trabajado activamente para facilitar la integración de los sectores pertinentes, en particular el de la sanidad animal, en cada uno de los cuatro componentes del marco de seguimiento y evaluación del RSI. Hay otros dispositivos que vienen a complementar este marco, por ejemplo los talleres nacionales dedicados a la creación de nexos entre el RSI y el proceso PVS (Prestaciones de los Servicios Veterinarios) de la OIE, organizados conjuntamente por la OMS y la OIE, que facilitan un uso idóneo de los resultados del marco de seguimiento y evaluación del RSI y del proceso PVS y brindan a las partes interesadas de los servicios sanitarios y zoosanitarios la oportunidad de trabajar sobre la coordinación de sus respectivas actividades. Los resultados de estas diversas herramientas alimentan después los procesos de planificación de los países y son incorporados a su Plan de acción nacional de seguridad sanitaria para acelerar la implantación de las capacidades básicas prescritas en el RSI. Los autores explican cómo se incorpora la filosofía de Una sola salud a todos los componentes del marco de seguimiento y evaluación del RSI.

Reglamento Sanitario Internacional , Salud Única , Animales , Brotes de Enfermedades/prevención & control , Salud Global , Humanos , Cooperación Internacional , Salud Única/normas , Organización Mundial de la Salud
mBio ; : e0032324, 2024 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39191402


Soilborne Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RSSC) pathogens disrupt microbial communities as they invade roots and fatally wilt plants. RSSC pathogens secrete antimicrobial toxins using a type VI secretion system (T6SS). To investigate how evolution and ecology have shaped the T6SS of these bacterial pathogens, we analyzed the T6SS gene content and architecture across the RSSC and their evolutionary relatives. Our analysis reveals that two ecologically similar Burkholderiaceae taxa, xylem-pathogenic RSSC and Paracidovorax, have convergently evolved to wield large arsenals of T6SS toxins. To understand the mechanisms underlying genomic enrichment of T6SS toxins, we compiled an atlas of 1,066 auxiliary T6SS toxin clusters ("aux" clusters) across 99 high-quality RSSC genomes. We classified 25 types of aux clusters with toxins that predominantly target lipids, nucleic acids, or unknown cellular substrates. The aux clusters were located in diverse genetic neighborhoods and had complex phylogenetic distributions, suggesting frequent horizontal gene flow. Phages and other mobile genetic elements account for most of the aux cluster acquisition on the chromosome but very little on the megaplasmid. Nevertheless, RSSC genomes were more enriched in aux clusters on the megaplasmid. Although the single, ancestral T6SS was broadly conserved in the RSSC, the T6SS has been convergently lost in atypical, non-soilborne lineages. Overall, our data suggest dynamic interplay between the lifestyle of RSSC lineages and the evolution of T6SSes with robust arsenals of toxins. This pangenomic atlas poises the RSSC as an emerging, tractable model to understand the role of the T6SS in shaping pathogen populations.IMPORTANCEWe explored the eco-evolutionary dynamics that shape the inter-microbial warfare mechanisms of a globally significant plant pathogen, the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex. We discovered that most Ralstonia wilt pathogens have evolved extensive and diverse repertoires of type VI secretion system-associated antimicrobial toxins. These expansive toxin arsenals potentially enhance the ability of Ralstonia pathogens to invade plant microbiomes, enabling them to rapidly colonize and kill their host plants. We devised a classification system to categorize the Ralstonia toxins. Interestingly, many of the toxin gene clusters are encoded on mobile genetic elements, including prophages, which may be mutualistic symbionts that enhance the inter-microbial competitiveness of Ralstonia wilt pathogens. Moreover, our findings suggest that the convergent loss of this multi-gene trait contributes to genome reduction in two vector-transmitted lineages of Ralstonia pathogens. Our findings demonstrate that the interplay between microbial ecology and pathogen lifestyle shapes the evolution of a genetically complex antimicrobial weapon.

Am J Transplant ; 13(10): 2750-64, 2013 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23919328


In December of 2008, our institution performed a near total face transplant. The patient was monitored for signs of rejection assessed by paired skin and mucosa biopsies. The results of histological review of 120 biopsies collected during the first 4 years posttransplant are discussed. All biopsies were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff, immunohistochemical and TUNEL assays and graded using the Banff 2007 classification. Grade III rejection was diagnosed clinically at weeks 45 and 66, posttransplant; week 45 was determined as folliculitis while the erythema episode at week 66 confirmed an acute rejection (AR) that required hospitalization. The mucosa frequently showed interface inflammation without clinical signs of rejection and was not present in skin biopsies. In all, 34 of the 45 mucosal biopsies (75%) showed these interface changes. Clinical symptoms concurred with skin pathology in two grade III rejections. The mucosa showed histologic signs of rejection more frequently, which may indicate: increased mucosal sensitivity to rejection, a different type or subtype of AR that is specific to the mucosa, or a nonspecific process such as a drug effect. With more data and world experience, the diagnosis of face transplant rejection will be better defined and the Banff classification enhanced.

Trasplante Facial , Rechazo de Injerto/patología , Supervivencia de Injerto , Femenino , Rechazo de Injerto/clasificación , Rechazo de Injerto/inmunología , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Pronóstico
Food Microbiol ; 31(2): 154-8, 2012 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22608218


Cheese may be manufactured in the United States using raw milk, provided the cheese is aged for at least 60 days at temperatures not less than 35°F (1.7°C). There is now increased concern among regulators regarding the safety of raw milk cheese due to the potential ability of foodborne pathogens to survive the manufacturing and aging processes. In this study, 41 raw milk cheeses were obtained from retail specialty shops, farmers' markets, and on-line sources. The cheeses were then analyzed for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, and Campylobacter. Aerobic plate counts (APC), coliform and yeast/mold counts were also performed. The results revealed that none of the enteric pathogens were detected in any of the samples tested. Five samples contained coliforms; two of those contained E. coli at less than 10(2) cfu/g. Three other cheese samples contained S. aureus. The APC and yeast-mold counts were within expected ranges. Based on the results obtained from these 41 raw milk cheeses, the 60-day aging rule for unpasteurized milk cheeses appears adequate for producing microbiologically safe products.

Bacterias/aislamiento & purificación , Queso/microbiología , Contaminación de Alimentos/análisis , Contaminación de Alimentos/estadística & datos numéricos , Hongos/aislamiento & purificación , Leche/microbiología , Animales , Bacterias/genética , Bacterias/crecimiento & desarrollo , Seguridad de Productos para el Consumidor/normas , Contaminación de Alimentos/prevención & control , Manipulación de Alimentos/normas , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/microbiología , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/prevención & control , Hongos/genética , Hongos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Humanos , Estados Unidos
mSystems ; 6(6): e0122921, 2021 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34726495


Plant-pathogenic Ralstonia spp. colonize plant xylem and cause wilt diseases on a broad range of host plants. To identify genes that promote growth of diverse Ralstonia strains in xylem sap from tomato plants, we performed genome-scale genetic screens (random barcoded transposon mutant sequencing screens [RB-TnSeq]) in three strains spanning the genetic, geographical, and physiological range of plant-pathogenic Ralstonia: Ralstonia solanacearum IBSBF1503, Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum GMI1000, and Ralstonia syzygii PSI07. Contrasting mutant fitness phenotypes in culture media versus in xylem sap suggest that Ralstonia strains are adapted to ex vivo xylem sap and that culture media impose foreign selective pressures. Although wild-type Ralstonia grew in sap and in rich medium with similar doubling times and to a similar carrying capacity, more genes were essential for growth in sap than in rich medium. Each strain required many genes associated with envelope remodeling and repair processes for full fitness in xylem sap. These genes were associated with peptidoglycan peptide formation (murI), secretion of periplasmic proteins (tatC), periplasmic protein folding (dsbA), synthesis of osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (mdoGH), and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis. Mutant strains with mutations in four genes had strong, sap-specific fitness defects in all strain backgrounds: murI, thiC, purU, and a lipoprotein (RSc2007). Many amino acid biosynthesis genes were required for fitness in both minimal medium and xylem sap. Multiple mutants with insertions in virulence regulators had gains of fitness in culture media and neutral fitness in sap. Our genome-scale genetic screen identified Ralstonia fitness factors that promote growth in xylem sap, an ecologically relevant condition. IMPORTANCE Traditional transposon mutagenesis genetic screens pioneered molecular plant pathology and identified core virulence traits like the type III secretion system. TnSeq approaches that leverage next-generation sequencing to rapidly quantify transposon mutant phenotypes are ushering in a new wave of biological discovery. Here, we have adapted a genome-scale approach, random barcoded transposon mutant sequencing (RB-TnSeq), to discover fitness factors that promote growth of three related bacterial strains in a common niche, tomato xylem sap. Fitness of the wild type and mutants show that Ralstonia spp. are adapted to grow well in xylem sap from their natural host plant, tomato. Our screen identified multiple sap-specific fitness factors with roles in maintaining the bacterial envelope. These factors include putative adaptations to resist plant defenses that may include antimicrobial proteins and specialized metabolites that damage bacterial membranes.

Science ; 163(3868): 702-4, 1969 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17742739


Newly hatched ducklinigs were exposed to a moving, imprinted stiulullls; if they followed it, the stimnulus was withdrawn briefly. The tendency to follow gradually declined durinig punishment periods, but it returned to prepunishment amounts whlen punishmnent terminated. This finding attests to the efficacy of withdrawal of reinforcement as a techniquie for behavioral control.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 5809, 2019 12 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31863068


Transmissible plasmids spread genes encoding antibiotic resistance and other traits to new bacterial species. Here we report that laboratory populations of Escherichia coli with a newly acquired IncQ plasmid often evolve 'satellite plasmids' with deletions of accessory genes and genes required for plasmid replication. Satellite plasmids are molecular parasites: their presence reduces the copy number of the full-length plasmid on which they rely for their continued replication. Cells with satellite plasmids gain an immediate fitness advantage from reducing burdensome expression of accessory genes. Yet, they maintain copies of these genes and the complete plasmid, which potentially enables them to benefit from and transmit the traits they encode in the future. Evolution of satellite plasmids is transient. Cells that entirely lose accessory gene function or plasmid mobility dominate in the long run. Satellite plasmids also evolve in Snodgrassella alvi colonizing the honey bee gut, suggesting that this mechanism may broadly contribute to the importance of IncQ plasmids as agents of bacterial gene transfer in nature.

Escherichia coli/genética , Evolución Molecular , Transferencia de Gen Horizontal , Neisseriaceae/genética , Plásmidos/genética , Animales , Abejas/microbiología , Replicación del ADN , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/genética
J Clin Invest ; 80(1): 33-40, 1987 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-3597777


Mechanisms of thrombocytopenia were studied in 38 patients with mild to moderately severe chronic autoimmune thrombocytopenia (AITP). 51Cr and 111In-labeled autologous platelet turnover studies and in vitro analysis of committed megakaryocyte progenitors (CFU-Meg) were used as independent measures of platelet production. Autologous 111In-labeled platelet localization studies were performed to assess platelet clearance. Although there was no increase in the frequency of marrow CFU-Meg, a specific increase in the CFU-Meg [3H]TdR suicide rate was seen which was inversely correlated with the platelet count (P less than 0.001). Platelet turnover studies showed significant numbers of patients had inappropriate thrombopoietic responses to their reduced platelet counts. Platelet-associated antibody levels correlated inversely with platelet turnover suggesting that antiplatelet antibody impairs platelet production. The circulating platelet count was best predicted by an index relating platelet production (i.e., turnover) to the spleen-liver platelet clearance that correlated directly with platelet survival (P less than 0.001). In summary, both depressed platelet production and increased platelet clearance by the liver and spleen contribute to the thrombocytopenia of AITP.

Enfermedades Autoinmunes/patología , Plaquetas/patología , Células Madre Hematopoyéticas/patología , Megacariocitos/patología , Púrpura Trombocitopénica/inmunología , Autoanticuerpos/análisis , Plaquetas/inmunología , Supervivencia Celular , Femenino , Humanos , Hígado/patología , Masculino , Recuento de Plaquetas , Púrpura Trombocitopénica/patología , Bazo/patología
J Clin Invest ; 56(1): 88-97, 1975 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1095613


Radiation therapy to either mediastinum or pelvis causes a rapid decrease in circulating lymphocytes of both B and T types and in addition an impairment in the function of the remaining lyphocytes, as measured by their ability to proliferate in response to mitogens. The acute depression is short-lived. Substantial recovery is apparent within 3 wk after cessation of therapy; however, most patients show a modest, chronic depression in both numbers and functional capacities of circulating lymphocytes. T cells are somewhat more sensitive than B cells, but both are affected. Irradiation of the thymus per se seems to have little influence on the acute changes which occur, as patients receiving pelvic and mediastinal (including thymic) radiotherapy show a similiar degree of lymphopenia and depression of lymphocyte responsiveness.

Linfocitos/efectos de la radiación , Linfopenia/etiología , Neoplasias/radioterapia , Radioterapia/efectos adversos , Timo/efectos de la radiación , Animales , Neoplasias de la Mama/radioterapia , Neoplasias Esofágicas/radioterapia , Femenino , Técnica del Anticuerpo Fluorescente , Humanos , Reacción de Inmunoadherencia , Sueros Inmunes , Neoplasias Pulmonares/radioterapia , Activación de Linfocitos , Linfocitos/inmunología , Mitógenos/farmacología , Neoplasias Ováricas/radioterapia , Conejos/inmunología , Dosificación Radioterapéutica , Ovinos/inmunología , Linfocitos T/inmunología , Linfocitos T/efectos de la radiación , Timo/inmunología , Factores de Tiempo , Neoplasias del Cuello Uterino/radioterapia , Neoplasias Uterinas/radioterapia
J Clin Invest ; 74(3): 1063-72, 1984 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-6088579


A series of studies were performed to determine the relationship between physiologic levels of circulating plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine and human platelet alpha-2 binding site number and the affinity (KD) of these sites for antagonist radioligands. In one study, alpha-2-adrenergic binding site number and affinity were compared using both [3H]yohimbine and [3H]dihydroergocryptine as radioligands. There was good absolute and relative comparison for binding site number, but only a relative relationship for KD. In 46 normal subjects, there was no significant relationship between site number or KD and age, plasma epinephrine, or plasma norepinephrine concentration. Even after plasma epinephrine was raised nearly 20-fold by means of an intravenous infusion for 4 h in seven normal subjects, neither sites (608 +/- 68 vs. 567 +/- 120 sites/platelet) nor KD (2.01 +/- 0.94 vs. 2.14 +/- 1.15 nM) were significantly changed. Similarly, neither sites (445 +/- 55 vs. 421 +/- 53 sites/platelet) nor KD (1.44 +/- 0.29 vs. 2.10 +/- 0.75 nM) were significantly changed in six normal subjects when plasma norepinephrine levels increased during oral administration of prazosin for 1 wk. Thus, in a cross-sectional analysis and after a change in plasma catecholamine concentrations, there was no relationship in normal subjects between platelet alpha-2 binding site number or affinity of these sites for antagonist radioligands and the circulating catecholamine levels to which the platelets were exposed. In a group (n = 7) of patients who lack epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation due to abnormal thrombopoiesis, binding site number was decreased (304 +/- 36 vs. 572 +/- 29 sites/platelet, P less than 0.001) and KD tended to be greater (8.69 +/- 2.44 vs. 5.40 +/- 0.31 nM, P = NS) than in normal subjects (n = 46), despite having similar plasma catecholamine levels. There was no difference in binding site number (491 +/- 116 sites/platelet) and KD (5.61 +/- 0.84 nM) in patients (n = 5) with autonomic insufficiency and low levels of upright plasma norepinephrine when compared with the normal subjects. Two patients were examined before and after the removal of a pheochromocytoma. Their binding site number and KD were normal before the operation and essentially unchanged after the tumor removal and fall of plasma catecholamines. Thus, this study demonstrates that within the physiologic and pathophysiologic range of plasma catecholamines (in men), there is no relationship between the circulating catecholamine concentration and either platelet alpha-2 adrenergic binding site number or the affinity of these sites for antagonist radioligands.

Plaquetas/metabolismo , Dihidroergotoxina/sangre , Epinefrina/sangre , Norepinefrina/sangre , Receptores Adrenérgicos alfa/metabolismo , Yohimbina/sangre , Adulto , Anciano , Trastornos de las Plaquetas Sanguíneas/sangre , Epinefrina/farmacología , Humanos , Cinética , Persona de Mediana Edad , Agregación Plaquetaria/efectos de los fármacos , Valores de Referencia
Nat Biotechnol ; 17(12): 1199-204, 1999 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10585718


Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are being investigated in human clinical trials as treatments for angina, claudication, and stroke. We designed a molecule structurally unrelated to all FGFs, which potently mimicked basic FGF activity, by combining domains that (1) bind FGF receptors (2) bind heparin, and (3) mediate dimerization. A 26-residue peptide identified by phage display specifically bound FGF receptor (FGFR) 1c extracellular domain but had no homology with FGFs. When fused with the c-jun leucine zipper domain, which binds heparin and forms homodimers, the polypeptide specifically reproduced the mitogenic and morphogenic activities of basic FGF with similar potency (EC50 = 240 pM). The polypeptide required interaction with heparin for activity, demonstrating the importance of heparin for FGFR activation even with designed ligands structurally unrelated to FGF. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of engineering potent artificial agonists for the receptor tyrosine kinases, and have important implications for the design of nonpeptidic ligands for FGF receptors. Furthermore, artificial FGFR agonists may be useful alternatives to FGF in the treatment of ischemic vascular disease.

Diseño de Fármacos , Proteínas Proto-Oncogénicas c-jun/genética , Receptores de Factores de Crecimiento de Fibroblastos/agonistas , Proteínas Recombinantes de Fusión/genética , Células 3T3 , Animales , Línea Celular , Dimerización , Factor 2 de Crecimiento de Fibroblastos/metabolismo , Heparina/metabolismo , Humanos , Ratones , Unión Proteica , Receptores de Factores de Crecimiento de Fibroblastos/metabolismo , Proteínas Recombinantes de Fusión/farmacología , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo
Transbound Emerg Dis ; 64(2): 634-643, 2017 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26518247


A cross-sectional survey of 445 Village Animal Health Workers (VAHWs) from 19 provinces in Cambodia was undertaken. The aim was to establish their levels of training, farm visit frequency, reasons for visits and disease reporting practices, enabling the strengths and weaknesses of the VAHW system in Cambodia to be determined, in providing both a fee-based smallholder livestock clinical service and a government partnership in transboundary animal disease (TAD) surveillance and control. The study used 'guided group interviews' and identified that VAHWs had good contact with farmers with 61.5% making more than one farm visit daily. However, incomes from services remained low, with 45% VAHWs obtaining between 20 and 40% of their household income from VAHW activities. VAHWs recorded relatively high rates of disease reporting, with 72% claiming they report diseases immediately and 74% undertaking monthly reporting to veterinary authorities. Logistic regression analysis revealed VAHW contact frequency with district and/or provincial officers was associated with more VAHW farm visits, and frequency of VAHW visits to smallholder farms was positively associated with average monthly expenditure on animal medication and equipment. This suggests that increased veterinary extension to VAHWs and access to veterinary equipment, vaccines and drugs may further increase VAHW-farmer engagement. VAHWs provide an accessible, market-based, animal health 'treatment and reporting' service linked to livestock smallholders across Cambodia. However, for improved TAD prevention and more efficient control of outbreaks, research that assesses provision of an animal health 'preventive-based' business model is urgently needed to reduce both the costs to farmers and the risks to the economy due to foot-and-mouth disease and other TADs in Cambodia.

Enfermedades de los Bovinos/prevención & control , Brotes de Enfermedades/prevención & control , Agricultores , Personal de Salud , Crianza de Animales Domésticos , Animales , Cambodia , Bovinos , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/transmisión , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino
J Natl Cancer Inst ; 91(7): 626-8, 1999 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10203282


BACKGROUND: The natural history of ovarian cancer is not well understood and, to date, there is conflicting evidence as to whether or not there is a demonstrable precursor lesion. Some women at high risk of developing ovarian cancer because of their family history elect to have a prophylactic oophorectomy. To determine whether or not a recognizable premalignant lesion could be defined in familial ovarian carcinogenesis, we reviewed ovarian tissue specimens from women whose ovaries were removed prophylactically before gene testing became available and who were tested subsequently for BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations. METHODS: We analyzed ovarian tissue specimens from 37 women. The specimens were examined for the presence of the following four features: inclusion cysts, clefts and fissures, ovarian epithelial metaplasia, and the presence of papillae on the ovarian surface epithelium. The specimens were also examined closely for the presence of dysplasia and occult neoplasia. Furthermore, the occurrence of endometriosis and benign ovarian tumors was documented in these women. The protein truncation test, nonradioactive single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis, and heteroduplex analysis, followed by DNA sequencing, were used to identify BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations in either blood samples or ovarian tissue specimens. RESULTS: Eleven women had inherited a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene; 26 women had not. There was no difference between these groups for any of the features studied. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that many of the histologic "abnormalities" described in "normal" ovaries are, in fact, variations of the normal and are not associated with the development of cancer.

Genes BRCA1/genética , Genes Supresores de Tumor/genética , Heterocigoto , Mutación/genética , Ovariectomía , Ovario/patología , Adulto , Biomarcadores de Tumor/análisis , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Riesgo , Factores de Riesgo , Reino Unido
J Am Coll Cardiol ; 2(1): 93-104, 1983 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-6853921


Serial hemodynamic and plasma catecholamine responses were compared among 10 healthy men (27 +/- 3 years) (+/- 1 standard deviation) during symptom-limited handgrip (33% maximal voluntary contraction for 4.4 +/- 1.8 minutes), cold pressor testing (6 minutes) and symptom-limited supine bicycle exercise (22 +/- 5 minutes). Plasma catecholamine concentrations were measured by radioenzymatic assays: ejection fraction and changes in cardiac volumes were assessed by equilibrium radionuclide angiography. During maximal supine exercise, plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine concentrations increased three to six times more than during either symptom-limited handgrip or cold pressor testing. Additionally, increases in heart rate, systolic blood pressure, rate-pressure product, stroke volume, ejection fraction and cardiac output were significantly greater during bicycle exercise than during the other two tests. A decrease in ejection fraction of 0.05 units or more was common in young normal subjects during the first 2 minutes of cold pressor testing (6 of 10 subjects) or at symptom-limited handgrip (3 of 10), but never occurred during maximal supine bicycle exercise. The magnitude of hemodynamic changes with maximal supine bicycle exercise was greater, more consistent and associated with much higher sympathetic nervous system activation, making this a potentially more useful diagnostic stress than either handgrip exercise or cold pressor testing.

Fenómenos Fisiológicos Cardiovasculares , Epinefrina/sangre , Hipertensión/diagnóstico , Norepinefrina/sangre , Adulto , Enfermedad Coronaria/diagnóstico , Enfermedad Coronaria/fisiopatología , Prueba de Esfuerzo , Hemodinámica , Humanos , Masculino , Volumen Sistólico , Sistema Nervioso Simpático/fisiología
J Am Coll Cardiol ; 12(1): 71-7, 1988 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-3259959


To determine the relation between regional myocardial perfusion and regional wall motion in humans, tomographic thallium-201 imaging and two-dimensional echocardiography at rest were performed on the same day in 83 patients 4 to 12 weeks after myocardial infarction. Myocardial perfusion and wall motion were assessed independently in five left ventricular regions (total 415 regions). Regional myocardial perfusion was quantitated as a percent of the region infarcted (range 0 to 100%) using a previously validated method. Wall motion was graded on a four point scale as 1 = normal (n = 266 regions), 2 = hypokinesia (n = 64), 3 = akinesia (n = 70), 4 = dyskinesia (n = 13) or not evaluable (n = 2). Regional wall motion correlated directly with the severity of the perfusion deficit (r = 0.68, p less than 0.0001). Among normally contracting regions, the mean perfusion defect score was only 2 +/- 4. Increasingly severe wall motion abnormalities were associated with larger perfusion defect scores (hypokinesia = 6 +/- 5, akinesia = 11 +/- 7 and dyskinesia = 18 +/- 5, all p less than 0.01 versus normal. Among regions with normal wall motion, only 3% had a perfusion defect score greater than or equal to 10. Conversely, among 68 regions with a large (greater than or equal to 10) perfusion defect, only 13% had normal motion whereas 87% had abnormal wall motion. The relation between perfusion and wall motion noted for the entire cohort was also present in subgroups of patients with anterior or inferior infarction. In patients with prior myocardial infarction, the severity of the tomographic thallium perfusion defect correlates directly with echocardiographically defined wall motion abnormalities, both globally and regionally.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Contracción Miocárdica , Infarto del Miocardio/diagnóstico por imagen , Radioisótopos de Talio , Humanos , Infarto del Miocardio/fisiopatología , Perfusión , Tomografía Computarizada de Emisión
J Am Coll Cardiol ; 5(5): 1023-8, 1985 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-3886743


To determine whether intracoronary streptokinase improves late regional wall motion or reduces left ventricular aneurysm or thrombus formation in patients with acute myocardial infarction, two-dimensional echocardiography was performed at 8 +/- 3 weeks after infarction in 83 patients randomized to streptokinase (n = 45) or standard therapy (n = 38) in the Western Washington Intracoronary Streptokinase Trial. Among the patients treated with streptokinase, the average time to treatment was 4.7 +/- 2.5 hours after the onset of chest pain, and 67% had successful reperfusion. Regional wall motion was assessed in nine left ventricular segments on a scale of 1 to 4 (normal, hypokinetic, akinetic and dyskinetic). Left ventricular thrombus formation was interpreted as positive, equivocal or negative. All patients received anticoagulant therapy in the hospital and 52 received such therapy after hospital discharge. The mean (+/- SD) global (1.5 +/- 0.4 in both groups) and regional wall motion scores in the streptokinase-treated and control groups were not significantly different. The prevalence of aneurysm was 16% in both groups. Left ventricular thrombus was identified in only five patients (positive identification in four, and equivocal in one), all in the streptokinase-treated group (p = NS). There were also no differences between streptokinase and control treatment in any of the echocardiographic variables in subgroups of patients with anterior infarction, inferior infarction, no prior infarction or reperfusion with streptokinase. It is concluded that intracoronary streptokinase given relatively late in the course of acute myocardial infarction does not result in improved global or regional wall motion or a reduction in left ventricular thrombus or aneurysm formation in survivors studied 2 months after myocardial infarction.

Aneurisma Cardíaco/prevención & control , Contracción Miocárdica/efectos de los fármacos , Infarto del Miocardio/tratamiento farmacológico , Estreptoquinasa/uso terapéutico , Anciano , Ensayos Clínicos como Asunto , Vasos Coronarios/efectos de los fármacos , Vasos Coronarios/patología , Ecocardiografía , Femenino , Aneurisma Cardíaco/etiología , Aneurisma Cardíaco/fisiopatología , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Infarto del Miocardio/complicaciones , Infarto del Miocardio/patología , Infarto del Miocardio/fisiopatología , Distribución Aleatoria , Estreptoquinasa/administración & dosificación , Trombosis/etiología , Trombosis/patología , Trombosis/prevención & control