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Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(8)2024 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39101790


The SPARC tokamak will be equipped with a hard X-ray (HXR) monitor system capable of measuring the bremsstrahlung emission from runaway electrons with photon energies in excess of about 100 keV. This diagnostic will detect the formation of runaway electron beams during plasma start-up and inform the plasma control system to terminate the discharge early to protect the machine. In this work, we present a 0D estimate of the HXR emission in SPARC during plasma start-up. Then we discuss the characterization of a prototype of the HXR monitor. The detector mounts a 1 × 1-in.2 LaBr3 inorganic scintillator coupled with a photomultiplier tube and has been tested with γ-ray sources to find its dynamic range. Finally, two possible modes of operation for spectroscopic and current mode measurements on SPARC are proposed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(8)2024 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39212507


This paper presents the development and application of high-fidelity neutronic models of the SPARC tokamak for the design of neutron flux monitors (NFM) for application during plasma operations. NFMs measure the neutron flux in the tokamak hall, which is related to fusion power via calibration. We have explored Boron-10 gamma-compensated ionization chambers (ICs) and parallel-plate Uranium-238 fission chambers (FCs). We plan for all NFMs to be located by the wall in the tokamak hall and directly exposed to neutrons streaming through a shielded opening in a midplane port. Our simulations primarily use a constructive solid geometry-based OpenMC model based on the true SPARC geometry. The OpenMC model is benchmarked against a detailed CAD-based MCNP6 model. The B10 ICs are equipped with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sleeves, borated HDPE housings, and borated aluminum covers to shield out scattered neutrons, optimize detector response levels, and make calibration robust against changes in the tokamak hall. The B10 neutron absorption branching ratio may cause the detectors' responses to be non-linear to neutron flux >200 keV. However, our simulations unveil that, in the SPARC environment and with the proposed housings and sleeves, >99% of the detector responses are induced by <100 keV neutrons. U238's insensitivity to slow neutrons makes this FC a promising candidate for direct fusion neutron measurements. Along with a borated HDPE sleeve, about 60% of the FCs' responses are induced by direct neutrons.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(9)2024 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248617


An overview is given of SPARC's three main x-ray diagnostics, with a focus on the functions they fulfill with respect to tokamak operation. The first is an in-vessel soft x-ray tomography diagnostic, aimed at providing early campaign information on plasma position, MHD activity, and impurity content. The second is an ex-vessel set of hard x-ray scintillators aimed at detecting the presence of runaway electrons, in particular during plasma startup phases. The third is a set of x-ray Bragg spectrometers, located outside of the tokamak hall, aimed at informing on the ion temperature as an indirect constraint to reduce uncertainties on the fusion power, on providing plasma rotation velocity estimates, and on observing impurity emission. Finally, more technical details are given on the beamlines at the end of which the spectrometers are located. It explains how their design allows us to ensure tritium containment and limit neutron radiation while providing a straight view into the plasma that can also be used for testing new innovative sensors.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(8)2024 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39093115


A new 14 MeV neutron spectrometer utilizing the magnetic proton recoil (MPR) technique is under development for the SPARC tokamak. This instrument measures neutrons by converting them into protons, whose momenta are subsequently analyzed using a series of magnets before detection by an array of scintillators known as the hodoscope. In this work, we explore various solutions for the hodoscope detectors through laboratory tests with radioactive sources and simulations. We present findings on light collection and pulse shape discrimination based on detector types, as well as optimal solutions for photo-detectors studying the differences between SiPM and PMT. Our results also led to the determination of a better optimized design for the hodoscope detectors, consisting of a 0.7 cm width and a 13 cm length EJ276D scintillation rod.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(11): 113512, 2022 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36461481


Dedicated nuclear diagnostics have been designed, developed, and built within EUROFUSION enhancement programs in the last ten years for installation at the Joint European Torus and capable of operation in high power Deuterium-Tritium (DT) plasmas. The recent DT Experiment campaign, called DTE2, has been successfully carried out in the second half of 2021 and provides a unique opportunity to evaluate the performance of the new nuclear diagnostics and for an understanding of their behavior in the record high 14 MeV neutron yields (up to 4.7 × 1018 n/s) and total number of neutrons (up to 2 × 1019 n) achieved on a tokamak. In this work, we will focus on the 14 MeV high resolution neutron spectrometers based on artificial diamonds which, for the first time, have extensively been used to measure 14 MeV DT neutron spectra with unprecedented energy resolution (Full Width at Half Maximum of ≈1% at 14 MeV). The work will describe their long-term stability and operation over the DTE2 campaign as well as their performance as neutron spectrometers in terms of achieved energy resolution and high rate capability. This important experience will be used to outline the concept of a spectroscopic neutron camera for the SPARC tokamak. The proposed neutron camera will be the first one to feature the dual capability to measure (i) the 2.5 and 14 MeV neutron emissivity profile via the conventional neutron detectors based on liquid or plastics scintillators and (ii) the 14 MeV neutron spectral emission via the use of high-resolution diamond-based spectrometers. The new opportunities opened by the spectroscopic neutron camera to measure plasma parameters will be discussed.