We report a directly modulated distributed feedback laser operating in gain-switching mode for preparing the coherent states required for the Gaussian-modulated coherent-state (GMCS) continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) protocol. The proposed single-component quantum transmitter design eliminates the need for external modulators, decreasing the complexity of GMCS CV-QKD systems. The experimental results demonstrate a potential asymptotic secret key rate value of 2.63 Mbps over an 11-km fiber link, making the directly modulated GMCS transmitter particularly suitable for metropolitan optical networks where compactness, robustness, and low cost are key desirable features.
We report a plug-and-play continuous variable quantum key distribution system (CV-QKD) with Gaussian modulated quadratures and a true local oscillator. The proposed configuration avoids the need for frequency locking two narrow line-width lasers. To minimize Rayleigh back-scattering, we utilize two independent fiber strands for the distribution of the laser and the transmission of the quantum signals. We further demonstrate the quantum-classical co-existing capability of our system by injecting high-power classical light in both fibers. A secret key rate up to 0.88 Mb/s is obtained by using two fiber links of 13 km and up to 0.3 Mb/s when adding 4 mW of classical light in the optical fiber used for transmitting the quantum signal. The reported performance indicates that the proposed QKD scheme has the potential to become an effective low-cost solution for metropolitan optical networks.
We experimentally demonstrate a high-efficiency Bell state measurement for time-bin qubits that employs two superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors with short dead-times, allowing projections onto two Bell states, |ψâ»ã and |ψâºã. Compared to previous implementations for time-bin qubits, this yields an increase in the efficiency of Bell state analysis by a factor of thirty.