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Nature ; 586(7831): 702-707, 2020 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33116291


The discoveries of intrinsically magnetic topological materials, including semimetals with a large anomalous Hall effect and axion insulators1-3, have directed fundamental research in solid-state materials. Topological quantum chemistry4 has enabled the understanding of and the search for paramagnetic topological materials5,6. Using magnetic topological indices obtained from magnetic topological quantum chemistry (MTQC)7, here we perform a high-throughput search for magnetic topological materials based on first-principles calculations. We use as our starting point the Magnetic Materials Database on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server, which contains more than 549 magnetic compounds with magnetic structures deduced from neutron-scattering experiments, and identify 130 enforced semimetals (for which the band crossings are implied by symmetry eigenvalues), and topological insulators. For each compound, we perform complete electronic structure calculations, which include complete topological phase diagrams using different values of the Hubbard potential. Using a custom code to find the magnetic co-representations of all bands in all magnetic space groups, we generate data to be fed into the algorithm of MTQC to determine the topology of each magnetic material. Several of these materials display previously unknown topological phases, including symmetry-indicated magnetic semimetals, three-dimensional anomalous Hall insulators and higher-order magnetic semimetals. We analyse topological trends in the materials under varying interactions: 60 per cent of the 130 topological materials have topologies sensitive to interactions, and the others have stable topologies under varying interactions. We provide a materials database for future experimental studies and open-source code for diagnosing topologies of magnetic materials.

Nat Mater ; 17(11): 978-985, 2018 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30275564


Chiral crystals are materials with a lattice structure that has a well-defined handedness due to the lack of inversion, mirror or other roto-inversion symmetries. Although it has been shown that the presence of crystalline symmetries can protect topological band crossings, the topological electronic properties of chiral crystals remain largely uncharacterized. Here we show that Kramers-Weyl fermions are a universal topological electronic property of all non-magnetic chiral crystals with spin-orbit coupling and are guaranteed by structural chirality, lattice translation and time-reversal symmetry. Unlike conventional Weyl fermions, they appear at time-reversal-invariant momenta. We identify representative chiral materials in 33 of the 65 chiral space groups in which Kramers-Weyl fermions are relevant to the low-energy physics. We determine that all point-like nodal degeneracies in non-magnetic chiral crystals with relevant spin-orbit coupling carry non-trivial Chern numbers. Kramers-Weyl materials can exhibit a monopole-like electron spin texture and topologically non-trivial bulk Fermi surfaces over an unusually large energy window.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(18): 186401, 2019 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31763917


In recent years, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have garnered great interest as topological materials. In particular, monolayers of centrosymmetric ß-phase TMDs have been identified as 2D topological insulators (TIs), and bulk crystals of noncentrosymmetric γ-phase MoTe_{2} and WTe_{2} have been identified as type-II Weyl semimetals. However, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and STM probes of these semimetals have revealed huge, arclike surface states that overwhelm, and are sometimes mistaken for, the much smaller topological surface Fermi arcs of bulk type-II Weyl points. In this Letter, we calculate the bulk and surface electronic structure of both ß- and γ-MoTe_{2}. We find that ß-MoTe_{2} is, in fact, a Z_{4}-nontrivial higher-order TI (HOTI) driven by double band inversion and exhibits the same surface features as γ-MoTe_{2} and γ-WTe_{2}. We discover that these surface states are not topologically trivial, as previously characterized by the research that differentiated them from the Weyl Fermi arcs but, rather, are the characteristic split and gapped fourfold Dirac surface states of a HOTI. In ß-MoTe_{2}, this indicates that it would exhibit helical pairs of hinge states if it were bulk insulating, and in γ-MoTe_{2} and γ-WTe_{2}, these surface states represent vestiges of HOTI phases without inversion symmetry that are nearby in parameter space. Using nested Wilson loops and first-principles calculations, we explicitly demonstrate that, when the Weyl points in γ-MoTe_{2} are annihilated, which may be accomplished by symmetry-preserving strain or lattice distortion, γ-MoTe_{2} becomes a nonsymmetry-indicated, noncentrosymmetric HOTI. We also show that, when the effects of spin-orbit coupling are neglected, ß-MoTe_{2} is a nodal-line semimetal with Z_{2}-nontrivial monopole nodal lines (MNLSM). This finding confirms that MNLSMs driven by double band inversion are the weak-spin-orbit coupling limit of HOTIs, implying that MNLSMs are higher-order topological semimetals with flat-band-like hinge states, which we find to originate from the corner modes of 2D "fragile" TIs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(18): 186401, 2017 May 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28524678


Filling-enforced Dirac semimetals, or those required at specific fillings by the combination of crystalline and time-reversal symmetries, have been proposed in numerous materials. However, Dirac points in these materials are not generally robust against breaking or modifying time-reversal symmetry. We present a new class of two-dimensional Dirac semimetal protected by the combination of crystal symmetries and a special, antiferromagnetic time-reversal symmetry. Systems in this class of magnetic layer groups, while having broken time-reversal symmetry, still respect the operation of time-reversal followed by a half-lattice translation. In contrast to 2D time-reversal-symmetric Dirac semimetal phases, this magnetic Dirac phase is capable of hosting just a single isolated Dirac point at the Fermi level, one that can be stabilized solely by symmorphic crystal symmetries. We find that this Dirac point represents a new quantum critical point, existing at the boundary between Chern insulating, antiferromagnetic topological crystalline insulating, and trivial insulating phases, and we discuss its relationship with condensed matter fermion doubling theorems. We present density functional theoretic calculations which demonstrate the presence of these 2D magnetic Dirac points in FeSe monolayers and discuss the implications for engineering quantum phase transitions in these materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(20): 206401, 2017 Nov 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29219365


The theoretical proposal of chiral fermions in topological semimetals has led to a significant effort towards their experimental realization. In particular, the Fermi surfaces of chiral semimetals carry quantized Chern numbers, making them an attractive platform for the observation of exotic transport and optical phenomena. While the simplest example of a chiral fermion in condensed matter is a conventional |C|=1 Weyl fermion, recent theoretical works have proposed a number of unconventional chiral fermions beyond the standard model which are protected by unique combinations of topology and crystalline symmetries. However, materials candidates for experimentally probing the transport and response signatures of these unconventional fermions have thus far remained elusive. In this Letter, we propose the RhSi family in space group No. 198 as the ideal platform for the experimental examination of unconventional chiral fermions. We find that RhSi is a filling-enforced semimetal that features near its Fermi surface a chiral double sixfold-degenerate spin-1 Weyl node at R and a previously uncharacterized fourfold-degenerate chiral fermion at Γ. Each unconventional fermion displays Chern number ±4 at the Fermi level. We also show that RhSi displays the largest possible momentum separation of compensative chiral fermions, the largest proposed topologically nontrivial energy window, and the longest possible Fermi arcs on its surface. We conclude by proposing signatures of an exotic bulk photogalvanic response in RhSi.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(18): 186402, 2016 May 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27203335


We study a class of Dirac semimetals that feature an eightfold-degenerate double Dirac point. We show that 7 of the 230 space groups can host such Dirac points and argue that they all generically display linear dispersion. We introduce an explicit tight-binding model for space groups 130 and 135. Space group 135 can host an intrinsic double Dirac semimetal with no additional states at the Fermi energy. This defines a symmetry-protected topological critical point, and we show that a uniaxial compressive strain applied in different directions leads to topologically distinct insulating phases. In addition, the double Dirac semimetal can accommodate topological line defects that bind helical modes. Connections are made to theories of strongly interacting filling-enforced semimetals, and potential materials realizations are discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(3): 036806, 2015 Jul 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26230819


We propose and characterize a new Z2 class of topological semimetals with a vanishing spin-orbit interaction. The proposed topological semimetals are characterized by the presence of bulk one-dimensional (1D) Dirac line nodes (DLNs) and two-dimensional (2D) nearly flat surface states, protected by inversion and time-reversal symmetries. We develop the Z2 invariants dictating the presence of DLNs based on parity eigenvalues at the parity-invariant points in reciprocal space. Moreover, using first-principles calculations, we predict DLNs to occur in Cu_{3}N near the Fermi energy by doping nonmagnetic transition metal atoms, such as Zn and Pd, with the 2D surface states emerging in the projected interior of the DLNs. This Letter includes a brief discussion of the effects of spin-orbit interactions and symmetry breaking as well as comments on experimental implications.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 550, 2024 Jan 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38228584


Symmetry-protected topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) have primarily been characterized by their gapless boundary states. However, in time-reversal- ([Formula: see text]-) invariant (helical) 3D TCIs-termed higher-order TCIs (HOTIs)-the boundary signatures can manifest as a sample-dependent network of 1D hinge states. We here introduce nested spin-resolved Wilson loops and layer constructions as tools to characterize the intrinsic bulk topological properties of spinful 3D insulators. We discover that helical HOTIs realize one of three spin-resolved phases with distinct responses that are quantitatively robust to large deformations of the bulk spin-orbital texture: 3D quantum spin Hall insulators (QSHIs), "spin-Weyl" semimetals, and [Formula: see text]-doubled axion insulator (T-DAXI) states with nontrivial partial axion angles indicative of a 3D spin-magnetoelectric bulk response and half-quantized 2D TI surface states originating from a partial parity anomaly. Using ab-initio calculations, we demonstrate that ß-MoTe2 realizes a spin-Weyl state and that α-BiBr hosts both 3D QSHI and T-DAXI regimes.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 5791, 2022 Oct 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36184669


In insulating crystals, it was previously shown that defects with two fewer dimensions than the bulk can bind topological electronic states. We here further extend the classification of topological defect states by demonstrating that the corners of crystalline defects with integer Burgers vectors can bind 0D higher-order end (HEND) states with anomalous charge and spin. We demonstrate that HEND states are intrinsic topological consequences of the bulk electronic structure and introduce new bulk topological invariants that are predictive of HEND dislocation states in solid-state materials. We demonstrate the presence of first-order 0D defect states in PbTe monolayers and HEND states in 3D SnTe crystals. We relate our analysis to magnetic flux insertion in insulating crystals. We find that π-flux tubes in inversion- and time-reversal-symmetric (helical) higher-order topological insulators bind Kramers pairs of spin-charge-separated HEND states, which represent observable signatures of anomalous surface half quantum spin Hall states.

Science ; 376(6595): eabg9094, 2022 05 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35587971


Topological quantum chemistry and symmetry-based indicators have facilitated large-scale searches for materials with topological properties at the Fermi energy (EF). We report the implementation of a publicly accessible catalog of stable and fragile topology in all of the bands both at and away from EF in the 96,196 processable entries in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database. Our calculations, which represent the completion of the symmetry-indicated band topology of known nonmagnetic materials, have enabled the discovery of repeat-topological and supertopological materials, including rhombohedral bismuth and Bi2Mg3. We find that 52.65% of all materials are topological at EF, roughly two-thirds of bands across all materials exhibit symmetry-indicated stable topology, and 87.99% of all materials contain at least one stable or fragile topological band.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 5965, 2021 Oct 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34645841


For over 100 years, the group-theoretic characterization of crystalline solids has provided the foundational language for diverse problems in physics and chemistry. However, the group theory of crystals with commensurate magnetic order has remained incomplete for the past 70 years, due to the complicated symmetries of magnetic crystals. In this work, we complete the 100-year-old problem of crystalline group theory by deriving the small corepresentations, momentum stars, compatibility relations, and magnetic elementary band corepresentations of the 1,421 magnetic space groups (MSGs), which we have made freely accessible through tools on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server. We extend Topological Quantum Chemistry to the MSGs to form a complete, real-space theory of band topology in magnetic and nonmagnetic crystalline solids - Magnetic Topological Quantum Chemistry (MTQC). Using MTQC, we derive the complete set of symmetry-based indicators of electronic band topology, for which we identify symmetry-respecting bulk and anomalous surface and hinge states.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 627, 2020 Jan 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32005893


Dirac and Weyl semimetals both exhibit arc-like surface states. However, whereas the surface Fermi arcs in Weyl semimetals are topological consequences of the Weyl points themselves, the surface Fermi arcs in Dirac semimetals are not directly related to the bulk Dirac points, raising the question of whether there exists a topological bulk-boundary correspondence for Dirac semimetals. In this work, we discover that strong and fragile topological Dirac semimetals exhibit one-dimensional (1D) higher-order hinge Fermi arcs (HOFAs) as universal, direct consequences of their bulk 3D Dirac points. To predict HOFAs coexisting with topological surface states in solid-state Dirac semimetals, we introduce and layer a spinful model of an s-d-hybridized quadrupole insulator (QI). We develop a rigorous nested Jackiw-Rebbi formulation of QIs and HOFA states. Employing ab initio calculations, we demonstrate HOFAs in both the room- (α) and intermediate-temperature (α″) phases of Cd3As2, KMgBi, and rutile-structure ([Formula: see text]-) PtO2.

Science ; 361(6399): 246-251, 2018 07 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30026220


Materials whose gapless surface states are protected by crystal symmetries include mirror topological crystalline insulators and nonsymmorphic hourglass insulators. There exists only a very limited set of possible surface crystal symmetries, captured by the 17 "wallpaper groups." Here we show that a consideration of symmetry-allowed band degeneracies in the wallpaper groups can be used to understand previously described topological crystalline insulators and to predict phenomenologically distinct examples. In particular, the two wallpaper groups with multiple glide lines, pgg and p4g, allow for a topological insulating phase whose surface spectrum consists of only a single, fourfold-degenerate, true Dirac fermion, representing an exception to a symmetry-enhanced fermion-doubling theorem. We theoretically predict the presence of this phase in Sr2Pb3 in space group 127 (P4/mbm).