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Nature ; 565(7737): 78-81, 2019 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30518858


Evidence for the capture of nebular gases by planetary interiors would place important constraints on models of planet formation. These constraints include accretion timescales, thermal evolution, volatile compositions and planetary redox states1-7. Retention of nebular gases by planetary interiors also constrains the dynamics of outgassing and volatile loss associated with the assembly and ensuing evolution of terrestrial planets. But evidence for such gases in Earth's interior remains controversial8-14. The ratio of the two primordial neon isotopes, 20Ne/22Ne, is significantly different for the three potential sources of Earth's volatiles: nebular gas15, solar-wind-irradiated material16 and CI chondrites17. Therefore, the 20Ne/22Ne ratio is a powerful tool for assessing the source of volatiles in Earth's interior. Here we present neon isotope measurements from deep mantle plumes that reveal 20Ne/22Ne ratios of up to 13.03 ± 0.04 (2 standard deviations). These ratios are demonstrably higher than those for solar-wind-irradiated material and CI chondrites, requiring the presence of nebular neon in the deep mantle. Furthermore, we determine a 20Ne/22Ne ratio for the primordial plume mantle of 13.23 ± 0.22 (2 standard deviations), which is indistinguishable from the nebular ratio, providing robust evidence for a reservoir of nebular gas preserved in the deep mantle today. The acquisition of nebular gases requires planetary embryos to grow to sufficiently large mass before the dissipation of the protoplanetary disk. Our observations also indicate distinct 20Ne/22Ne ratios between deep mantle plumes and mid-ocean-ridge basalts, which is best explained by addition of a chondritic component to the shallower mantle during the main phase of Earth's accretion and by subsequent recycling of seawater-derived neon in plate tectonic processes.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(38): 23426-23435, 2020 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32900966


Dynamic models of the protoplanetary disk indicate there should be large-scale material transport in and out of the inner Solar System, but direct evidence for such transport is scarce. Here we show that the ε50Ti-ε54Cr-Δ17O systematics of large individual chondrules, which typically formed 2 to 3 My after the formation of the first solids in the Solar System, indicate certain meteorites (CV and CK chondrites) that formed in the outer Solar System accreted an assortment of both inner and outer Solar System materials, as well as material previously unidentified through the analysis of bulk meteorites. Mixing with primordial refractory components reveals a "missing reservoir" that bridges the gap between inner and outer Solar System materials. We also observe chondrules with positive ε50Ti and ε54Cr plot with a constant offset below the primitive chondrule mineral line (PCM), indicating that they are on the slope ∼1.0 in the oxygen three-isotope diagram. In contrast, chondrules with negative ε50Ti and ε54Cr increasingly deviate above from PCM line with increasing δ18O, suggesting that they are on a mixing trend with an ordinary chondrite-like isotope reservoir. Furthermore, the Δ17O-Mg# systematics of these chondrules indicate they formed in environments characterized by distinct abundances of dust and H2O ice. We posit that large-scale outward transport of nominally inner Solar System materials most likely occurred along the midplane associated with a viscously evolving disk and that CV and CK chondrules formed in local regions of enhanced gas pressure and dust density created by the formation of Jupiter.

Geochim Cosmochim Acta ; 263: 13-30, 2019 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33414563


Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) are the first solids to form in the early Solar System, and they exhibit nucleosynthetic anomalies in many isotope systems. The overwhelming majority of isotopic data for CAIs has been limited to inclusions from the CV chondrite Allende and a select few other CV, CO, CM, and ordinary chondrites. It is therefore important to ascertain whether previously reported values for CAIs are representative of the broader CAI-forming region and to make a more rigorous assessment of the extent and implications of isotopic heterogeneity in the early Solar System. Here, we report the mass-independent Ti isotopic compositions of a suite of 23 CAIs of diverse petrologic and geochemical types, including 11 from Allende and 12 from seven other CV3 and CK3 chondrites; the data for CAIs from CK chondrites represent the first reported measurements of Ti isotope compositions of refractory inclusions from this meteorite class. The resolved variation in the mass-independent Ti isotopic compositions of these CAIs indicates that the CAI-forming region of the early Solar System preserved isotopic variability at their time of formation. Nevertheless, the range of Ti isotope compositions reported here for CAIs from CV and CK chondrites falls within the range observed in previously analyzed CAIs from CV, CO, CM, and ordinary chondrites. This implies that CAIs from CV, CK, CO, CM, and ordinary chondrites originated from a common nebular source reservoir characterized by mass-independent isotopic variability in Ti (and other select elements). We further interpret these data to indicate that the Ti isotope anomalies in CAIs represent the isotopic signatures of supernova components in presolar grains that were incorporated into the Solar System in an initially poorly mixed reservoir that was progressively homogenized over time. We conclude that the differing degrees of isotopic variability observed for different elements in normal CAIs are the result of distinct carrier phases and that these CAIs were likely formed towards the final stages of homogenization of the large-scale isotopic heterogeneity that initially existed in the solar nebula.

Geochim Cosmochim Acta ; 203: 381-403, 2017 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30393389


Northwest Africa (NWA) 7325 is an ungrouped achondrite that has recently been recognized as a sample of ancient differentiated crust from either Mercury or a previously unknown asteroid. In this work we augment data from previous investigations on petrography and mineral compositions, mid-IR spectroscopy, and oxygen isotope compositions of NWA 7325, and add constraints from Cr and Ti isotope compositions on the provenance of its parent body. In addition, we identify and discuss notable similarities between NWA 7325 and clasts of a rare xenolithic lithology found in polymict ureilites. NWA 7325 has a medium grained, protogranular to poikilitic texture, and consists of 10-15 vol. % Mg-rich olivine (Fo 98), 25-30 vol. % diopside (Wo 45, Mg# 98), 55-60 vol. % Ca-rich plagioclase (An 90), and trace Cr-rich sulfide and Fe,Ni metal. We interpret this meteorite to be a cumulate that crystallized at ≥1200 °C and very low oxygen fugacity (similar to the most reduced ureilites) from a refractory, incompatible element-depleted melt. Modeling of trace elements in plagioclase suggests that this melt formed by fractional melting or multi-stage igneous evolution. A subsequent event (likely impact) resulted in plagioclase being substantially remelted, reacting with a small amount of pyroxene, and recrystallizing with a distinctive texture. The bulk oxygen isotope composition of NWA 7325 plots in the range of ureilites on the CCAM line, and also on a mass-dependent fractionation line extended from acapulcoites. The ε54Cr and ε50Ti values of NWA 7325 exhibit deficits relative to terrestrial composition, as do ordinary chondrites and most achondrites. Its ε54Cr value is distinct from that of any analyzed ureilite, but is not resolved from that of acapulcoites (as represented by Acapulco). In terms of all these properties, NWA 7325 is unlike any known achondrite. However, a rare population of clasts found in polymict ureilites ("the magnesian anorthitic lithology") are strikingly similar to NWA 7325 in mineralogy and mineral compositions, oxygen isotope compositions, and internal textures in plagioclase. These clasts are probably xenolithic in polymict ureilites, and could be pieces of NWA 7325-like meteorites. Using constraints from chromium, titanium and oxygen isotopes, we discuss two possible models for the provenance of the NWA 7325 parent body: 1) accretion in the inner solar system from a reservoir similar to that of acapulcoites in Δ17O, ε54Cr and ε50Ti; or 2) early (< 1 Ma after CAI formation) accretion in the outer solar system (beyond the snow line), before 54Cr and 50Ti anomalies were introduced to this region of the solar system. The mid-IR emission spectrum of NWA 7325 obtained in this work matches its modal mineralogy, and so can be compared with spectra of new meteorites or asteroids/planets to help identify similar materials and/or the parent body of NWA 7325.

Nat Commun ; 6: 8937, 2015 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26596781


Chemical differences between mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and ocean island basalts (OIBs) provide critical evidence that the Earth's mantle is compositionally heterogeneous. MORBs generally exhibit a relatively low and narrow range of (3)He/(4)He ratios on a global scale, whereas OIBs display larger variability in both time and space. The primordial origin of (3)He in OIBs has motivated hypotheses that high (3)He/(4)He ratios are the product of mantle plumes sampling chemically distinct material, but do not account for lower MORB-like (3)He/(4)He ratios in OIBs, nor their observed spatial and temporal variability. Here we perform thermochemical convection calculations which show the variable (3)He/(4)He signature of OIBs can be reproduced by deep isolated mantle reservoirs of primordial material that are viscously entrained by thermal plumes. Entrainment is highly time-dependent, producing a wide range of (3)He/(4)He ratios similar to that observed in OIBs worldwide and indicate MORB-like (3)He/(4)He ratios in OIBs cannot be used to preclude deep mantle-sourced hotspots.