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J Exp Biol ; 225(20)2022 10 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36205112


Sleep is a widely spread phenomenon in the animal kingdom and is thought to serve important functions. Yet, the function of sleep remains an enigma. Studies in non-model animal species in their natural habitat might provide more insight into the evolution and function of sleep. However, polysomnography in the wild may not always be an option or first choice and some studies may need to rely on rest-activity recordings as a proxy for sleep and wakefulness. In the current paper, we analyzed how accelerometry-based activity data correlate with electroencephalogram (EEG)-based sleep-wake patterns in barnacle geese under seminatural conditions across different seasons. In winter, the geese had pronounced daily rhythms in rest and activity, with most activity occurring during the daytime. In summer, activity was more spread out over the 24 h cycle. Hourly activity scores strongly correlated with EEG-determined time awake, but the strength of the correlation varied with phase of the day and season. In winter, the correlations between activity and waking time were weaker for daytime than for night-time. Furthermore, the correlations between activity and waking during daytime were weaker in winter than in summer. During daytime in winter, there were many instances where the birds were awake but not moving. Experimental sleep deprivation had no effect on the strength of the correlation between activity scores and EEG-based wake time. Overall, hourly activity scores also showed significant inverse correlation with the time spent in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. However, correlation between activity scores and time spent in REM sleep was weak. In conclusion, accelerometry-based activity scores can serve as a good estimate for time awake or even the specific time spent in NREM sleep. However, activity scores cannot reliably predict REM sleep and sleep architecture.

Gansos , Thoracica , Animales , Estaciones del Año , Ritmo Circadiano , Vigilia , Sueño
J Sleep Res ; 31(3): e13525, 2022 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34816525


Recent technological advancements allow researchers to measure electrophysiological parameters of animals, such as sleep, in remote locations by using miniature dataloggers. Yet, continuous recording of sleep might be constrained by the memory and battery capacity of the recording devices. These limitations can be alleviated by recording intermittently instead of continuously, distributing the limited recording capacity over a longer period. We assessed how reduced sampling of sleep recordings affected measurement precision of NREM sleep, REM sleep, and Wake. We analysed a dataset on sleep in barnacle geese that we resampled following 12 different recording schemes, with data collected for 1 min per 5 min up to 1 min per 60 min in steps of 5 min. Recording 1 min in 5 min still yielded precise estimates of hourly sleep-wake values (correlations of 0.9) while potentially extending the total recording period by a factor of 5. The correlation strength gradually decreased to 0.5 when recording 1 min per 60 min. For hourly values of Wake and NREM sleep, the correlation strength in winter was higher compared with summer, reflecting more fragmented sleep in summer. Interestingly for hourly values of REM sleep, correlations were unaffected by season. Estimates of total 24 h sleep-wake values were similar for all intermittent recording schedules compared to the continuous recording. These data indicate that there is a large safe range in which researchers can periodically record sleep. Increasing the sample size while maintaining precision can substantially increase the statistical power, and is therefore recommended whenever the total recording time is limited.

Electroencefalografía , Gansos , Animales , Humanos , Sueño/fisiología , Sueño REM/fisiología , Vigilia/fisiología
Biology (Basel) ; 13(4)2024 Mar 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38666841


Birds have an electrophysiological sleep state that resembles mammalian rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. However, whether its regulation and function are similar is unclear. In the current experiment, we studied REM sleep regulation in jackdaws (Coloeus monedula) by exposing the birds to low ambient temperature, a procedure that selectively suppresses REM sleep in mammals. Eight jackdaws were equipped with electrodes to record brain activity and neck muscle activity and a thermistor to record cortical brain temperature. Recordings covered a three-day period starting with a 24 h baseline day at an ambient temperature of 21 °C, followed by a 12 h cold night at 4 °C, after which the ambient temperature was restored to 21 °C for the remaining recovery period. Cold exposure at night caused a significant drop in brain temperature of 1.4 °C compared to the baseline night. However, throughout the cold night, jackdaws expressed NREM sleep and REM sleep levels that were not significantly different from the baseline. Also, EEG spectral power during NREM sleep was unaffected by cold exposure. Thus, while cold exposure had a clear effect on brain temperature in jackdaws, it did not have the same REM sleep suppressing effect reported for mammals. These findings suggest that the REM-sleep-like state in birds, unlike REM sleep in mammals, is protected against the influence of low temperature.

J Comp Physiol B ; 2023 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37789130


Sleep is an important behavioural and physiological state that is ubiquitous throughout the animal kingdom. Birds are an interesting group to study sleep since they share similar sleep features with mammals. Interestingly, sleep time in birds has been shown to vary greatly amongst seasons. To understand the mechanisms behind these variations in sleep time, we did an electro-encephalogram (EEG) study in eight European jackdaws (Coloeus monedula) in winter and summer under outdoor seminatural conditions. To assess whether the amount and pattern of sleep is determined by the outdoor seasonal state of the animals or directly determined by the indoor light-dark cycle, we individually housed them indoors where we manipulated the light-dark (LD) cycles to mimic long winter nights (8:16 LD) and short summer nights (16:8 LD) within both seasons. Jackdaws showed under seminatural outdoor conditions 5 h less sleep in summer compared to winter. During the indoor conditions, the birds rapidly adjusted their sleep time to the new LD cycle. Although they swiftly increased or decreased their sleep time, sleep intensity did not vary. The results indicate that the strong seasonal differences in sleep time are largely and directly driven by the available dark time, rather than an endogenous annual clock. Importantly, these findings confirm that sleep in birds is not a rigid phenomenon but highly sensitive to environmental factors.

Biology (Basel) ; 12(4)2023 Apr 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37106815


The function and regulation of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep is a topic of ongoing debate. It is often assumed that REM sleep is a homeostatically regulated process and that a need for REM sleep builds up, either during prior wakefulness or during preceding slow wave sleep. In the current study, we tested this hypothesis in six diurnal tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri), small mammals closely related to primates. All animals were individually housed and kept under a 12:12 light-dark cycle with an ambient temperature of 24 °C. We recorded sleep and temperature in the tree shrews for 3 consecutive 24 h days. During the second night, we exposed the animals to a low ambient temperature of 4 °C, a procedure that is known to suppress REM sleep. Cold exposure caused a significant drop in brain temperature and body temperature and also resulted in a strong and selective suppression of REM sleep by 64.9%. However, contrary to our expectation, the loss of REM sleep was not recovered during the subsequent day and night. These findings in a diurnal mammal confirm that the expression of REM sleep is highly sensitive to environmental temperature but do not support the view that REM sleep is homeostatically regulated in this species.

Environ Pollut ; 273: 116444, 2021 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33453700


In modern society the night sky is lit up not only by the moon but also by artificial light devices. Both of these light sources can have a major impact on wildlife physiology and behaviour. For example, a number of bird species were found to sleep several hours less under full moon compared to new moon and a similar sleep-suppressing effect has been reported for artificial light at night (ALAN). Cloud cover at night can modulate the light levels perceived by wildlife, yet, in opposite directions for ALAN and moon. While clouds will block moon light, it may reflect and amplify ALAN levels and increases the night glow in urbanized areas. As a consequence, cloud cover may also modulate the sleep-suppressing effects of moon and ALAN in different directions. In this study we therefore measured sleep in barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) under semi-natural conditions in relation to moon phase, ALAN and cloud cover. Our analysis shows that, during new moon nights stronger cloud cover was indeed associated with increased ALAN levels at our study site. In contrast, light levels during full moon nights were fairly constant, presumably because of moonlight on clear nights or because of reflected artificial light on cloudy nights. Importantly, cloud cover caused an estimated 24.8% reduction in the amount of night-time NREM sleep from nights with medium to full cloud cover, particularly during new moon when sleep was unaffected by moon light. In conclusion, our findings suggest that cloud cover can, in a rather dramatic way, amplify the immediate effects of ALAN on wildlife. Sleep appears to be highly sensitive to ALAN and may therefore be a good indicator of its biological effects.

Sleep ; 44(4)2021 04 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33220057


Sleep is a behavioral and physiological state that is thought to serve important functions. Many animals go through phases in the annual cycle where sleep time might be limited, for example, during the migration and breeding phases. This leads to the question whether there are seasonal changes in sleep homeostasis. Using electroencephalogram (EEG) data loggers, we measured sleep in summer and winter in 13 barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) under semi-natural conditions. During both seasons, we examined the homeostatic regulation of sleep by depriving the birds of sleep for 4 and 8 h after sunset. In winter, barnacle geese showed a clear diurnal rhythm in sleep and wakefulness. In summer, this rhythm was less pronounced, with sleep being spread out over the 24-h cycle. On average, the geese slept 1.5 h less per day in summer compared with winter. In both seasons, the amount of NREM sleep was additionally affected by the lunar cycle, with 2 h NREM sleep less during full moon compared to new moon. During summer, the geese responded to 4 and 8 h of sleep deprivation with a compensatory increase in NREM sleep time. In winter, this homeostatic response was absent. Overall, sleep deprivation only resulted in minor changes in the spectral composition of the sleep EEG. In conclusion, barnacle geese display season-dependent homeostatic regulation of sleep. These results demonstrate that sleep homeostasis is not a rigid phenomenon and suggest that some species may tolerate sleep loss under certain conditions or during certain periods of the year.

Gansos , Privación de Sueño , Animales , Electroencefalografía , Homeostasis , Estaciones del Año , Sueño
Sleep ; 43(6)2020 06 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31863116


Most of our knowledge about the regulation and function of sleep is based on studies in a restricted number of mammalian species, particularly nocturnal rodents. Hence, there is still much to learn from comparative studies in other species. Birds are interesting because they appear to share key aspects of sleep with mammals, including the presence of two different forms of sleep, i.e. non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. We examined sleep architecture and sleep homeostasis in the European starling, using miniature dataloggers for electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. Under controlled laboratory conditions with a 12:12 h light-dark cycle, the birds displayed a pronounced daily rhythm in sleep and wakefulness with most sleep occurring during the dark phase. Sleep mainly consisted of NREM sleep. In fact, the amount of REM sleep added up to only 1~2% of total sleep time. Animals were subjected to 4 or 8 h sleep deprivation to assess sleep homeostatic responses. Sleep deprivation induced changes in subsequent NREM sleep EEG spectral qualities for several hours, with increased spectral power from 1.17 Hz up to at least 25 Hz. In contrast, power below 1.17 Hz was decreased after sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation also resulted in a small compensatory increase in NREM sleep time the next day. Changes in EEG spectral power and sleep time were largely similar after 4 and 8 h sleep deprivation. REM sleep was not noticeably compensated after sleep deprivation. In conclusion, starlings display signs of NREM sleep homeostasis but the results do not support the notion of important REM sleep functions.

Sueño REM , Estorninos , Animales , Electroencefalografía , Homeostasis , Sueño , Privación de Sueño , Vigilia
Curr Biol ; 30(9): 1664-1671.e2, 2020 05 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32197088


Sleep is considered to be of crucial importance for performance and health, yet much of what we know about sleep is based on studies in a few mammalian model species under strictly controlled laboratory conditions. Data on sleep in different species under more natural conditions may yield new insights in the regulation and functions of sleep. We therefore performed a study with miniature electroencephalogram (EEG) data loggers in starlings under semi-natural conditions, group housed in a large outdoor enclosure with natural temperature and light. The birds showed a striking 5-h difference in the daily amount of non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep between winter and summer. This variation in the amount of NREM sleep was best explained by night length. Most sleep occurred during the night, but when summer nights became short, the animals displayed mid-day naps. The decay of NREM sleep spectral power in the slow-wave range (1.1-4.3 Hz) was steeper in the short nights than in the longer nights, which suggests that birds in summer have higher sleep pressure. Additionally, sleep was affected by moon phase, with 2 h of NREM sleep less during full moon. The starlings displayed very little rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, adding up to 1.3% of total sleep time. In conclusion, this study demonstrates a pronounced phenotypical flexibility in sleep in starlings under semi-natural conditions and shows that environmental factors have a major impact on the organization of sleep and wakefulness.

Ritmo Circadiano , Luna , Fotoperiodo , Sueño/fisiología , Estorninos/fisiología , Animales , Homeostasis