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Conserv Biol ; : e14265, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616727


The fungal infection causing white-nose disease in hibernating bats in North America has resulted in dramatic population declines of affected species, since the introduction of the causative agent Pseudogymnoascus destructans. The fungus is native to the Palearctic, where it also infects several bat species, yet rarely causes severe pathology or the death of the host. Pseudogymnoascus destructans infects bats during hibernation by invading and digesting the skin tissue, resulting in the disruption of torpor patterns and consequent emaciation. Relations among pathogen, host, and environment are complex, and individuals, populations, and species respond to the fungal pathogen in different ways. For example, the Nearctic Myotis lucifugus responds to infection by mounting a robust immune response, leading to immunopathology often contributing to mortality. In contrast, the Palearctic M. myotis shows no significant immunological response to infection. This lack of a strong response, resulting from the long coevolution between the hosts and the pathogen in the pathogen's native range, likely contributes to survival in tolerant species. After more than 15 years since the initial introduction of the fungus to North America, some of the affected populations are showing signs of recovery, suggesting that the fungus, hosts, or both are undergoing processes that may eventually lead to coexistence. The suggested or implemented management methods of the disease in North America have encompassed, for example, the use of probiotics and fungicides, vaccinations, and modifying the environmental conditions of the hibernation sites to limit the growth of the pathogen, intensity of infection, or the hosts' responses to it. Based on current knowledge from Eurasia, policy makers and conservation managers should refrain from disrupting the ongoing evolutionary processes and adopt a holistic approach to managing the epizootic.

Vista paleártica de una enfermedad fúngica de murciélagos Resumen La enfermedad fúngica que produce el síndrome de nariz blanca en murciélagos en hibernación en Norte América ha resultado en declinaciones poblacionales dramáticas en las especies afectadas desde la introducción del agente causante, Pseudogymnoascus destructans. El hongo es nativo del Paleártico, donde también infecta a varias especies de murciélagos; sin embargo, raramente causa patología severa o la muerte del hospedero. Pseudogymnoascus destructans infecta a los murciélagos durante la hibernación invadiendo y digiriendo el tejido de la piel, lo que resulta en la disrupción de los patrones de torpor y la consecuente emaciación. Las relaciones entre el patógeno, el huésped y el ambiente son complejas, y los individuos, las especies y poblaciones responden al patógeno fúngico de distintas maneras. Por ejemplo, Myotis lucifugus, especie del Neártico, responde a la infección montando una respuesta inmune robusta, produciendo una inmunopatología que a menudo contribuye a la mortalidad. En contraste, M. myotis del Paleártico no presenta respuesta inmunológica significativa a la infección. La falta de una fuerte respuesta, resultado de la larga coevolución entre hospederos y el patógeno en el rango nativo de distribución del patógeno, probablemente contribuye a la supervivencia en especies tolerantes. Después de más de 15 años desde la introducción del hongo en Norte América, algunas de las poblaciones afectadas están mostrando señales recuperación, lo que sugiere que el hongo, hospederos, o ambos, están pasando por procesos que eventualmente pueden conducir a la coexistencia. Los métodos de manejo de la enfermedad sugeridos o implementados en Norte América han abarcado, por ejemplo, el uso de probióticos y fungicidas, vacunaciones y modificación de las condiciones ambientales de los sitios de hibernación para limitar el crecimiento del patógeno, la intensidad de la infección o las respuestas de los hospederos. Con base en conocimiento actual de Eurasia, los formuladores de políticas y los manejadores de la conservación deberían abstenerse de alterar los procesos evolutivos en curso y adoptar un enfoque holístico para gestionar la epizootia.

Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14284, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38785034


Contemporary wildlife disease management is complex because managers need to respond to a wide range of stakeholders, multiple uncertainties, and difficult trade-offs that characterize the interconnected challenges of today. Despite general acknowledgment of these complexities, managing wildlife disease tends to be framed as a scientific problem, in which the major challenge is lack of knowledge. The complex and multifactorial process of decision-making is collapsed into a scientific endeavor to reduce uncertainty. As a result, contemporary decision-making may be oversimplified, rely on simple heuristics, and fail to account for the broader legal, social, and economic context in which the decisions are made. Concurrently, scientific research on wildlife disease may be distant from this decision context, resulting in information that may not be directly relevant to the pertinent management questions. We propose reframing wildlife disease management challenges as decision problems and addressing them with decision analytical tools to divide the complex problems into more cognitively manageable elements. In particular, structured decision-making has the potential to improve the quality, rigor, and transparency of decisions about wildlife disease in a variety of systems. Examples of management of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, white-nose syndrome, avian influenza, and chytridiomycosis illustrate the most common impediments to decision-making, including competing objectives, risks, prediction uncertainty, and limited resources.

Replanteamiento del manejo de problemas por enfermedades de fauna mediante el análisis de decisiones Resumen El manejo actual de las enfermedades de la fauna es complejo debido a que los gestores necesitan responder a una amplia gama de actores, varias incertidumbres y compensaciones difíciles que caracterizan los retos interconectados del día de hoy. A pesar de que en general se reconocen estas complejidades, el manejo de las enfermedades tiende a plantearse como un problema científico en el que el principal obstáculo es la falta de conocimiento. El proceso complejo y multifactorial de la toma decisiones está colapsado dentro de un esfuerzo científico para reducir la incertidumbre. Como resultado de esto, las decisiones contemporáneas pueden estar simplificadas en exceso, depender de métodos heurísticos simples y no considerar el contexto legal, social y económico más amplio en el que se toman las decisiones. De manera paralela, las investigaciones científicas sobre las enfermedades de la fauna pueden estar lejos de este contexto de decisiones, lo que deriva en información que puede no ser directamente relevante para las preguntas pertinentes de manejo. Proponemos replantear los obstáculos para el manejo de enfermedades de fauna como problemas de decisión y abordarlos con herramientas analíticas de decisión para dividir los problemas complejos en elementos más manejables de manera cognitiva. En particular, las decisiones estructuradas tienen el potencial de mejorar la calidad, el rigor y la transparencia de las decisiones sobre las enfermedades de la fauna en una variedad de sistemas. Ejemplos como el manejo del coronavirus del síndrome de respiración agudo tipo 2, el síndrome de nariz blanca, la influenza aviar y la quitridiomicosis ilustran los impedimentos más comunes para la toma de decisiones, incluyendo los objetivos en competencia, riesgos, incertidumbre en las predicciones y recursos limitados.

Animales Salvajes , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Toma de Decisiones , Técnicas de Apoyo para la Decisión , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , COVID-19/epidemiología , SARS-CoV-2 , Incertidumbre
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14189, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37768191


Regulatory inconsistencies at different jurisdictional levels have contributed to the global expansion of the exotic pet trade, with resultant increases in the spread of invasive species and pathogens. Researchers have enumerated multiple limitations and environmental risks posed by international and national rules that govern the exotic pet trade, yet little attention has focused on the regulation of the exotic pet trade within national borders. We reviewed state-level regulations that apply to the trade of vertebrate animal taxa in the United States. Definitions and classifications for regulating different vertebrate taxa varied greatly across states, and the terms pet and companion animal were poorly defined and inconsistent across states. States implemented regulations that permit trade in exotic vertebrate pets that are banned from import into the United States owing to public health and conservation concerns. Once species have been imported into the United States, inconsistent internal regulations facilitate the movement of animals that pose substantial invasion and disease risks. Violations of state laws were typically listed as misdemeanors, and the median fine for violating state wildlife trade laws was $1000. Inconsistent and incomplete regulation of exotic vertebrate pets across state borders, in conjunction with limited penalties for violating regulations, has facilitated continued possession of exotic pets in states where these animals are banned. Based on our review of regulatory weaknesses, we conclude that a transition to a federally enforced list of vertebrate species that may be traded as pets is needed, with all other vertebrate species banned from the exotic pet trade unless their potential invasion and disease risks have been assessed and demonstrated to be low or nonexistent.

Identificación de las inconsistencias en las regulaciones de las mascotas exóticas que perpetúan el mercado de especies riesgosas Resumen Las inconsistencias regulatorias en diferentes niveles regulatorios han contribuido a la expansión mundial del mercado de mascotas exóticas, con un incremento resultante en la dispersión de especies invasoras y patógenos. Los investigadores han enumerado varias limitaciones y riesgos ambientales que representan las normas nacionales e internacionales que dictan el mercado de mascotas exóticas, pero se ha puesto poca atención en la regulación de este mercado dentro de las fronteras nacionales. Revisamos las regulaciones a nivel estatal que aplican al mercado de taxones de vertebrados en los Estados Unidos (EU). Entre los estados, las definiciones y clasificaciones para regular el mercado de los diferentes taxones de vertebrados variaron mucho y los términos mascota y animal de compañía contaban con definiciones deficientes e incoherentes. Los estados implementaron regulaciones que permiten el mercado de vertebrados como mascotas exóticas cuya importación está prohibida para los EU debido a cuestiones de salud pública y conservación. Una vez que las especies han sido importadas a los EU, las regulaciones internas incoherentes facilitan el traslado de animales que representan un riesgo importante de invasión y de enfermedad. Con frecuencia, las violaciones a las leyes estatales se denominaban delitos menores y la multa promedio por violar las leyes estatales de comercio de fauna era de $1,000. La regulación incompleta e incoherente del mercado de mascotas exóticas entre los límites estatales, en conjunto con las penalizaciones limitadas por violar las regulaciones, ha facilitado la posesión continua de mascotas exóticas en estados en donde estos animales están prohibidos. Con base en nuestra revisión de las debilidades regulatorias, concluimos que se necesita transitar a una lista con aplicación federal de especies de vertebrados que pueden ser comercializadas como mascotas, con todas las demás especies de vertebrados vetadas del mercado a menos de que se haya evaluado su riesgo potencial de invasión y de enfermedad y se haya demostrado que es bajo o inexistente.

Animales Exóticos , Animales , Estados Unidos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(1): 82-92, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37061089


Infection by Leishmania spp. in patients diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is rare. Considered endemic in the Mediterranean basin, its manifestations are almost exclusive of patients with impaired cellular immunity. Most of the evidence is found through case reports; without guidelines for its management in patients with IBD. In this study we present three cases of Leishmania infection in patients with IBD that lead us to carry out a review of the current literature. Immunosuppressive treatment contributes to this infection, which presents atypically, with a challenging diagnosis. Initial systemic treatment with withdrawal of the immunosuppressant drug seems to be the best therapeutic strategy. Studies are needed in endemic areas to determine its incidence in IBD patients, as well as its possible association with immunosuppressive therapy. The need for serological screening prior introduction of immunosuppressive drugs could be suggested.

Colitis Ulcerosa , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino , Leishmaniasis , Humanos , Colitis Ulcerosa/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/complicaciones , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/epidemiología , Inmunosupresores/efectos adversos , Leishmaniasis/complicaciones , Leishmaniasis/tratamiento farmacológico
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38311006


BACKGROUND: Real-world studies about the effectiveness and safety of vedolizumab (VDZ) in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Latin America are scarce. Our study describes the effectiveness and safety of VDZ in Colombian patients with IBD. METHODS: EXVEDOCOL (EXperience of VEDOlizumab in COLombia) was a retrospective, multicenter, observational study. Adults with IBD receiving a first dose of VDZ between July 2016 and October 2018 were included. The co-primary outcomes clinical response, and remission, were determined at week 14 and last visit during the maintenance phase (LVMP). The secondary outcomes, deep remission and loss of response were recorded at LVMP. RESULTS: Thirty-one patients (25 ulcerative colitis (UC), 6 Crohn's disease (CD)) were included. At week 14, clinical response was achieved by 87.1% (27/31) of the patients treated with VDZ, while loss of response was reported in 6.7% (2/30). The remission rate at week 14 was 65.5% (19/29) and 75.9% (22/29) at LVMP. Prior anti-TNF exposure was reported in 61.3% (19 patients) of whom 84.2% (16/19) achieved clinical response at week 14 and 89.5% (17/19) at LVMP. For anti-TNF naïve patients, clinical response was recorded in 91.7% (11/12) at week 14 and 100% (12/12) at LVMP. CONCLUSIONS: High clinical remission rates and safety profile highlight VDZ as a valuable treatment option for IBD patients. Anti-TNF naïve patients may derive greater benefit from therapy. Studies with larger cohorts could confirm these findings.

Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(1): 63-71, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37149259


BACKGROUND: The gut-brain axis describes a complex bidirectional association between neurological and gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. In patients with migraine, GI comorbidities are common. We aimed to evaluate the presence of migraine among patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) according to Migraine Screen-Questionnaire (MS-Q) and describe the headache characteristics compared to a control group. Additionally, we explored the relationship between migraine and IBD severities. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study through an online survey including patients from the IBD Unit at our tertiary hospital. Clinical and demographic variables were collected. MS-Q was used for migraine evaluation. Headache disability scale HIT-6, anxiety-depression scale HADS, sleep scale ISI, and activity scale Harvey-Bradshaw and Partial Mayo scores were also included. RESULTS: We evaluated 66 IBD patients and 47 controls. Among IBD patients, 28/66 (42%) were women, mean age 42 years and 23/66 (34.84%) had ulcerative colitis. MS-Q was positive in 13/49 (26.5%) of IBD patients and 4/31 (12.91%) controls (p=0.172). Among IBD patients, headache was unilateral in 5/13 (38%) and throbbing in 10/13 (77%). Migraine was associated with female sex (p=0.006), lower height (p=0.003) and weight (p=0.002), anti-TNF treatment (p=0.035). We did not find any association between HIT-6 and IBD activity scales scores. CONCLUSIONS: Migraine presence according to MS-Q could be higher in patients with IBD than controls. We recommend migraine screening in these patients, especially in female patients with lower height and weight and anti-TNF treatment.

Colitis Ulcerosa , Enfermedad de Crohn , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino , Trastornos Migrañosos , Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Masculino , Enfermedad de Crohn/tratamiento farmacológico , Prevalencia , Estudios Transversales , Inhibidores del Factor de Necrosis Tumoral/uso terapéutico , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/complicaciones , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/epidemiología , Colitis Ulcerosa/tratamiento farmacológico , Trastornos Migrañosos/diagnóstico , Trastornos Migrañosos/epidemiología , Cefalea , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(7): 711-720, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38160706


OBJECTIVES: In Latin America, experience with monitoring serum Infliximab (IFX) concentrations is scarce. Our study aimed to compare IFX serum concentrations between patients with active disease or in remission. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed in patients with luminal Crohn's disease (CD) during maintenance treatment with IFX. Patients were classified as in remission or disease activity according to clinical scores and endoscopic, radiological, and laboratory markers. A comparison of IFX trough levels between the two groups was performed. RESULTS: 80 CD patients were included [41 (51%) in remission and 39 (49%) with active disease]. In the analysis of general disease activity, the median serum levels of IFX in patients with remission and with active CD were 5.63 [0.03-14.40] vs. 3.84 [0.03-14.40] (p=0.287). Furthermore, there was no difference in serum IFX concentrations in endoscopic, radiological, and laboratory activities. Only in the clinical evaluation there was a significant difference in the median serum IFX levels between patients in remission and disease activity, 5.63 [0.03-14.40] vs. 2.14 [0.32-10.54] (p=0.042). CONCLUSIONS: IFX serum concentrations during maintenance treatment were similar in patients with luminal CD in remission and general, endoscopic, radiological, and laboratory disease activity. Patients with clinically active disease had lower IFX concentrations than patients in remission.

Enfermedad de Crohn , Fármacos Gastrointestinales , Infliximab , Humanos , Enfermedad de Crohn/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedad de Crohn/sangre , Infliximab/sangre , Infliximab/uso terapéutico , Infliximab/farmacocinética , Estudios Transversales , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Fármacos Gastrointestinales/sangre , Fármacos Gastrointestinales/uso terapéutico , Fármacos Gastrointestinales/farmacocinética , Inducción de Remisión , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Monitoreo de Drogas
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(4): 347-351, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37422185


OBJECTIVE: Primary non-response and secondary loss of response to anti-TNF agents are common in inflammatory bowel disease. Increasing drug concentrations are correlated to better clinical response and remission rates. Combination of granulocyte-monocyte apheresis (GMA) with anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) agents could be an option in these patients. The objective of our study was to perform an in vitro assay to determine if the GMA device can lead to infliximab (IFX) adsorption. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A blood sample was obtained from a healthy control. It was incubated with three concentrations of IFX (3, 6, and 9µg/ml) at room temperature for 10min. At that time, 1ml was collected to determine the IFX concentration. Then, 10ml of each drug concentration was incubated with 5ml of cellulose acetate (CA) beads from the GMA device at 200rpm for 1h at 37°C to simulate physiological human conditions. A second sample of each concentration was collected and IFX levels were determined. RESULTS: No statistically significant differences were observed in the IFX levels in the blood samples before and after incubation with the CA beads (p=0.41) and after repeated measurements (p=0.31). Mean change was 3.8µg/ml. CONCLUSIONS: The in vitro combination of GMA and IFX did not change the circulating levels of IFX at the three concentrations tested, suggesting that there is no interaction between the drug and the apheresis device in vitro and that they might be safely combined with each other.

Eliminación de Componentes Sanguíneos , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino , Humanos , Infliximab , Monocitos , Inhibidores del Factor de Necrosis Tumoral , Factor de Necrosis Tumoral alfa , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/terapia , Granulocitos , Fármacos Gastrointestinales
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(3): 253-261, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37330213


BACKGROUND: The frequency and patterns of use of scores for the assessment of endoscopic activity in inflammatory bowel disease patients are not known. AIM: To describe the prevalence of adequate use of endoscopic scores in IBD patients who underwent colonoscopy in a real-life setting. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A multicenter observational study comprising six community hospitals in Argentina was undertaken. Patients with a diagnosis of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis who underwent colonoscopy for endoscopic activity assessment between 2018 and 2022 were included. Colonoscopy reports of included subjects were manually reviewed to determine the proportion of colonoscopies that included an endoscopic score report. We determined the proportion of colonoscopy reports that included all of the IBD colonoscopy report quality elements proposed by BRIDGe group. Endoscopist's specialty, years of experience as well as expertise in IBD were assessed. RESULTS: A total of 1556 patients were included for analysis (31.94% patients with Crohn's disease). Mean age was 45.94±15.46. Endoscopic score reporting was found in 58.41% of colonoscopies. Most frequently used scores were Mayo endoscopic score (90.56%) and SES-CD (56.03%) for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, respectively. In addition, 79.11% of endoscopic reports failed to comply with all recommendations on endoscopic reporting for inflammatory bowel disease. CONCLUSIONS: A significant proportion of endoscopic reports of inflammatory bowel disease patients do not include the description of an endoscopic score to assess mucosal inflammatory activity in a real-world setting. This is also associated with a lack of compliance in recommended criteria for proper endoscopic reporting.

Colitis Ulcerosa , Enfermedad de Crohn , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino , Humanos , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Enfermedad de Crohn/diagnóstico , Argentina/epidemiología , Colonoscopía
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38723767


INTRODUCTION: In the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), we have biologic therapies administered intravenously and subcutaneously. Recently, some drugs can be administered by either of these routes. The real impact that intravenous administration has on the perception of the disease and the personal and work life of the patient is unknown. METHODS: All IBD patients receiving intravenous infliximab treatment for at least 6 months were anonymously invited to participate. They were provided with a specific structured questionnaire with visual analogue scales (0-10) at two reference centers in the Barcelona area. RESULTS: A total of 90 patients with a median age of 45 years (36-56) and a median infliximab treatment duration of 48 months (24-84) were included. The visit and therapy with infliximab in the day hospital were globally well evaluated (9, IQR 7-10). 78% of patients combined day hospital stays with other activities (26% employment). The personal impact was generally low (4, IQR 0-5.8), but the patient's job was threatened in 43% of patients on intensified treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The intravenous administration of biologic drugs on an outpatient basis is highly satisfactory among IBD patients. The impact on the work sphere appears to be more pronounced than on the personal sphere, an aspect that should be considered in shared decision-making with the patient.

Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(7): 750-758, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38219960


OBJECTIVE: The recommendations of the Spanish Ministry of Health on vaccination in risk groups include mesalazine among the treatments with a possible negative effect on its effectiveness. However, this is not the recommendation of most experts. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of mesalazine on the humoral response to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS: VACOVEII is a Spanish, prospective, multicenter study promoted by GETECCU, which evaluates the effectiveness of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in patients with IBD. This study includes IBD patients who have recieved the full vaccination schedule and without previous COVID-19 infection. Seroconversion was set at 260BAU/mL (centralized determination) and was assessed 6 months after full vaccination. In this subanalysis of the study, we compare the effectiveness of the vaccine between patients treated with mesalazine and patients without treatment. RESULTS: A total of 124 patients without immunosuppressive therapy were included, of which 32 did not receive any treatment and 92 received only mesalazine. Six months after full vaccination, no significant differences are observed in the mean concentrations of IgG anti-S between both groups. In the multivariate analysis, antibody titers were independently associated with the use of mRNA vaccines and with SARS-CoV-2 infection. CONCLUSION: Mesalazine does not have a negative effect on the response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in IBD patients.

Antiinflamatorios no Esteroideos , Vacunas contra la COVID-19 , COVID-19 , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino , Mesalamina , Humanos , Mesalamina/uso terapéutico , Femenino , Estudios Prospectivos , Masculino , Vacunas contra la COVID-19/inmunología , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/tratamiento farmacológico , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto , Antiinflamatorios no Esteroideos/uso terapéutico , COVID-19/prevención & control , COVID-19/inmunología , Anticuerpos Antivirales/sangre , Vacunación , Anciano , Seroconversión , Eficacia de las Vacunas , SARS-CoV-2/inmunología
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(7): 721-726, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38219961


AIM: Granulocyte and monocyte apheresis (GMA) is a potential therapeutic option when combined with various drugs for treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC). In this study, we analyze the efficacy and safety of GMA combined with vedolizumab (VDZ) during induction in patients with moderate-severe UC and incomplete response to steroids. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Single-center retrospective review of patients receiving GMA+VDZ. Data on the disease and previous treatments were collected. Clinical response was classified as no response, response without remission, and remission. Available data on biochemical and endoscopic response were included. Adverse events (AEs) were recorded. RESULTS: The study population comprised 6 patients with UC who had received GMA+VDZ during induction after failure of an anti-TNF agent. The median number of GMA sessions was 5 (IQR 4-5; 3-10). All the patients received VDZ 300mg iv at 0, 2, and 6 weeks, and 5 (83%) received an additional dose at week 10. During maintenance, all the patients continued VDZ iv every 8 weeks. The median follow-up was 57.6 months (IQR: 39-74). Four of the 6 patients achieved clinical remission after GMA+VDZ and continued in deep remission until the end of follow-up. A median, non-significant decrease of 1378µg/g (IQR: 924-5778µg/g) was observed for calprotectin and 42.2mg/l (IQR: 15.3-113.5) for CRP vs. baseline. No patient underwent colectomy. No treatment-related AEs were observed. CONCLUSIONS: GMA+VDZ during induction can be effective and safe in selected patients with moderate-severe UC and partial response to steroids.

Anticuerpos Monoclonales Humanizados , Colitis Ulcerosa , Fármacos Gastrointestinales , Granulocitos , Monocitos , Centros de Atención Terciaria , Humanos , Colitis Ulcerosa/terapia , Colitis Ulcerosa/tratamiento farmacológico , Colitis Ulcerosa/sangre , Anticuerpos Monoclonales Humanizados/uso terapéutico , Estudios Retrospectivos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Fármacos Gastrointestinales/uso terapéutico , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Terapia Combinada , Inducción de Remisión , Leucaféresis , Eliminación de Componentes Sanguíneos/métodos , Resultado del Tratamiento
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38710467


INTRODUCTION: Granulocyte and monocyte adsorptive apheresis (GMA) removes neutrophils and monocytes from peripheral blood, preventing their incorporation into the inflamed tissue also influencing cytokine balance. Published therapeutic efficacy in ulcerative colitis (UC) is more consistent than in Crohn's disease (CD). We assessed clinical efficacy of GMA in UC and CD 4 weeks after last induction session, at 3 and 12 months, sustained remission and corticosteroid-free remission. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Retrospective observational study of UC and CD patients treated with GMA. Partial Disease Activity Index-DAIp in UC and Harvey-Bradshaw Index-HBI in CD assessed efficacy of Adacolumn® with induction and optional maintenance sessions. RESULTS: We treated 87 patients (CD-25, UC-62), 87.3% corticosteroid-dependent (CSD), 42.5% refractory/intolerant to immunomodulators. In UC, remission and response were 32.2% and 19.3% after induction, 35.5% and 6.5% at 12 weeks and 29% and 6.5% at 52 weeks. In CD, remission rates were 60%, 52% and 40% respectively. In corticosteroid-dependent and refractory or intolerant to INM patients (UC-41, CD-14), 68.3% of UC achieved remission or response after induction, 51.2% at 12 weeks and 46.3% at 52 weeks, and 62.3%, 64.3% and 42.9% in CD. Maintained remission was achieved by 66.6% in CD and 53.1% in UC. Up to 74.5% of patients required corticosteroids at some timepoint. Corticosteroid-free response/remission was 17.7% in UC and 24% in CD. CONCLUSIONS: GMA is a good therapeutic tool for both in UC and CD patients. In corticosteroid-dependent and refractory or intolerant to INM patients it avoids biological therapy or surgery in up to 40% of them in one year.

Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(1): 51-62, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37062500


OBJECTIVE: Data on anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) treatment and suboptimal response (SOR) among patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in Latin America (LATAM) are scarce. This study evaluated the incidence and indicators of SOR to anti-TNF therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) from Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed retrospective analysis of data from LATAM patients of the EXPLORE study (NCT03090139) including adult patients with IBD who initiated anti-TNF therapy between March 2010 to March 2015. The cumulative incidence of SOR to first-line anti-TNF therapy was assessed. A physician survey to assess barriers to anti-TNF therapies was also carried out. RESULTS: We included 185 IBD patients (UC/CD: 99/86) treated with first-line anti-TNF from Argentina (38 UC; 40 CD), Colombia (21 UC; 25 CD) and Mexico (40 UC; 21 CD). 36.4% of patients with UC and 46.5% of patients with CD experienced SOR to anti-TNF therapy during the median (interquartile range) observational period: 49.0 months (37.2-60.1) in UC, and 50.0 months (40.9-60.1) in CD. The most common indicator of SOR among patients was augmentation of non-biologic therapy (UC: 41.7%; CD: 35.0%). Affordability and late referral to IBD specialist care centers were the most common barriers to anti-TNF therapies. CONCLUSIONS: SOR to anti-TNF therapy was common in LATAM IBD patients, where augmentation with non-biologic therapy represented the most frequent indicator of SOR across indications. Our findings contribute to the current evidence on the unmet needs associated with anti-TNF in LATAM.

Colitis Ulcerosa , Enfermedad de Crohn , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino , Adulto , Humanos , Colitis Ulcerosa/complicaciones , Enfermedad de Crohn/complicaciones , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/complicaciones , América Latina , Estudios Retrospectivos , Inhibidores del Factor de Necrosis Tumoral/uso terapéutico , Factor de Necrosis Tumoral alfa
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(5): 522-552, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38311005


The treatment of inflammatory bowel disease has undergone a significant transformation following the introduction of biologic drugs. Thanks to these drugs, treatment goals have evolved from clinical response and remission to more ambitious objectives, such as endoscopic or radiologic remission. However, even though biologics are highly effective, a significant percentage of patients will not achieve an initial response or may lose it over time. We know that there is a direct relationship between the trough concentrations of the biologic and its therapeutic efficacy, with more demanding therapeutic goals requiring higher drug levels, and inadequate exposure being common. Therapeutic drug monitoring of biologic medications, along with pharmacokinetic models, provides us with the possibility of offering a personalized approach to treatment for patients with IBD. Over the past few years, relevant information has accumulated regarding its utility during or after induction, as well as in the maintenance of biologic treatment, in reactive or proactive strategies, and prior to withdrawal or treatment de-escalation. The aim of this document is to establish recommendations regarding the utility of therapeutic drug monitoring of biologics in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, in different clinical practice scenarios, and to identify areas where its utility is evident, promising, or controversial.

Productos Biológicos , Colitis Ulcerosa , Enfermedad de Crohn , Monitoreo de Drogas , Humanos , Colitis Ulcerosa/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedad de Crohn/tratamiento farmacológico , Productos Biológicos/uso terapéutico , Productos Biológicos/farmacocinética , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/tratamiento farmacológico
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38290648


Obesity is a multifactorial, chronic, progressive and recurrent disease considered a public health issue worldwide and an important determinant of disability and death. In Spain, its current prevalence in the adult population is about 24% and an estimated prevalence in 2035 of 37%. Obesity increases the probability of several diseases linked to higher mortality such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, several types of cancer, or obstructive sleep apnea. On the other hand, although the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is stabilizing in Western countries, its prevalence already exceeds 0.3%. Paralleling to general population, the current prevalence of obesity in adult patients with IBD is estimated at 15-40%. Obesity in patients with IBD could entail, in addition to its already known impact on disability and mortality, a worse evolution of the IBD itself and a worse response to treatments. The aim of this document, performed in collaboration by four scientific societies involved in the clinical care of severe obesity and IBD, is to establish clear and concise recommendations on the therapeutic possibilities of severe or typeIII obesity in patients with IBD. The document establishes general recommendations on dietary, pharmacological, endoscopic, and surgical treatment of severe obesity in patients with IBD, as well as pre- and post-treatment evaluation.

Gastroenterol Hepatol ; : 502236, 2024 Aug 22.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173828


BACKGROUND: Virtual reality (VR) is a neurosensory experience in which simulated spaces a person has the sensation of being able to function within them. Some patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) receive intravenous biological treatments in an Adult Day Hospital (ADH) regime. VR has been used in some fields of medicine, demonstrating its usefulness in reducing negative symptoms. However, we do not have any literature showing the applicability in real clinical practice of VR in IBD. METHODS: Descriptive observational pilot study based on an initial cohort of 87 patients that were obtained from the ADH of the IBD Unit. Satisfaction and acceptance of VR through the use of 3D glasses and the reduction of negative symptoms during intravenous biological treatment in patients with IBD in ADH have been assessed. RESULTS: 43 patients (52.4%) used VR and completed the study. In the comparative analysis of the results of the questionnaires before and after the use of VR, a statistically significant improvement was observed in the patients' view on the ability of VR to achieve a reduction in stress (65% patients improve; p: 0.0021) and pain (VAS, 54% p. improve; p<0.05) during treatment. Likewise, with the applicability of VR in other areas of medicine (53%; p: 0.05) and with the possibility of improving well-being during the stay in the ADH (56%; p: 0.0014). No side effects were reported with the use of the 3D glasses. CONCLUSIONS: VR is a useful complementary tool to improve the stay of patients with IBD on ADH during intravenous treatment.

Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38710465


INTRODUCTION: Biological therapies used for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have shown to be effective and safe, although these results were obtained from studies involving mostly a young population, who are generally included in clinical trials. The aim of our study was to determine the efficacy and safety of the different biological treatments in the elderly population. METHODS: Multicenter study was carried out in the GETECCU group. Patients diagnosed with IBD and aged over 65 years at the time of initiating biological therapy (infliximab, adalimumab, golimumab, ustekinumab or vedolizumab) were retrospectively included. Among the patients included, clinical response was assessed after drug induction (12 weeks of treatment) and at 52 weeks. Patients' colonoscopy data in week 52 were assessment, where available. Regarding complications, development of oncological events during follow-up and infectious processes occurring during biological treatment were collected (excluding bowel infection by cytomegalovirus). RESULTS: A total of 1090 patients were included. After induction, at approximately 12-14 weeks of treatment, 419 patients (39.6%) were in clinical remission, 502 patients (47.4%) had responded without remission and 137 patients (12.9%) had no response. At 52 weeks of treatment 442 patients (57.1%) had achieved clinical remission, 249 patients had responded without remission (32.2%) and 53 patients had no response to the treatment (6.8%). Before 52 weeks, 129 patients (14.8%) had discontinued treatment due to inefficacy, this being significantly higher (p<0.0001) for Golimumab - 9 patients (37.5%) - compared to the other biological treatments analyzed. With respect to tumor development, an oncological event was observed in 74 patients (6.9%): 30 patients (8%) on infliximab, 23 (7.14%) on adalimumab, 3 (11.1%) on golimumab, 10 (6.4%) on ustekinumab, and 8 (3.8%) on vedolizumab. The incidence was significantly lower (p=0.04) for the vedolizumab group compared to other treatments. As regards infections, these occurred in 160 patients during treatment (14.9%), with no differences between the different biologicals used (p=0.61): 61 patients (19.4%) on infliximab, 39 (12.5%) on adalimumab, 5 (17.8%) on golimumab, 22 (14.1%) on ustekinumab, and 34 (16.5%) on vedolizumab. CONCLUSIONS: Biological drug therapies have response rates in elderly patients similar to those described in the general population, Golimumab was the drug that was discontinued most frequently due to inefficacy. In our experience, tumor development was more frequent in patients who used anti-TNF therapies compared to other targets, although its incidence was generally low and that this is in line with younger patients based on previous literature.

Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38714272


INTRODUCTION: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disorder that can lead to periods of work-related temporary disability (TD), which may result in the need for permanent disability. The objective was to assess the impact of IBD on patients' temporary disability by analyzing periods, duration, and causes. It also investigates risk factors influencing the severity, frequency, and duration of flare-ups and associated complications in IBD patients. METHOD: The study includes patients aged 18 to 65, with at least 1 day of TD in 2019 (Pre-COVID), referred or not by UMEVI, due to reasons related to IBD. RESULTS: A total of 172 patients were included, and in all cases, TD was associated with IBD. TD was higher in patients over 30 years old, with anxious depressive disorder, who required hospitalization and did not receive prednisone treatment (p<0.05). TD duration was longer in patients belonging to the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA): 67 days (IQR: 22-160) versus the General Regime (RG): 33 days (IQR: 8-110), with no statistically significant difference (p=0.120). The mean cost (€) per worker in this series was €745.5 (IQR: 231-2608.2). CONCLUSIONS: IBD has a significant impact on patients' temporary work disability. The duration of TD was longer in patients older than 30 years, with anxious-depressive disorder, who required hospital admission and did not receive steroid treatment.

Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(7): 727-733, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38266817


OBJECTIVE: Granulocyte-monocyte apheresis (GMA) has shown to be safe and effective in treating ulcerative colitis (UC), also in combination with biologics. The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of combining GMA after primary non-response (PNR) or loss of response (LOR) to tofacitinib (TOFA) in patients with UC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective study including all patients with refractory UC who received GMA plus TOFA. Efficacy was assessed 1 and 6 months after finishing GMA by partial Mayo score, C-reactive protein (CRP) and fecal calprotectin (FC). Descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests were used in the statistical analysis. RESULTS: Twelve patients were included (median 46 years [IQR, 37-58]; 67% female; 67% E3). Patients were mostly receiving TOFA 10mg bid (75%), and 33% also concomitant steroids at baseline. Median partial Mayo score at baseline was 7 (IQR, 5-7), and it decreased to a median of 2 (IQR, 0-3) and 0 (IQR, 0-3) after 1 and 6 months (p=0.027 and 0.020, respectively), while no differences were found in CRP and FC. Clinical remission was achieved by 6 patients both at 1 (50%) and 6 months (67%). CF values<250mg/kg were achieved by 2 and 4 patients at 1 and 6 months (data available in 5 and 7 patients, respectively). No patient required dose-escalation of TOFA, and one patient was able to de-escalate the drug. No patient required colectomy and all patients under steroids were able to stop them. CONCLUSION: The combination of GMA and TOFA can be effective in selected cases of UC after PNR or LOR to this drug.

Colitis Ulcerosa , Granulocitos , Monocitos , Piperidinas , Pirimidinas , Humanos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Pirimidinas/uso terapéutico , Piperidinas/uso terapéutico , Piperidinas/administración & dosificación , Masculino , Colitis Ulcerosa/terapia , Colitis Ulcerosa/tratamiento farmacológico , Adulto , Terapia Combinada , Pirroles/uso terapéutico , Pirroles/administración & dosificación , Proteína C-Reactiva/análisis , Resultado del Tratamiento , Leucaféresis/métodos , Inhibidores de Proteínas Quinasas/uso terapéutico