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Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 94(2): 219-239, Apr.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556919


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Abstract This consensus of nomenclature and classification for congenital bicuspid aortic valve and its aortopathy is evidence-based and intended for universal use by physicians (both pediatricians and adults), echocardiographers, advanced cardiovascular imaging specialists, interventional cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, pathologists, geneticists, and researchers spanning these areas of clinical and basic research. In addition, as long as new key and reference research is available, this international consensus may be subject to change based on evidence-based data1.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 92(1): 5-14, mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559227


RESUMEN Introducción: El número creciente de estudios ecocardiográficos y la necesidad de cumplir rigurosamente con las recomendaciones de guías internacionales de cuantificación, ha llevado a que los cardiólogos deban realizar tareas sumamente extensas y repetitivas, como parte de la interpretación y análisis de cantidades de información cada vez más abrumadoras. Novedosas técnicas de machine learning (ML), diseñadas para reconocer imágenes y realizar mediciones en las vistas adecuadas, están siendo cada vez más utilizadas para responder a esta necesidad evidente de automatización de procesos. Objetivos: Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar un modelo alternativo de interpretación y análisis de estudios ecocardiográficos, basado fundamentalmente en la utilización de software de ML, capaz de identificar y clasificar vistas y realizar mediciones estandarizadas de forma automática. Material y métodos: Se utilizaron imágenes obtenidas en 2000 sujetos normales, libres de enfermedad, de los cuales 1800 fueron utilizados para desarrollar los algoritmos de ML y 200 para su validación posterior. Primero, una red neuronal convolucional fue desarrollada para reconocer 18 vistas ecocardiográficas estándar y clasificarlas de acuerdo con 8 grupos (stacks) temáticos. Los resultados de la identificación automática fueron comparados con la clasificación realizada por expertos. Luego, algoritmos de ML fueron desarrollados para medir automáticamente 16 parámetros de eco Doppler de evaluación clínica habitual, los cuales fueron comparados con las mediciones realizadas por un lector experto. Finalmente, comparamos el tiempo necesario para completar el análisis de un estudio ecocardiográfico con la utilización de métodos manuales convencionales, con el tiempo necesario con el empleo del modelo que incorpora ML en la clasificación de imágenes y mediciones ecocardiográficas iniciales. La variabilidad inter e intraobservador también fue analizada. Resultados: La clasificación automática de vistas fue posible en menos de 1 segundo por estudio, con una precisión de 90 % en imágenes 2D y de 94 % en imágenes Doppler. La agrupación de imágenes en stacks tuvo una precisión de 91 %, y fue posible completar dichos grupos con las imágenes necesarias en 99% de los casos. La concordancia con expertos fue excelente, con diferencias similares a las observadas entre dos lectores humanos. La incorporación de ML en la clasificación y medición de imágenes ecocardiográficas redujo un 41 % el tiempo de análisis y demostró menor variabilidad que la metodología de interpretación convencional. Conclusión: La incorporación de técnicas de ML puede mejorar significativamente la reproducibilidad y eficiencia de las interpretaciones y mediciones ecocardiográficas. La implementación de este tipo de tecnologías en la práctica clínica podría resultar en reducción de costos y aumento en la satisfacción del personal médico.

ABSTRACT Background: The growing number of echocardiographic tests and the need for strict adherence to international quantification guidelines have forced cardiologists to perform highly extended and repetitive tasks when interpreting and analyzing increasingly overwhelming amounts of data. Novel machine learning (ML) techniques, designed to identify images and perform measurements at relevant visits, are becoming more common to meet this obvious need for process automation. Objectives: Our objective was to evaluate an alternative model for the interpretation and analysis of echocardiographic tests mostly based on the use of ML software in order to identify and classify views and perform standardized measurements automatically. Methods: Images came from 2000 healthy subjects, 1800 of whom were used to develop ML algorithms and 200 for subsequent validation. First, a convolutional neural network was developed in order to identify 18 standard echocardiographic views and classify them based on 8 thematic groups (stacks). The results of automatic identification were compared to classification by experts. Later, ML algorithms were developed to automatically measure 16 Doppler scan parameters for regular clinical evaluation, which were compared to measurements by an expert reader. Finally, we compared the time required to complete the analysis of an echocardiographic test using conventional manual methods with the time needed when using the ML model to classify images and perform initial echocardiographic measurements. Inter- and intra-observer variability was also analyzed. Results: Automatic view classification was possible in less than 1 second per test, with a 90% accuracy for 2D images and a 94% accuracy for Doppler scan images. Stacking images had a 91% accuracy, and it was possible to complete the groups with any necessary images in 99% of cases. Expert agreement was outstanding, with discrepancies similar to those found between two human readers. Applying ML to echocardiographic imaging classification and measurement reduced time of analysis by 41% and showed lower variability than conventional reading methods. Conclusion: Application of ML techniques may significantly improve reproducibility and efficiency of echocardiographic interpretations and measurements. Using this type of technologies in clinical practice may lead to reduced costs and increased medical staff satisfaction.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(2): 139-148, Apr.-Jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447244


Abstract Introduction: Patient's body size is a significant determinant of aortic dimensions. Overweight and obesity underestimate aortic dilatation when indexing diameters by body surface area (BSA). We compared the indexation of aortic dimensions by height and BSA in subjects with and without overweight to determine the upper normal limit (UNL). Methods: The MATEAR study was a prospective, observational, and multicenter study (53 echocardiography laboratories in Argentina). We included 879 healthy adult individuals (mean age: 39.7 ± 11.4 years, 399 men) without hypertension, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic aneurysm, or genetic aortopathies. Echocardiograms were acquired and proximal aorta measured at the sinus of Valsalva (SV), sinotubular junction (STJ), and ascending aorta (AA) levels (EACVI/ASE guidelines). We compared absolute and indexed aortic diameters by height and BSA between groups (men with body mass index [BMI] < 25 and BMI ≥ 25, women with BMI < 25 and BMI ≥ 25). Results: Indexing of aortic diameters by BSA showed significantly lower values in overweight and obese subjects compared to normal weight in their respective gender (for women: SV 1.75 cm/m2 in BMI < 25 vs. 1.52 cm/m2 in BMI between 25 and 29.9 vs. 1.41 cm/m2 in BMI ≥ 30; at the STJ: 1.53 cm/m2 vs. 1.37 cm/m2 vs. 1.25 cm/m2; and at the AA: 1.63 cm/m2 vs. 1.50 cm/m2 vs. 1.37 cm/m2; all p < 0.0001 and for men, all p < 0.0001). These differences disappeared when indexing by height in both gender groups (all p = NS). Conclusion: While indexing aortic diameters by BSA in obese and overweight subjects underestimate aortic dilation, the use of aortic height index (AHI) yields a similar UNL for individuals with normal weight, overweight, and obesity. Therefore, AHI could be used regardless of their weight.

Resumen Introducción: El tamaño corporal es un determinante significativo de las dimensiones aórticas. El sobrepeso lleva a subestimar la dilatación aórtica. La altura (A) permanece estable durante la adultez, por lo que sería útil para indexar diámetros aórticos en pacientes obesos, aunque desconocemos los valores normales. Comparamos la indexación de diámetros aórticos por (IA) y superficie corporal (SC) en sujetos con y sin sobrepeso para determinar el límite superior normal (LSN, P97.5). Método: Se realizó un registro nacional, prospectivo, en 53 centros de Argentina. Se realizaron ecocardiogramas a 528 sujetos con índice de masa corporal (IMC) > 25 y 351 sujetos con IMC ≤ 25 seleccionados al azar. La población se subdividió en cuatro grupos según sexo e IMC y se compararon diámetros aórticos absolutos e indexados. Resultados: Se incluyeron 879 individuos (39.7 ± 11.4 años, 399 hombres). La indexación de los diámetros aórticos por SC mostró valores significativamente más bajos en sujetos con sobrepeso y obesidad en comparación con los de peso normal en cada sexo. Estas diferencias desaparecieron al indexar por altura en ambos géneros (todos p = NS). El LSN de los diámetros IA fue de 2.20 cm/m para senos, 1.99 cm/m para unión sino-tubular (UST) y 2.09 cm/m para aorta ascendente. Conclusiones: La indexación de los diámetros aórticos por SC en individuos con sobrepeso y obesidad subestima la dilatación aórtica. El IA permite establecer un LSN sin tener en cuenta el aumento espurio de la SC determinado por la grasa corporal. Podría ser utilizado en ambos sexos y de manera independiente del peso.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 88(1): 14-25, feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250929


RESUMEN Introducción: Se han encontrado diferencias en los diámetros de la aorta torácica de acuerdo al sexo, la edad y la superficie corporal. Sin embargo, los resultados son muy heterogéneos. Objetivos: Determinar los diámetros normales de la aorta (DAo) torácica por ecocardiograma transtorácico en nuestra población y analizar la influencia de las variables antropométricas, demográficas y étnicas en los DAo. Material y métodos: Se realizó un registro nacional, prospectivo y multicéntrico que incluyó 1000 adultos sanos (media de edad: 38,3 ± 12,7 años, 553 mujeres, 56,7% de origen caucásico y 38,3% de americanos nativos). Se realizaron mediciones aórticas siguiendo las recomendaciones actuales en 6 niveles: anillo, sinusal, unión sinotubular, ascendente proximal, cayado y descendente proximal. Resultados: El percentilo 95 se encontró por debajo de los 3,80 cm para todos los DAo absolutos, 2,08 cm/m para los indexados por altura y 2,11 cm/m2 para los indexados por superficie corporal (SC). El análisis global mostró correlación positiva y significativa entre todos los diámetros aórticos y la SC y la altura, así como la edad, con la excepción del anillo aórtico, que no presentó modificaciones con el paso del tiempo. En los individuos con índice de masa corporal aumentado, la SC no se correlacionó con los diámetros aórticos. Las mujeres presentaron menores DAo en todos los segmentos y en la raíz aórtica, aun luego de indexar por altura. Los americanos nativos presentaron menores diámetros aórticos absolutos e indexados que los caucásicos en todos los niveles aórticos (p < 0,01), exceptuando la aorta descendente proximal, que no mostró diferencias significativas. Conclusiones: Las variables demográficas, antropométricas y étnicas resultaron ser determinantes significativos de las dimensiones aórticas en todos sus niveles, por lo que deben tenerse en cuenta para la correcta interpretación de estas mediciones.

ABSTRACT Background: Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) remains the screening tool of choice for thoracic aorta (TA) dilatation. Differences in TA diameters (TAD) according to gender (G), age (A) and body surface area (BSA) have been previously reported. However, these reports are limited by small sample size, different measurement sites or heterogeneous cohorts. There is scarce data on the influence of ethnicitiy on TAD. Objective: We designed a prospective nationwide multicenter registry to determine the normal diameters of the thoracic aorta at all TA segments in healthy adults of both G and their correlations with A, ethnicity and BSA. Methods: A national, prospective and multicenter registry was carried out in 1000 healthy adult people (mean age: 38.3 ± 12.7 years, 553 women, 56.7% of caucasian origin). Aortic measurements were made following the current recommendations at 6 levels: aortic annulus, sinus, sinotubular junction, proximal ascending, arch and proximal descending aorta. Pooled data showed a positive correlation between all TAD and A or BSA (p<0.001), similar in both G. In patients with obesity the correlation was better with height than BSA. Resultados: The 95th percentile was found below 3.80 cm for all absolute aortic diameters, 2.08 cm / m for those indexed by height and 2.11 cm / m2 per body surface. Nomograms were obtained for 3 age categories to predict TAD from BSA with no need of G distinction. Native americans showed significatly lower absolute and indexed TAD than caucasian (p<0.01) from annulus to isthmus. Conclusions: While age and BSA were significant determinants of aortic dimensions at six levels, we have also detected differences in TAD according to ethnicity, suggesting normative values should also be defined for each ethnic group. We propose nomograms of indexed TAD for different age and ethnic groups without G distinction.

N. Engl. j. med ; 381(8): 739-748, ago., 2019. graf., tab.
Artigo em Inglês | SES-SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1022569


BACKGROUND: The role of assessment of myocardial viability in identifying patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy who might benefit from surgical revascularization remains controversial. Furthermore, although improvement in left ventricular function is one of the goals of revascularization, its relationship to subsequent outcomes is unclear. METHODS: Among 601 patients who had coronary artery disease that was amenable to coronaryartery bypass grafting (CABG) and who had a left ventricular ejection fraction of 35% or lower, we prospectively assessed myocardial viability using single-photonemission computed tomography, dobutamine echocardiography, or both. Patients were randomly assigned to undergo CABG and receive medical therapy or to receive medical therapy alone. Left ventricular ejection fraction was measured at baseline and after 4 months of follow-up in 318 patients. The primary end point was death from any cause. The median duration of follow-up was 10.4 years. RESULTS: CABG plus medical therapy was associated with a lower incidence of death from any cause than medical therapy alone (182 deaths among 298 patients in the CABG group vs. 209 deaths among 303 patients in the medical-therapy group; adjusted hazard ratio, 0.73; 95% confidence interval, 0.60 to 0.90). However, no significant interaction was observed between the presence or absence of myocardial viability and the beneficial effect of CABG plus medical therapy over medical therapy alone (P=0.34 for interaction). An increase in left ventricular ejection fraction was observed only among patients with myocardial viability, irrespective of treatment assignment. There was no association between changes in left ventricular ejection fraction and subsequent death. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study do not support the concept that myocardial viability is associated with a long-term benefit of CABG in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. The presence of viable myocardium was associated with improvement in left ventricular systolic function, irrespective of treatment, but such improvement was not related to long-term survival. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health; STICH number, NCT00023595.). (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ponte de Artéria Coronária , Estudos Prospectivos , Ecocardiografia sob Estresse/métodos , Tomografia Computadorizada por Emissão de Fóton Único de Sincronização Cardíaca
J. thorac. cardiovasc. sur ; 0: 1-10, 2014. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | SES-SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1063981


Objectives: In the Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure trial, surgical ventricular reconstruction pluscoronary artery bypass surgery was not associated with a reduction in the rate of death or cardiac hospitalizationcompared with bypass alone. We hypothesized that the absence of viable myocardium identifies patients withcoronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction who have a greater benefit with coronary artery bypassgraft surgery and surgical ventricular reconstruction compared with bypass alone.Methods: Myocardial viability was assessed by single photon computed tomography in 267 of the 1000 patientsrandomized to bypass or bypass plus surgical ventricular reconstruction in the Surgical Treatment for IschemicHeart Failure. Myocardial viability was assessed on a per patient basis and regionally according to prespecifiedcriteria.Results: At 3 years, there was no difference in mortality or the combined outcome of death or cardiachospitalization between those with and without viability, and there was no significant interaction between thetype of surgery and the global viability status with respect to mortality or death plus cardiac hospitalization.Furthermore, there was no difference in mortality or death plus cardiac hospitalization between those withand without anterior wall or apical scar, and no significant interaction between the presence of scar in theseregions and the type of surgery with respect to mortality.Conclusions: In patients with coronary artery disease and severe regional left ventricular dysfunction,assessment of myocardial viability does not identify patients who will derive a mortality benefit from addingsurgical ventricular reconstruction to coronary artery bypass graft surgery.

Doença da Artéria Coronariana , Insuficiência Cardíaca , Revascularização Miocárdica
J. thorac. cardiovasc. sur ; 148(06): 2677-2684, 2014. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | SES-SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1063983


In the Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure trial, surgical ventricular reconstruction plus coronary artery bypass surgery was not associated with a reduction in the rate of death or cardiac hospitalization compared with bypass alone. We hypothesized that the absence of viable myocardium identifies patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction who have a greater benefit with coronary artery bypass graft surgery and surgical ventricular reconstruction compared with bypass alone.MethodsMyocardial viability was assessed by single photon computed tomography in 267 of the 1000 patients randomized to bypass or bypass plus surgical ventricular reconstruction in the Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure. Myocardial viability was assessed on a per patient basis and regionally according to prespecified criteria.ResultsAt 3 years, there was no difference in mortality or the combined outcome of death or cardiac hospitalization between those with and without viability, and there was no significant interaction between the type of surgery and the global viability status with respect to mortality or death plus cardiac hospitalization. Furthermore, there was no difference in mortality or death plus cardiac hospitalization between those with and without anterior wall or apical scar, and no significant interaction between the presence of scar in these regions and the type of surgery with respect to mortality.ConclusionsIn patients with coronary artery disease and severe regional left ventricular dysfunction, assessment of myocardial viability does not identify patients who will derive a mortality benefit from adding surgical ventricular reconstruction to coronary artery bypass graft surgery.

Disfunção Ventricular , Insuficiência Cardíaca , Revascularização Miocárdica
N Engl J Med ; 364(17): 1617-1625, 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | SES-SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1064847


Background The assessment of myocardial viability has been used to identify patients withcoronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction in whom coronary-arterybypass grafting (CABG) will provide a survival benefit. However, the efficacy of thisapproach is uncertain. Methods In a substudy of patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunctionwho were enrolled in a randomized trial of medical therapy with or withoutCABG, we used single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT), dobutamineechocardiography, or both to assess myocardial viability on the basis of prespecifiedthresholds.ResultsAmong the 1212 patients enrolled in the randomized trial, 601 underwent assessmentof myocardial viability. Of these patients, we randomly assigned 298 to receivemedical therapy plus CABG and 303 to receive medical therapy alone. A total of 178of 487 patients with viable myocardium (37%) and 58 of 114 patients without viablemyocardium (51%) died (hazard ratio for death among patients with viable myocardium,0.64; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.48 to 0.86; P = 0.003). However, afteradjustment for other baseline variables, this association with mortality was notsignificant (P = 0.21). There was no significant interaction between viability statusand treatment assignment with respect to mortality (P = 0.53).ConclusionsThe presence of viable myocardium was associated with a greater likelihood ofsurvival in patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction,but this relationship was not significant after adjustment for other baseline variables.The assessment of myocardial viability did not identify patients with a differentialsurvival benefit from CABG, as compared with medical therapy alone.(Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; STICH ClinicalTrials.govnumber, NCT00023595.)

Cardiomiopatias , Disfunção Ventricular , Sobrevivência