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Salud pública Méx ; 60(2): 184-191, mar.-abr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-962458


Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar la situación actual de la atención de la salud mental a partir de un análisis socioecológico, sustentado en las percepciones del personal y usuarios de centros de salud (CS) de la Ciudad de México (CDMX). Material y métodos: Estudio exploratorio descriptivo de métodos mixtos (CUALI → CUAN). En la fase cualitativa, se entrevistó al personal de 19 centros ubicados en tres delegaciones de la CDMX y, en la fase cuantitativa, se aplicó un cuestionario a pacientes. Resultados: Se identificó la influencia e interdependencia de diferentes factores que impactan la atención de la salud mental (SM). El personal de salud y pacientes reconocen escases de recursos que impactan la calidad del servicio, políticas públicas en SM que no siempre se concretan en la práctica y un modelo de atención que no permite ahondar en problemas emocionales. Conclusiones: Mejorar la atención de la SM en el primer nivel requiere de un trabajo reflexivo desde diversas ópticas.

Abstract: Objective: To analyze the current status of mental health care through a socioecological analysis, based on the perceptions of health center (HC) staff and users in Mexico City (CDMX). Materials and methods: Descriptive exploratory study of mixed methods (QUALI→ QUANT). During the qualitative phase, staff at 19 centers located in three Mexico City boroughs were interviewed and during the quantitative phase, a questionnaire was applied to patients. Results: The influence and interdependence of the various factors impacting mental health (MH) care were identified. Health personnel and patients mentioned limited resources, which impact service quality, public MH policies that are not always implemented in practice and a care model that does not make it possible to delve into emotional problems. Conclusions: Improving MH care at the primary care level requires reflective work from a variety of perspectives.

Humanos , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Serviços de Saúde Mental/normas , Autorrelato , Fatores Sociológicos , México , Modelos Teóricos
Salud ment ; Salud ment;37(4): 313-319, jul.-ago. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-729737


La presencia de malestar emocional -que se define como el conjunto de sensaciones subjetivas que percibe una persona de que su bienestar sufre una merma y que se manifiesta por síntomas inespecíficos- puede constituir un factor de riesgo para la aparición de enfermedades mentales, sobre todo en personas con vulnerabilidades biológicas y psicosociales. Estudios recientes señalan que los servicios de atención primaria reciben un número, cada vez mayor, de personas con malestares que no cubren los criterios diagnósticos de una enfermedad, ya sea mental o física, fenómeno que es más frecuente en las mujeres. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los malestares emocionales de un grupo de mujeres que acude a instituciones de atención primaria de la Ciudad de México, así como sus percepciones y vivencias sobre la atención recibida, con el propósito de identificar necesidades de atención. Para recopilar la información se utilizaron técnicas e instrumentos propios de la metodología cualitativa. La información se codificó y analizó conforme al método de "categorización de significados" propuesto por Kvale. Los resultados mostraron que los principales detonantes de los malestares emocionales en las participantes se asocian con las preocupaciones que enfrentan cotidianamente (como falta de dinero, problemas con los hijos y violencia intrafamiliar) y, en otros casos, con la vivencia de experiencias traumáticas de violencia y abuso sexual, pasadas y presentes. Los datos demuestran también que las mujeres no hablan directamente de su malestar emocional, pero que tampoco lo detecta el personal de salud o que, cuando lo hace, le resta importancia. Lo anterior se relaciona con las condiciones actuales del servicio, que no ofrece una atención integral y adolece de una visión psicosocial.

Emotional distress is the subjective sensation of diminishment in well-being which manifests itself in a number of unspecific symptoms. It might be a risk factor for the development of mental illness, especially among individuals with psychosocial or biological vulnerability. Recent studies show that primary health care services receive a growing number of patients who suffer distress, but do not fulfill the diagnostic criteria of a mental or physical illness. This phenomenon is more frequent among women. The objective of this paper is to analyze the emotional distress experienced by a group of women who attended primary health care institutions in Mexico City, as well as their perceptions and experiences around the attention received, in order to identify their treatment needs. Data was gathered through techniques and instruments pertaining qualitative methodology. The information was coded and analyzed according to the meaning categorization method developed by Kvale. The results show that the main triggers of emotional distress are associated to daily life worries (lack of money, problems with children, domestic violence, among others). In some cases, it is associated as well with traumatic events, such as violence and sexual abuse in the past or at present. Data also suggest that women do not talk about emotional distress directly during medical consultations and that health care professionals do not identify distress or minimize its importance. These aspects are related to the current characteristics of the service, which lacks a comprehensive approach and a psychosocial point of view.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 33(4): 252-258, Apr. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-674825


OBJETIVO: Evaluar algunos indicadores clave del sistema de salud mental mexicano utilizando el Instrumento de Evaluación para Sistemas de Salud Mental de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (IESM-OMS). MÉTODOS: La estrategia utilizada para responder a los indicadores del IESM-OMS incluyó: i) Revisión de fuentes documentales, ii) Aplicación de cuestionarios y iii) Trabajo grupal utilizando la técnica de consenso con expertos. Para facilitar la recopilación de la información, se elaboró un cuestionario donde los indicadores fueron transformados en preguntas sencillas. Asimismo, se capacitó a las personas encargadas de recabar los datos y se realizó un seguimiento de dicha actividad. RESULTADOS: Del total del presupuesto asignado a la salud, solo 2% estaba destinado a la salud mental y, de ese porcentaje, 80% se empleaba para el funcionamiento de los hospitales psiquiátricos. El eje de la atención de la salud mental se encontraba en el hospital psiquiátrico y existían muy pocas unidades de hospitalización psiquiátrica en los hospitales generales y establecimientos residenciales, así como servicios específicos para niños y adolescentes. El acceso estaba limitado por la centralización del sistema de atención, ya que la mayoría de los establecimientos se ubicaban en las grandes ciudades. Solamente 30% de los servicios de atención primaria contaban con protocolos de evaluación y tratamiento para trastornos mentales. Finalmente, en los establecimientos de salud mental, la tasa de psiquiatras, médicos, enfermeros y psicólogos por cada 100 000 habitantes registró valores de 1,6, 1,3, 3,4 y 1,5 respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: Para reducir la brecha entre la carga que representan los trastornos mentales y el presupuesto asignado para su atención, se requiere de un mayor financiamiento y una utilización de los recursos más racional, considerando al primer nivel como el eje de la atención. Asimismo, será necesario ampliar el número de especialistas, capacitar periódicamente al personal en los primeros niveles de atención e incrementar la participación del resto de la sociedad.

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate some of the key indicators that characterize the Mexican mental health system using the World Health Organization's Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS). METHODS: The strategy for examining the WHO-AIMS indicators included: (i) a review of documentary sources; (ii) application of the questionnaire; and (iii) group work with a team of experts using the consensus technique. To facilitate collection of the data, a questionnaire was prepared in which the indicators were turned into simple questions. The people gathering the data were trained, and the activity was monitored. RESULTS: It was found that, of the total budget for health, only 2% is allocated for mental health, and, of that share, 80% is used in the operation of psychiatric hospitals. The pivotal point for mental health care is in the psychiatric hospital; there are very few psychiatric units in the general hospitals, few residential establishments, and few services targeted specifically to care for children and adolescents. Access is limited because of the centralized health care system, with the majority of establishments located in the large cities. Only 30% of primary care services have protocols for the evaluation and treatment of mental disorders. Finally, in the mental health facilities, the ratios of psychiatrists, other physicians, nurses, and psychologists per 100 000 population are 1.6, 1.3, 3.4, and 1.5, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: More funding will be needed in order to bridge the gap between the mental health burden and the budget allocated for its care, and resources will need to be used more rationally, with the first level of care becoming the pivot. In addition, it will be necessary to increase the number of specialists, offer periodic in-service training for personnel at the first level of care, and enlist greater participation by the rest of society.

Humanos , Transtornos Mentais/terapia , Serviços de Saúde Mental/normas , Indicadores de Qualidade em Assistência à Saúde , Política de Saúde , Serviços de Saúde Mental/economia , Serviços de Saúde Mental/legislação & jurisprudência , México
Salud pública Méx ; 51(6): 465-473, nov.-dic. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-556032


OBJETIVO: Conocer las prácticas de autocuidado/autoatención utilizadas por un grupo de mujeres para aliviar malestares emocionales. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Participaron 23 mujeres, habitantes de la Ciudad de México. Se realizaron entrevistas focalizadas mediante la técnica de entrevista de investigación social,cuyo propósito es favorecer la producción del discurso continuo sobre un tema determinado. La información se analizó con la técnica de categorización de significados, que consiste en clasificar el contenido de cada entrevista en categorías mutuamente excluyentes. RESULTADOS: Las prácticas de autoatenciónreúnen: conductas de autocontrol, remedios caseros, automedicación y actividades de relajación. El apoyo social proviene principalmente de otras mujeres; la pareja no se considera un apoyo significativo. CONCLUSIONES: Las mujeres encuentran estrategias que, si bien no solucionan por completo sus malestares emocionales, les permiten sobrellevar las situaciones vinculadas con éstos.

OBJECTIVE: To describe what kind of self care practices a group of women use to alleviate their emotional disorders. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A group of 23 women living in Mexico City answered open-ended questions about self care strategies. Focused interviews were carried out using a social research interview technique designed to encourage continuous discourse on a set topic. Data was analyzed using a significant classification technique, which involves placing the contents of each interview in mutually exclusive categories. RESULTS: Self care practices reported included self-control, home remedies, self-medication, relaxing activities and social support. Social support is mainly obtained from other women, since partners were not regarded as providing meaningful support. CONCLUSIONS: Self care practices start once the malaise begins and stop when the malaise ends. Although the strategies women use do not entirely solve their emotional disorders, they enable them to cope with such situations.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;32(2): 107-115, mar.-abr. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632695


The use of therapeutic methods and assistance different from the officially recognized ones, in addition to self-care practices, has remained constant throughout history. The extensive interest in so-called alternative or complementary medicine (ACM) has occurred as a result of their growing use in various countries. International literature reports the growing use of alternative and/or complementary treatments by persons with emotional disorders, particularly depression or anxiety. Commonly mentioned alternatives include relaxation techniques, physical therapies, herbal treatment, chiropractice and spiritual healing. The National Survey on Psychiatric Epidemiology undertaken in Mexico (2002) reported that 6.5% of the individuals with affective disorders in the 12 months prior to the study used some kind of alternative medicine. This occurred in 7.3% of the individuals with anxiety disorders and 3.9% of those with disorders associated with substance use. Information from surveys conducted in Mexico City showed that from 18% to 20% of the individuals with depressive disorders, 18% had physical disorders and over a quarter of those with anxiety problems seek a solution to their suffering in various types of alternative medicine. The aim of this study is therefore to determine the therapeutic resources used by the population to treat emotional problems and to analyze the prevalence of these practices in individuals with anxiety or depressive disorders. Method The study was conducted on the inhabitants of six neighborhoods in Mexico City. They were all selected on the basis of the criteria established in a multi-stage, stratified random sample design. The stratification variable used was socio-economic level. The questionnaire included four sections: 1) socio-demographic characteristics; 2) use of 10 self-care and/or alternative service resources related to the presence of emotional disorder; 3) characteristics of the resources or services use and 4) prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders. The ethical guidelines followed in this research included obtaining verbal informed consent and providing a clear explanation about the objectives of the research, and the way the dwelling and the persons were selected. The researchers stressed the interviewee's freedom to cancel the interview and guaranteed the confidential handling of the information. The diagnoses of mental disorders were obtained on the basis of the ICD-1 0 criteria. For the analysis of service use, the therapies were grouped into two categories, self care (home remedies, self-medication, physical activities, etc.) and alternative and/or complementary services (self-help groups, traditional Mexican medicine, clergy, etc.). Results Of the 361 of the individuals interviewed, 45.9% were men and 54.1% women, the mean age being 45 years old. The 54% of participants represent the high-middle class, and the 46% the low class. Nineteen point two percent of the sample met the diagnostic criteria for one or more disorders, at least once in their lifetime (12.7% in the men's group and 25.1% in the women's group). The prevalence of depressive episodes for women was 9.2% as opposed to 3.0% for men. In the case of anxiety disorders, the prevalence was 16.3% and 9.0%, respectively. Of the total sample 52.5% engaged in some form of self-help, while 28.2% had resorted to alternative systems for coping with emotional disorders at least once in their lives. Among the most commonly used self-help strategies were: enrolling in a physical activity (33.5%), seeking help from informal networks (28.5%) and using household remedies (16.1%). The use of alternative services included visiting a clergy (11.1%) and attending self-help groups (10.2%). The use of self-help and alternative therapies was more common among women. An analysis was undertaken of the type of service used among persons that had met the diagnostic criteria for one or more disorders and those that failed to do so. The group characterized by the presence of disorders undertook more self-help actions than those with no disorders (72.9% and 47.6%). The same trend was observed in the use of alternative services (52.9% and 22.1%). An analysis of the disorders, divided into two main groups, anxiety disorder and depressive episodes, showed that the prevalence of self-care practices (76.6% and 72.7% respectively) and the use of alternative medicines (53.2% and 59.1%) was similar. Most of the group with anxiety disorders reported that it used informal support networks (59.6%) and engaged in physical activities (53.2%). The 45.5% of those that experienced depressive episodes engaged in physical activities, 47.8% visited relatives and friends and 26.1% consulted a priest. The prevalence of self-care practices conducted in the 12 months prior to the survey showed a similar pattern throughout lifetime. Two logistic regression models were used to analyze factors related to the practice of self-care and the use of alternative and/or complementary therapies. The variables included in the models were sex, age, educational level, occupation and the presence of an anxiety or depression disorder. The logistic regression analysis showed that the probability of using self-care practices is higher in persons with an anxiety disorder (OR=3.11), women (OR= 1.74) and persons with a higher educational level (OR=1.93). The likelihood of using an alternative or complementary medicine increases among people experiencing a depressive episode (OR = 3.23) and anxiety disorders (OR=3.45). The people that sought help from relatives, friends or a priest stated that their reasons were <>, <> or <> The reasons for visiting the self-help groups were feeling sad or depressed, or trying to deal with problems related to their alcohol consumption. Those who used home remedies sought to soothe their <> and overcome their insomnia. The main reason for engaging in physical activity or performing curative practices adapted from other cultures, such as Bach Flowers or Reiki was to relax and <> Interviewees used vitamins or food supplements to cope with the <> or <> all of which are concepts underlying the idea of <> their state or condition. Discussion The use of self-care practices in response to the perception of emotional disorders is common in the interviewed population. This suggests that this type of practices could be regarded as a significant component of mental health care and should therefore be examined with more detail. The main focus should be the link between individuals' perception of their emotional illness or problems and the orientation of their self-care actions. An analysis of the group with disorders showed that a significant percentage of the population with one or more depressive episodes (26.1%) and anxiety disorders (26.1%) used alternative therapies in the 12 months previous to the study. The analysis conducted throughout this study suggests the need for health personnel to have basic knowledge of self-care practices and alternative medicine and to find out about the use of the latter by patients. It has been shown that having this knowledge can significantly improve the doctor-patient relationship, have a positive impact on treatment and help prevent potentially damaging interactions between conventional and alternative treatments. It also provides a better understanding of people's concepts of health and illness, and what they seek in the various medical systems. However, we still have a great deal to learn about the needs, expectations and demands of those that engage in these practices.

El uso de instancias asistenciales y terapéuticas diferentes a las oficialmente reconocidas, además de las prácticas de autocuidado, han mostrado su vigencia a lo largo de la historia. En la bibliografía nacional e internacional se reporta un creciente uso de medicinas alternativas y/o complementarias, principalmente entre personas con trastornos de depresión o ansiedad. Derivado de lo anterior, el objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer, mediante una encuesta en hogares, cuáles son los recursos terapéuticos y asistenciales que utiliza la población para tratar problemas emocionales, así como analizar la prevalencia de estas prácticas en personas con trastornos de ansiedad o depresión. Método La investigación se realizó entre los habitantes de seis colonias de la Ciudad de México. El trabajo de campo comprendió el periodo de agosto de 2006 a marzo de 2007. La selección de los entrevistados se hizo con un diseño muestral aleatorio estratificado y multietápico. La variable de estratificación fue el nivel socioeconómico. Originalmente se planteó la inclusión de tres niveles con el objetivo de hacer comparaciones entre ellos. Sin embargo, debido a la dificultad de acceder a la población de estrato alto, se seleccionaron colonias representativas de nivel socioeconómico bajo y medio alto. El instrumento estuvo conformado por cuatro secciones:1) datos sociodemográficos; 2) uso de diez recursos de autoatención y/o servicios alternativos ante la presencia de malestares emocionales; 3) características de los recursos o servicios utilizados y 4) prevalencia de trastornos depresivos y de ansiedad (a partir de los criterios del ICD-10). Entre los cuidados éticos se consideró el consentimiento informado de manera verbal y se enfatizó en la libertad del entrevistado para suspender la entrevista. Se aseguró el manejo confidencial de la información. Para el análisis del uso de servicios, las terapias se agruparon en dos categorías: prácticas de autocuidado (remedios caseros, automedicación, actividades físicas, etc.) y servicios alternativos y/o complementarios (grupos de autoayuda, medicina tradicional mexicana, consejeros espirituales, etc.). Resultados De las 361 personas entrevistadas, el 45.9% fueron hombres y el 54.1 % mujeres. La media de edad fue de 45 años, el 54% representó al estrato medio-alto y el 46% al bajo. El 19.5% de la muestra cumplió los criterios diagnósticos de uno o más trastornos alguna vez en la vida (12.7% hombres y 25.1% mujeres). La prevalencia de episodios depresivos fue de 9.2% para las mujeres y 3.0% para los hombres, y de trastornos de ansiedad 16.3% y 9.0%, respectivamente. En relación con la prevalencia de uso de servicios alguna vez en la vida, ante un malestar emocional, el 52.5% del total de la muestra realizó alguna práctica de autocuidado y el 28.2% recurrió a los sistemas alternativos. El uso de autocuidados y terapias alternativas fue más frecuente entre las mujeres. Se encontró que el grupo caracterizado por la presencia de trastornos realizó acciones encaminadas a los autocuidados (72.9%) en mayor proporción a aquellos sin trastornos (47.6%). La misma tendencia se observó en el uso de servicios alternativos (52.9% y 22.1% respectivamente). Además, se realizó un análisis de regresión logística cuyos resultados mostraron que existe una mayor probabilidad de realizar prácticas de autocuidado entre las mujeres (OR=1.74), cuando el nivel de escolaridad es mayor o igual a bachillerato (OR=1.93) y cuando se presenta algún trastorno de ansiedad (OR =3.11). La probabilidad de usar alguna medicina alternativa o complementaria aumenta 3.23 veces en personas con depresión y 3.45 con ansiedad. Discusión Los resultados de este trabajo hacen evidente la necesidad de capacitar al personal de salud sobre las medidas de autocuidado y las medicinas alternativas. Estos conocimientos pueden mejorar la relación médico-paciente e impactar positivamente en el tratamiento. Asimismo, los resultados de esta investigación permiten comprender mejor los conceptos que tienen las personas sobre salud y enfermedad, y las razones para acudir a los diversos sistemas médicos. Sin embargo, todavía tenemos que aprender mucho sobre las necesidades, las expectativas y las demandas de las personas que buscan esta ayuda.