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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1558650


Abstract Objective: To identify the prevalence, severity, hypersensitivity, and distribution of Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) among university students in Brazil. Material and Methods: 179 participants answered an anamnesis with twenty questions about the presence or absence of habits associated with NCCL. The participants' teeth were evaluated to identify the presence or absence of the lesion, its classification, involved surfaces, severity, hypersensitivity, and tooth wear index. A hypersensitivity test was performed with ice water. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and simple logistic regression (p<0.01). Results: 179 participants answered an anamnesis with twenty questions about the presence or absence of habits associated with NCCL. The participants' teeth were evaluated to identify the presence or absence of the lesion, its classification, involved surfaces, severity, hypersensitivity, and tooth wear index. A hypersensitivity test was performed with ice water. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and simple logistic regression (p<0.01). Conclusion: The prevalence of NCCL was 15.1% and abfraction was the most frequent lesion. Premolars were the teeth most affected by non-carious cervical lesions.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudantes , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Sensibilidade da Dentina/etiologia , Desgaste dos Dentes/etiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 111(3): 1111213, sept.-dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554617


Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la erosión dental y el consumo de bebidas refrescantes en escolares de 12 a 16 años del Centro Educativo Juan Velasco Alvarado, en el distrito de Pillco Marca, Perú. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacio- nal, transversal de una muestra de 135 niños de 12 a 16 años. Se seleccionaron historias clínicas que contaran con datos so- bre variables demográficas, la valoración del tipo de erosión dental según la clasificación de Eccles y que hayan respondi- do la encuesta sobre el consumo de las bebidas refrescantes (gaseosas, rehidratantes y jugos). Para evaluar la asociación entre las variables se aplicó la prueba chi-cuadrado; el nivel de significación establecido fue de p<0,05. Resultados: La frecuencia de la erosión dental en los es- colares fue del 54,1%. Un 3,7% consumía bebidas refrescan- tes de 3 a 5 veces por semana, un 45,9% consumía 2 veces por semana, y el 50,4% no consumía o consumía menos de 2 ve- ces a la semana. Las gaseosas que más frecuentemente se con- sumían fueron la Coca-Cola (20,7%) y la Kola Real (20%). El 43,7% no ingería ningún tipo de bebida gaseosa. Se halló una asociación entre la erosión dental y la ingesta de bebidas refrescantes (chi-cuadrado 84,77, p<0,05), con una ingesta de 2 veces por semana o más (chi-cuadrado 62,589, p<0,05). La erosión dental fue más frecuente en aquellos alumnos que in- gerían ambas bebidas, gaseosas y rehidratantes en su dieta, comparado con solo gaseosas o rehidratantes (p=0,048). Conclusiones: Las bebidas refrescantes resultaron ser no- civas para la erosión dental, cuando estas bebidas se toman al menos dos veces por semana (AU)

Aim: Determine the relation between dental erosion and the consumption of the refreshing drinks in schoolchildren from 12 to 16 years of Juan Velasco Alvarado Educational Center, from Pillco Marca district, Peru. Materials and methods: An observational, cross-sec- tional study was carried out on a sample of 135 children from 12 to 16 years of age. From all the medical records avail- able, the final selection included the ones that had data on demographic variables, the assessment of the type of dental erosion according to the Eccles classification and that had answered the survey on the consumption of refreshing drinks (soft drinks, rehydrating drinks and juices). To evaluate the association between the variables, the chi-square test was ap- plied; the established significance level was p<0.05. Results: The frequency of dental erosion in schoolchil- dren was 54.1%. 3.7% consumed refreshing drinks 3 to 5 times a week, 45.9% consumed 2 times a week, and 50.4% did not consume or consumed less than 2 times a week. The soft drinks most frequently consumed were Coca-Cola (20.7%) and Kola Real (20%). 43.7% did not ingest any type of soft drink. An association was found between dental erosion and the intake of refreshing drinks (chi-square 84.77, p<0.05), with an intake of at least twice a week (chi-square 62.589, p<0.05). Dental erosion was more frequent in those students who ingested both soft drinks and rehydrating drinks in their diet, compared to only soft drinks or only rehydrating drinks (p=0.048 Conclusions: Refreshing drinks turned out to be harmful in relation to dental erosion, when these drinks are taken at least twice a week (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Serviços de Odontologia Escolar , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Bebidas Gaseificadas/efeitos adversos , Peru/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 21(1): 134-137, maio 05,2022. fig
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370811


Introduction: although reports on dental erosion have appeared in literature for a long time, there is currently a growing interest among researchers and clinicians about this matter. Potential risk factors for loss of dental hard tissue are changed lifestyle and eating patterns, with increased consumption of acid foods and beverages. Case report: an atypical tooth wear on the buccal surfaces of the mandibular teeth in a 45-year-old woman referred for orthodontic treatment, associated with the frequent consumption of whiskey and lemon, is reported. A comprehensive approach, such as the recognition of dental erosion joined with a careful investigation about eating habits was performed. Ultrastructural examination of replicas of the teeth showed practically structureless enamel and dentin surfaces. Conclusion: the screening for dental erosion in patients seeking orthodontic treatment is advisable to be a usual procedure. Recommendations for treatment and prophylactic measures are made emphasizing the need of multiprofessional attention.

Introdução: embora relatos sobre erosão dentária já apareçam há bastante tempo na literatura, existe atualmente interesse crescente entre pesquisadores e clínicos sobre esse assunto. Fatores que representam riscos potenciais para a perda de tecido duro do dente são as mudanças no estilo de vida e no padrão de alimentação, com o aumento no consumo de alimentos e bebidas ácidas. Relato de caso: lesões atípicas de desgaste dentário na superfície vestibular das unidades inferiores, em uma mulher com 45 de idade, encaminhada para tratamento ortodôntico, associadas ao consumo frequente de uísque e limão, foram relatadas. Uma abordagem abrangente, como o reconhecimento da erosão dentária, em conjunção com a investigação cuidadosa dos hábitos alimentares, foi realizada. O exame por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, realizada em réplicas dos dentes, revelou superfícies de esmalte e dentina praticamente desprovidos de elementos estruturais. Conclusão: sugere-se que uma avaliação direcionada à busca por erosão dentária em pacientes que procuram por tratamento ortodôntico seja um procedimento rotineiro. A atenção multiprofissional, envolvendo o tratamento e o uso de medidas preventivas, é essencial para a adequada atuação junto ao paciente.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Bebidas Alcoólicas/efeitos adversos , Acidez , Erosão Dentária/diagnóstico por imagem , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura
RFO UPF ; 26(1): 78-83, 20210327. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1428588


Objetivo: mensurar o potencial erosivo de gomas de mascar não convencionais disponíveis no mercado brasileiro. Material e método: estudo experimental (in vitro) de caráter quantitativo. Foram adquiridos oito sabores de gomas de mascar: Poosh® (pinta língua); Plutonita® (abraço congelante, dentada ardente, baba de bruxa e língua ácida); e TNT® (sangue, lava e tumba). Para análise da acidez, foram realizadas leituras em triplicata do pH e acidez titulável (AT), utilizando um potenciômetro e eletrodo combinado de vidro em soluções obtidas após a maceração das gomas de mascar em água duplamente deionizada. Nas soluções com valores de pH inferiores a 5,5, foi mensurada a AT adicionando-se alíquotas de 100 µLNaOH 0,1 M, até alcançar pH 5,5. Os resultados foram submetidos à Análise de Variância (ANOVA). As comparações das médias de pH e acidez titulável foram realizadas pelo teste de Tukey, com um nível de 5% de significância (p<0,05). Resultados: os valores de pH variaram entre 2,4 (abraço congelante) e 3,5 (baba de bruxa), diferin-do significantemente do controle (água mineral/pH=6,2). Os valores de acidez titulável variaram entre 628µL de NaOH 0,1 M (sangue) e 10700µL de NaOH 0,1 M (abraço congelante). A goma de mascar sabor abraço congelante apresentou o pH mais baixo e a mais elevada acidez titulável, diferindo significantemente dos demais sabores. Conclusões: as gomas de mascar avaliadas são ácidas, mas diferem quanto ao seu potencial erosivo. Seu consumo abusivo pode constituir um fator de risco para erosão dental.(AU)

Objective: to measure the erosive potential of non- -conventional chewing gums available in the Brazilian market. Material and methods: this is an in vitro study using the following flavors of chewing gums from the Brazilian market: Poosh® (tongue cleaner); Plutonita® (freezing hug, burning bite, witch slime and acid tongue); TNT® (blood, lava and tomb). For acidity analysis, pH and titratable acidity (TA) readings were performed in triplicate using a potentiometer and combined glass electrode in solutions obtained after maceration of the chewing gums in double deionized water. In solutions with pH values below 5.5, the TA was measured by adding aliquots of 100 µL 0.1 M NaOH, until pH 5.5 was reached. The results were submitted to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Comparisons of pH and titratable acidity means were performed by Tukey test at a 5% significance level (p<0.05). Results: the pH values that ranged from 2.4 (freezing hug) to 3.5 (witch's slime) differed significantly from the control (mineral water/ pH=6.2). Titratable acidity values ranged from 628µL of 0.1 M NaOH (blood) to 10700µL of 0.1 M NaOH (freezing hug). The freezing hug flavor chewing gum had the lowest pH and the highest titratable acidity differing significantly from the other flavors. Conclusions: the evaluated chewing gums are acidic, but differ in their erosive potential. Their abusive consumption may constitute a risk factor for dental erosion.(AU)

Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Cariogênicos/química , Goma de Mascar/efeitos adversos , Cariogênicos/efeitos adversos , Fatores de Risco , Análise de Variância , Acidez , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e29, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1153613


Abstract This study evaluated how Er,Cr:YSGG laser, associated or not with 5% fluoride varnish, influences the surface roughness and volume loss of bovine root dentin submitted to erosive and/or abrasive wear. One hundred and twenty dentin specimens were divided into the groups: without preventive treatment (WPT), 5% fluoride varnish (FV); Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation (L), and varnish combined with laser (FV + L). The specimens (n = 10) were subdivided into: 1 = erosion (E); 2 = abrasion (A); and 3 = erosion followed by abrasion (E + A). The erosive solution used was a soft-drink (pH = 2.42 at 4ºC) applied in 5-min cycles twice a day for 10d. Abrasive wear involved brushing for 60s with an electric brush (1,600-oscillations/s) at a load of 2.0N. Surface roughness and volume loss were evaluated using a laser scanning confocal microscope. Roughness data were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test. For volume loss, the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's post-hoc tests were used (α = 5%). The lowest values of roughness were found in the control areas of all subgroups (p > 0.05). In the experimental area, the [(WPT) + (E+A)] subgroup had a significantly higher roughness (5.712 ± 0.163 μm 2 ) than the other subgroups (p < 0.05). The L and (FV + L) groups had statistically similar roughness, regardless of the type of wear. The (FV + L) group had the lowest volume loss, regardless of the type of wear performed: [(FV + L) + (E)] = 7.5%, [(FV + L) + (A) = 7.3%, and [(FV + L) + (E + A)] = 8.1%. The subgroup [(WPT) + (E + A)] had the highest volume loss (52.3%). The proposed treatments were effective in controlling dentin roughness. Laser irradiation can be an effective method to increase root dentin resistance after challenges and limit problems related to non-carious lesions.

Animais , Bovinos , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Lasers de Estado Sólido/uso terapêutico , Raiz Dentária , Escovação Dentária , Dentina , Fluoretos
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 11(1): e-220178, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1379316


Objetivos: Determinar en una muestra de adolescentes españoles sus conocimientos sobre la erosión dental y los alimentos, bebidas y hábitos alimenticios que la producen. Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 348 adolescentes entre 12 y 17 años. Se valoró su conocimiento sobre la erosión dental y sus factores etiológicos mediante un cuestionario. Resultados: El 17,82% refirió conocer la erosión dental, el 26,44% solo había oído hablar de ella y el 62,35% pensaba erróneamente que los términos erosión y caries eran equivalentes. Al relacionar el conocimiento sobre los alimentos que producen erosión dental y la edad de los participantes se observó que el grupo de 16-17 años conocía en un porcentaje significativamente mayor la capacidad erosiva de la naranja (p<0,05), el limón (p<0,05), la fresa (p<0,01) y el kiwi (p<0,01). Esto se observó también con las bebidas gaseosas (p<0,01) y las isotónicas (p<0,01). Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimientos sobre la erosión dental es en general bajo, aumentando con la edad. La capacidad erosiva de los cítricos y de las bebidas gaseosas es más conocida entre los adolescentes que la de otros alimentos o bebidas.

Objetivos: Determinar em uma amostra de adolescentes espanhóis seu conhecimento sobre a erosão dentaria e os alimentos, as bebidas e os hábitos alimentares que a produzem. Material e métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal. A amostra foi composta por 348 adolescentes entre 12 e 17 anos. O conhecimento sobre erosão dentaria e seus fatores etiológicos foi avaliada por meio de um questionário. Resultados: 17,82% relataram conhecer erosão dentaria; 26,44% tinham ouvido falar dela e 62,35% pensavam erroneamente que os termos erosão e càrie eram equivalentes. Ao relacionar o conhecimento sobre os alimentos que produzem erosão dentaria y a idade dos participantes observou-se que o grupo de 16-17 anos conhecia em uma porcentagem significativamente maior a capacidade erosiva da laranja (p<0,05), do limão (p<0,05), do morango (p<0,01) e do kiwi (p<0,01). Isto também foi observado com refrigerantes (p<0,01) e bebidas isotônicas (p<0,01). Concluções: O conhecimento sobre erosão dentaria foi geralmente baixo, aumentando com a idade. Os adolescentes conhecem melhor a capacidade erosiva de frutas cítricas e refrigerantes do que outros alimentos ou bebidas.

Objectives: To determine in a sample of Spanish adolescents their knowledge of dental erosion and the food, drinks and eating habits that produce it. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample consisted of 348 adolescents between 12 and 17 years old. Their knowledge of dental erosion and its etiological factors was assessed through a questionnaire. Results: 17.82% reported knowing dental erosion, 26.44% had only heard of it and 62.35% mistakenly thought that the terms erosion and caries were equivalent. When relating knowledge about the foods that cause dental erosion and the age of the participants, it was observed that the group of 16-17 years knew in a significantly higher percentage the erosive capacity of the orange (p <0.05), the lemon ( p <0.05), strawberry (p <0.01) and kiwi (p <0.01). This was also observed with soft drinks (p <0.01) and isotonic drinks (p <0.01). Conclusions: The level of knowledge about dental erosion was generally low, increasing with age. The erosive capacity of citrus fruits and soft drinks is better known among adolescents than that of other foods or drinks.

Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Bebidas/efeitos adversos , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Comportamento Alimentar , Frutas/efeitos adversos , Bebidas Gaseificadas/efeitos adversos , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Cárie Dentária , Bebidas Energéticas/efeitos adversos , Alimentos/efeitos adversos
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1101305


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the erosive potential of different alcoholic beverages according to pH, titratable acidity and buffering capacity. Material and Methods: Thirteen industrialized alcoholic beverages of different brands were selected and divided into five groups according to their type and composition. The pH measurement and titratable acidity for pH 5.5 and 7.0 were performed in triplicate in 50 mL of each beverage. The buffering capacity was calculated based on pH and titratable acidity for pH 7.0. ANOVA, Tukey, and Pearson correlation, with p<0.05, were used for data analysis. Results: Data showed normal distribution by Shapiro-Wilk test. The pH of alcoholic beverages ranged from 2.49 (Miks Ice Tea - Green Fruits) to 7.64 (Smirnoff). The highest values of acid titration (4.68) and buffer capacity (19.97) were observed in Smirnoff Ice. The following correlations (p<0.01) were noted between: pH and titratable acidity; buffering capacity and pH; buffering capacity and titratable acidity. Conclusion: Some beers and alcopops presented erosive potential due to their lower pH associated with high acid titration values. The whisky and sugarcane liquor examined were not potentially erosive.

Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Bebidas Gaseificadas/efeitos adversos , Bebidas Alcoólicas/efeitos adversos , Acidez/efeitos adversos , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Cerveja , Brasil/epidemiologia , Distribuição Normal , Análise de Variância , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Saccharum
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1091638


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the topography and microhardness of composite resin restorations submitted to different finishing and polishing systems before and after erosive challenge. Material and Methods: Thirty standardized cavities prepared in enamel-dentin blocks of bovine incisors were restored with Z350 composite resin, and randomly distributed into three groups (n=10) according to the finishing and polishing systems: G1 = Soflex 4 steps, G2 = Soflex Spiral 2 steps and G3 = PoGo (single step). The specimens were half protected with nail varnish and submitted to five immersions in Pepsi Twist®, for 10 minutes each, five times/day during six consecutive days. The initial and final challenge surface microhardness (SMHinitial and SMHfinal) of the composite resin was evaluated and the percentage of SMH loss (%SMHL) was calculated. After protection removal, the topographic change linear (Ra) and volumetric (Sa) roughness was evaluated in initial and final areas by using 3D non-contact optical profilometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data were analyzed by paired Student's t-test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and by ANOVA and Tukey's test. Results: There was significant intra-group %SMHL in composite resin (p<0.05). Differences among groups in %SMHL, Ra/Sa in resin composite were not observed (p>0.05). SEM images revealed structural changes between the initial and final surfaces for all groups. Conclusion: The three types of finishing and polishing systems had a similar influence on %SMHL, Ra and Sa in the nanofilled composite resin.

Animais , Bovinos , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Resinas Compostas , Esmalte Dentário , Dentina , Incisivo , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura/instrumentação , Análise de Variância , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Imersão
Acta odontol. latinoam ; 32(2): 75-78, Aug. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038162


The aim of the present study was to identify the characteristics and severity of tooth wear in children aged 2 to 5 years attending a kindergarten in the city of Medellin. The study population comprised 92 children aged 2 to 5 years attending a kindergarten in Medellin; the final sample included 86 children selected using a non-probabilistic sampling method. All assessments were performed using the index devised by Hansson and Nilner (1989). Prevalence of tooth wear in the studied population was 100%. The observed results confirm previous findings showing that the severity of tooth wear is proportionally related with increase in age, and is mainly due to the physiological wear of teeth. No significant differences in tooth wear facets were observed among the different types of teeth (incisors, canines, molars). It is necessary to develop validated, precise, and comparable indices that allow establishing the etiology and orienting treatment of non-physiological tooth wear.

El objetivo del estudio fue identificar las facetas de desgaste y las características de severidad en niños de 2 a 5 años de un jardín infantil de la ciudad de Medellín. El estudio incluyó 92 niños entre los 2 y 5 años de un jardín infantil de la ciudad de Medellín, con una muestra final de 86 seleccionados a partir de un muestreo no probabilístico. Se utilizó como instrumento el índice propuesto por Hansson y Nilner (1989). El 100% (86) de los niños evaluados presentaron facetas de desgaste. Los resultados encontrados confirman datos previos en cuanto a que las severidades de las facetas de desgaste dentario están relacionadas proporcionalmente con el aumento de edad y se deben principalmente al desgaste fisiológico de los dientes. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la prevalencia o severidad de desgaste entre los grupos anatómicos dentarios (incisivos, caninos y molares). Es necesario establecer índices validados, precisos y comparables para evaluar la etiología y orientar hacia la solución de las causas no fisiológicas.

Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Dente Decíduo , Erosão Dentária/epidemiologia , Dentição Permanente , Desgaste dos Dentes/epidemiologia , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Dentina/patologia , Incisivo , Dente Molar
Acta odontol. venez ; 57(1)jun. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1025957


La erosión dental se define como la pérdida patológica, crónica e indolora de los tejidos dentales, por la acción química de ácidos no producidos por la microflora bacteriana bucal. Los estadíos más avanzados pueden generar diferentes niveles de desgaste y producir hipersensibilidad destinaria. Objetivo: evaluar y describir los cambios estructurales de la superficie dental erosionada pre y post tratamiento con bicarbonato de arginina y monofluorofosfato de sodio, observados mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido (MEB). Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio piloto de tipo descriptivo, transversal y cuasi-experimental. Se seleccionó una muestra de cuatro pacientes, previo consentimiento informado; de manera aleatoria se le asignó el tratamiento luego de la primera cirugía, grupo 1 (bicarbonato de arginina) y grupo 2 (monofluorofosfato de sodio). Las exodoncias se realizaron en dos tiempos (tiempo 0 y post-tratamiento) para obtener los especímenes y ser evaluados con MEB. Resultados: Tras la evaluación realizada por MEB se observó que los segmentos de esmalte dental diagnosticados clínicamente con grado 1 de erosión, ya presentaban exposición de algunos túbulos dentinarios en la superficie evaluada. Luego de 14 días de tratamiento, se observó que ambas cremas dentales fueron capaces de sellar la entrada de los canalículos dentinarios; sin embargo, la crema dental con bicarbonato de arginina, formó una estructura mineralizada que se depositó sobre la superficie dental. Conclusión: ambos tratamientos fueron capaces de producir cambios estructurales en la superficie dental erosionada sellando la entrada de los túbulos dentinarios(AU)

Dental erosion is defined as the pathological, chronic and painless loss of dental tissues due to the chemical action of acids not produced by the oral bacterial microflora. The more advanced stages can generate different levels of wear and produce dentine hypersensitivity. Objective: to evaluate and describe the structural changes of the eroded dental surface before and after treatment with arginine bicarbonate and sodium monofluorophosphate, observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Materials and Methods: A pilot study of descriptive, transversal and quasi-experimental type was carried out. A sample of four patients was selected, with prior informed consent; Randomly, he was assigned to the treatment after the first surgery, group 1 (arginine bicarbonate) and group 2 (sodium monofluorophosphate). Extractions were performed in two stages (time 0 and post-treatment) to obtain the specimens and be evaluated with SEM. Results: After the evaluation made by SEM, it was observed that dental enamel segments clinically diagnosed with erosion grade 1, already had exposure of some dentinal tubules in the evaluated surface. After 14 days of treatment, it was observed that both dental creams were able to seal the entrance of the dentinal canaliculi; however, the toothpaste with arginine bicarbonate, formed a mineralized structure that was deposited on the tooth surface. Conclusion: both treatments were able to produce structural changes in the eroded dental surface sealing the entrance of the dentinal tubules(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Bicarbonatos/efeitos adversos , Sensibilidade da Dentina , Esmalte Dentário , Odontologia
J. appl. oral sci ; 27: e20180153, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-975892


Abstract The standardization of in situ protocols for dental erosion is important to enable comparison between studies. Objective: Thus, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the influence of the location of in situ intraoral appliance (mandibular X palatal) on the extent of enamel loss induced by erosive challenges and to evaluate the comfort of the appliances. Material and Methods: One hundred and sixty bovine enamel blocks were selected according to their initial surface hardness and randomly divided into two groups: GI - palatal appliance and GII - mandibular appliance. Twenty volunteers wore simultaneously one palatal appliance (containing 4 enamel blocks) and two mandibular appliances (each one containing 2 enamel blocks). Four times per day during 5 days, the volunteers immersed their appliances in 0.01 M hydrochloric acid for 2 minutes, washed and reinserted them into the oral cavity for 2 hours until the next erosive challenge. After the end of the in situ phase, the volunteers answered a questionnaire regarding the comfort of the appliances. The loss of tissue in the enamel blocks was determined profilometrically. Data were statistically analyzed by paired t-test, Chi-square and Fisher's Exact Test (p<0.05). Results: The enamel blocks allocated in palatal appliances (GI) presented significantly higher erosive wear when compared to the blocks fixed in mandibular appliances (GII). The volunteers reported more comfort when using the palatal appliance. Conclusions: Therefore, the palatal appliance is more comfortable and resulted in higher enamel loss compared to the mandibular one.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Bovinos , Adulto Jovem , Aparelhos Ortodônticos/efeitos adversos , Palato , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Esmalte Dentário/química , Mandíbula , Saliva/química , Propriedades de Superfície , Fatores de Tempo , Método Simples-Cego , Inquéritos e Questionários , Resultado do Tratamento , Satisfação do Paciente , Desenho de Equipamento , Dureza
J. appl. oral sci ; 27: e20180107, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-975878


Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to compare two in vitro erosion protocols, in which one simulates in vivo conditions experienced by patients with gastroesophageal disorders or bulimia (HCl-pepsin protocol), and the other simulates the diet of an individual who consumes a high volume of erosive beverages (citric acid protocol). In addition, the mechanical properties and surface gloss of eroded human dentin were compared with those of sound human dentin. Materials and Methods Blocks of cervical dentin were used: sound human dentin (n=10), human dentin with erosive lesions (n=10), and bovine dentin (n=30). Twenty bovine blocks were subjected to either of two erosion protocols (n=10/protocol). In the first protocol, samples were demineralized using HCl-pepsin solution, then treated with trypsin solution. In the second protocol, samples were demineralized with 2% citric acid. Toothbrushing was performed in both protocols using a toothbrushing machine (15 s with a 150 g load). Ten bovine dentin blocks were not subjected to any erosive treatment. All samples of bovine and human dentin were analyzed to obtain Martens hardness values (MH), elastic modulus (Eit*) and surface gloss. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's test were performed to analyze the data (α=0.05). Results Sound human and eroded human dentin groups showed similar MH and Eit* values (p>0.05); however, sound human dentin showed a higher surface gloss value when compared to eroded human dentin (p<0.05). Sound bovine dentin and HCl-pepsin-treated bovine dentin treatments resulted in similar values for both MH and Eit* (p>0.05), but HCl-pepsin-treated bovine dentin and citric acid-treated bovine dentin resulted in lower surface gloss than sound bovine dentin (p<0.05). Conclusions The HCl-pepsin protocol modified bovine dentin properties that could be similar to those that occur on human dentin surfaces with erosive lesions.

Humanos , Animais , Bovinos , Técnicas In Vitro/métodos , Dentina/efeitos dos fármacos , Valores de Referência , Propriedades de Superfície/efeitos dos fármacos , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise de Variância , Pepsina A/química , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Ácido Cítrico/química , Dentina/química , Módulo de Elasticidade , Testes de Dureza
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 24(5): 386-390, Sept.-Oct. 2018. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-977829


INTRODUCTION: The low pH of sports drinks may cause tooth enamel demineralization. Objective: To measure Vickers hardness of human enamel exposed to sports drinks. METHODS: Human molars were used to collect the enamel samples. Each sample had a test surface (exposed to the drinks) and a control surface (unexposed). The samples were exposed to isotonic drinks Gatorade and Powerade, and to maltodextrin drinks Malto Advanced and Malto Active, for 10 minutes every 12 hours over 30 days. The Vickers microhardness test was conducted with three indentations on each surface. The mean of the indentations within each group was considered in the statistical analysis. Sports drinks variables were analyzed with ANOVA/Tukey (p≤0.01). The independent t-test was used in the comparison between the control and test surfaces of each drink (p ≤ 0.05). RESULTS: Enamel exposure to Gatorade (p = 0.000) Malto Advanced (p = 0.000) and Malto Active (p = 0.000) was seen to significantly reduce microhardness, while the isotonic drink Powerade had no significant effect on enamel (p = 0.248). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that with the exception of the isotonic drink Powerade, all the sports drinks tested caused a reduction in the microhardness of human enamel. Evidence Level III; Therapeutic studies - Investigating the Results of Treatment.

INTRODUÇÃO: O baixo pH de bebidas esportivas pode promover perda mineral do esmalte dental. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a microdureza Vickers do esmalte humano exposto a bebidas esportivas. MÉTODOS: Dentes molares humanos foram usados para coletar as amostras de esmalte. Cada amostra apresentou uma superfície de teste (exposta às bebidas) e uma superfície de controle (não exposta). As amostras foram expostas aos isotônicos Gatorade e Powerade e às maltodextrinas Advanced Series e Malto Active durante 10 minutos de 12/12 horas, durante 30 dias. O teste de microdureza Vickers foi realizado com três indentações em cada superfície. Na análise estatística, foi considerada a média das indentações dentro de cada grupo. As variáveis bebidas esportivas foram avaliadas com ANOVA/Tukey (p ≤ 0,01). Na comparação entre a superfície controle e teste de cada bebida foi utilizado o Teste t para amostras independentes (p ≤ 0,05). RESULTADO: Observou-se que a exposição do esmalte a Gatorade (p = 0,000), Malto Advanced (p = 0,000) e Malto Active (p = 0,000) reduz significativamente a microdureza, enquanto que o isotônico Powerade não produziu efeito significativo sobre o esmalte (p = 0,248). CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que com exceção do isotônico Powerade, todas as bebidas esportivas testadas provocaram redução na microdureza do esmalte dental humano. Nível de Evidência III; Estudos terapêuticos ­ investiga o resultado de um tratamento.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El bajo pH de bebidas deportivas puede favorecer la pérdida mineral del esmalte dental. OBJETIVO: Evaluar el esmalte dureza Vickers humano expuesto a las bebidas deportivas. MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron los dientes molares para la toma de las muestras de esmalte. Cada muestra tenía una superficie de prueba (expuestos a las bebidas) y una superficie de control (no ex-puesta). Las muestras fueron expuestas en isotónica Gatorade y Powerade, y maltodextrinas, y la serie Advanced activo Malto durante 10 minutos 12/12 horas durante 30 días. La prueba de dureza Vickers se realizó con tres muescas en cada superficie. El análisis estadístico fue la media de las muescas dentro de cada grupo. variables de bebidas deportivas se analizaron con ANOVA / Tukey (p≤0,01). La comparación entre la superficie de control y prueba de cada bebida se utilizó la prueba t para muestras independientes (p ≤ 0,05). RESULTADOS: Se observó que la exposición del esmalte Gatorade (p = 0,000) Malto avanzada (p = 0,000) y Malto activo (p = 0,000) reduce significativamente la dureza, mientras que Powerade isotónica ningún efecto significativo sobre el esmalte (p = 0,248). CONCLUSIÓN: Se concluye que con la excepción de Powerade isotónica, todas las bebidas deportivas probados causó una reducción en la dureza del esmalte humano. Nivel de Evidencia; Estudios terapéuticos - Investigación de los resultados del tratamento.

Humanos , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Esmalte Dentário/química , Bebidas Energéticas/análise , Bebidas Energéticas/efeitos adversos , Análise de Variância , Desmineralização do Dente/etiologia , Solubilidade do Esmalte Dentário , Desempenho Atlético/fisiologia , Testes de Dureza/métodos
J. appl. oral sci ; 26: e20170053, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-893684


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effect of erosive challenges on the tooth- restoration interface of deciduous teeth treated with different adhesive protocols. Material and Methods: Deciduous molars were cut mesiodistally, then embedded, abraded and polished (n=80). Samples were randomly divided according to the adhesive system used into: G1 (Adper Single Bond2®, etch-and-rinse), G2 (Universal Single Bond®, self-etching), G3 (OptibondFL®, etch-and-rinse with Fluoride) and G4 (BondForce®, self-etching with Fluoride). After standardized cavity preparation (2 mm diameter x 2 mm depth), adhesive systems were applied and samples were restored (composite resin Z350®). Half of the samples were exposed to erosive/abrasive cycles (n = 10, each adhesive group), and the other half (control group; n = 10) remained immersed in artificial saliva. For microleakage analysis, samples were submersed in methylene blue and analyzed at 40x magnifications. Cross-sectional microhardness (CSMH) was carried out (50 g/5 s) at 25 μm, 50 μm, and 100 μm from the eroded surface and at 25 μm, 75 μm, and 125 μm from the enamel bond interface. Results: Regarding microleakage, 7.5% of the samples showed no dye infiltration, 30% showed dye infiltration only at the enamel interface, and 62.5% showed dye infiltration through the dentin-enamel junction, with no difference between groups (p≥0.05). No significant difference was observed in CSMH at different depths (two-way ANOVA, p≥0.05). Conclusions: We did not observe significant changes in microleakage or CSMH after erosive/abrasive challenges in deciduous teeth treated with different adhesive protocols (etch-and-rinse and self-etching adhesives, with and without fluoride).

Humanos , Dente Decíduo/química , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Bis-Fenol A-Glicidil Metacrilato/química , Resinas Compostas/química , Cimentos de Resina/química , Cimentos Dentários/química , Valores de Referência , Saliva Artificial/química , Propriedades de Superfície , Dente Decíduo/efeitos dos fármacos , Teste de Materiais , Distribuição Aleatória , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise de Variância , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Esmalte Dentário/efeitos dos fármacos , Esmalte Dentário/química , Infiltração Dentária/etiologia , Dentina/efeitos dos fármacos , Dentina/química , Fluoretos/química , Testes de Dureza
Hig. aliment ; 31(274/275): 120-24, 30/12/2017. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-880368


A dieta, quando realizada de forma inadequada, passa a ser um fator determinante para a ocorrência de cárie e erosão dentária, principalmente levando em consideração o aumento do consumo de alimentos e bebidas industrializadas por crianças e adolescentes. No presente estudo avaliaram- -se as propriedades bioquímicas dos leites fermentados encontrados em um supermercado da zona leste de Teresina, PI. Foram analisadas 36 amostras de 6 marcas comerciais diferentes, por meio das propriedades de pH endógeno e Sólidos Solúveis Totais (SST). As análises foram submetidas ao teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov e a análise da variância pela ANOVA, seguida de pós-teste Tukey para a comparação entre os grupos, no programa Minitab 16. As marcas analisadas apresentaram valor de pH que variaram de 3,13 a 3,68. Todas apresentaram valores de pH abaixo do valor considerado crítico para o processo de desmineralização do esmalte (5,5). Em relação aos sólidos solúveis totais, os valores oscilaram entre 5,93 e 11,2. Com os dados obtidos, pode-se sugerir que, se essas bebidas forem ingeridas com frequência, podem apresentar tanto um potencial cariogênico como erosivo. É de fundamental importância que os profissionais de saúde estejam cientes e alertem seus pacientes sobre os riscos que esses alimentos podem oferecer à saúde bucal dos mesmos.(AU)

Diet, when performed in inadequate ways, becomes a determining factor for occurrence of caries and dental erosion, mainly when taking into consideration the increasing consumption of industrialized foods and beverages by children and adolescents. This study aimed to evaluate the biochemical properties of fermented milks found in a supermarket in the eastern zone of Teresina-PI. Thirty-six samples from six different commercial brands were analyzed through their endogenous pH and Total Soluble Solids (TSS) properties. To analyze the data, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and analysis of variance by ANOVA, followed by a Tukey post-test for comparison between the groups in the Minitab 16 program were performed. The analyzed brands presented pH values ranging from 3.13 to 3.68. All of them presented pH values below those considered critical for the enamel (5,5). The TSS data ranged from 5.93 to 11.2. With the data obtained, it can be suggested that if those drinks are frequently ingested, it can present both cariogenic and erosive potential. It is important that health professionals be aware and alert their patients about the risks that those sort of beverage can offer to their oral health.

Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Cariogênicos/análise , Cárie Dentária/etiologia , Produtos Fermentados do Leite/efeitos adversos , Comportamento Alimentar , Amostras de Alimentos , Alimentos Industrializados
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 57(2): 33-38, nov. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-973121


El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en describir las distintas lesiones cervicales no cariosas, la abrasión, la erosión y la abfracción. Se desarrollarán en detalle su etiología, localización y características clínicas. Se mencionarán los diferentes procedimientos a realizar para su prevención y los materiales a utilizar para su restauración.

This article describes the different types of non-cariouscervical lesions, for example abrasion, erosionand abfraction. We will discuss their etiology, location and clinical features in detail. We will describe the procedures to prevent them, aswell as the materials used for their restoration.

Humanos , Colo do Dente/lesões , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Erosão Dentária/prevenção & controle , Erosão Dentária/terapia , Abrasão Dentária/etiologia , Abrasão Dentária/prevenção & controle , Abrasão Dentária/terapia , Desgaste dos Dentes , Aumento da Coroa Clínica/métodos , Atrito Dentário/etiologia , Atrito Dentário/prevenção & controle , Atrito Dentário/terapia , Fluoretos Tópicos/administração & dosagem , Remineralização Dentária/métodos , Odontologia Preventiva , Oclusão Dentária , Má Oclusão/prevenção & controle
Braz. dent. j ; 28(4): 482-488, July-Aug. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-888662


Abstract The present study evaluated the effect of NaF and CPP-ACP/NaF varnishes to reduce erosion produced by soft drink (SD) combined or not with pediatric liquid medicine. Enamel specimens were pre-treated with fluoride varnish, according to the following groups: NaF varnish (Duraphat®) or CPP-ACP/NaF varnish (MI varnishTM). Two types of erosive cycles were made: by soft drink erosion (SDE) or by pediatric liquid medicine plus soft drink erosion (PLM/SDE). Bovine enamel specimens were randomly assigned in six groups (n=10): G1=NaF + SDE; G2=CPP-ACP/NaF + SDE; G3=Distilled and deionized (DD) water + SDE; G4=NaF + PLM/SDE; G5=CPP-ACP/NaF + PLM/SDE and G6=DD water + PLM/SDE. Before treatments, the sample surface was divided in two areas (unexposed area-UA and exposed area-EA). The specimens were evaluated by 3D non-contact profilometry technique to determinate tooth structure loss (TSL) and surface roughness (Sa). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was also performed. After SDE, G2 presented the lowest TSL values compared to G3 (p=0.008). G1 and G2 did not differ between them (p=0.203) and no groups differed among them despite Sa. Regarding TSL and Sa, G4 and G5 differed from G6 (p=0.0001), but not between them (p=1.00). Examining 3D and SEM images, the greatest differences between UA and EA were observed for G3 and G6. CPP-ACP/NaF varnish seems to be a promising treatment to reduce enamel loss from the erosion produced by a soft drink. Both varnishes also showed capacity to reduce TSL and Sa after erosion by soft drink combined to pediatric liquid medicine.

Resumo O presente estudo avaliou o efeito dos vernizes de NaF e CPP-ACP/NaF na redução da erosão promovida por refrigerante e associada a um medicamento líquido pediátrico. Os espécimes de esmalte foram pré-tratados com verniz fluoretado, de acordo com o grupo de alocação: verniz NaF (Duraphat®) ou verniz CPP-ACP NaF (verniz MITM). Dois tipos distintos de desafio erosivo foram realizados: erosão com refrigerante (ER) ou erosão com medicamento líquido pediátrico e refrigerante (MLP/ER). Espécies de esmalte bovino foram aleatorizados em seis grupos (n=10): G1 = NaF + ER; G2 = CPP-ACP/NaF + ER; G3 = Água destilada e deionizada (DD) + ER; G4 = NaF + MLP/ER; G5 = CPP-ACP/NaF + MLP/ER e G6 = DD água + MLP/ER. Antes dos tratamentos, a superfície das amostras foi dividida em duas áreas (não exposta-NE e área exposta-AE). Os espécimes foram avaliados pela técnica de perfilometria 3D de não-contato para determinar a perda de estrutura dentária (PED) e a rugosidade superficial (RS). A microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) também foi utilizada. Após ER, G2 apresentou os menores valores de PED comparado ao G3 (p=0,008). G1 e G2 não diferiram entre si (p=0,203) e não houve diferença entre os grupos no que diz respeito a RS. Os resultados de PED e RS para a MLP/ER mostraram que G4 e G5 diferiram de G6 (p=0,0001), mas não diferiram entre si (p=1,00). Examinando as imagens 3D da perfilometria e de MEV, as maiores diferenças entre UA e EA foram observadas para G3 e G6. O verniz CPP-ACP/NaF parece ser um tratamento promissor para reduzir a perda de esmalte por erosão produzida por refrigerante e ambos os vernizes mostraram capacidade em reduzir a PED e RS após erosão com medicamento líquido pediátrico associado a refrigerante.

Humanos , Animais , Criança , Bovinos , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Bebidas Gaseificadas/efeitos adversos , Fluoretos Tópicos/farmacologia , Tratamento Farmacológico , Erosão Dentária/prevenção & controle , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Formas de Dosagem
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 4(2): 1167-1173, jun. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282153


El consumo de bebidas energéticas ha mostrado alzas exponenciales en los últimos años a nivel mundial, tanto en adultos, jóvenes, e incluso niños. Dentro de sus componentes es posible encontrar: cafeína, guaraná, taurina, ging-seng, L-carnitina, creatina o glucoronolactona, ácido cítrico y ácido fosfórico, entre otros. Un consumo responsable y ocasional no debería presentar mayores problemas, pero esto no ocurre. Los efectos médicos provocados por su consumo indiscriminado son: cefaleas, palpitaciones, insomnio, sudoración, dolor abdominal, vómitos, náuseas, reflujo gastroesofágico, parestesias faciales, meteorismo, tremor, diarrea e incluso adicción, entre otros. Mientras que a nivel odontológico, específicamente sobre el esmalte dental, el efecto más severo y de mayor impacto es la erosión y en menor medida la tinción dental, temática que aún no ha sido investigada a cabalidad, también se ha descrito el desarrollo de hipersensibilidad. Una oportuna prevención y diagnóstico, son fundamentales para minimizar los daños provocados por el prolongado consumo de éstos productos. También se hace indispensable evitar una posible tendencia o "moda" asociada a la mezcla de bebidas energéticas y bebidas alcohólicas e incluso con fármacos, de la cual no se conocen en profundidad los posibles riesgos que podrían llegar a ocasionar. El alto consumo de bebidas energéticas mantenido en el tiempo se asocia con efectos negativos a nivel médico y odontológico. Se hace necesario seguir investigando para prevenir, tratar y rehabilitar las consecuencias que produce el consumo de estos productos

The energy drinks have undergone exponential hikes over the last years worldwide, in adults, youth, and even children. Among its components can be found: caffeine, guarana, taurine, ging-Seng, L-carnitine, creatinine or glucuronolactone, citric acid and phosphoric acid, among others. A responsible and occasional consumption should not pose major problems, but this is not the case. The medical effects are usually caused by their abuse, like: headaches, palpitations, insomnia, sweating, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, gastroesophageal reflux, facial numbness, bloating, tremor, diarrhea and even addiction, among others. While in the dental level, specifically on the dental enamel, the most severe impact is the erosion and the lesser impact is tooth staining, which has not yet been fully investi-gated, also have been described the development of hypersensitivity. A timely prevention and diagnosis are essential to minimize the damage caused by prolonged use of these products. It is essential to avoid a possible trend or "fad" associated with mixing energy drinks and alcohol and even drugs, of which they are not fully known the possible risks that could potentially cause. Due to its exponential growth it is essential to have an updated knowledge about the consumption of these beverages. The high consump-tion of energy drinks maintained over time is associated with negative effects at the medical and dental level. Further research is necessary to prevent, treat and rehabilitate the consequences produced by the consumption of these products

Humanos , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Bebidas Energéticas/efeitos adversos , Impactos da Poluição na Saúde
Bauru; s.n; 2017. 83 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-880040


Na dentina, a matriz orgânica desmineralizada tem um papel protetor contra desafios erosivos subsequentes. Porém, essa camada pode ser degradada por proteases, como as metaloproteinases da matriz (MMPs) e cisteína catepsinas (CCs). Recentemente, o uso de inibidores de proteases da matriz surgiu como uma importante ferramenta preventiva contra a erosão dentinária. Entretanto, o(s) mecanismo(s) exato(s) pelo(s) qual(is) os inibidores de proteases podem prevenir a erosão dentinária, bem como os tipos de proteases mais envolvidas neste processo ainda não são completamente conhecidos. O projeto foi desenvolvido em 2 subprojetos, com os seguintes objetivos: A)Subprojeto 1:Avaliar o papel das proteases na progressão da erosão dentária; B)subprojeto 2: Testar o potencial inibitório do NaF em CCs dentinárias. Para cumprir esses objetivos, foram utilizadas dentina de terceiros molares humanos para a preparação dos espécimes. A)Subprojeto1:Blocos de dentina (4 X 4 x 2 mm) (n=119) foram obtidos de raízes. Os espécimes foram divididos em 7 grupos de acordo com o seu tratamento (E-64, inibidor especifico II de catepsinas B, clorexidina, galardina NaF, placebo) ou sem tratamento, géis foram aplicados uma única vez sobre a superfície e feito o desafio erosivo (90s, 4x por dia por 5 dias) e feita analise perfilométrica. Os espécimes foram incubadas em solução contendo colagenase de Clostridium histolyticum tipo VII por 96hrs e então feita uma segunda analise perfilometrica para se determinar a espessura da MOD. Dois espécimes foram separados para análise de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. B)Subprojeto 2: Palitos de dentina (6 mm X 2 mm X 1 mm) (n=60) foram cortados da porção médio coronária dos dentes e completamente desmineralizados por imersão em EDTA 0,5 M (pH7,4) por 30 dias e lavados em água deionizada sob constante agitação a 4ºC por 72 h. Os espécimes foram divididos em 6 grupos (E-64, NaF e controle negativo, pH 5,5 ou 7,2) e incubados em saliva artificial contendo seus respectivos inibidores por 24 h 7 dias e 21 dias; ao termino de cada período, os espécimes eram pesados para avaliar a perda de massa e analisada a presença de CTX. A)Subprojeto 1: a perda de tecido desmineralizado (m, média± SD) foi: CHX 8,4±1,7b, Gala 8,6±1,9b, IECB 9,6±1,4a, E64 9,9±1,3a, NaF 9,9±1,7a, P 10,9±2,2a, ST 11,0±1,5a. A perda de tecido mineralizado foi: CHX 15,4±2,2b, Gala 16,0±1,8b, IECB 17,6±2,4a, E64 17,6±2,0a, NaF 17,3±2,8a, P 19,1±2,1a, ST 18,9±2,4a. Os inibidores de MMP reduziu significativamente a perda de matriz orgânica e tecido mineralizado em comparação com os outros grupos (p<0,05). Não foi achada diferença significante entre a espessura da matriz orgânica desmineralizada remanescente (p=0,845). B)Subprojeto 2: Na perda de massa houve diferença significante em relação ao inibidor (F=20,047, p<0,0001) e tempo de incubação (F=222,462, p<0,0001) com significante interação entre esses critérios, nos período de menor tempo de incubação, a perda foi similar para todos os grupos testados, no período de maior tempo de incubação, o grupo contendo NaF demostrou os melhores resultados. Na analise de CTX, houve diferença significante em relação aos inibidores (F46,543, p<0,0001), pH (F=14,836, p<0,0004) e tempo de incubação (F=161,438, p<0,0001) com significante interação entre esses critérios, como ocorrido na perda de massa, não houve diferença estatística nos períodos de menor incubação. No período de maior tempo de incubação, mais uma vez o grupo NaF mostrou os melhores resultados. No valor acumulado de CTX, os grupos E64 e controle negativo tiveram os maiores valores de CTX acumulado, o grupo NaF, independente do pH mostrou redução significante em relação aos demais grupos. Após analise dos resultados dos dois subprojetos, podemos indicar que as MMPs são as proteases de maior importância na progressão da erosão dentinária, assim, sua inibição é de maior importância para a redução desta patologia. Mesmo as CCs não exercendo papel direto para a progressão da erosão, elas são efetivas na cascata da ativação de outras proteases, como as próprias MMPs. Com isso, sua inibição também pode ser importante para a redução indireta da progressão da erosão. Neste presente estudo, pudemos comprovar que o NaF tem potencial inibitório sobre as CCs dentinárias, assim, sugerindo um novo inbidor de CCs. Com os resultados deste estudo, podemos afirmar que as MMPs são as principais proteases na progressão da erosão dentinária e que o NaF tem potencial inibitório nas CCs dentinárias.(AU)

In the dentine, the demineralized organic matrix has a protector part against the following erosive challenges. Nevertheless, this layer can be degraded by proteases, like the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPS) and cystein cathepsins (CCs). Recently, the use of proteases of the matrix´s inhibitors, emerged as an important preventive tool against the dentinária erosion. However, the exact mechanisms from which the inhibitors of the proteases may prevent the dentin erosion, as much as the kinds of proteases more involved in this process are not completely known yet. Therefore, the general objective of this project was to investigate the part of the two main proteases of the matrix (MMPs and CCs) in the dental erosion. The project was developed in 2 subprojects, with the following objectives: A)Subproject 1: Evaluate the part of the proteases in the progression of the dental erosion; B)subproject 2: To test the NaF inhibitory potencial in the dentin CCs. To accomplish these objectives, human third molar dentin were used for the preparation of the specimens, obtained in the surgery and urgency clinics of FOB-USP (subproject 1) or granted by the University of Oulu (subproject 2). A) Subproject 1: Dentine blocks 4 X 4 X 2 mm) (n=119) were obtained from the roots of the obtained teeth. The specimens were divided in 7 groups according with their treatment. Gels containing inhibitors (E-64, specific cathepsin B inhibitor II, chlorhexidine, galardin NaF, placebo), or without treatment, were produced, applied only one time over the surface and made the erosive challenge (90s, 4x a day for 5 days) and made profilometric analysis. The specimens were incubated in a solution containing collagenase of Clostridium histolyticum type VII for 96 hours and then a second profilometric analysis was made to determine the thickness of the MOD. Two specimens were separated for the electronic microscopy scan analysis. B) Subproject 2: Dentine sticks (6 mm X 2 mm X 1 mm) (n=60) were cut from the medium coronary portion of the teeth and completely demineralized by immersion in EDTA 0,5 M (pH7,4) ifor 30 days and washed in deionized water under constant agitation in 4º C for 72 hours. The specimens were divided in 6 groups (divided by inhibitors: E-64, NaF and negative control, pH 5,5 or 7,2) and incubated in artificial saliva containing their respective inhibitors for 24 hours, 7 days and 21 days; by the end of each period, the specimens were weighted to evaluate the loss of mass and analised the presence of CTX. A)Subproject 1: the loss of demineralized tissue (m, média± SD) was : CHX 8,4±1,7b, Gala 8,6±1,9b, IECB 9,6±1,4a, E64 9,9±1,3a, NaF 9,9±1,7a, P 10,9±2,2a, ST 11,0±1,5a. The loss of demineralized tissue was: CHX 15,4±2,2b, Gala 16,0±1,8b, IECB 17,6±2,4a, E64 17,6±2,0a, NaF 17,3±2,8a, P 19,1±2,1a, ST 18,9±2,4a. The MMP inhibitors reduced significantly the loss of organic matrix and demineralized tissue in comparison with other groups (p<0,05). There was no significant difference found between the thickness of the remaining demineralized organic matrix.(p=0,845). B)Subproject: In the loss of mass, there was a significant difference in relation to the inhibitor (F=20,047, p<0,0001) and incubation time (F=222,462, p<0,0001) with significant interaction between these criteria, in the periods of lesser time of incubation, the loss was similar for all the tested groups, in the period of higher time of incubation, the group containing NaF demonstrated the best results. In the analysis of CTX, there was significant difference in relation the inhibitors (F46,543, p<0,0001), pH (F=14,836, p<0,0004) and time of incubation (F=161,438, p<0,0001)with significant interaction between these criteria, as occurred in the mass loss, there was no statistic difference in the period of lesser incubation. In the period of higher time of incubation, once again, the NaF group demonstrated the best results. The CTX accumulated value, the E64 groups and negative control had the greater accumulated values of CTX, the NaF group, regardlessof the pH, demonstrated significant reduction in relation to the other groups. After the analysisof the results of both subprojects, we can indicate that the MMPs are the proteases of greater importance in the progression of the dentin erosion, thus, its inhibition is of graeter importance for the reduction of this pathology. Even the CCs don´t playing the part directly for the progression of erosion, they are effective in the cascade of the activation of other proteases, like the MMPs themselves. In this manner, its inhibition can also be important for the indirect reduction of the progression of the erosion. In this present study, we can prove that the NaF has inhibiting potential over the dentin CCs, thus, suggesting a new inhibitor of CCs. With the results of this study, we can affirm that the MMPs are the main proteases in the progression of the dentin erosion and that the NaF has inhibiting potential in the dentin CCs.(AU)

Humanos , Catepsinas/fisiologia , Cisteína Proteases/fisiologia , Dentina/química , Metaloproteinases da Matriz/fisiologia , Inibidores de Proteases/química , Fluoreto de Sódio/química , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Catepsinas/efeitos dos fármacos , Cisteína Proteases/efeitos dos fármacos , Dentina/efeitos dos fármacos , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Metaloproteinases da Matriz/efeitos dos fármacos , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Valores de Referência , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Fatores de Tempo
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 14(3): 183-190, jul. 2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-853658


Objective:To evaluate if there is any interference when adding coffee or chocolate to cow milk in the enamel des-remineralization process (orange juice/saliva).Material and Methods:48 specimens of human enamel (4x4 mm) were included in acrylic resin, ground flat, polished and randomly divided into the following experimental groups (n = 8): G1-saliva, G2-orange juice, G3 orange juice / milk; G4-Orange Juice / Chocolate, G5-Orange Juice / Coffee + milk and G6-milk. Each group was immersed for 60 seconds on each solution proposed and then immersed for 30 minutes in saliva. This cycle was repeated 4 times. Prior to these cycles, the Knoop microhardness average of each specimen was obtained. After the challenges proposed, the final microhardness average was calculated. The values obtained from the difference between the initial and final microhardness were subjected to ANOVA followed by Tukey test (p <0,05).Results:The orange juice had the highest change in microhardness and statistically different from all other groups. The microhardness change was statistically similar in the groups submitted to orange juice followed by immersion in milk, in chocolate and in the mixture milk + coffee. The pure milk and saliva caused no change in surface hardness of enamel.Conclusion:Milk or the addition of chocolate and coffee to milk was able to produce aprotective effect of the enamel surface against an erosive challenge

Esmalte Dentário , Desgaste dos Dentes , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Leite , Análise de Variância , Brasil , Técnicas In Vitro/métodos