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Rev. ADM ; 81(3): 177-181, mayo-jun. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567277


El síndrome de Apert, marcado por la acrocéfalo-sindactilia, es una condición genética que genera deformidades dentofaciales incluyendo craneosinostosis, alteraciones faciales y malformaciones en extremidades. La mutación en el gen FGFR2, ya sea heredada o resultante de mutaciones esporádicas, desencadena esta compleja condición. La relevancia de abordar el síndrome de Apert se manifiesta no sólo en las implicaciones estéticas, sino también en su impacto en la salud oral. Romper con los paradigmas odontológicos actuales implica reconocer las particularidades de estos pacientes y proporcionar una atención especializada. La necesidad de una capacitación específica para los profesionales de la salud oral es evidente, permitiendo un enfoque integral que aborde la prevención y el tratamiento de las malformaciones craneofaciales asociadas. Superar los desafíos tradicionales implica adoptar una perspectiva inclusiva y personalizada en la atención odontológica. Esto no sólo mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes con síndrome de Apert, sino que también destaca la importancia de una atención adaptada que trascienda los límites convencionales, ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras para las complejidades bucodentales asociadas a esta condición genética (AU)

Apert syndrome, marked by acrocephalosyndactyly, is a genetic condition that generates dentofacial deformities, including craniosynostosis, facial alterations and limb malformations. Mutation in the FGFR2 gene, whether inherited or resulting from sporadic mutations, triggers this complex condition. The relevance of addressing Apert syndrome is manifested not only in the aesthetic implications, but also in its impact on oral health. Breaking with current dental paradigms involves recognizing the particularities of these patients and providing specialized care. The need for specific training for dental health professionals is evident, allowing a comprehensive approach that addresses the prevention and treatment of associated craniofacial malformations. Overcoming traditional challenges means taking an inclusive and personalized perspective on dental care. This not only improves the quality of life of patients with Apert syndrome, but also highlights the importance of tailored care that transcends conventional boundaries, offering innovative solutions for the oral complexities associated with this genetic conditio (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Acrocefalossindactilia/terapia , Assistência Odontológica para a Pessoa com Deficiência/métodos , Higiene Bucal/educação , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Acrocefalossindactilia/genética , Protocolos Clínicos , México
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1558653


ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate factors associated with the experience of dental caries in children in early childhood in two socially distinct centers in the city of São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in two socially distinct daycare centers (private and public). The children were assessed regarding their caries experience, and their parents/guardians were prepared regarding socioeconomic information, parents/guardians' habits, and children's habits. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Association tests and multivariate analyses were performed to analyze independent variables and outcomes (type of daycare center and caries experience) using a p-value of 5%. Results: The sample consisted of 89 children aged up to 5 years of both sexes. The type of daycare center was associated with some socioeconomic data, such as family income (p<0.01) and parents' education (p=0.05). Data on oral hygiene and children's habits, such as breastfeeding, also remained associated with the type of daycare center. There was an association between income and DMFT (PR=8.48 - 95%CI 2.26;31.78). Conclusion: The socioeconomic profile of parents/guardians and breastfeeding were associated with the prevalence of caries in deciduous teeth in children aged 10 to 48 months.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Higiene Bucal/educação , Creches , Saúde Bucal/educação , Cárie Dentária/epidemiologia , Pais , Classe Social , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Odontopediatria
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(3): 32667, 26 dez. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1524302


Introdução:Os pais exercem um importante papel no estabelecimento dos hábitos saudáveis durante a infância.Aoprestarem cuidados bucais necessários às suas crianças, observa-se um significativo resultado na prevenção dos agravos.Objetivo:Identificaroconhecimento materno sobre os cuidados bucais das crianças na primeira infância. Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudo de natureza quantitativa do tipo exploratório e observacional. A coleta ocorreu através da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado, com questões sobre o conhecimento materno em relação à higiene bucal, hábitos alimentares, acometimento de cárie e perfil socioeconômico. Realizou-se uma análise descritiva dos dados, seguida de análise bivariada pelo teste do Qui-quadrado de Pearson, considerando-se um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados:Sobre o conhecimento dos cuidados bucais dos filhos, o mesmo encontrou-se insatisfatório em relação à idade em que as crianças devem começar a escovar seus dentes sozinhas,quanto ao uso de escova e docreme dental fluoretado como método de higiene após a erupção do primeiro dente e quanto à inexistência do dente decíduo antes do nascimento dos molares permanentes. Observou-se conhecimento satisfatório em relação à importância de se realizar restauraçãoem dente decíduo acometido por cárie,à idade em que a criança troca os dentes decíduos pelos permanentes e, à realização de algum cuidado bucal (fralda e gaze) antes do nascimento do primeiro dente.Conclusões:Há uma lacuna quanto às orientações de saúde bucal providas pelos dentistasdirecionadas às mães. As mães/gestantes têm o conhecimento adequado sobre os cuidados bucais do bebê, porém, quanto aos cuidados após o nascimento do primeiro dente, os resultados foram desfavoráveis. Faz-se necessário a maior participação do cirurgião-dentista nas consultas de pré-natal e de crescimento e desenvolvimento praticando educaçãoem saúde (AU).

Introduction:Parents play an important role in establishing healthy habits during childhood. Providing necessary oral care to their children significantly contributes to preventing oral health issues.Objective: To verify maternal knowledge about children's oral care in early childhood.Methodology:Thisis a quantitative, exploratoryandobservationalstudy. Data werecollectedthroughtheapplicationof a semistructuredquestionnaire, withquestionsabout maternal knowledgeregarding oral hygiene, eatinghabits, caries involvementandsocioeconomic profile. A descriptivedata analysiswasperformed, followedby a bivariate analysis, usingPearson's chi-square test, considering a 5% significance level. Results:Regardingmothers' knowledge about their children's oral care, it was unsatisfactory in relation to the age at which children should start brushing their teeth by themselves; regarding the use of a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste as hygiene methods, after the first tooth's eruption, and regarding the absence of the deciduous tooth before the permanent molars eruption. Satisfactory knowledge was observed regarding the importance of carrying out restoration in decayed deciduous teeth; the age at which children begin to change deciduous teeth for permanent ones and, carrying out some oral care (fabric and gauze) before the first tooth's eruption. Conclusions:There is a gap in the oral health guidelines provided by dentists, aimed to mothers. The mothers/pregnant women have sufficient knowledge about their baby's oral care, but considering the oral care after the first tooth eruption, the results were critical. It is necessary a greater participation of the dentist in prenatal and growth and development consultations, practicing Health Education (AU).

Introducción: Los padres ejercen un papel importante en el establecimiento de hábitos saludables durante la infancia. Al proporcionar el cuidado bucal necesario a sus hijos, se obtienen resultados importantes en la prevención de enfermedades. Objetivo: Identificar el conocimiento materno sobre el cuidado bucal de los niños en la primera infancia. Metodología:Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo de carácter exploratorio yobservacional. La colecta ocurrió mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario semiestructurado, con preguntas sobre conocimientos maternos sobre higiene bucal, hábitos alimentarios, caries y perfil socioeconómico. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los datos, seguido de un análisis bivariado mediante la prueba Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, considerando un nivel de significancia del 5%. Resultados:En cuanto al conocimiento sobre el cuidado bucal de los niños, se encontró insatisfactorio en relación a la edad en la que los niños deben comenzar a cepillarse los dientes solos, en cuanto al uso de cepillos dentales y pasta dental fluorada como método de higiene después de la erupción del primer diente y la ausencia de un diente temporal antes del nacimiento de los molares permanentes. Se observó conocimiento satisfactorio sobre la importancia de restaurar un diente temporal afectado por caries, la edad en que el niño cambia los dientes temporales por permanentes y la provisión de algunos cuidados bucales (pañal y gasa) antes del nacimiento del primer diente. Conclusiones:Existe un vacío en la orientación sobre salud bucal proporcionada por los odontólogos dirigida a las madres. Las madres/gestantes tienen conocimientos adecuados sobre el cuidado bucal de su bebé, sin embargo, en relación a los cuidados después del nacimiento del primer diente los resultados fueron desfavorables. Es necesaria una mayor participación del odontólogo en las consultas prenatales y de crecimiento y desarrollo, practicando la educación para la salud (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Criança , Higiene Bucal/educação , Cuidado da Criança/psicologia , Saúde Bucal/educação , Comportamento Materno/psicologia , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Inquéritos e Questionários , Razão de Prevalências
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 111(2): 1110831, mayo-ago. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532567


Objetivo: La periodontitis en dentición primaria es ex- cepcional en niños sin enfermedades sistémicas. El objetivo de este informe es describir las características clínicas y ra- diográficas de dos casos de niños de 3 años sistémicamente sanos con periodontitis, y su tratamiento con seguimiento a 5 años. Casos clínicos: En ambos casos, a los 3 años de edad los niños fueron derivados al especialista en periodoncia por su odontopediatra debido a la pérdida muy temprana de inci- sivos inferiores. El examen clínico y radiográfico mostró pér- dida de inserción clínica, pérdida ósea y movilidad dental en otros incisivos superiores e inferiores. Se realizó la intercon- sulta médica y se descartó que los niños padecieran enferme- dades relacionadas con el diagnóstico de periodontitis como manifestación de una enfermedad sistémica. El tratamiento consistió en la instrucción de medidas de higiene bucal que debían ser ejecutadas por los padres, ins- trumentación subgingival, antisépticos locales, medicación antibiótica sistémica y mantenimiento periodontal. No se rea- lizaron extracciones como parte del tratamiento. En ambos casos uno de los incisivos presentes al momento de la con- sulta se perdió prematuramente, antes de los 4 años. El resto de los incisivos primarios cumplieron su ciclo normal. Luego de 5 años de seguimiento, a la edad de 8 años, ambos niños presentaban los incisivos y los primeros molares permanentes periodontalmente sanos y el resto de los dientes primarios sin signos de periodontitis (AU)

Aim: Periodontitis in primary dentition is exceptional in children without systemic diseases. The objective of this article is to describe the clinical and radiographic charac- teristics of two cases of systemically healthy 3-year-old chil- dren with periodontitis, and their treatment, with a 5-year follow-up. Clinical cases: In both cases, at 3 years of age, the chil- dren were referred to a periodontic specialist by their pediat- ric dentist, due to the very early loss of lower incisors. Clin- ical and radiographic examination showed loss of clinical attachment, bone loss and dental mobility in other upper and lower incisors. A medical consultation was carried out and diseases related to the diagnosis of periodontitis as a mani- festation of a systemic disease were ruled out. The treatment consisted of instruction on oral hygiene measures that had to be carried out by the parents, subgingival instrumentation, local antiseptics, systemic antibiotic medication, and perio- dontal maintenance. No extractions were performed as part of the treatment. In both cases, one of the incisors present at the time of consultation was lost prematurely, before the age of 4 years. The rest of the primary incisors completed their normal cycle. After 5 years of follow-up, at the age of 8 years, both children showed periodontally healthy incisors and first permanent molars, and the rest of the primary teeth without signs of periodontitis (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pré-Escolar , Periodontite/terapia , Periodontite/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Decíduo/patologia , Assistência Odontológica para Crianças/métodos , Higiene Bucal/educação , Periodontite/microbiologia , Esfoliação de Dente , Seguimentos , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220054, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1521286


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe behaviors with oral hygiene items in single-bathroom households during the domiciliary isolation of individuals with positive 'Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction' (RTPCR+) in southern Brazil. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted with Research and Monitoring Sector of COVID-19 data from Palhoça, Brazil, of individuals aged ≥18 years, living in a singlebathroom household, who had an RT-PCR positive. A link of Google Forms was used. Socio-demographic information, characteristics during the home isolation, oral hygiene, and behaviors with oral hygiene items in the bathroom were collected. Descriptive stratified analyses according to age were conducted (<40 and ≥40 years). Results: Among 524 individuals, 36% were aged ≥40 years. During isolation, according to the behaviors with oral hygiene items in the household single-bathroom, 70% (95%CI 64.9-75.5) of the youngest participants reported sharing toothbrushes in the same container and 30% (95%CI 24.4-35.1) of the oldest; use of the same toothpaste was reported by 67% (95%CI 62.8-71.7) of the youngest and 33% (95%CI 28.337.3) of the oldest participants. For the outcome of sharing the same toothpaste, the chances for the youngest and the oldest to share the same toothbrush container was 11 times and 6 times more, respectively. Conclusion: The individuals related good oral hygiene habits; however, behaviors with oral hygiene items in the bathroom were neglected, especially by the younger individuals.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Higiene Bucal/educação , Escovação Dentária/instrumentação , Odontologia Preventiva , COVID-19/transmissão , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Modelos Logísticos , Estudos Transversais/métodos
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 38(88): 15-23, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551686


La dentinogénesis imperfecta (DI) es un desorden hereditario de carácter autosómico dominante, que se origina durante la etapa de histodiferenciación en el desarrollo dental y altera la formación de la denti-na. Se considera una displasia dentinaria que puede afectar ambas denticiones con una incidencia de 1 en 6000 a 8000 nacimientos. El tratamiento del pa-ciente con DI es complejo y multidisciplinario, supone un desafío para el odontólogo, ya que por lo general están involucradas todas las piezas dentarias y afec-ta no solo la salud buco dental sino el aspecto emo-cional y psicológico de los pacientes. Objetivo: des-cribir el tratamiento integral y rehabilitador realiza-do en una paciente adolescente con diagnóstico de DI tipo I. Relato del caso: Paciente de sexo femenino de 14 años, que concurrió en demanda de atención a la Cátedra de Odontología Integral Niños de la FOU-BA derivada del Hospital "Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan" con diagnóstico de osteogénesis imperfecta tipo III (OI). Nunca recibió atención odontológica y el motivo de consulta fue la apariencia estética de sus piezas dentarias. Se realizó el examen clínico y radiográfico arrojando el diagnóstico de DI tipo I asociada a OI. Conclusión: El tratamiento rehabilitador de la DI tipo I en los pacientes en crecimiento y desarrollo debe estar dirigido a intervenir de manera integral y tem-prana para resolver la apariencia estética y funcio-nal, evitar las repercusiones sociales y emocionales y acompañar a los pacientes y sus familias (AU)

Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder that originates during the histodifferentiation stage of tooth development and alters dentin formation. It is considered a den-tin dysplasia that can affect both dentitions with an incidence of 1 in 6000 to 8000 births. The treatment of patients with DI is complex and multidisciplinary, it is a challenge for the dentist, since in general all the teeth are involved and it affects not only oral health but also the emotional and psychological aspect of the patients. Objective: To describe the comprehen-sive and rehabilitative treatment carried out in an adolescent patient with a diagnosis of DI type I. Case report: A 14-year-old female patient, who required dental attention at the Department of Pediatric Den-tistry of FOUBA and was referred from the Hospital "Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan" with a diagnosis of os-teogenesis imperfecta type III (OI). The patient never received dental care and the reason for consultation was esthetic appearance of her teeth. A clinical and radiographic examination was performed, resulting in a diagnosis of DI type I associated with OI. Conclu-sion: Rehabilitative treatment of DI in growing and developing patients will be aimed at early and com-prehensive intervention to resolve esthetic and func-tional appearance, avoid social and emotional reper-cussions and accompany patients and their families (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Assistência Odontológica para Crianças/métodos , Dentinogênese Imperfeita/reabilitação , Dentinogênese Imperfeita/terapia , Higiene Bucal/educação , Ortodontia Corretiva/métodos , Argentina , Faculdades de Odontologia , Resinas Compostas/uso terapêutico , Cárie Dentária/prevenção & controle , Facetas Dentárias
Gac. méd. espirit ; 24(2): 2324, mayo.-ago. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404910


RESUMEN Fundamento: Las prótesis estomatológicas son una solución estética y funcional a la pérdida de los dientes y contribuyen a la calidad de vida de aquellos que la portan, pero el sistema estomatognático se expone a lesiones cuando no se cumplen las orientaciones para su uso, cuidado e higiene. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del programa educativo para mejorar la salud bucal en pacientes portadores de prótesis estomatológicas parciales. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio preexperimento con medición antes y después de la intervención comunitaria sin grupo de control, en el período de septiembre 2019 a febrero del 2020. Se seleccionaron 50 pacientes mayores de 19 años portadores de prótesis estomatológica parcial, que cumplieron criterios de inclusión. Se utilizó la encuesta, la observación, el criterio de especialistas y el experimento como métodos del nivel empírico y estadístico-matemático para medir las variables: nivel de conocimiento, eficiencia del cepillado bucodental e higiene de las prótesis estomatológicas. Resultados: Al culminar la aplicación del programa educativo se observó un cambio de 6 % a un 52 % del nivel de conocimiento bueno sobre el uso y cuidado de las aparatologías protésica, en la eficiencia del cepillado de un 30 % a un 82 % y de un 8 % a un 68 % de buena higiene en las prótesis. Conclusiones: El programa educativo se evaluó de efectivo al obtener resultados satisfactorios en cuanto a la modificación de los conocimientos y prácticas sobre salud bucal en los pacientes portadores de prótesis estomatológicas.

ABSTRACT Background: Dentures are an esthetic and functional solution to tooth loss and contribute to life quality of those who wear them, but the stomatognathic system is exposed to lesions when guidelines for their use, care and hygiene are not followed. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of an educational program to improve oral health in patients with partial dentures. Methodology: A measurement pre-experiment study was conducted before and after community intervention without any control group, from September 2019 to February 2020. 50 patients over 19 years of age wearing partial denture who met the inclusion criteria were selected. Survey, observation, specialist criteria and experiment were used as empirical and statistical-mathematical methods to measure variables: knowledge level, oral brushing efficiency and dentures hygiene. Results: At the end of the application of the educational program, a change was observed from 6 % to 52 % in the good knowledge level on wear and care of prosthetic appliances, in brushing efficiency from 30 % to 82 % and from 8 % to 68 % in prostheses good hygiene. Conclusions: The educational program was assessed as effective in obtaining satisfactory results in terms of modification of oral health knowledge and practices in patients with dentures.

Higiene Bucal/educação , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Educação em Saúde Bucal , Prótese Dentária
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(3): 1-9, jun. 30, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434558


Introduction: The lack of knowledge about denture hygiene can negatively affect their maintenance. On the other hand, good oral hygiene can reduce the chances of plaque accumulation. Objetive: To determine if there is a relationship between knowledge of hygiene and denture maintenance. Material and Methods: A questionnaire was applied to 67 patients who wore partial and/or total removable prostheses daily to evaluate their knowledge of denture hygiene. For the evaluation of denture maintenance, clinical inspection of the removable prosthesis was carried out using the Vigild criterion to observe the amount of plaque that was adhered to it. Data were statistically processed with Spearman's correlation test to determine the relationship between hygiene knowledge and denture maintenance. Results: The patients presented a medium (37.3%) and low (56.7%) denture hygiene knowledge; and fair (68.7%) and poor (11.9%) maintenance of their prosthesis. There is a statistically significant relationship between hygiene knowledge and denture maintenance (p<0.001). Conclusion: There is little knowledge of denture hygiene. This level of knowledge has a statistically significant relationship with the maintenance of the prostheses.

Introducción: El desconocimiento sobre la higiene de prótesis, de los pacientes portadores de estas, puede afectar negativamente en el mantenimiento protésico, una correcta higiene puede disminuir las probabilidades de acúmulo de placa. Objetivo: Determinar si existe relación entre el conocimiento de higiene y el mantenimiento protésico. Material y Métodos: Para la evaluación del conocimiento en higiene protésica se aplicó un cuestionario a 67 pacientes que utilizaban diariamente prótesis removibles parciales y/o totales; y para la valoración del mantenimiento protésico se realizó la inspección clínica de la prótesis removible mediante el criterio de Vigild, observando la cantidad de placa que se encontraba adherida. Se procesaron los datos estadísticamente con la prueba de correlación de Spearman para determinar la relación entre el conocimiento de higiene y el mantenimiento protésico. Resultados: Los pacientes presentaron un conocimiento de higiene protésica medio (37,3%) y bajo (56,7%); y un mantenimiento de la prótesis de forma regular (68,7%) y malo (11,9%). Existiendo relación estadísticamente significativa entre el conocimiento de higiene y el mantenimiento protésico (p<0, 0 01). Conclusión: Existe un bajo conocimiento de higiene protésica, teniendo este nivel de conocimiento una relación estadísticamente significativa con el mantenimiento que evidenciaban las prótesis.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Higiene Bucal/educação , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Prótese Total , Prótese Parcial Removível , Peru , Inquéritos e Questionários , Desgaste de Restauração Dentária , Hábitos
Gac. méd. espirit ; 24(1): [10], abr. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404898


RESUMEN Fundamento: En escolares de grado están presentes enfermedades bucales y se realizan acciones curativas, mientras que las educativas precedidas de un diagnóstico educativo, son deficientes e insuficientes. Objetivo: Identificar los conocimientos, actitudes, prácticas sobre salud bucal y la eficiencia del cepillado bucodental en los escolares de grado. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal durante el curso 2020-2021 de la Escuela Primaria Pepito Tey del municipio Trinidad, provincia Sancti Spíritus, con la totalidad (71) de los escolares de grado. Las variables estudiadas fueron: conocimientos, prácticas, actitudes sobre salud bucal y eficiencia del cepillado bucodental. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico-matemático con la aplicación de un cuestionario y una guía de entrevista, para la eficiencia del cepillado se determinó el Índice de Love. Resultados: Se constató el 71.8 % de los escolares con conocimientos insuficientes, el 74.6 % con actitud desfavorable y el 81.7 % con prácticas insuficientes sobre salud bucal, así como el 93 % con cepillado bucodental no eficiente. Conclusiones: Más de la tercera parte de los escolares tuvo conocimientos insuficientes, actitudes no favorables y prácticas insuficientes de salud bucal y la mayoría un cepillado no eficiente.

ABSTRACT Background: Oral diseases and curative actions are present in 4th grade schoolchildren while educational actions preceded by an educational diagnosis are deficient and insufficient. Objective: To identify the knowledge, attitudes, practices on oral health and the efficiency of Oral brushing in 4th grade schoolchildren. Methodology: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out during the 2020-2021 academic course at Pepito Tey primary school in Trinidad city, in Sancti Spíritus province, with all (71) of the 4th grade students. The variables studied were: knowledge, practices, attitudes about oral health and efficiency of oral brushing. Some methods from the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical level were used with the application of a questionnaire and an interview guide, for brushing efficiency. Results: 71.8 % of schoolchildren with insufficient knowledge were found, 74.6 % with an unfavorable attitude and 81.7 % with insufficient practices on oral health, as well as the 93 % with inefficient oral brushing. Conclusions: More than a third of the schoolchildren had insufficient knowledge, unfavorable attitudes and insufficient practices of oral health and most brushing is not efficient.

Higiene Bucal/educação , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Saúde Bucal/educação , Educação em Saúde Bucal , Assistência Odontológica para Crianças , Diagnóstico Bucal/educação
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e210056, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1422265


Abstract Objective: To determine the dental health of children with Congenital Heart Diseases (CHD) and to evaluate the parents' knowledge of the importance of oral health and the risk of Bacterial Endocarditis. Material and Methods: This research included 140 children divided into the study group (80 children with CHD) and the control group (60 healthy children). The children were from different parts of Kosova, aged between 3-15. The parents were asked to complete a questionnaire containing demographic data (age and gender), general and special medical history (CHD types), knowledge about oral health importance and risk of bacterial endocarditis, and data about the daily oral hygiene child. The caries experience was reported using the DMFT/dmft index. Results: The average value of the dmft index was 6.7 for the study group and 5.62 for the control group, while the average value of DMFT index for the study group was 4.1, and for the control group was 3.47 (p>0.05). About 68.7% of parents of children with CHD were informed about their risk during dental interventions. However, knowledge was insufficient about the importance of oral health and dental prophylactic measures once only 32.7% of them were aware of those measures. Conclusion: No difference was observed between healthy and CHD children in caries experience and frequency of daily tooth brushing. Our findings provide evidence of a lack of knowledge about the importance of oral health and dental prophylactic measures among parents with CHD children (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Higiene Bucal/educação , Saúde Bucal , Endocardite Bacteriana/patologia , Cardiopatias Congênitas , Escovação Dentária , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Kosovo/epidemiologia
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;108(4): 228-233, 20220600. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1382155


Introducción: El uso diario de ayudas para la higiene oral y la profilaxis oral anual o semestral por parte de los profesionales de la odontología (dentistas, higienistas dentales, asistentes dentales) son dos maneras efectivas de mantener una buena higiene oral. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo para evaluar el conocimiento, la actitud y la práctica sobre higiene bucal entre higienistas dentales que trabajan en el oeste de Maharashtra, India. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de cuestionario entre 52 higienistas dentales en activo de diferentes áreas del oeste de Maharashtra. Se diseñó un cuestionario estructurado, cerrado autoadministrado para recopilar los datos que constaba de dos partes y comprendía 31 preguntas. Se hizo un análisis estadístico utilizando estadísticas descriptivas. Resultados: En este estudio, más del 50% de los participantes conocían la importancia del mantenimiento de la higiene bucal y los diferentes tipos de ayudas para la higiene bucal y correctos métodos de uso de esas ayudas para la higiene oral. Alrededor del 96% de los participantes pensaba que la técnica de cepillado adecuada es necesaria para mantener una buena higiene bucal. Conclusión: El conocimiento general, la actitud y la práctica de los participantes del estudio con respecto a las ayudas para la higiene bucal se observaron en un nivel promedio.

Introduction: Everyday use of oral hygiene aids and annual or biannual oral prophylaxis by dental professionals (Dentists, Dental hygienists, Dental assistants) are two effective ways of maintaining good oral hygiene. The present study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice about oral hygiene among working dental hygienists in Western Maharashtra, India. Materials and methods: A questionnaire study was conducted among 52 working dental hygienists from different areas of Western Maharashtra. The structured, self-administered, close-ended questionnaire was designed to collect the data which consist of two parts and comprised 31 questions. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive statistics. Results: In this study, more than 50% of participants were known the importance of oral hygiene maintenance and different types of oral hygiene aids and correct methods of using those oral hygiene aids. About 96% participants thought that proper brushing technique is necessary to maintain good oral hygiene. Conclusion: The study participant's overall knowledge, attitude and practise regarding oral hygiene aids were seen at average level.

Humanos , Higiene Bucal/educação , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Inquéritos e Questionários/estatística & dados numéricos , Higienistas Dentários/educação , Profilaxia Dentária
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 109(3): 164-170, dic. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371264


Objetivo: Comparar la salud periodontal de embaraza- das y no embarazadas mediante la aplicación del Índice de Periodontal Comunitario (IPC). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio ob- servacional de corte transversal. Se reclutaron 100 mujeres embarazadas (EMB) y 50 no embarazadas (NoEMB) que concurrieron al Hospital Materno Provincial de la Ciudad de Córdoba, Dr. Raúl F. Lucini. En todas se registró el IPC con la sonda periodontal WHO 621 en los 6 sextantes de la boca. Los datos se analizaron con el software Infostat/SP; el nivel de significación establecido fue de P <0,05. Resultados: El 70% de las pacientes presentó edades de entre 18 y 25 años. En las EMB el código 3 del IPC fue el más frecuente presente en 240 sextantes (40,1%) y en las NoEMB el código 2 fue el más frecuente con 39 sextantes (43%). A ambos grupos de estudio les corresponde el trata- miento de instrucción de higiene bucal, instrumentación supra y/o subgingival, y/o regularización de obturaciones. Conclusiones: El código 3 fue el más frecuente entre las EMB, a quienes les corresponde un Código de tratamiento periodontal (CTP) 2; las NoEMB presentaron un IPC de 1 y 2 como los más frecuentes y se vinculan con un CTP 1 y 2. Nos encontramos frente a una situación clínica periodontal posible de resolver con terapia básica que puede ser realizada por odontólogos generalistas (AU)

Aim: To compare the periodontal health of pregnant and non-pregnant women by applying the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). Materials and methods: In an observational, cross-sec- tional study, 100 pregnant women (PREG) and 50 non-preg- nant women (NonPREG) were recruited at the Dr. Raúl F. Lu- cini Provincial Maternity Hospital in Córdoba City. The CPI was determined in the 6 sextants of the mouth using a WHO 621 periodontal probe. The data were analyzed with Infostat SP software. P <0.05 was considered significant. Results: 70% of the patients were 18 to 25 years old. In the PREG group, CPI Code 3 was the most frequent, present in 240 sextants (40.1%), while in the non-PREG group, CPI Code 2 was the most frequent, with 39 sextants (43%). Treat- ment needs in both study groups are oral hygiene instruction, supra- and/or subgingival instrumentation, and/or correction of plaque retentive margins. Conclusions: Code 3 was the most frequent among preg- nant women, which corresponded to Periodontal Treatment Code (CTP) 2. CPI 1 and 2 were the most frequent in non-pregnant women, corresponding to CTP 1 and 2. This periodontal clinical condition can be treated with initial dental hygiene therapy, which can be performed by general dentists (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Doenças Periodontais/epidemiologia , Complicações na Gravidez/epidemiologia , Índice Periodontal , Saúde Bucal , Necessidades e Demandas de Serviços de Saúde , Higiene Bucal/educação , Argentina/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Promoção da Saúde
Gac. méd. espirit ; 23(3): [10], dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404873


RESUMEN Fundamento: En la actualidad se necesita incorporar las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) para contribuir al perfeccionamiento de la educación de los adolescentes en higiene bucal. Objetivo: Identificar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los adolescentes sobre higiene bucal mediadas por las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal entre septiembre de 2020 y enero de 2021. Se seleccionaron 174 adolescentes de del municipio Jatibonico mediante asignación aleatoria. Se estudiaron las variables: higiene bucal, nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre higiene bucal mediadas por las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico (encuesta, entrevista y observación) y estadístico. Resultados: Se constató una higiene bucal Deficiente en el 77 % de los adolescentes estudiados, el 64.9 % presentó un Bajo nivel de conocimientos de higiene bucal mediado por las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones y el 72.4 % prácticas Inadecuadas, sin embargo, el 77 % mostró actitudes Favorables relacionadas con este tema. Conclusiones: Se identificó más de la tercera parte de los adolescentes con higiene bucal Deficiente, con predominio de conocimientos Bajos y prácticas Inadecuadas relacionado con la salud bucal mediada por las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, aunque predominaron las actitudes favorables.

ABSTRACT Background: At current days, is a need to include information and communication technologies (ICT) to contribute to improving adolescents' oral hygiene education. Objective: To identify knowledge, attitudes and practices of adolescents on oral hygiene by means of information and communication technologies. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from September 2020 to January 2021. A total of 174 adolescents from 7th grade from Jatibonico municipality were selected at random. Variables studied: oral hygiene, level of knowledge, attitudes and practices on oral hygiene by means of information and communication technologies. Theoretical, empirical (survey, interview and observation) and statistical methods were used. Results: Deficient oral hygiene was found in 77 % of the adolescents studied, 64.9 % presented a Low level of knowledge on oral hygiene by means of information and communication technologies and 72.4 % Inadequate practices, however, 77 % showed Favorable attitudes related to this topic. Conclusions: More than one third of adolescents were identified with Poor oral hygiene, with predominance of Low knowledge and Inadequate practices related to oral health by means of information and communication technologies, although Favorable attitudes predominated.

Higiene Bucal/educação , Informática Médica/educação , Saúde Bucal/educação , Adolescente , Educação em Odontologia , Tecnologia da Informação
Gac. méd. espirit ; 23(3): [10], dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404884


RESUMEN Fundamento: La enfermedad periodontal inmunoinflamatoria crónica se considera un problema de salud bucal a escala mundial; los deportistas también son susceptibles de padecerla. Objetivo: Identificar el estado periodontal de adolescentes de la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Provincial Lino Salabarría de Sancti Spíritus. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal durante el curso 2020-2021. La población se constituyó por 810 adolescentes de a grados de la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Provincial Lino Salabarría de Sancti Spíritus; se seleccionó la muestra de 36 mediante muestreo probabilístico, aleatorio simple estratificado. Se estudiaron las variables estado periodontal y factores de riesgo. Se determinó el estado periodontal mediante el índice de Rusell y la higiene bucal por el de higiene bucal simplificado. Resultados: Se constató que el 94.4 % de los adolescentes presentó gingivitis y solo el 5.6 % periodontitis. El 100 % presentó higiene bucal deficiente, el 94.2 % apiñamiento dentario y el 91.7 % cálculo dental. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los adolescentes presentó gingivitis y entre los factores de riesgo se constató la totalidad con higiene bucal deficiente y casi todos con apiñamiento dentario y cálculo dental.

ABSTRACT Background: Chronic immune-inflammatory periodontal disease is considered a worldwide oral health problem; athletes are also susceptible to it. Objective: To identify the periodontal state of adolescents from the Sancti Spíritus Provincial Sports Initiation School Lino Salabarría. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted during the 2020-2021 school year. The population consisted of 810 adolescents from 7th to 12th grades from the Sancti Spíritus Provincial Sports Initiation School Lino Salabarría; the sample of 36 was selected by stratified simple random probability sampling. The variables periodontal state and risk factors were studied. Periodontal status was determined by Rusell index and oral hygiene by the simplified oral hygiene index. Results: It was found that 94.4 % of adolescents had gingivitis and only 5.6 % had periodontitis. 100 % presented poor oral hygiene, 94.2 % dental crowding and 91.7 % dental calculus. Conclusions: Most adolescents presented gingivitis and among the risk factors, all had poor oral hygiene also almost all had dental crowding and dental calculus.

Higiene Bucal/educação , Doenças Periodontais , Serviços de Odontologia Escolar , Fatores de Risco , Saúde do Adolescente , Periodontite Crônica , Atletas/educação
Rev. medica electron ; 43(5): 1297-1309, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1352112


RESUMEN Introducción: la situación de salud bucal de la población es factible de conocerse a partir del análisis de la situación de salud. Objetivo: caracterizar la situación de salud bucal de 30 familias pertenecientes a un consultorio médico. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en el Consultorio Médico de la Familia No. 3 del área Centro del municipio Sancti Spíritus, entre diciembre de 2019 y febrero de 2020. El universo estuvo constituido por toda la población del consultorio (n = 937) y la muestra por 98 pacientes pertenecientes a 30 familias, seleccionados por un muestreo aleatorio simple. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, clasificación epidemiológica, factores de riesgo, enfermedades bucales y nivel de conocimientos. Se emplearon métodos empíricos y estadísticos. Resultados: existió predominio del sexo femenino (56,1 %) y del grupo de 20 a 59 años (48 %). Respecto a la clasificación epidemiológica, el 49 % de los pacientes eran sanos con riesgo y el 46,9 % enfermos. La higiene bucal deficiente se identificó en 52 % de la muestra estudiada. La enfermedad bucal de mayor prevalencia fue la caries dental (41,8 %) y el nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucodental resultó ser regular (61,7 %) en la mayoría de la población. Conclusiones: el sexo femenino y el grupo etario de 20 a 59 años fueron los más representativos. Predominaron los pacientes sanos con riesgo, siendo la higiene bucal deficiente el factor más prevalente. La caries dental representó la enfermedad con mayor aparición y se evaluó de regular el nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucodental (AU).

ABSTRACT Introduction: it is feasible to know the oral health situation of the population from the analysis of the health situation. Objective: to characterize the oral health situation of 30 families belonging to a medical office. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out in the Family Medical Office No. 3 of the Central area of Sancti Spiritus municipality, from December 2019 to February 2020. The universe was formed by the entire office population (n = 937) and the sample by 98 patients from 30 families, chosen by simple random sampling. The variables that were studied were age, sex, epidemiological classification, risk factors, oral diseases and level of knowledge. Empirical and statistical methods were used. Results: female sex (56.1 %) and 20-59 years age-group (48 %) predominated. Regarding epidemiological classification, 49 % of patients were healthy at risk and 46.9 % were sick. Poor oral hygiene was identified in 52 % of the sample studied. The most prevalent oral disease was dental caries (41.8 %) and the level of knowledge about oral health proved to be regular (61.7 %) in most of the population. Conclusions: female sex and the 20-59 years age-group were the most representative. Healthy patients at risk predominated, being poor oral health the most prevalent factor. Tooth decay represented the most common disease and the level of knowledge about oral health was evaluated as regular (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Consultórios Médicos , Saúde Bucal/educação , Higiene Bucal/educação , Diagnóstico da Situação de Saúde , Fatores de Risco , Odontologia , Clínicos Gerais
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 25(3): 237-244, set-out. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348220


Trata-se de um relato de experiência, que descreve, sob estratégia narrativo-argumentativa, as significâncias político-pedagógicas atreladas ao planejamento estratégico de ações de educação em saúde bucal vivenciadas em um ambiente escolar e experimentadas por acadêmicos estagiários de um curso de Odontologia. Após análise detalhada, algumas inferências se destacaram: o reconhecimento do ambiente escolar como território fértil para o desenvolvimento de ações promotoras de saúde; a efetividade do instrumento "TPC" (Teorizar-Praticar-Criticar) no direcionamento dos acadêmicos estagiários no planejamento estratégico de atividades de educação em saúde bucal; a importância de se disseminar, em espaços científicos, os aprendizados advindos de experimentações práticas de estágios.

This is a report on an experience that describes, under a narrative-argumentative strategy, the political-pedagogical significance linked to the strategic planning of oral health education actions experienced in a school environment and experienced by university trainees from a Dentistry course. After a detailed analysis, some inferences were observed: the recognition of the school environment as a fertile territory for the development of health-promoting actions; the effectiveness of the "TPC" (Theorize-Practice-Criticize) instrument in directing university trainees in the strategic planning of oral health education activities; the importance of disseminating, in scientific spaces, the learning from practical experimentation during internships.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Jogos e Brinquedos , Planejamento Estratégico/normas , Educação em Saúde Bucal/métodos , Higiene Bucal/educação , Estudantes de Odontologia , Apoio ao Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos/métodos , Políticas, Planejamento e Administração em Saúde/organização & administração , Saúde Bucal/educação , Atividades Científicas e Tecnológicas , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Aprendizagem
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(1): 1-7, feb. 24, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178777


Oral hygiene is an important step in the control of the biofilm, a factor related to diseases such as gingivitis and tooth decay. The systematization of oral hygiene in children is a set of measures that seeks to achieve sequential learning, thus guaranteeing a better elimination of the biofilm. Objetive: To show a sequence of systematized steps in oral hygiene in a pediatric patient with a definitely positive behavior. Case Report: Six year old female patient, without relevant medical history. On clinical intraoral examination presented biofilm accumulation and swollen gums. The presumptive diagnosis was marginal gingivitis associated with biofilm, the treatment included a preventive phase with motivation and education. The control of the disease evolution was carried out with a card of Systematization Technique of Oral Hygiene, the methodology included the recording of the educational sessions using videos and photographs. Results: the adequate use of the amount of toothpaste was achieved, the integrity was improved to 100%, the brushing time increased from 24 to 120 seconds and it was possible to add tongue brushing and not rinsing after brushing within the oral hygiene routine. Conclusion: The patient was able to clean all dental surfaces, using homogeneous times for each surface, following an orderly sequence in toothbrushing, as well as to acquire knowledge regarding the amount of toothpaste to use, tongue brushing and not rinsing after toothbrushing. The systematization of oral hygiene allowed us to achieve these achievements in six sessions.

La higiene oral es un paso importante para el control de la biopelícula, la cual es un factor relacionado con enfermedades como gingivitis y caries dental. La sistematización de la higiene oral en niños es un conjunto de medidas que buscan lograr un aprendizaje secuencial, garantizando así una mejor eliminación del biofilm. Objetivo: Mostrar una secuencia de pasos sistematizados en la higiene oral en un paciente pediátrico con comportamiento definitivamente positivo. Reporte de un Caso: Paciente femenino de 6 años, sin antecedentes médicos relevantes. Al examen clínico intraoral presentó acumulación de biofilm y encías inflamadas. El diagnóstico presuntivo fue gingivitis marginal asociada a biofilm, el tratamiento incluyó una fase preventiva con motivación y educación. El control de la evolución se realizó con una ficha sobre la Técnica de Sistematización de Higiene oral, la metodología incluye el registro de las sesiones educativas usando vídeos y fotografías. Resultados: se logró el uso adecuado de la cantidad de dentífrico, se mejoró la integridad al 100%, el tiempo de cepillado pasó de 24 a 120 segundos y se consiguió integrar el cepillado de la lengua y el no enjuague post cepillado dentro de su higiene oral. Conclusión: La paciente consiguió realizar la limpieza de todas las superficies dentales, tiempos homogéneos para cada superficie, una secuencia ordenada en su cepillado dental, así como adquirir conocimientos en la cantidad de dentífrico utilizado, el cepillado de la lengua y el no enjuagarse después del cepillado dental. La sistematización de la higiene oral permitió conseguir estos logros en 6 sesiones.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Higiene Bucal/educação , Escovação Dentária/métodos , Odontopediatria/educação , Doenças Periodontais , Cremes Dentais/uso terapêutico , Placa Dentária
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1351212


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the oral health knowledge, attitude, behaviour, and its association with sociodemographic and habitual factors among South Indian Population. Material and Methods: A total of 288 adults living in a residential community situated in Chennai were selected by systematic random sampling method participated in this cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out using a validated questionnaire. Results: About 97.9% of the participants in our study had good knowledge, 33.3% had a positive attitude and 48.2% had adequate oral health behaviour. Sociodemographic and habitual factors like diet (p=0.006), education (p=0.009), and employment (p=0.003) were significantly associated with knowledge. On the other hand, diet (p=0.012) was the only factor significantly associated with attitude. Ownership of house (p= 0.030) was significantly associated with behaviour and no factor was associated with all three KAB profiles. Absence of correlation were identified between Knowledge-Attitude (r=0.11, p=0.23), Knowledge-Behaviour (r= -0.037, p= 0.68) and Attitude-Behaviour (r =0.01, p=0.94). Conclusion: It has been found a massive number of participants possessed a high knowledge level towards oral health. On the other hand, less than half of the participants had a positive attitude and adequate behaviour towards oral health. No positive linear correlation was seen among knowledge, attitude, and behaviour towards oral health.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Higiene Bucal/educação , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Saúde Bucal , Índia/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Promoção da Saúde
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1154997


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the potential effect of poly-vitamins and probiotics use among preschool children permanently living within iodine deficiency territory on caries prevention. Material and Methods: 80 children aged 2-3 years old were randomly distributed among the study group (21 male and 19 females) and control group (20 males and 20 females). Oral fluid samples were formed from each study subject during primary examination and after 1 year of monitoring, which further were analyzed by parameters associated with mineralization potential of oral fluid. Both groups were provided with oral hygiene educational training, while the study group was also prescribed with poly-vitamin-mineral drug complex and probiotics. Results: After 1 year of monitoring, no significant changes considering caries prevalence (p>0.05) or intensity (p>0.05) values were registered among study and control groups. Difference of free calcium level, phosphate ion level and alkaline phosphatase activity was statistically approved (p<0.05) while comparing between study and control group after 12 months of monitoring. Conclusion: Caries preventive approach consisted of oral hygiene educational training and course of properly prescribed poly-vitamins and probiotics intake demonstrates positive results related to the changes within mineralization potential of oral fluid among preschool children with long-term residence over geographically associated iodine-deficient territory.

Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Higiene Bucal/educação , Vitaminas , Criança , Probióticos , Cárie Dentária/prevenção & controle , Ucrânia/epidemiologia , Deficiência de Iodo , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1346672


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the perception of mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) on the diagnosis moment and the child's health. Material and Methods: Research with a qualitative approach, carried out with 19 mothers of children with CP, in a public higher education institution, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. For data collection, the interview was used and for data interpretation, content analysis. Results: Mothers reported that the diagnosis of a child with CP resulted in major changes in the family's daily life, increasing their responsibility and demands. After the diagnosis, mothers revealed oscillating feelings, with progressively replaced by her motherly ability to take care, reestablishing the psychic balance. The health associated with the absence of disease and curative practices was frequently observed. Mothers reported a great concern with oral hygiene habits and frequent visits to the dentist. Conclusion: The diagnosis of a child with CP led to changes in the family's priorities and routine. After the moment of anguish, uncertainty and fear, the mothers accepted the reality. The biomedical principle significantly influenced the mother´s perception of health, being health perceived as the absence of disease and curative practices. In relation to oral health, practices widely spread and recommended by the media and health services, such as correct tooth brushing, showed an orientation of patients to maintain oral health.

Humanos , Feminino , Higiene Bucal/educação , Paralisia Cerebral/diagnóstico , Saúde Bucal/educação , Serviços de Saúde para Pessoas com Deficiência , Mães , Brasil/epidemiologia , Criança , Pesquisa Qualitativa