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J Pain Res ; 14: 415-430, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33623424


OBJECTIVE: This was a pre-post study in a network of hospitals in Mexico-City, Mexico. Participants developed and implemented Quality Improvement (QI) interventions addressing perioperative pain management. METHODS: PAIN OUT, an international QI and research network, provided tools for web-based auditing and feedback of pain management and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in the clinical routine. Ward- and patient-level factors were evaluated with multi-level models. Change in proportion of patients reporting worst pain ≥6/10 between project phases was the primary outcome. RESULTS: Participants created locally adapted resources for teaching and pain management, available to providers in the form of a website and a special issue of a national anesthesia journal. They offered teaching to anesthesiologists, surgeons, including residents, and nurses. Information was offered to patients and families. A total of 2658 patients were audited in 9 hospitals, between July 2016 and December 2018. Participants reported that the project made them aware of the importance of: training in pain management; auditing one's own patients to learn about PROs and that QI requires collaboration between multi-disciplinary teams. Participants reported being unaware that their patients experienced severe pain and lacked information about pain treatment options. Worst pain decreased significantly between the two project phases, as did PROs related to pain interfering with movement, taking a deep breath/coughing or sleep. The opportunity of patients receiving information about their pain treatment options increased from 44% to 77%. CONCLUSIONS: Patients benefited from improved care and pain-related PROs. Clinicians appreciated gaining increased expertise in perioperative pain management and methods of QI.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 42(3): 180-182, jul.-sep. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347643


Resumen: El manejo del dolor agudo en paciente obeso plantea dos problemas: la elección de las técnicas analgésicas más eficaces y el monitoreo requerido para garantizar su seguridad. Las barreras para lograr eficacia y seguridad se deben a las alteraciones fisiopatológicas y anatómicas descritas a continuación: 1) las modificaciones farmacocinéticas y farmacodinámicas que originan una dosificación incorrecta, 2) síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño, 3) dolor musculoesquelético crónico, 4) trastornos psiquiátricos, 5) estado hiperalgésico por proceso proinflamatorio crónico. Las recomendaciones para la elección de una terapia analgésica se basan en la edad, el índice de masa corporal, el tipo de cirugía, las comorbilidades asociadas, la intensidad del dolor y la clase de fármaco. Estos esquemas pueden ser dosificados por peso, área de superficie corporal y dosis ajustadas.

Abstract: The management of acute pain in obese patients poses two problems: choosing the most effective analgesic techniques and the monitoring required to guarantee their safety. The barriers to achieve efficacy and safety are due to the pathophysiological and anatomical alterations described below. 1) Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modifications cause incorrect dosing, 2) obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 3) chronic musculoskeletal pain, 4) psychiatric disorders, 5) hyperalgesic state due to chronic proinflammatory process. Recommendations for choosing an analgesic therapy are based on: age, body mass index, type of surgery, associated morbidities, pain intensity and drug class. These strategies can be dosed by weight, body surface area and adjusted doses.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 42(3): 224-224, jul.-sep. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347667


Resumen La analgesia multimodal es una recomendación universal para el control del dolor postoperatorio en situaciones clínicas diversas. Esta recomendación está avalada por la Sociedad Americana del Dolor (APS), la Sociedad Americana de Anestesia Regional y Medicina del Dolor (ASRA) y la Sociedad Americana de Anestesiólogos (ASA). La terapia analgésica multimodal se individualiza y ajusta de acuerdo con la edad, el tipo de dolor e intensidad, el procedimiento quirúrgico específico, las morbilidades asociadas y los efectos adversos de los fármacos. La escalera analgésica propuesta por la Organización Mundial de la Salud fue adaptada por la Federación Mundial de Sociedades y Asociaciones de Anestesiólogos (1997) para el abordaje del dolor agudo perioperatorio. Los analgésicos no opioides son la piedra angular para una terapia perioperatoria exitosa; entre los cuales se encuentran el paracetamol, los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos no selectivos y los COX-2, así como los coadyuvantes (para ver el artículo completo visite

Abstract: Multimodal analgesia is an universal recommendation for the control of postoperative pain in diverse clinical situations. This recommendation is endorsed by the American Pain Society (APS), the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) and the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Multimodal analgesic therapy is individualized and adjusted according to age, type of pain and intensity, specific surgical procedure, associated morbidities and adverse effects of drugs. The analgesic ladder proposed by the World Health Organization was adapted by the World Federation of Societies and Associations of Anesthesiologists (1997) for the management of acute perioperative pain. Non-opioid analgesics are the cornerstone for a successful perioperative therapy, among which are paracetamol, non-selective and COX-2, also include adjuvants (full version visit ).