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Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2022. 120 f p. tab, fig.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419054


O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar a evolução da rede hospitalar na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (CRJ), a forma como foi estruturada no decorrer dos anos e principalmente a adequação dos serviços após a criação do SUS. O estudo abrange o período colonial até o ano de 2020. Foram mensurados dados estatísticos e indicadores relativos ao número de unidades criadas antes e após a existência do SUS, população residente no município do Rio de Janeiro, oferta do número de leitos, internações de alta complexidade e oferta de serviços nas respectivas Áreas Programáticas. Foi realizado um levantamento histórico das unidades contemplando os anos de criação, vínculos e mudanças, assim como os serviços de atendimento nos âmbitos municipal, federal, estadual e unidades privadas. A criação do SUS trouxe novos desafios, novas discussões, a adoção do direito à saúde, além de necessidades relativas a uma nova forma de organização, agora na perspectiva de uma política pública de saúde. Neste sentido, o trabalho apresenta pontos de discussões e normatizações que fizeram parte da construção do sistema e formação da rede de saúde, principalmente na atenção hospitalar. O processo de municipalização das unidades federais, assim como a crise ocorrida em 2005 entre o município e o governo federal também foram elementos de discussão. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica, optando-se pela utilização do método quantitativo. Através da pesquisa de dados, foi possível realizar um comparativo do número de unidades criadas e seu respectivo período histórico, assim como a extensão da rede após a criação do SUS. Também foram elencados itens relativos à distribuição dos hospitais nas diferentes áreas da CRJ, número de internações e leitos de alta complexidade, perfil socioeconômico e estimativo populacional. A pesquisa permitiu construção de um perfil com atuais características da rede hospitalar. Através da comparação de dados, foi possível observar que a expansão da rede não acompanhou devidamente a dinâmica populacional, se manteve fundamentalmente concentrada nas áreas do Leste da Cidade (AP 1.0, 2.1 e 2.2), mostrou principalmente as desigualdades na oferta de serviços hospitalares em relação à distribuição da população. As áreas mais populosas com perfil de menor poder aquisitivo, são as mais afetadas. Na pesquisa também foi possível observar a importância da CRJ para outros municípios e estados, considerando que 20% de internações não são de residentes no município. Também foi realizado um levantamento entre as regiões do ERJ, onde novamente a CRJ se destaca frente às demais regiões do Estado. A não adequação da rede hospitalar do SUS constitui a principal observação crítica do trabalho. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de contribuir para uma eventual correção futura, considerando que, a rede não contempla hoje as reais necessidades da população. Sua organização atual afeta principalmente as áreas menos favorecidas economicamente. O que temos hoje é uma insuficiência de planejamento da rede SUS na CRJ, sendo importante despertar uma reflexão sobre a estimativa de crescimento populacional, para que futuramente esta rede possa estar organizada e estruturada de forma a atender a população conforme as diretrizes do SUS. Devemos também considerar a situação dos municípios adjacentes, pois a ausência de estrutura é um dos motivos do deslocamento de usuários em busca de serviços na CRJ.

The present work aims to study the evolution of the hospital network in the City of Rio de Janeiro (CRJ), the way it was structured over the years and especially the adequacy of services after the creation of the SUS. The study covers the colonial period until the year 2020, measuring statistical data and indicators related to the number of units created before and after the existence of SUS, population residing in the city of Rio de Janeiro, supply of the number of beds, high hospital admissions complexity and supply of services in the respective Program Areas. A historical survey of the units was carried out, covering the years of creation, links and changes, as well as the care services at the municipal, federal, state and private units. The creation of the SUS brought new challenges, new discussions, the adoption of the right to health, in addition to needs related to a new form of organization, now in the perspective of a public health policy. In this sense, the work presents some points of discussion, norms that were part of the construction of the system and formation of the health network, especially in hospital care. The process of municipalization of federal units, as well as the crisis that occurred in 2005 between the municipality and the federal government were also elements of discussion. A bibliographic research was carried out and it was decided to use the quantitative method. Through data research, it was possible to compare the number of units created and their respective historical period, as well as the extension of the network after the creation of SUS. Items related to the distribution of hospitals in different areas of the city, number of hospitalizations and beds of high complexity, socioeconomic profile and population estimate were also listed, which allowed a greater understanding of the current characteristics of the hospital network in the City of Rio de Janeiro. Through the comparison of data, it was possible to observe that the expansion of the network did not properly follow the population dynamics, remaining fundamentally concentrated in the eastern areas of the City (AP 1.0, 2.1 and 2.2), mainly showing the inequalities in the offer of hospital services in in relation to population distribution. The most populous areas with a lower purchasing power profile are the most affected. In the research, it was also possible to observe the importance of CRJ for other municipalities and states, considering that 20% of hospitalizations are not residents of the municipality. A survey was also carried out among the regions of the ERJ, where again the CRJ stands out compared to the other regions of the state. The non-adequacy of the SUS hospital network constitutes the main critical observation of the work. The present study aims to contribute to a possible future correction, considering that the network does not currently address the real needs of the population. Its current organization mainly affects economically disadvantaged areas. What we have today is a lack of planning for the SUS network in the CRJ, and it is important to awaken a reflection on the estimate of population growth, so that in the future this network can be organized and structured in order to serve the population according to SUS guidelines. We must also consider the situation of adjacent municipalities, as the lack of structure is one of the reasons for users to travel in search of services in CRJ.

Sistema Único de Salud , Servicios Públicos de Salud , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Hospitales Públicos/tendencias , Brasil
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 24(4): e20190380, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | BDENF - Enfermería, LILACS | ID: biblio-1114747


RESUMO: Objetivo analisar as implicações da Educação em Serviço para o exercício do poder disciplinar dos enfermeiros na criação do serviço de Educação Continuada do Hospital Geral de Bonsucesso (HGB). Método Estudo histórico-social cujas fontes foram documentos escritos e depoimentos orais; utilizada a análise do discurso Foucaultiano. Resultados As atividades da Educação em Serviço no HGB passaram por dois períodos de descontinuidade e foram utilizadas como instrumento de poder disciplinar exercido pelas enfermeiras do hospital, capazes de controlar e organizar o serviço de enfermagem da instituição, fornecendo base para a criação do serviço de Educação Continuada. Conclusão e implicações para a prática a criação da Educação Continuada funcionou como um dispositivo utilizado pelas enfermeiras detentoras de saber e poder para execução do poder disciplinar, capaz de disciplinar e adestrar os funcionários, de forma sutil, evitando atitudes contrárias aos objetivos do serviço de enfermagem, na tentativa de garantir o controle e a qualificação do mesmo. Ao refletir sobre práticas educativas/ educação continuada estimula-se a transformação da assistência a partir das necessidades dos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), contribuindo, dessa forma, para a qualidade dos serviços de saúde.

RESUMEN: Objetivo Analizar las implicaciones de la Educación en el Servicio para el ejercicio del poder disciplinario de las enfermeras en la creación del servicio de educación continua del Hospital Geral de Bonsucesso (HGB). Método Estudio histórico-social, cuyas fuentes fueron documentos escritos y declaraciones orales; fue utilizado el análisis del discurso Foucaultiano. Resultados Las actividades de Educación en Servicio en el HGB pasaron por dos períodos de discontinuidad y fueron utilizadas como un instrumento de poder disciplinario ejercido por las enfermeras del hospital, capaces de controlar y organizar el servicio de enfermería de la institución, proporcionando la base para la creación del servicio de Educación Continua de la enfermería. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica La creación de la Educación Continua funcionó como un dispositivo utilizado por enfermeras con conocimiento y poder para ejecutar el poder disciplinario, capaz de disciplinar y capacitar sutilmente a los empleados, evitando actitudes contrarias a los objetivos del servicio de enfermería, en un intento de garantizar su control y calificación. Reflexionar sobre las prácticas educativas / educación continua estimula la transformación de la atención basada en las necesidades de los usuarios del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS), contribuyendo así a la calidad de los servicios de salud.

ABSTRACT: Objective To analyze the implications of in-service education for the exercise of disciplinary power of nurses in the creation of the continuing education service of the Hospital Geral de Bonsucesso (HGB). Method Social-historical study, whose sources were written documents and oral statements; Foucauldian discourse analysis was used. Results In-service education activities in the HGB went through two periods of discontinuity and were used as an instrument of disciplinary power exercised by hospital nurses, capable of controlling and organizing the institution's nursing service, providing basis for the creation of the Continuing Education service. Conclusion and implications for practice The creation of Continuing Education functioned as a device used by nurses with knowledge and power to execute disciplinary power, capable of subtly disciplining and training employees, avoiding attitudes contrary to the objectives of the nursing service, in an attempt to ensure its control and qualification. When reflecting on educational practices / continuing education it is stimulated the transformation of care based on the needs of Unified Health System (UHS) users, thus contributing to the quality of health services.

Humanos , Femenino , Supervisión de Enfermería , Educación Continua en Enfermería/historia , Hospitales Generales/historia , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Poder Psicológico , Enfermeras y Enfermeros
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; Arch. cardiol. Méx;86(1): 75-78, ene.-mar. 2016. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-785645


Resumen: Desde las épocas más antiguas la instalación de hospitales y progresos de la clínica avanzaron pari passu. Hallamos ejemplos de tal aserto tanto en regiones propiamente griegas como en ciudades griegas de ultramar. Así, pues, en el periodo renacentista convergieron en Italia grandes figuras de aquel tiempo: el genial Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) y León Battista Alberti (1404-1472), humanista e innovador de la arquitectura. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) y los artistas, sus contemporáneos, efectuaron disecciones anatómicas para perfeccionar su arte con el estudio de las formas del cuerpo humano. Los estudios anatómicos florecieron en la Universidad de Padua, impulsados por el flamenco Andreas Wesel, quién enseñó ahí esta disciplina desde 1437 hasta 1543. Los grandes anatomistas italianos del siglo XVI fueron discípulos directos o indirectos del maestro flamenco. Preparados por el estudio riguroso del sustrato anatómico resplandecieron, en el siglo XVII, los estudios concernientes a la función de las estructuras orgánicas ya conocidas. Dicho siglo se inició con la revelación de la circulación sanguínea mayor, por el médico inglés William Harvey, egresado de la Universidad de Padua, y se continuaron con la descripción de la circulación menor o pulmonar por autores antiguos o contemporáneos y de las conexiones periféricas entre el sistema arterial y el venoso (Marcello Malpigni, 1661). Todos estos investigadores, y otros más, eran miembros de la universidad patavina, en donde persistía la influencia benéfica de las enseñanzas de Galileo. En los siglos siguientes, junto con la anatomía normal y la embriología, la anatomía patológica, sistematizada por G.B. Morgagni, se impuso como piedra de toque de la clínica. Y el modelo de los antiguos hospitales evolucionó hacia el de los Institutos nacionales de salud, auspiciados por el maestro Ignacio Chávez.

Abstract: Since the most ancient times, hospital constructions and progresses in the clinical practice advanced pari passu. We can find exampless of this statement in Greek regions as well as in Greek citie overseas. Thus, during the renaissance, great figures ot that time converged in Italy: The genius Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) and Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), a humanist and innovator of architecture. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) and his contemporany artists performed anatomical dissection to perfect their art by studying the human body. Anatomical studies flourished at the University of Padua, driven by the Flemish Master. Based on the rigorous study of the anatomical substrate, the studies on the function of the already known organic structures excelled in the XVII century. That century started with the revelation of the major blood circulation by the British physician William Harvey, alumni of the University of Padua, and continued with the description of the minior or pulmonary circulation by ancient or contemporany authors and of the peripheral connections between the arterial and the venous system (Marcelo Malpighi, 1661). All these researchers, and others, were membres of the University of Padua, were the beneficial influence of the teachings of Galileo persisted. In the following centuries, together with the embryological and normal anatomy, the pathological anatomy, systematized by G.B. Morgani, became the cornerstone of the clinical practice. The model of the ancient hospitals evolved to ward the National Institutes of Health in Mexico fostered by Dr. Ignacio Chávez.

Historia del Siglo XV , Historia del Siglo XVI , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Hospitales para Enfermos Terminales/historia , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Salud Pública , Historia Medieval , Europa (Continente) , México
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;22(4): 1353-1371, out.-dez. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-767027


Resumo O artigo discute as diferentes configurações da assistência psiquiátrica no Paraná, dos primeiros anos à contemporaneidade, considerando suas especificidades e relações com as políticas nacionais. A assistência iniciou-se em 1903, com a inauguração do Hospício Nossa Senhora da Luz, uma instituição filantrópica. Somente em 1954 o primeiro hospital público, o Hospital Colônia Adauto Botelho, começou a funcionar. Na década de 1960, a partir de convênios entre o governo estadual e hospitais privados para a instalação de leitos no interior, o processo de assistência psiquiátrica foi acelerado, assumindo uma perspectiva de privatização. Tal estratégia ensejou a configuração atual dessa assistência no estado, na qual o hospital especializado viceja, a despeito da existência de outros equipamentos preconizados pelas leis da reforma psiquiátrica.

Abstract The article discusses different psychiatric assistance arrangements in Paraná from the earliest years through today, taking into account the state’s unique features and relations with national policies. This assistance was first provided in 1903, when the Hospício Nossa Senhora da Luz philanthropic asylum was founded. It was only in 1954 that Hospital Colônia Adauto Botelho, the state’s first public hospital, began operations. In the 1960s, the Paraná government signed agreements with private hospitals for more beds in the interior, accelerating the provision of psychiatric assistance and fostering a privatization approach. This strategy led to the current situation in Paraná, where specialized hospitals are the rule, despite the existence of other facilities foreseen under the psychiatric reform legislation.

Historia del Siglo XX , Privatización/historia , Hospitales Privados/historia , Hospitales Psiquiátricos/historia , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Brasil , Hospitales Psiquiátricos/organización & administración
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 53(5): 656-63, 2015.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26383817


This document presents four stages in the history of the Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI (Centro Médico Nacional XXI Century) of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. The first stage started at the end of the third decade of the twentieth century and ended in 1961, it corresponded to the conception, planning and construction of what was to be the Centro Médico del Distrito Federal (Centro Médico of the Distrito Federal) belonging to the Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia (Ministry of Health and Assistance). The second stage began when the Center was acquired by the Institute, then was known like Centro Médico Nacional (Centro Médico Nacional ), being put into full operation in 1963, more than twenty-two years later, in 1985, an earthquake virtually ended it, immediately began its reconstruction, finishing the second stage. In 1989 began the third stage, different and new buildings complemented or replaced the structures damaged or destroyed by the earthquake which formed the now Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI (Centro Médico Nacional XXI Century). In 2004 the fourth stage opened when the four hospitals of the Center were categorized like Unidades Médicas de Alta Especialidad (High Specialized Medical Units).

En este documento se presenta en cuatro etapas la historia del hoy Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI del IMSS. La primera etapa se inició a fines de los años treinta del siglo XX y terminó en 1961, correspondió a la concepción, planeación y construcción de lo que iba a ser el Centro Médico del Distrito Federal que pertenecía a la Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia. La segunda etapa inició cuando el Centro fue adquirido por el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, conociéndose como Centro Médico Nacional, el cual fue puesto en funcionamiento completamente en 1963; más de veintidós años después, en 1985, un sismo prácticamente lo acabó, aunque de inmediato se inició su reconstrucción, la cual terminó en 1989, año en que comenzó la tercera etapa. Fue entonces cuando diferentes y nuevas construcciones complementaron o sustituyeron a las edificaciones dañadas o destruidas por el temblor, que son las que hasta el día de hoy conforman el Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI. En el año 2004 se abrió la cuarta etapa, al categorizarse a los cuatro hospitales que configuran el Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI como Unidades Médicas de Alta Especialidad (UMAE).

Centros Médicos Académicos/historia , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Hospitales Especializados/historia , Programas Nacionales de Salud/historia , Centros Médicos Académicos/organización & administración , Academias e Institutos/historia , Academias e Institutos/organización & administración , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Hospitales Públicos/organización & administración , Hospitales Especializados/organización & administración , México , Programas Nacionales de Salud/organización & administración , Seguridad Social/historia , Seguridad Social/organización & administración
Ann Am Thorac Soc ; 12(10): 1438-46, 2015 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26406151


For more than 100 years, the Bellevue Hospital Chest Service in New York City has contributed major advances in our understanding of pulmonary disease. Research from the cardiopulmonary laboratory of the Chest Service by Drs. Cournand and Richards resulted in the shared Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1956 for the development of human cardiac catheterization. In more recent years, continuing its mission to serve the underserved and respond to health crises, the Bellevue Chest Service has served as a leader in the management of HIV infections, multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis epidemics, early detection of lung cancer, and management of urban asthma. Members of the Chest Service founded the World Trade Center Environmental Health Center shortly after collapse of the towers in 2001. The Chest Service became New York's infectious isolation unit caring for the first patient in New York infected with Ebola virus. Recent research has focused on disease management, with the first in-house Directly Observed Therapy Clinic for treatment of tuberculosis, clinical trials of aerosolized IFN-γ, and translational research on host defense against tuberculosis infection. Studies of the airway mucosa have revealed mechanisms by which ambient pollutants promote asthma. Studies on the World Trade Center firefighters and community populations have promoted understanding of systemic inflammation and small airways function. Today, the partnership between a public hospital and an academic institution promotes the synergy that leads to cost-effective and state-of-the art care for an underserved population as well as cutting-edge training and research.

Asma/terapia , Infecciones por VIH/terapia , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Neoplasias Pulmonares/diagnóstico , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/terapia , Detección Precoz del Cáncer , Medicina Ambiental , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , New York , Premio Nobel
Rio de Janeiro; Access; 2015. 159 p.
Monografía en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-870422
Rev. med. Rosario ; 79(2): 102-102, mayo-ago 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-696343


Foto histórica del Doctor Roberto Carra entregando en nombre del Rotary Club Rosario Zona Norte un diploma de honor a una vencedora en el concurso literario auspiciado por dicha entidad en adhesión a los actos de la Primera Semana Pro-Hospital de Niños Zona Norte.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Niño , Historia de la Medicina , Hospitales Pediátricos/historia , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Obtención de Fondos
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;29(4): 468-472, ago. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-649835


The Infectious Diseases Hospital Francisco Javier Muñiz, Buenos Aires, Argentina, is the oldest in Latin America. It is over 100 years old and has a history worthy of pride. It became known as "Hospital of the pests" and was preceded by the old House of Insulation, which served as a quarantine station during epidemics of cholera, yellow fever and smallpox. The new House of Insulation, built in the neighborhood of Parque Patricios ("Barracks Hospital"), was renamed in 1904 in memory of Francisco Javier Muñiz, a former military doctor, naturalist and paleontologist. Its technical name is "Porteño Care Centre and National Reference Regional Infectious-Contagious Disease". It receives numerous national and foreign undergraduate and postgraduate students in its Departments of Infectious Diseases and Respiratory Diseases.

El Hospital de Enfermedades Infecciosas Francisco Javier Muñiz, de Buenos Aires, República Argentina, es el más antiguo de América Latina, con más de 100 años de existencia y una historia digna de orgullo; fue conocido como "Hospital de las pestes". Antecedido por la antigua Casa de Aislamiento, que sirvió de lazareto durante epidemias de cólera, fiebre amarilla y viruela. La nueva Casa de Aislamiento, construida en el barrio Parque Patricios ("Hospital de Barracas"), pasó a denominarse en 1904, Hospital Francisco Javier Muñiz, por quien fuera médico militar, naturalista y paleontólogo. Su nombre técnico es "Centro Asistencial Porteño de Referencia Nacional y Regional de Enfermedades Infecto-Contagiosas" y recibe a numerosos alumnos nacionales y extranjeros, en sus Cátedras de Enfermedades Infecciosas y de Tisio-neumología, para docencia de pre y post-grado.

Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Enfermedades Transmisibles/historia , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Médicos/historia , Argentina , Educación Médica/historia , Hospitales de Aislamiento/historia
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;29(4): 473-476, ago. 2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-649836


A Summary Report from the Chilean Society for Infectious Diseases regarding the presence of a Clostridium difficile epidemic with several fatalities in Chile's premier emergency public hospital in Santiago is used to make a scientific historical analysis of the situation. This Summary Report identifies several hygienic and sanitary shortcomings that may have played a role in triggering this major epidemic. These include deficiencies in hand washing policies, overcrowding of beds in wards, relaxation of infection control policies, antimicrobial therapy mismanagement and lack of laboratory support. The relevance of these shortcomings to the epidemic is further supported by the lack of any laboratory evidence for the presence of hypertoxigenic strains of C. difficile. In an era of whole genome sequencing of pathogens to guide therapy, prevention, and epidemiological studies of infectious diseases, it is illuminating and sobering, as this report so clearly demonstrates, to realize that many epidemics of hospital infections still result from breakdowns in classical and ancillary asepsis and infection control measures developed in the nineteenth century by Semmelweis, Nightingale and Lister. As the Summary Report suggests, such hygienic breakdowns in countries like Chile are usually brought about by lack of implementation and regulation of national hospital infection control policies resulting from the shift of economic resources from the public to the private sector, despite the former being responsible for health care of 80% of the population.

Historia del Siglo XIX , Humanos , Clostridioides difficile , Infecciones por Clostridium/historia , Infecciones Comunitarias Adquiridas/historia , Infección Hospitalaria/historia , Control de Infecciones/historia , Chile/epidemiología , Infecciones por Clostridium/epidemiología , Infecciones Comunitarias Adquiridas/epidemiología , Infección Hospitalaria/epidemiología , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Informe de Investigación
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22822563


This review will mainly focus the last 10 years of the society's history because several important changes occurred during this relatively short period. The most important was the creation of the first clinical sports medicine department in Luxembourg in 2004. This modern new infrastructure was made possible by the recruitment of 2 highly competent sports physicians, the excellent collaboration of the governing board of the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) and the support of the sports minister. In 2008 the new department received the label "Medical Olympic Centre of Luxembourg". One year later a Research Lab of Sports Medicine (CRP-Santé) completed the new concept. Thus within 4 years the structure of Luxembourgish sports medicine was completely rearranged and includes today orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, functional rehabilitation, sports cardiology, exercise physiology, physiotherapy and specific sports medicine research. An important new challenge of the SLMS will be to integrate the external sports physicians into this new infrastructure. Another ongoing mission of the SLMS will be the education and training of new young sports medicine specialists. Here the new department could play an outstanding role and the SLMS is in close negotiations with the University of Luxembourg, in charge of academic education in Luxembourg. A recruitment of new young sports physicians is necessary to perpetuate the routine sports medicine exams in the 15 regional centres in Luxembourg, where such an exam is mandatory in order to get an official sports licence. Since 2010 an ECG exam has been added for all new licence candidates, according to the recent recommendations of the scientific societies. New young sports physicians will also be needed to assure the medical attendance of the different national teams of Luxembourg. Until 1985 these activities were confined only to the Olympic teams every 4 years, but since the implementation of the Games of the Small European Countries in 1985, where rather big teams represent Luxembourg every two years, this mission has become more important. The history of the SLMS reflects the development both of sports and sports medicine during the last 60 years. At the beginning of the 21.century sports medicine is well settled in the Grand-duchy of Luxembourg.

Sociedades Médicas/historia , Medicina Deportiva/historia , Traumatismos en Atletas/prevención & control , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/prevención & control , Conducta Cooperativa , Doping en los Deportes/prevención & control , Educación Médica Continua , Predicción , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Departamentos de Hospitales/historia , Departamentos de Hospitales/organización & administración , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Hospitales Públicos/organización & administración , Humanos , Concesión de Licencias , Luxemburgo , Rol , Deportes , Medicina Deportiva/educación , Medicina Deportiva/organización & administración , Universidades/organización & administración
Rio de Janeiro; Revinter; 2012. 371 p. ilus, tab.
Monografía en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-707785


A inauguração do Hospital Gaffrée e Guinle, com bela e imponente arquitetura em 1929, foi a maior conquista da Fundação Gaffrée e Guinle, obra filantrópica de Guilherme Guinle, um dos mais importantes empresários da história do Brasil que se destacava por sua filantropia e mecenato científico. A Fundação Gaffrée e Guinle qualificava o esforço na luta contra as doenças venéreas, particularmente a sífilis, a partir da reforma sanitária de Carlos Chagas nos anos 1920. Integrando uma rede de ambulatórios, um instituto de pesquisas e um grande hospital, a Fundação Gaffrée e Guinle agigantou-se e constituiu uma das maiores instituições de promoção de saúde pública, referenciada nacional e internacionalmente.

Facultades de Medicina/historia , Historia de la Medicina , Hospitales Universitarios , Hospitales Públicos/historia , Hospitales/historia , Salud Pública/historia , Brasil