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J Thorac Dis ; 6 Suppl 1: S162-6, 2014 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24672690


During the last decades lung cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide for both sexes. Even though cigarette smoking has been proved to be the main causative factor, many other agents (e.g., occupational exposure to asbestos or heavy metals, indoor exposure to radon gas radiation, particulate air pollution) have been associated with its development. Recently screening programs proved to reduce mortality among heavy-smokers although establishment of such strategies in everyday clinical practice is much more difficult and unknown if it is cost effective compared to other neoplasms (e.g., breast or prostate cancer). Adding severe comorbidities (coronary heart disease, COPD) to the above reasons as cigarette smoking is a common causative factor, we could explain the low surgical resection rates (approximately 20-30%) for lung cancer patients. Three clinical guidelines reports of different associations have been published (American College of Chest Physisians, British Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society/European Society of Thoracic Surgery) providing detailed algorithms for preoperative assessment. In the current mini review, we will comment on the preoperative evaluation of lung cancer patients.

J Thorac Dis ; 6 Suppl 1: S167-72, 2014 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24672691


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an inflammatory airway disease whose incidence and mortality increases every year. It is associated with an abnormal inflammatory response of the lung to toxic particles or gases (usually cigarette smoke). A central role in the pathophysiology has been shown to play a chronic inflammation of the airways that is expressed primarily by hypersecretion of mucus, stenosis of the smaller airways and the establishment of pulmonary emphysema. There is an increasing trend for assessing the inflammatory pattern of inflammatory airway diseases through mediators measured by noninvasive techniques. Markers in biological fluids and exhaled air have been the subject of intense evaluation over the past few years, with some of them reaching their introduction into clinical practice, while others remain as research tools. Of particular interest for the scientific community is the discovery of clinically exploitable biomarkers associated with specific phenotypes of the disease. Studying the effects of therapeutic interventions in these biomarkers may lead to targeted therapy based on phenotype and this is perhaps the future of therapeutics in COPD.

J Thorac Dis ; 6 Suppl 1: S7-S20, 2014 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24672701


BACKGROUND: The establishment of Extracorporeal Circulation (EC) significantly contributed to improvement of cardiac surgery, but this is accompanied by harmful side-effects. The most important of them is systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Many efforts have been undertaken to minimize this problem but unfortunately without satisfied solution to date. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Lornoxicam is a non steroid anti-inflammatory drug which temporally inhibits the cycloxygenase. In this clinical trial we study the effect of lornoxicam in lung inflammatory response after operations for cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. In our study we conclude 14 volunteers patients with ischemic coronary disease undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting with EC. In seven of them 16 mg lornoxicam was administered iv before the anesthesia induction and before the connection in heart-lung machine. In control group (7 patients) we administered the same amount of normal saline. RESULTS: Both groups are equal regarding pro-operative and intra-operative parameters. The inflammatory markers were calculated by Elisa method. We measured the levels of cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a), adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, e-Selectin, p-Selectin) and matrix metaloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) just after anesthesia induction, before and after cardiopulmonary bypass, just after the patients administration in ICU and after 8 and 24 hrs. In all patients we estimated the lung's inflammatory reaction with lung biopsy taken at the begging and at the end of the operation. We calculated hemodynamics parameters: Cardiac Index (CI), Systemic Vascular Resistance Index (SVRI), Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Index (PVRI), Left Ventricular Stroke Work Index (LVSWI), Right Ventricular Stroke Work Index (RVSWI), and the Pulmonary arterial pressure, and respiratory parameters too: alveolo-arterial oxygen difference D (A-a), intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/Qt) and pulmonary Compliance. IL-6 levels of lornoxicam group were statistical significant lower at 1st postoperative day compared to them of control group (113±49 and 177±20 respectively, P=0.008). ICAM-1 levels were statistical significant lower at the patient admission in ICU, compared to them of control group (177±29 and 217±22 respectively, P=0.014), and the 1st postoperative day compared to them in control group (281±134 and 489±206 respectively, P=0.045). P-selectin levels were statistical significant lower, compared to them in control group in four measurements (97±23 and 119±7 respectively, P=0.030, 77±19 and 101±20 respectively, P=0.044, 86±4 and 105±13 respectively, P=0.06, 116±13 and 158±17 respectively, P=0.000). CONCLUSIONS: Hemodynamics and respiratory parameters were improved compared to control group, but these differences was not statistical significant. Eosinofil adhesion and sequestration in intermediate tissue of lung parenchyma were significantly lower compared to control group. Also, alveolar edema was not noted in lornoxicam's group. Lornoxicam reduce the inflammatory response in patients undergone coronary artery bypass grafting with extracorporeal circulation. This calculated from levels reduction of IL-6, ICAM-1 και p-Selectin, and from lung pathologoanatomic examination (absence of alveolar edema, reduce in eosinofil adhesion and sequestration in intermediate tissues). Despite the favorable effect of lornoxicam on the hemodinamics and respiratory parameters these improvement did not seem to be statistical significant.

J Thorac Dis ; 6 Suppl 1: S99-S107, 2014 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24672704


Transthoracic needle biopsy (TTNB) is done with imaging guidance and most frequently by a radiologist, for the aim is to diagnose a defined mass. It is integral in the diagnosis and treatment of many thoracic diseases, and is an important alternative to more invasive surgical procedures. FNAC is a method of aspiration cytopathology, which with transthoracic biopsy ("core biopsy") is a group of percutaneous minimally invasive diagnostic procedures for exploration of lung lesions. Needle choice depends mostly upon lesion characteristics and location. A recent innovation in biopsy needles has been the introduction of automatic core biopsy needle devices that yield large specimens and improve the diagnostic accuracy of needle biopsy. Both computed tomography and ultrasound may be used as imaging guidance for TTNB, with CT being more commonly utilized. Common complications of TTNB include pneumothorax and hemoptysis. The incidence of pneumothorax in patients undergoing TTNB has been reported to be from 9-54%, according to reports published in the past ten years, with an average of around 20%. Which factors statistically correlate with the frequency of pneumothorax remain controversial, but most reports have suggested that lesion size, depth and the presence of emphysema are the main factors influencing the incidence of pneumothorax after CT-guided needle biopsy. On the contrary, gender, age, and the number of pleural passes have not been shown to correlate with the incidence of pneumothorax. The problem most responsible for complicating outpatient management, after needle biopsy was performed, is not the presence of the pneumothorax per se, but an increase in the size of the pneumothorax that requires chest tube placement and patient hospitalization. Although it is a widely accepted procedure with relatively few complications, precise planning and detailed knowledge of various aspects of the biopsy procedure is mandatory to avert complications.