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J Med Cases ; 12(3): 99-101, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34434437


Oxaliplatin is a chemotherapeutic agent with direct toxic action on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is known to cause an arrest in its synthesis and inducing cell death. It is a crucial medication for colorectal carcinoma, and in combination with other medications has demonstrated to exhibit synergism, managing to increase patients' survival, especially when compared to monotherapy with 5-fluoracil. Neurotoxicity is its most well-known adverse effect. However, other less frequent secondary effects have been described in case reports, among them liver injury, which is usually secondary to liver sinusoid injury. Despite the wide frequency of the use of this drug, the relationship of oxaliplatin with the development of portal non-cirrhotic hypertension is largely unknown, which translates into a sub-diagnosis, representing an additional risk to patients who develop this complication. We present the case of an adult patient, who during treatment with the FOLFOX scheme for colorectal carcinoma, presents signs suggestive of portal hypertension, without other risk factors besides the administration of oxaliplatin.

Case Rep Oncol ; 13(3): 1191-1195, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33173484


Thrombotic microangiopathies (TMA) include a variety of vascular disorders characterized by the presence of microthrombi, coagulopathy by platelet activation and consumption, and systemic damage. The most frequent secondary causes are infections and some medications. However, the presence of chemotherapeutic agents is not so common, and the induction of TMA by oxaliplatin is poorly understood, with few published case reports. We present the case of a patient with a history of gallbladder carcinoma, in whom findings compatible with TMA were documented, and with a temporal and sole relation to oxaliplatin.

Acta méd. colomb ; 43(4): 192-199, oct.-dic. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-983705


Resumen Introducción: identificar las personas sin enfermedad cardiovascular establecida con alto riesgo es el objetivo de la intervención primaria en prevención cardiovascular. En nuestro medio se han aplicado múltiples escalas de riesgo cardiovascular; sin embargo, en Colombia la única escala validada es la de Framingham. Objetivo: estimar la concordancia entre las escalas Framingham ATP III, SCORE y ACC/ AHA 2013 para la predicción de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes entre 40 y 75 años en una institución de cuarto nivel durante el año 2015. Material y métodos: estudio de tipo observacional de corte transversal en pacientes de 40 -75 años que asistieron durante el año 2015 en el servicio de chequeo general de un hospital de cuarto nivel, de 4783 individuos se tomó una muestra aleatorizada simple de 861, se calculó el riesgo cardiovascular con las escalas de Framingham, SCORE y AHA/ACC2013. Se describieron las variables cualitativas mediante distribuciones de frecuencias, las variables cuantitativas con medidas de tendencia central, se realizó un análisis bivariado con el coeficiente de correlación Kappa de Cohen considerándose como buena correlación >60. Resultados: el cálculo del riesgo cardiovascular con cada una de las escalas encontró para alto riesgo AHA 2013 de 14.6%, Framingham 2.2% y SCORE con 1.1%. Para riesgo medio SCORE de 26.9%, AHA 2013 de 17.1% y Framingham de 14.4%, y riesgo bajo la estimación fue de Framingham de 83.3%, SCORE de 73% y AHA 2013 68.3%. El índice de concordancia de Kappa de Cohen para alto riesgo cardiovascular entre la escala Framingham modificada y SCORE se evidencia fuerza de concordancia moderada (Kappa: 0.47) al calcular este índice entre Framingham modificada y AHA 2013 la fuerza concordancia es débil (Kappa: 0.3497). Conclusión: con los hallazgos del estudio se concluye que el comportamiento en cuanto a la estimación de riesgo de las escalas de SCORE y AHA 2013 no es concordante, por lo tanto, sus estimaciones no son intercambiables, tendiendo a sobreestimar o subestimar el riesgo. (Acta Med Colomb 2018; 43: 192-199).

Abstract Introduction: identifying people without established cardiovascular disease at high risk is the goal of primary intervention in cardiovascular prevention. In our environment, multiple scales of cardiovascular risk have been applied; however, in Colombia the only scale validated is Framingham. Objective: to estimate the agreement between the Framingham ATP III, SCORE and ACC / AHA 2013 scales for the prediction of cardiovascular risk in patients between 40 and 75 years old in a fourth level institution during 2015. Material and methods: cross-sectional observational study in patients aged 40-75 years who attended in 2015 in the general check-up service of a fourth-level hospital. Of 4783 individuals a simple randomized sample of 861 was taken. Cardiovascular risk with the Framingham, SCORE and AHA / ACC2013 scales was calculated. Qualitative variables were described by frequency distributions, quantitative variables with measures of central tendency, and a bivariate analysis was performed with Cohen's Kappa correlation coefficient considering as a good correlation > 60. Results: the calculation of cardiovascular risk with each of the scales found for high risk AHA 2013 of 14.6%, Framingham 2.2% and SCORE with 1.1%. For average risk SCORE of 26.9%, AHA 2013 of 17.1% and Framingham of 14.4%, and risk under the estimate was of Framingham of 83.3%, SCORE of 73% and AHA 2013 68.3%. The Cohen's Kappa concordance index for high cardiovascular risk between the modified Framingham scale and SCORE evidence a moderate concordance strength (Kappa: 0.47); when calculating this index between modified Framingham and AHA 2013 concordance strength is weak (Kappa: 0.3497). Conclusion: with the findings of the study it is concluded that the behavior regarding the risk estimation of SCORE and AHA 2013 scales is not concordant; therefore, their estimates are not interchangeable, tending to overestimate or underestimate the risk. (Acta Med Colomb 2018; 43: 192-199).

Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças Cardiovasculares , Risco , Pacientes , Estudo Clínico , Previsões