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Anal Chim Acta ; 1141: 221-229, 2021 Jan 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33248656


Accurate measurement of naturally occurring radionuclides in blast furnace slag, a by-product of the steel industry, is required for compliance with building regulations where it is often used as an ingredient in cement. A matrix reference blast furnace slag material has been developed to support traceability in these measurements. Raw material provided by a commercial producer underwent stability and homogeneity testing, as well as characterisation of matrix constituents, to provide a final candidate reference material. The radionuclide content was then determined during a comparison exercise that included 23 laboratories from 14 countries. Participants determined the activity per unit mass for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K using a range of techniques. The consensus values obtained from the power-moderated mean of the reported participant results were used as indicative activity per unit mass values for the three radionuclides: A0(226Ra) = 106.3 (34) Bq·kg-1, A0(232Th) = 130.0 (48) Bq·kg-1 and A0(40K) = 161 (11) Bq·kg-1 (where the number in parentheses is the numerical value of the combined standard uncertainty referred to the corresponding last digits of the quoted result). This exercise helps to address the current shortage of NORM industry reference materials, putting in place infrastructure for production of further reference materials.

Appl Radiat Isot ; 118: 201-210, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27657460


This paper relates the calibration of a low background gas-flow proportional counter. This calibration has been used to determine low activity of 234Th in coastal water samples. Two methods were used to prepare calibration samples: Evaporation and Electrodeposition. First method was rejected due to the lack of reproducibility because the different geometry adopted by the drops of tracer once dried on the disk. On the contrary, through the second method, similar efficiencies were obtained in all detectors with an average of 0.401±0.004. In this paper, the whole procedure to obtain 234Th activity in dissolution as well as in particulate matter has been detailed, and all the algorithms needed to calculate activities and efficiencies are shown. Finally, two experiments have been designed in order to validate the calibration of the beta counter and the method to determine 234Th in coastal waters with high concentration of particulate matter.

Appl Radiat Isot ; 67(10): 1930-8, 2009 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19596585


The factories dedicated to the production of phosphoric acid by the so-called wet acid method are usually considered typical NORM industries, because the phosphate rock used as raw material usually contains high concentrations of (238)U-series radionuclides. The magnitude and behaviour of the radionuclides involved in the production process revealed the need to determine its dosimetric impact on workers. This work aims to partially compensate this lack of knowledge through the determination of external effective dose rates at different zones in the process at a typical plant located in the southwest of Spain. To this end, two dosimetric sampling campaigns have been carried out at this phosphoric acid production plant. The first sampling was carried out when phosphate rocks originating in Morocco were processed, and the second one when phosphate rock processed came from the Kola Peninsula (Russia Federation). This differentiation was necessary because the activity concentrations are almost one order of magnitude higher in Moroccan phosphate rock than in Kola phosphate rock. The results obtained have reflected external dose rate enhancements as high as 1.4microSvh(-1) (i.e., up to thirty times the external exposition due to radionuclides in unperturbed soils) at several points in the facility, particularly where the digested rock (pulp) is filtered. However, the most problematic points are characterised by a small occupation factor. That means that the increment in the annual effective external gamma dose received by the most-exposed worker is clearly below 1mSv (European Commission limit for the general population) under normal production. Nevertheless, special care in the design and schedule of cleaning and maintaining work in the areas with high doses should be taken in order to avoid any possibility of exceeding the previously mentioned general population limit. In addition, the results of the dosimetric campaign showed no clear correlation between (226,228)Ra activity concentrations in the material fluxing during the process (the most important radionuclides from the dosimetric point of view) and the external dose rates. Furthermore, any general dependence of the origin of the rock (i.e., on their radioactive contents) on the external effective dose rate measured has not been observed. These latter findings could be a consequence of three effects: (1) a variable radiation shielding at the different points along the process, (2) a changing geometry of irradiation (from a rock pile up to a thin-layered pulp passing through a solid mass inside pipes and deposits), and (3) the existence of a "memory effect", or background contamination in the installation equipment due to the presence of radionuclide-enriched scales and sludges in pipes and deposits.