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Toxicol Rep ; 13: 101690, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39104366


Anhydroecgonine Methyl Ester (AEME), also known as methylecgonidine, is the main pyrolysis product of smoking cocaine (cocaine base paste or basuco, crack, or freebase). This review aims to synthesize the available scientific evidence on the toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic effects of AEME. A search of scientific articles published in Science Direct, SCOPUS, and MEDLINE up to May 2024 was conducted. Twenty-four articles, including 13 experimental animal studies, 2 clinical trials, and 3 observational studies, were reviewed. AEME is readily deposited in the alveoli; its absorption improves in combination with cocaine and has a broad tissue distribution. It is metabolized primarily in the liver, with a half-life of approximately one hour, and is mainly excreted through urine. Moreover, AEME acts as a partial agonist of M1 and M3 muscarinic cholinergic receptors, influences dopaminergic system neuroadaptation, increases the production of reactive oxygen species, imbalances the activity of glutathione-associated enzymes, and reduces melatonin levels, affecting its antioxidant regulatory properties. When combined with cocaine, AEME activates the non-apoptotic pathway of caspase-9 and then, the apoptotic pathway via caspase-8, reducing neuronal viability in half the time of cocaine. AEME plays a significant role in cocaine toxicity and AEME itself.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535429


Introducción: Al considerar que, en asignaturas como la estadística, aspectos afectivos pueden determinar el logro de los objetivos de aprendizaje, este estudio se propuso establecer la validez de contenido y de constructo de la Escala de Actitudes hacia la Estadística. Métodos: Estudio observacional, de corte transversal, tipo validación de escalas. Participaron 250 estudiantes de pregrado de áreas de la salud. Se analizó validez de contenido mediante juicio de expertos, validez de constructo con análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. Resultados: En la validación de contenido, todos los ítems obtuvieron calificaciones superiores a 3 (escala de 1-4), con óptimo acuerdo interjueces ( > 0,5). Alfa de Cronbach de 0,865. Con el análisis factorial exploratorio, se eliminaron 6/25 ítems. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio reportaron un índice de ajuste comparativo adecuado y coeficiente de TuckerLewis aceptable. La raíz cuadrada de la media del error de aproximación (RMSEA) también fue aceptable (entre 0,05 y 0,08), la raíz cuadrada media residual estandarizada (SRMR) señaló un buen ajuste (< 0,08). Los ítems se agruparon en 3 factores: valoración positiva de la estadística, agrado y habilidades en estadística, valoración negativa de la estadística. Conclusión: La Escala de Actitudes hacia la Estadística, validada en población colombiana, es una herramienta de apoyo en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de la estadística; puede ser utilizada al inicio, durante el seguimiento o al final de asignaturas que involucren la estadística.

Introduction: Considering that, in subjects such as statistics, affective aspects can determine the achievement of learning objectives, this study set out to establish the content and construct validity of the Scale of Attitudes towards Statistics. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study of scale validation type. 250 undergraduate students from health-related areas participated. Content validity was analyzed by expert judgment, construct validity with exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory. Results: In the content validation, all the items obtained scored higher than 3 (scale of 1-4), with optimal inter-judge agreement (> 0,5). Cronbach's alpha of 0,865. With the exploratory factor analysis 6/25 items were eliminated. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis reported an adequate Comparative Fit Index and acceptable Tucker-Lewis Index. The Root Mean Square Residual Error of Approximation was also acceptable (between 0,05 and 0,08), the Standardized Root Mean Square Residual indicated a good fit (< 0,08). The items were grouped into 3 factors: positive assessment of the statistics, liking and skills in statistics, negative assessment of the statistics. Conclusion: The Scale of Attitudes towards Statistics, validated in the Colombian population, is a support tool in the teaching-learning process of statistics; it can be used at the beginning, during follow-up or at the end of subjects that involve statistics.

CES med ; 34(1): 3-13, ene.-abr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149152


Resumen Introducción: la diabetes mellitus tipo dos es una enfermedad crónica de gran impacto en salud pública; su mal control clínico está supeditado a la deficiente adherencia farmacológica. Los programas de nefroprotección intentan mejorar el control de esta enfermedad y una adecuada adherencia puede ser una estrategia. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los factores asociados con la adherencia farmacológica de pacientes con diabetes en el contexto de un programa de nefroprotección. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal analítico en 282 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo dos de un programa de nefroprotección en los municipios de Pasto y Túquerres en el año 2017, seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio, sistemático estratificado. La adherencia se midió con el test Morisky-Green. La información se obtuvo de bases de datos de las historias clínicas y mediante un cuestionario estructurado. Se efectuaron análisis descriptivo, bivariado y regresión logística binaria multivariada con fines explicativos. Las medidas de asociación fueron razones de prevalencia (RP). Resultados: la mediana de la edad fue de 67 años, 33 % fueron hombres y la proporción de adherencia del 68 %; los factores que se asociaron independientemente fueron, ser mujer RP: 1,25 (IC 95 %: 1,02-4,07), hemoglobina glicosilada entre 6 y 6,9 % RP: 1,66 (1,37-11,80), no uso de insulina RP: 1,36 (1,03-8,52), empleo de solo metformina RP: 1,76 (1,76-10,15) y consulta por medicina interna RP: 1,19 (1,19-4,78). Conclusión: la adherencia farmacológica está influenciada por múltiples factores que no sólo dependen del paciente, sino que involucran también a los profesionales de salud, el tipo de medicación y su disponibilidad, además de asociarse con el control glucémico.

Abstract Introduction: The type two diabetes is a chronic disease of great impact on public health. Its deficient clinical control is subject to poor medication adherence. Nephroprevention programs seek to improve the contro of this disease and an adequate adherence may be a strategy. The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with medication adherence in patients with diabetes in the context of a nephroprevention program. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 282 patients with type two diabetes mellitus from a nephroprevention program in the municipalities of Pasto and Túquerres in 2017; they were selected by a systematic stratified random sampling. The Morisky-Green test assessed adherence. Information was obtained from databases, medical records and through a structured questionnaire. A descriptive, bivariate analysis and a multivariate binary logistic regression for explanatory purposes were performed. The association measures were prevalence ratios (PR). Results: The median age of the participants was 67 years, 33 % were men and the proportion of adherence was 68 %. Factors that were independently associated with adherence were being a wo- man, PR: 1,25 (95% CI: 1,02-4,07), glycosylated hemoglobin between 6 %-6,9 %, PR: 1,66 (1,37-11,80), not using insulin PR: 1,36 (1,03-8,52), use of only metformin PR: 1,76 (1,76-10,15) and consultation by internal medicine, PR: 1,19 (1,19-4,78). Conclusion: The adherence to medication is influenced by multiple factors which not only depend on the patient, but also involve health professionals, the type of medication and its availability, as well as being associated with glycemic control