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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535420


Introducción: Los instrumentos para la obtención de información sobre los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de diversas enfermedades son ampliamente utilizados, ya que permiten obtener información clara y detallada de cada uno de los aspectos a indagar. Objetivo: Determinar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de la enfermedad de Chagas en una zona endémica de Boyacá, Colombia. Metodología: Estudio transversal que consistió en aplicar un instrumento validado que abordaba datos sociodemográficos, factores epidemiológicos, conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de la enfermedad de Chagas en un integrante mayor de edad de 341 familias de Miraflores, Boyacá. Se emplearon escalas, óptimo, bueno, regular y malo; para el análisis bivariado se determinó el nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas con escala favorable y desfavorable. Se determinaron diferencias significativas de factores de riesgo, conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de la enfermedad entre el grupo de hombres y mujeres encuestados. Resultados: El 68,6 % de la población nació en Miraflores, con un 48 % de escolaridad primaria y pertenecientes a la zona rural en su mayoría (57,2 %); en las mujeres predomina la ocupación de ama de casa, mientras que en los hombres es más frecuente la agricultura. Se identificaron conocimientos (48,1 %) y actitudes (82,1 %) óptimas sobre la enfermedad de Chagas que minimizan el riesgo de contraer la infección por T. cruzi; paradójicamente, se encontraron malas prácticas (61,9 %) en el hogar que no previenen la enfermedad. Se observó relación entre el nivel de escolaridad bajo, sexo femenino, ser menor de 49 años, vivir en zona urbana y actividades del hogar y un conocimiento favorable acerca de la enfermedad de Chagas, aunque sin evidencia estadística. Conclusiones: Se hace necesario incorporar programas que garanticen el aprendizaje y la implementación de actitudes y prácticas favorables contra la enfermedad en habitantes de zonas endémicas.

Introduction: The use of measurement tools to obtain information about knowledge, attitudes and practices of various diseases are widely used, since they allow to collect clear and detailed information of every aspect needing examination. Objective: Determine knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding Chagas disease in an endemic zone in Boyaca, Colombia. Methods: Cross-sectional study that consisted of applying a validated instrument that addressed sociodemographic data, epidemiological factors, knowledge, attitudes and practices of the Chagas disease in an adult member of 341 families from Miraflores, Boyaca. The scale categories used were optimal, good, regular and bad; for the bivariate analysis, the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices was determined with a favorable and unfavorable scale. Significant differences in risk factors, knowledge, attitudes and practices of the disease were determined between the group of men and women surveyed. Results: Sixty-eight percent of the population were born in Miraflores, 48% had primary education and most belonged to the rural area (57.2%); in women the occupation of housewife predominated, in men agriculture was more frequent. Optimal knowledge (48.1%) and attitudes (82.1%) about the Chagas disease that minimize the risk of contracting T. cruzi infection were identified. Paradoxically, bad practices that did not prevent the disease were found at home (61,9%). significant regarding the low level of schooling, female gender, being under 49 years of age, living in an urban area and household activities, all of the above allows a favorable knowledge about Chagas disease, although without statistical evidence. Conclusion: It is necessary to incorporate programs that guarantee learning and implementation of favorable attitudes and practices against the disease in inhabitants of endemic areas.

MedUNAB ; 26(1): 7-8, 20230731.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525489


El término pediatría surge del griego paidos (niño) e iatrea (curación). Inicialmente, la pediatría fue descrita como una de las ramas independientes de la medicina en Europa Central durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX; se independizó de áreas como la obstetricia y la medicina interna de forma progresiva. Fue descrita por primera vez en 1722 en el tratado Paedojatreja práctica por el profesor de anatomía y teoría médica Theodor Zwinger de la Universidad de Basileam. Los escritos más antiguos de los que se tiene conocimiento de enfermedades en población pediátrica datan de 2100 a. de C., en donde primaba el componente mágico-religioso (1). En Colombia, sus primeros reportes inician en 1868 con el inicio de la época denominada «Segunda etapa de la medicina colombiana¼, tras la fundación de la Universidad de los Estados Unidos de Colombia en Bogotá, en donde se implementa la cátedra de obstetricia y patología especial de las mujeres y niños, por el médico y presidente Santos Acosta. Posteriormente, se separan las asignaturas de obstetricia y patología especial de las mujeres, originándose la cátedra opcional de patología e higiene de la infancia. En 1891, José Ignacio Barberi, bogotano graduado de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en el año 1881, se convierte en el primer especialista en dictar la asignatura Clínica infantil. En 1911, con la cátedra de pediatría en la Universidad de Antioquia, nace la especialidad en ese departamento, y el 27 de julio de 1917 se funda la Sociedad Colombiana de Pediatría, la cual propende por el bienestar de los niños y adolescentes, su familia y la sociedad, para el desarrollo de la pediatría como disciplina del hombre (2,3).

The term pediatrics comes from the Greek paidos (child) and iatrike (medicine). Initially, pediatrics was described as one of the independent branches of medicine in Central Europe during the second half of the 19th century. It progressively became independent from areas such as obstetrics and internal medicine. It was first described in 1722 in the treatise Paedojatreja práctica by the professor of anatomy and medical theory Theodor Zwinger of the University of Basel. The oldest known works on diseases in the pediatric population date back to 2100 B.C., in which the magical-religious component was predominant (1). In Colombia, its first reports begin in 1868 with the start of the period called the "Second stage of Colombian medicine". After the foundation of the Universidad de los Estados Unidos de Colombia in Bogotá. The subject of obstetrics and special pathology of women and children was implemented by physician and President Santos Acosta. Subsequently, the subjects of obstetrics and special pathology of women were separated, creating the optional subject of childhood pathology and hygiene. In 1891, José Ignacio Barberi, a Bogotá native graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 1881, became the first specialist to teach the subject Children's medicine. In 1911, the specialization was born in the department of Antioquia with the subject of pediatrics at University of Antioquia. The Colombian Society of Pediatrics was founded on July 27, 1917, which advocates for the well-being of children and adolescents, their families and society, to develop pediatrics as a human discipline (2,3).

O termo pediatria vem do grego paidos (criança) e iatrea (cura). Inicialmente, a pediatria foi descrita como um dos ramos independentes da medicina na Europa Central durante a segunda metade do século XIX; tornou-se progressivamente independente de áreas como obstetrícia e medicina interna. Foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1722 no tratado Paedojatreja prática de Theodor Zwinger, professor de anatomia e teoria médica na Universidade de Basileam. Os escritos mais antigos de que se tem conhecimento sobre doenças na população pediátrica datam de 2100 a.C., o componente mágico-religioso era predominante (1). Na Colômbia, seus primeiros relatos começam em 1868 com o início da era denominada «Segunda etapa da medicina colombiana¼, após a fundação da Universidade dos Estados Unidos da Colômbia em Bogotá, onde foi implantada a cátedra de obstetrícia e patologia especial de mulheres e crianças, pelo médico e presidente Santos Acosta. Posteriormente, separam-se as disciplinas de obstetrícia e patologia especial de mulheres, dando origem à cadeira facultativa de patologia e higiene infantil. Em 1891, José Ignacio Barberi, natural de Bogotá, formado pela Universidade Nacional da Colômbia em 1881, tornou-se o primeiro especialista a lecionar a disciplina de Clínica Infantil. Em 1911, com a cátedra de pediatria da Universidade de Antioquia, nasceu a especialidade nesse departamento e, em 27 de julho de 1917, foi fundada a Sociedade Colombiana de Pediatria, que visa o bem-estar de crianças e adolescentes, suas famílias e a sociedade, para o desenvolvimento da pediatria como disciplina humana (2,3).

Pediatria , Saúde , Saúde da Criança , Conhecimento , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida
Rev. med. Risaralda ; 29(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536607


Introducción: El presente artículo describe aspectos relevantes entorno de la Enfermedad de Chagas congénita, tales como epidemiología, sintomatología, revisión de casos clínicos y las técnicas diagnósticas. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura por medio de bases de datos bibliográficas como PubMed, Science direct, Scopus, Plos One, SciELO, teniendo como criterio de inclusión las publicaciones artículos o comprendidos entre enero de 2013 y enero del año 2022 en idioma español e inglés. Resultados: Se determinó que la prevalencia de la Enfermedad de Chagas congénita aún es un problema de salud pública en áreas endémicas y no endémicas, siendo la serología materna indispensable para dar seguimiento oportuno a los casos. Conclusiones: Los seguimientos diagnósticos actuales difieren en los países endémicos y se están aplicando tamizajes en zonas no endémicas donde migran mujeres procedentes de áreas de trasmisión activa de la Enfermedad Chagásica.

Introduction: This article describes relevant aspects of congenital Chagas disease, such as epidemiology, symptoms, review of clinical cases, and diagnostic techniques. Methods: A review of the literature was carried out through bibliographic databases such as PubMed, Science direct, Scopus, Plos One, SciELO, having as inclusion criteria articles or publications between January 2013 and January 2022 in Spanish and English. Results: It was determined that the prevalence of congenital Chagas disease is still a public health problem in endemic and non-endemic areas, and maternal serology is essential for timely monitoring of cases. Conclusions: Current diagnostic follow-ups differ in endemic countries and screening is being applied in non-endemic areas where women from areas of active transmission of Chagasic disease migrate.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 75(1)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550873


Introducción: El dengue es considerado un problema de la salud pública con un comportamiento endémico-epidémico en Colombia, por lo cual los programas de vigilancia epidemiológica se enfocan en la prevención y control. Objetivo: Evaluar la comprensión y el comportamiento de la población del municipio de Barbosa (Santander, Colombia) acerca del virus del dengue y el vector por medio de un instrumento de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas (CAP). Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico en el que participaron 93 habitantes del municipio de Barbosa, seleccionados por un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se empleó un instrumento de CAP validado. La información fue sistematizada y analizada en el programa SPSS v. 26.0. Resultados: El 78,5 por cientode los encuestados mostraron conocimientos deficientes con un puntaje obtenido inferior a 70 puntos. El 73,1 por ciento de los habitantes presentó actitudes negativas con un resultado igual o inferior a 24 puntos. El 67,7 por ciento de la población presentó buenas prácticas, con un resultado mayor o igual a 14 puntos. Se evidencia que, a menor edad, son mayores las actitudes desfavorables frente a la infección por dengue (OR 2,67 IC 95 por ciento 1,03-7,1). Conclusiones: Educar a la población de manera más efectiva acerca de los conocimientos básicos sobre el dengue sigue siendo una estrategia necesaria, además de crear conciencia de que las prácticas en el hogar se deben ejecutar con la finalidad de eliminar el vector y no solo como mecanismo de limpieza. Se deben implementar diferentes estrategias comunicativas para educar a los ciudadanos en este sentido(AU)

Introduction: Dengue is considered a public health problem with endemic-epidemic behavior in Colombia; therefore, epidemiological surveillance programs are aimed at its prevention and control. Objective: To evaluate the understanding and behavior of the population from the municipality of Barbosa (Santander, Colombia) on dengue virus and its vector through a knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) survey. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted which included 93 residents of the municipality of Barbosa, selected based on non-probabilistic and convenience sampling A validated KAP instrument was used. The information was systematized and analyzed in SPSS v. 26.0. The information was systematized and analyzed in SPSS v. 26.0. Results: Among the respondents, 78.5 percent showed deficient knowledge with a score below 70 points. Negative attitudes were found in 73.1 percent of the residents with a score equal to or lower than 24 points. Best practices were reported by 67.7 percent of the population, with a score greater than or equal to 14 points. It is evident that at younger ages, unfavorable attitudes towards dengue infection are higher (OR 2.67 CI 95% 1.03-7.1). Conclusions: Educating the population more effectively about basic knowledge of dengue remains a necessary strategy, in addition to raising awareness that household practices should be carried out to eliminate the vector and not only as a cleaning mechanism. Different communicative strategies should be implemented to educate citizens in this regard(AU)

Humanos , Dengue/prevenção & controle , Educação Médica
Case reports (Universidad Nacional de Colombia. En línea) ; 8(1): 41-50, Jan.-June 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421081


ABSTRACT Introduction: Tufting enteropathy is a rare cause of congenital diarrhea in neonates. It is characterized by the abnormal distribution of epithelial adhesion molecules, which causes enterocytes to shed into the lumen, forming the characteristic tufts. Case summary: A 15-day-old female neonate was taken by her parents to the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital due to diarrheal stools she had been experiencing since birth. The patient presented with dehydration, abnormal weight loss, metabolic acidosis, and acute kidney failure. She received treatment with alizapride, loperamide, zinc sulfate, and probiotics, but after 75 days of treatment she was still symptomatic. An upper tract endoscopy and colonoscopy were performed, finding flattening of the villi and lymphoid cells in the lamina propria. However, the symptoms persisted, and she died at the age of ten months. A post-mortem exome sequencing reported tufting enteropathy. Conclusions. When congenital diarrhea is present, tufting enteropathy should be considered. An early molecular study would allow to evaluate the possibility of performing an intestinal transplant or modifying the treatment to meet the patient's palliative care needs.

RESUMEN Introducción. La enteropatía en penacho es una causa rara de diarrea congénita en neonatos; esta se caracteriza por una alteración de la adhesión epitelial que ocasiona desprendimiento de enterocitos hacia el lumen y, en consecuencia, forma los característicos penachos. Se describe el caso de una paciente con esta patología. Presentación del caso. Neonata de 15 días de vida, quien fue llevada por sus padres al servicio de urgencias de un hospital de tercer nivel debido a que desde su nacimiento tuvo deposiciones diarreicas y a causa de esto presentó deshidratación, pérdida de peso, acidosis metabólica e insuficiencia renal aguda. La paciente recibió manejo con alizaprida, loperamida, sulfato de zinc y probióticos, pero a los 75 días de tratamiento continuaba sintomática. Se le practicó una endoscopia de vías digestivas y una colonoscopia que mostraron aplanamiento de las vellosidades e infiltrado de células linfoides en la lámina propia. Los síntomas continuaron y la menor falleció a los 10 meses de nacida. El resultado del exoma post mortem reportó enteropatía en penacho. Conclusiones. Ante la presencia de diarrea congénita, se debe sospechar de una enteropatía en penacho y considerar el estudio molecular temprano, pues este permite evaluar la posibilidad de realizar un trasplante intestinal o modificar el tratamiento según las necesidades de cuidado paliativo del paciente.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 233, 2022 01 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35017496


Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a highly prevalent condition that is associated with adverse health outcomes. It has been proposed that BV's role as a pathogenic condition is mediated via bacteria-induced inflammation. However, the complex interplay between vaginal microbes and host immune factors has yet to be clearly elucidated. Here, we develop molBV, a 16 S rRNA gene amplicon-based classification pipeline that generates a molecular score and diagnoses BV with the same accuracy as the current gold standard method (i.e., Nugent score). Using 3 confirmatory cohorts we show that molBV is independent of the 16 S rRNA region and generalizable across populations. We use the score in a cohort without clinical BV states, but with measures of HPV infection history and immune markers, to reveal that BV-associated increases in the IL-1ß/IP-10 cytokine ratio directly predicts clearance of incident high-risk HPV infection (HR = 1.86, 95% CI: 1.19-2.9). Furthermore, we identify an alternate inflammatory BV signature characterized by elevated TNF-α/MIP-1ß ratio that is prospectively associated with progression of incident infections to CIN2 + (OR = 2.81, 95% CI: 1.62-5.42). Thus, BV is a heterogeneous condition that activates different arms of the immune response, which in turn are independent risk factors for HR-HPV clearance and progression. Clinical Trial registration number: The CVT trial has been registered under: NCT00128661.

Infecções por Papillomavirus/virologia , Vagina/microbiologia , Vagina/virologia , Vaginose Bacteriana/microbiologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Alphapapillomavirus/genética , Bactérias , Citocinas , Feminino , Humanos , Interleucina-1beta/metabolismo , Metagenômica , Medicina Molecular , Neoplasias/epidemiologia , Infecções por Papillomavirus/tratamento farmacológico , Fatores de Risco , Vaginose Bacteriana/tratamento farmacológico , Adulto Jovem
Cancer Rep (Hoboken) ; 5(5): e1587, 2022 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34787376


BACKGROUND: Philadelphia-like (Ph-like) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a subtype of pediatric leukemia with high risk factors and poor outcome. There are few reports of its prevalence in Latin America. AIM: This study evaluated the frequency and clinical and biological characteristics of Ph-like ALL in a pediatric cancer center in Colombia. METHODS: The Ph-like genetic profile was analyzed by a low-density array (LDA). Samples from patients with Ph-like ALL were analyzed by fluorescent in situ hybridization for cytokine receptor like factor 2 (CRLF2) and ABL proto-oncogene 1, non-receptor tyrosine kinase (ABL1) rearrangements. Copy number variations were assessed by multiplex ligation probe amplification. RESULTS: Data from 121 patients were analyzed. Fifteen patients (12.4%) had Ph-like ALL, and these patients had significantly higher leukocyte counts at diagnosis and higher levels of minimal residual disease on days 15 and 33 of induction than patients without the Ph-like subtype. There were no significant differences in sex, age, or response to prednisone at day 8 between the two groups. CRLF2 rearrangements were identified in eight patients, and ABL1 rearrangements were identified in two patients. Other genetic alterations alone or in combination were identified in 77% of patients, including deletions in cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2 A/B (46.2%), IKAROS family zinc finger 1 (38.3%), and paired box 5 (30.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Ph-like ALL had a 12.4% prevalence in our cohort of patients with pediatric ALL. The identification of this group of patients has importance for risk stratification and future targeted therapy.

Fator de Transcrição Ikaros , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras , Criança , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Variações do Número de Cópias de DNA , Humanos , Fator de Transcrição Ikaros/genética , Hibridização in Situ Fluorescente , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras/diagnóstico , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras/tratamento farmacológico , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras/epidemiologia , Encaminhamento e Consulta
JAMA Netw Open ; 4(8): e2121893, 2021 08 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34424304


Importance: Rates of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection have decreased since the introduction of HPV vaccines in populations with high vaccine uptake. Data are limited for adolescent and young adult populations in US metropolitan centers. Objective: To determine HPV infection rates in adolescent girls and young women aged 13 to 21 years in New York City following HPV vaccination. Design, Setting, and Participants: This cohort study of type-specific cervical HPV detection was conducted at a large adolescent-specific integrated health center in New York City between October 2007 and September 2019. Participants included an open cohort of adolescent girls and young adult women who received the HPV vaccine (Gardasil; Merck & Co) over a 12-year period following HPV vaccination introduction. Data analysis was concluded September 2019. Exposures: Calendar date and time since receipt of first vaccine dose. Main Outcomes and Measures: Temporal associations in age-adjusted postvaccine HPV rates. Results: A total of 1453 participants, with a mean (SD) age at baseline of 18.2 (1.4) years, were included in the cohort (African American with no Hispanic ethnicity, 515 [35.4%] participants; African American with Hispanic ethnicity, 218 [15.0%] participants; Hispanic with no reported race, 637 [43.8%] participants). Approximately half (694 [47.8%] participants) were vaccinated prior to coitarche. Age-adjusted detection rates for quadrivalent vaccine types (HPV-6, HPV-11, HPV-16, and HPV-18) and related types (HPV-31, and HPV-45) decreased year over year, with the largest effect sizes observed among individuals who had been vaccinated before coitarche (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.81; 95% CI, 0.67-0.98). By contrast, detection was higher year over year for nonvaccine high-risk cervical HPV types (aOR, 1.08; 95% CI, 1.04-1.13) and anal HPV types (aOR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.05-1.17). The largest effect sizes were observed with nonvaccine types HPV-56 and HPV-68. Conclusions and Relevance: Whereas lower detection rates of vaccine-related HPV types were observed since introduction of vaccines in female youth in New York City, rates of some nonvaccine high-risk HPV types were higher. Continued monitoring of high-risk HPV prevalence is warranted.

Vacina Quadrivalente Recombinante contra HPV tipos 6, 11, 16, 18/administração & dosagem , Imunização/estatística & dados numéricos , Papillomaviridae/efeitos dos fármacos , Infecções por Papillomavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Papillomavirus/prevenção & controle , Vacinas contra Papillomavirus/administração & dosagem , Eficácia de Vacinas/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Incidência , Cidade de Nova Iorque/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco , Adulto Jovem
Viruses ; 13(8)2021 08 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34452413


The goal of this study was to investigate the serological titers of circulating antibodies against human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 (anti-HPV16) prior to the detection of an incident HPV16 or HPV31 infection amongst vaccinated participants. Patients were selected from a prospective post-HPV vaccine longitudinal cohort at Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center in Manhattan, NY. We performed a nested case-control study of 43 cases with incident detection of cervical HPV16 (n = 26) or HPV31 (n = 17) DNA who had completed the full set of immunizations of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine (4vHPV). Two control individuals whom had received three doses of the vaccine (HPV16/31-negative) were selected per case, matched on age at the first dose of vaccination and follow-up time in the study: a random control, and a high-risk control that was in the upper quartile of a sexual risk behavior score. We conducted an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies specific to anti-HPV16 virus-like particles (VLPs). The results suggest that the average log antibody titers were higher among high-risk controls than the HPV16/31 incident cases and the randomly selected controls. We show a prospective association between anti-HPV16 VLP titers and the acquisition of an HPV16/31 incident infection post-receiving three doses of 4vHPV vaccine.

Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Colo do Útero/virologia , Papillomavirus Humano 16/imunologia , Imunoglobulina G/sangue , Infecções por Papillomavirus/imunologia , Vacinação/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Feminino , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Vacinas contra Papillomavirus/administração & dosagem , Vacinas contra Papillomavirus/imunologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Comportamento Sexual , Vacinas Combinadas/administração & dosagem , Vacinas Combinadas/imunologia , Adulto Jovem
J Adolesc Health ; 69(6): 1024-1031, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34312066


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to identify distinct neighborhood profiles patterned by key structural, physical, and social characteristics and test whether living in different profiles are associated with body mass index trajectories during adolescence in racial/ethnic minority female youth. METHODS: Participants were 1,328 sexually active female adolescents and young adults aged 14-23 years, predominately Hispanic and black, enrolled in an human papillomavirus type 4 vaccine (Gardasil) surveillance study at a large adolescent health clinic in New York City between 2007 and 2018. Body mass index was calculated from weight and height every 6 months. A comprehensive set of neighborhood structural, social, and physical characteristics from multiple national and state datasets was linked to each participant based on home address. RESULTS: Latent profile analysis revealed five distinct neighborhood profiles in New York City: High Structural/High Social Advantage, Moderate Advantage/Low Crime, Low SES (Socioeconomic Status)/High Activity, Low SES/High Social Advantage, and High Disadvantage. Results from multilevel growth curve analysis revealed that living in Low SES/High Activity neighborhoods was associated with a lower BMI at age 22 (b = -1.32, 95% confidence interval -2.49, -.16), as well as a slower increase in BMI from age 14 to 22 years (b = -.22, 95% confidence interval -.46, .02), compared to the High Disadvantage profile. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that improving neighborhood structural, social, and physical environments may help promote healthy weight and reduce health disparities during adolescence and young adulthood.

Minorias Étnicas e Raciais , Etnicidade , Adolescente , Adulto , Índice de Massa Corporal , Feminino , Humanos , Grupos Minoritários , Características de Residência , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Adulto Jovem
Addict Behav ; 121: 106994, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34087767


BACKGROUND: The United States has experienced an increasing divergence in cannabis, tobacco, and alcohol use among adolescents and young adults (AYA). We assessed the changes in cannabis, tobacco and alcohol use in an inner-city population of predominantly minority AYA females attending a large adolescent-specific health center in New York City. METHODS: This was a longitudinal study of AYA women recruited and followed over a twelve-year period between 2007 and 2019. Lifetime and past 30-day use were assessed by self-administered questionnaire every six months. In addition, we assessed associations with race, ethnicity, sexual behaviors, receipt of social services, living situation at home (e.g., with or without parents), and use of other drugs. RESULTS: Participants included 1549 AYA females aged 13-21 at baseline, 95% of whom were youth of color. Use of cannabis increased significantly over the twelve-year period, with frequent cannabis use (≥20 times in 30-days) increasing almost 18% per year (OR = 1.18; 95%CI:1.13-1.23). In contrast, past 30-day tobacco use declined over the same period (OR = 0.86; 95%CI:0.83-0.89). Past 30-day cannabis use was more likely among African Americans (OR = 1.33; 95%CI:1.08-1.63), women who had sex with both men and women compared to with men only (OR = 1.44; 95%CI:1.18-1.75), recent users of tobacco (OR = 2.20; 95%CI:1.92-2.52) and alcohol (OR = 2.84; 95%CI:2.52-3.20), and ever users of other drugs (OR = 1.69; 95%CI:1.44-1.99), independent of age, time and living situation. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing rates of cannabis use and the association with concurrent tobacco and alcohol use in AYA females underscore the need to screen for unhealthy cannabis use, in addition to tobacco and alcohol, especially among inner-city AYA.

Cannabis , Adolescente , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Cidade de Nova Iorque , Nicotiana , Uso de Tabaco , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia , Adulto Jovem
Univ. salud ; 23(2): 144-150, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1252318


Introducción: En Colombia la enfermedad de Chagas ocasionada por el protozoo Trypanosoma cruzi, es considerada un problema de salud pública, que requiere una línea base para que las comunidades puedan enfrentar esta patología. Objetivo: Determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los habitantes del municipio de Aguazul-Casanare frente a la enfermedad de Chagas. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se encuestaron a 389 familias del municipio; se indagó sobre factores sociodemográficos, epidemiológicos, conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas. Resultados: Participaron 221 mujeres (56,8%) y 168 hombres (43,2%). El 31,4% de los participantes tienen conocimientos óptimos, 31,6% buenos. Se observó actitudes óptimas en el 85,9%; el 56,3% tiene malas prácticas y el 43,3% entre prácticas buenas y regulares. Conclusiones: Se determinó que a pesar de que la comunidad tiene buenas actitudes frente a la prevención de la infección, existe un bajo porcentaje en conocimiento óptimo, que se refleja en malas prácticas. Por ello, resulta importante establecer acciones de educación encaminadas al fortalecimiento de conocimientos relacionados con la patología que impacte en la reducción de la endemia.

Introduction: Chagas disease is caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. It is considered a public health problem in Colombia that requires a baseline to face this pathology. Objective: To identify knowledge, attitudes and practices of the inhabitants of the municipality of Aguazul-Casanare to handle Chagas disease. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 389 families of the municipality. Sociodemographic and epidemiologic factors as well as knowledge, attitudes and practices were investigated. Results: 221 women (56.8%) and 168 men (43.2) participated in the study. 31.4% and 31.6% of participants have optimal and appropriate knowledge, respectively. Optimal attitudes were observed in 85.9% of people, whereas 56.3% show improper practices, and 43.3% have good and regular practices. Conclusions: Even though, the community has positive attitudes towards prevention of the infection, there is a reduced percentage of people showing optimal knowledge, which is reflected in unhealthy practices. Thus, it is important to establish educational actions aimed at strengthening knowledge related to the Chagas that have an impact on the reduction of this endemic disease.

Trypanosoma cruzi , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Doença de Chagas , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 21(1): 19-27, Ene.-Mar. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147130


Introducción: La población es susceptible al COVID-19 y conocer las características y comorbilidades más predominantes de los afectados resulta imprescindible para disminuir sus efectos. Objetivo: El presente estudio analizó los factores biológicos, sociales y clínicos de riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 en el distrito de Trujillo, Perú. Métodos: El tipo de estudio fue descriptivo, de enfoque cuantitativo y diseño correlacional, retrospectivo, de corte transversal. Se obtuvieron los datos del sistema del Ministerio de Salud, con una muestra de 64 pacientes de marzo a mayo del 2020. Resultados:El 85,71% del total de fallecidos son del sexo masculino, la ocupación más predominante es jubilados con un 28,57% y tienen una edad promedio de 64,67 años. En el caso de los síntomas en pacientes fallecidos la dificultad respiratoria representa el mayor porcentaje 90,48%; la fiebre con un 80,95%, seguido de un malestar en general con un 57,14% y tos con un 52,38%. Los signos con mayor porcentaje en fallecidos fueron la disnea y auscultación pulmonar encontraron anormal con un 47,62%, en Comorbilidades se pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular en un 42,86% y un 14,29% con diabetes. El modelo de regresión logística para predecir la mortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados incluidos la selección de factores de riesgo como edad, sexo, tos, dificultad respiratoria y diabetes. Conclusión: El modelo es el adecuado para establecer estos factores, ya que mostró que un porcentaje de variación explicada bastante considerable, clasificaría correctamente el 90,6% de los casos.

Introduction: The population is susceptible to COVID-19 and knowing the most predominant characteristics and comorbidities of those affected is essential to diminish its effects. Objective: This study analyzed the biological, social and clinical risk factors for mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in the district of Trujillo, Peru. Methods: A descriptive type of study was made, with a quantitative approach and a correlational, retrospective, cross-sectional design. Data was obtained from the Ministry of Health's database, with a sample of 64 patients from March to May 2020. Results: 85,71% of the total deceased are male, the most predominant occupation is Retired with an 28,57% incidence, and an average age of 64,67 years. When it came to symptoms of deceased patients, respiratory distress represents the highest percentage of incidence with 90,48%, then fever with 80,95%, followed by malaise in general with 57,14% and cough with 52,38%. The signs that indicated the highest percentage in deaths were dyspnea and abnormal pulmonary auscultation with 47,62%, in Comorbidities patients with cardiovascular disease were found in 42,86% and 14,29% with diabetes. The logistic regression model to predict mortality in hospitalized patients allowed the selection of risk factors such as age, sex, cough, shortness of breath and diabetes. Conclusion: The model is adequate to establish these factors, since they show that a fairly considerable percentage of explained variation would correctly classify 90,6% of the cases.

Rev. Investig. Salud. Univ. Boyacá ; 8(1): 136-151, 20210000. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1358970


Introducción: En la prestación del servicio público de aseo, los trabajadores se encuentran expuestos a múltiples factores de riesgo que pueden afectar su integridad personal, debido a la ocurrencia de accidentes o enfermedades laborales. Dentro de las actividades que agrupa este servicio se encuentran la disposición, recolección, almacena-miento, transporte y disposición final de residuos; así como el barrido, limpieza de vías, corte de césped o poda de árboles. Objetivo: Describir los factores de riesgo laborales asociados con la recolección de residuos sólidos urbanos dentro de la prestación del servicio público de aseo tanto en el ámbito internacional como en el nacional. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica descriptiva con un enfoque narrativo, usando palabras clave validadas en tesauros, en idioma inglés y español (entre ellas factores de riesgo, ergonomía, residuos sólidos, segregadores de residuos sólidos), y se seleccionaron artículos en un intervalo de tiempo de quince años, para un total de 50 referencias seleccionadas. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo más estudiados están relacionados con los ambientales, los psicosociales, los biológicos, los mecánicos y los ergonómicos, y dentro de este último el trastorno musculoesquelético es el factor más detectado en los artículos consultados. Conclusiones: Dentro de los factores de riesgo más prevalentes están los riesgos ergonómicos y el riesgo biológi-co, teniendo en cuenta las posturas que realizan para la ejecución de las actividades y el contacto directo con los desechos.

Introduction: In the provision of the public cleaning service worldwide, workers are continuously exposed to multiple risk factors that can affect their personal integrity, through the appearance of ac-cidents or occupational diseases, within the activities that the provision groups together. This service includes the disposal, collection, storage, transportation and final disposal of waste, as well as swee-ping, cleaning roads, cutting grass, pruning trees. Objective: To describe the occupational risk factors associated with the collection of urban solid waste within the provision of the public cleaning service both internationally and nationally. Methodology: A descriptive bibliographic review was carried out with a narrative approach using keywords validated in thesauri, in English and Spanish, including risk factors, ergonomics, solid waste, solid waste segregators, articles were selected in a time interval of 15 years, extracting the informa-tion from 50 selected references. Results: The most studied risk factors are related to environmental, psychosocial, biological, mecha-nical and ergonomic risks, where in the latter the musculoskeletal disorder is the most predominant factor detected in the articles consulted. Conclusions: Among the most prevalent risk factors are ergonomic risks and biological risk, taking into account the postures they perform for the execution of activities and direct contact with waste

Introdução: Na prestação de serviços de saneamento público, os trabalhadores são expostos a múlti-plos fatores de risco que podem afetar sua integridade pessoal, devido á ocorrência de acidentes ou doenças profissionais. Entre as atividades incluídas neste serviço estão à eliminação, recolha, armaze-namento, transporte e eliminação final de resíduos, bem como varrer, limpeza de estradas, corte de grama ou poda de árvores. Objetivo: Descrever os fatores de rico ocupacional associados a recolha de resíduos sólidos urbanos na prestação de serviços de saneamento público, tanto a nível internacional como nacional. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica descritiva com uma abordagem narrativa, utili-zando palavras-chave validadas em thesaurus, em inglês e espanhol (entre elas fatores de risco, ergo-nomia, resíduos sólidos, segregadores de resíduos sólidos), e foram selecionados artigos ao longo de um período de quinze anos, para um total de 50 referências selecionadas. Resultados: Os fatores de risco mais estudados estão relacionados com fatores de risco ambientais, psicossociais, biológicos, mecânicos e ergonômicos, e dentre estes últimos às perturbações múscu-lo-esqueléticas são o fator mais detectado nos artigos consultados. Conclusões: Entre os fatores de risco mais prevalecentes estão os ricos ergonômicos e o risco bio-lógico, tendo em conta as posturas utilizadas na execução das atividades e o contato direto com os resíduos.

Catadores , Resíduos Sólidos , Fatores de Risco , Ergonomia
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 25(3): 154-163, sep.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394671


RESUMEN Objetivo: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar si existe relación entre los factores biológicos, sociales y culturales con las actitudes y prácticas preventivas frente a la pandemia del COVID-19 en ciudadanos de Trujillo- Perú. Material y Métodos: Tipo de estudio descriptivo, de enfoque cuantitativo y diseño correlacional, prospectivo, de corte transversal. Mediante un cuestionario previamente validado se tomaron datos de ciertos factores biológicos, sociales y culturales, así como de las actitudes y prácticas preventivas frente al COVID-19 en 185 ciudadanos de Trujillo. Por encontrarnos en cuarentena debido a la emergencia sanitaria, la recolección de datos se realizó de manera virtual. Resultados: Los resultados muestran que ciudadanos de 18 a 29 años tienen actitudes inadecuas (12.4%), con prácticas preventivas inadecuadas (8.6%) y también que ser de sexo masculino constituye un riesgo para tener actitud y practica inadecuada. También existen ciudadanos que son solteros o convivientes, no tienen hijos y tienen actitudes inadecuadas (14.1%) y prácticas inadecuadas (13%). Conclusiones: De los factores biológicos la edad y el sexo se asocian a las actitudes y prácticas preventivas frente a la pandemia, de los sociales, el estado civil y la tenencia de hijos se asocian a las actitudes y prácticas preventivas frente a la pandemia, y del cultural el tener conocimiento de la enfermedad y de las acciones a tomar se asocia con las prácticas preventivas frente a la pandemia del COVID-19.

ABSTRACT Objective: This research aims to analyze the relation between biological, social and cultural factors regarding the attitudes and preventive measures against COVID-19 among citizens of Trujillo-Peru. Material and Methods: This is a descriptive research, with a quantitative approach and a correlational, prospective and design. A previously validated questionnaire was used to collect certain biological, social and cultural data, as well as attitudes and preventive measures against COVID-19 among 185 citizens of Trujillo. Due to the quarantine and the Sanitary National Emergency, the collection of data was done by virtual means. Results: Citizens between 18 and 29 years old have inappropriate attitudes (12.4%) and inappropriate preventive measures (8.6%). Also, males have inappropriate attitudes and inappropriate preventive measures. Moreover, single citizens or unmarried couples without children have inappropriate attitudes (14.1%) and inappropriate practices (13%). Conclusions: Among biological factors, age and gender are related to attitudes and preventive measures regarding the pandemic. Among social factors, marital status and parenthood are related to attitudes and preventive measures regarding the pandemic. And among the cultural factor, knowledge of this disease and the measures to be taken are related to the preventive measures against COVID-19.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 17(2): 266-279, jul.-dic. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361027


Resumen La leptospirosis es causada por la bacteria Lepstospira spp, de alta prevalencia mundial, relacionada con la circulación en múltiples reservorios domésticos y peridomésticos. La presente revisión tuvo como objetivo aportar datos de infección por Leptospira spp en posibles reservorios animales. Se desarrolló una revisión narrativa de la literatura donde se encontró valores máximos de prevalencias en caninos hasta de un 63%, en felinos del 68%, en porcinos de 86%, en equinos del 75% y en bovinos del 89%. De acuerdo a las prevalencias de la Leptospirosis, deben tenerse en cuenta desde el diagnóstico de rutina en la sospecha de patología en los animales.

Abstract Leptospirosis is caused by the bacteria Lepstospira spp, of high worldwide prevalence, related to the circulation in multiple domestic and peridomestic reservoirs. The present review aimed to provide data on infection by Leptospira spp in possible animal reservoirs. A narrative review of the literature was developed where maximum prevalence values were found in canines up to 63%, in felines 68%, in swine 86%, in equines 75% and in bovines 89%. According to the prevalence of Leptospirosis, they should be taken into account from the routine diagnosis of pathology in animals.

Resumo A leptospirose é causada pela bactéria Lepstospira spp, de alta prevalência mundial, relacionada à circulação em múltiplos reservatórios domésticos e peridomiciliares. Na presente revisão teve como objetivo fornecer dados sobre a infecção por Leptospira spp em possíveis reservatórios. Foi desenvolvida uma revisão narrativa da literatura onde foram encontrados valores máximos de prevalência em caninos de até 63%, em gatos de 68%, em porcos de 86%, em equinos de 75% e em bovinos de 89%. De acordo com as prevalências de Leptospirose, elas devem ser levadas em consideração desde o diagnóstico de rotina na suspeita de patologia em animais.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149195


ABSTRACT Introduction: Superior vena cava syndrome is described as the obstruction of blood flow through the superior vena cava. The literature reports that the incidence of this pathology varies from 1 case in every 650 inhabitants and 1 case in every 3 100 inhabitants. Since this condition is very rare in the pediatric population, no clear figure has been reported regarding its incidence in children. The use of a central venous catheter in newborns is a risk factor for this condition, as it may cause a thrombus due to the inflammatory reaction against the device. Therefore, it is necessary to initiate anticoagulation management and remove the catheter. Case presentation: Premature male newborn, (31.4 weeks gestation), with acute respiratory distress syndrome, early neonatal sepsis, pneumonia, necrotizing enterocolitis on 2 occasions, intestinal obstruction due to adhesions and intestinal volvulus. At 90 days of age, he presented thrombosis of the superior vena cava without involvement of the jugular and subclavian vein junction in the right atrium. Anticoagulant management was started, but given his unfavorable evolution, a multidisciplinary medical board was held to assess the risks, benefits, and treatment options in this age group. It was decided to start intracavitary tissue plasminogen activator treatment associated with mechanical thrombectomy and angioplasty of the superior vena cava. Due to the difficulty of conducting clinical trials in this population and the rates of major bleeding complications obtained with thrombolytic therapies, there is very little information available on the use of tissue plasminogen activator in newborns. For this reason, alteplase is seldom considered as the therapy of choice. However, in patients with life-threatening thrombosis, such as the present case, the results obtained in adults could be extrapolated in search of a favorable outcome. Conclusions: Fibrinolytic therapy is a way to reduce the size of the thrombus, but it dramatically increases the risk of bleeding; consequently, these patients must be strictly monitored. In pediatric populations, due to the diameter of the blood vessels, thrombectomy is difficult to perform; additionally, recurrent thrombosis and the need for transfusion of blood products are frequent.

RESUMEN Introducción. El síndrome de vena cava superior es la obstrucción del flujo sanguíneo a través de la misma. La incidencia de esta patología varía entre 1 caso por cada 650 habitantes y 1 caso por cada 3 100 habitantes. Al ser una condición de muy baja frecuencia en población pediátrica, no se ha reportado una cifra clara con respecto a la incidencia en niños. El uso de catéter venoso central en recién nacidos es un factor de riesgo para esta condición, ya que puede causar un trombo originado por la reacción inflamatoria al dispositivo, por lo que es necesario iniciar manejo anticoagulante y retirar el catéter. Presentación del caso. Paciente masculino prematuro (31 semanas y 4 días de gestación) con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda, sepsis neonatal temprana, neumonía, enterocolitis necrotizante en 2 ocasiones, obstrucción intestinal por bridas y vólvulo intestinal. A los 90 días de vida presentó trombosis de la vena cava superior sin compromiso del confluente yugulosubclavio de la aurícula derecha. Se inició manejo anticoagulante, pero dada la evolución desfavorable se realizó junta médica multidisciplinaria donde se evaluaron los riesgos, beneficios y opciones de tratamiento en este grupo etario y se decidió realizar trombectomía mecánica y angioplastia de la vena cava superior. Debido a la dificultad para realizar ensayos clínicos en recién nacidos y las tasas de complicaciones hemorrágicas mayores obtenidas con las terapias trombolíticas, es muy poca la información disponible sobre el uso del activador tisular de plasminógeno en esta población; por esto también es muy inusual que se considere a la alteplasa como terapia de elección. Sin embargo, en pacientes con trombosis potencialmente mortales, como el del caso presentado, se podrían extrapolar los resultados obtenidos en los adultos en búsqueda de una evolución favorable. Conclusiones. El manejo fibrinolítico es una opción para reducir el tamaño del trombo, pero aumenta notoriamente el riesgo de sangrado, por lo que se necesita vigilancia estricta del paciente. En población pediátrica, debido al diámetro de los vasos sanguíneos, es complejo realizar trombectomía mecánica; adicionalmente, es frecuente que se presente trombosis recurrente y se necesite trasfundir hemoderivados.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 72(2): e461, mayo.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1149913


RESUMEN Introducción: La enfermedad de Chagas es de alta endemia en Colombia y es considerada un problema de salud pública por la morbilidad y mortalidad que ocasiona. Conocer la percepción de las comunidades frente a esta enfermedad es relevante en cuanto a las estrategias oportunas que se pueden establecer para su prevención. Objetivo: Evaluar la fiabilidad y validez de un instrumento que permita medir los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente a la enfermedad de Chagas en comunidades endémicas. Métodos: Se desarrolló un estudio de corte transversal para la validación del contenido de un instrumento, diseñado con base en la literatura, el cual se sometió a la valoración por un panel de expertos que determinaron la eficiencia, relevancia, claridad y coherencia de cada uno de los ítems. Se determinó el índice Kappa de Randolph para evaluar concordancia. Luego se aplicó a 135 personas de áreas endémicas y se estableció el alfa de Cronbach para determinar consistencia interna. Resultados: El instrumento estudiado demostró concordancia según el índice de Randolph con una Kappa entre 0,7-0,8 para los ítems evaluados, con un alfa de Cronbach de 0,855 lo cual denota una consistencia adecuada. El cuestionario finalmente se estructuró con un total de 27 ítems que abordan: factores epidemiológicos y conocimientos de la enfermedad junto con actitudes y prácticas frente a esta. Conclusiones: El instrumento tiene un nivel adecuado de consistencia interna y concordancia, que permitiría su aplicación en áreas endémicas con poblaciones en riesgo a adquirir la enfermedad de Chagas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Chagas disease is highly endemic in Colombia and considered to be a public health problem due to its morbidity and mortality. Learning about community perception of this disease is relevant to devise timely strategies for its prevention. Objective: Evaluate the reliability and validity of an instrument to measure knowledge, attitudes and practices in response to Chagas disease in endemic communities. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to validate the content of a tool based on the literature and assessed by an expert panel to determine the efficiency, relevance, clarity, and coherence of each of its items. Determination was made of Randolph's kappa index to evaluate agreement. Then it was applied to 135 people from endemic areas and Cronbach's alpha was established to determine internal consistency. Results: The tool studied showed agreement by Randolph's index with a kappa between 0.7 and 0.8 for the items evaluated and a Cronbach's alpha of 0.855, denoting appropriate consistency. The questionnaire was finally structured with a total 27 items addressing epidemiological factors and knowledge about the disease as well as attitudes and practices in response to it. Conclusions: The tool has an adequate level of internal consistency and agreement, which makes its application advisable in endemic areas with populations at risk of acquiring Chagas disease.

Humanos , Fatores Epidemiológicos , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Doença de Chagas/epidemiologia , Doenças Endêmicas/prevenção & controle , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Colômbia , Estudo de Validação , Avaliação de Programas e Instrumentos de Pesquisa
Rev. med. Risaralda ; 26(1): 68-77, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1127005


Resumen Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es la neoplasia de mayor frecuencia en vías digestivas, constituyendo del 9 al 10% de todos los cánceres en el mundo. Se considera que es multicausal, pues abarca factores intrínsecos del huésped como mutaciones genéticas, hormonales y condiciones inmunológicas; además de factores externos como dietas poco saludables, consumo de alcohol, obesidad, sedentarismo, tabaquismo y la exposición ambiental a carcinógenos. Las manifestaciones clínicas son poco específicas, razón por la cual el diagnóstico está enfocado en grupos de riesgo relacionados con la edad e historia familiar demostrada. Objetivo: Identificar los factores genéticos y de estilos de vida predisponentes al desarrollo de CCR. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda de la bibliografía respectiva en las bases de datos ScienceDirect, Google académico, Redalyc, Scielo, Proquest publicada durante el período 2004- 2019, mediante las palabras clave: Colorrectal cancer, risk factors, epidemiology, mortality, mutation, incidence. Resultados: Se observaron factores genéticos predisponentes entre un 20% a 25% de las personas con CCR asociados principalmente con la mutación de gen APC. En relación al cáncer esporádico, se identifica hasta en un 80% de los casos, relacionado con el consumo no controlado de alimentos como carnes rojas, embutidos, café, además de hábitos como el consumo de cigarrillo y alcohol conjuntamente con el estrés y comorbilidades como la obesidad y la diabetes. Conclusión: La multicausalidad del CCR está centrada en factores tanto internos como externos siendo de relevancia el seguimiento para personas genéticamente predispuestas y la implementación de estilos de vida saludables que reduzcan la mortalidad por esta causa.

Abstract Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most frequent neoplasm in the digestive tract; it constitutes 9 of 10% of all cancer cases in the world. This type of cancer is considered multicausal since it is associated with intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Among the internal factors, there are genetic, hormonal mutations, and immunological conditions. On the other hand, the external factors are composed of unhealthy diets, alcohol consumption, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking habits, and environmental exposure to carcinogens. The clinical symptoms are not very specific; that is why the diagnosis is focused on risk groups related to age and proven family medical history. Objective: To identify genetic factors and lifestyle factors related to the development of Colorectal cancer (CRC). Methodology: A literature search was carried out in databases such as ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, Redalyc, Scielo, Proquest, in a range of time between 2004 and 2019. The keywords: colorectal cancer, risk factors, epidemiology, mortality, mutation, and incidence were used as helpers for the search. Results: Predisposing genetic factors were observed in about 20% to 25% of people with CRC associated primarily with the APC gene mutation. In terms of sporadic cancer, the results showed that 80% of the cases were related to the uncontrolled consumption of red meat, sausages, and coffee. Additionally, smoking and alcoholic behaviors, stress, and comorbidities, such as obesity and diabetes, were also the cause of the development of this issue. Conclusion: CRC could be caused by internal and external factors. Based on this, the people with a genetic predisposition to this issue should monitor themselves frequently and implement a healthy lifestyle that reduces the probability of suffering from this type of cancer.

Humanos , Carcinógenos , Neoplasias Colorretais , Fatores de Risco , Predisposição Genética para Doença , Trato Gastrointestinal , Anamnese , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Fumar , Epidemiologia , Genes APC , Assistência ao Convalescente , Comportamento Sedentário , Alcoólicos , Alimentos , Estilo de Vida Saudável , Neoplasias , Obesidade
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(20): 10876-10887, 2020 05 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32354994


We have described multipotent progenitor-like cells within the major pancreatic ducts (MPDs) of the human pancreas. They express PDX1, its surrogate surface marker P2RY1, and the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) receptor 1A (BMPR1A)/activin-like kinase 3 (ALK3), but not carbonic anhydrase II (CAII). Here we report the single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of ALK3bright+-sorted ductal cells, a fraction that harbors BMP-responsive progenitor-like cells. Our analysis unveiled the existence of multiple subpopulations along two major axes, one that encompasses a gradient of ductal cell differentiation stages, and another featuring cells with transitional phenotypes toward acinar tissue. A third potential ducto-endocrine axis is revealed upon integration of the ALK3bright+ dataset with a single-cell whole-pancreas transcriptome. When transplanted into immunodeficient mice, P2RY1+/ALK3bright+ populations (enriched in PDX1+/ALK3+/CAII- cells) differentiate into all pancreatic lineages, including functional ß-cells. This process is accelerated when hosts are treated systemically with an ALK3 agonist. We found PDX1+/ALK3+/CAII- progenitor-like cells in the MPDs of types 1 and 2 diabetes donors, regardless of the duration of the disease. Our findings open the door to the pharmacological activation of progenitor cells in situ.

Pâncreas/citologia , Ductos Pancreáticos/citologia , Análise de Célula Única/métodos , Células-Tronco/citologia , Ativinas/metabolismo , Animais , Receptores de Proteínas Morfogenéticas Ósseas Tipo I/metabolismo , Diferenciação Celular , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1 , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Feminino , Humanos , Células Secretoras de Insulina , Transplante das Ilhotas Pancreáticas , Masculino , Camundongos , Modelos Animais , Receptores Purinérgicos P2Y1/metabolismo , Transcriptoma