The present study is a randomised split-flock treatment trial, which compared the effect of foot bathing in a 1 per cent solution of chlortetracycline alone with a treatment protocol that added a single injection of a long-acting amoxicillin. Overall, the prevalence of contagious ovine digital dermatitis in the examined flock was 22 per cent, while 45.7 per cent of affected sheep had infections in two or more feet. Parenteral antibiotic treatment increased the odds of a recovery by 3.8 times (95 per cent confidence interval 1.05 to 14.0) (P=0.008). Moreover, the amoxicillin injection may also have had a preventative effect, reducing the rate of establishment of new infections from 2.5 per cent for foot bathing alone compared with 1.0 per cent with the addition of parenteral amoxicillin.