Investigation were carried out targeting distribution and source apportioning of hydrocarbons in surface sediments from shallow to deep waters in the Campos Basin, one of the most important oil-producing provinces in Brazil. The observed levels of aliphatic (≤ 124 µg g-1) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs ≤ 599 ng g-1) are lower than those considered relevant for environmental risk to the benthic habitats. Higher median concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons (8.49 µg g-1) and PAHs (84.8 ng g-1) in the middle slope sediments (700-1000-m water depths) showed the influence of hydrodynamics upon hydrocarbon accumulation in the sediments. Diagnostic ratios and conventional statistical analysis applied to hydrocarbon data produced insufficient information on the contribution of different sources. These traditional approaches do not consider the potential changes affecting source assignment and therefore cannot deal with the uncertainties. The fuzzy logic applied as an alternative method for data treatment successfully incorporated the uncertainties in the differentiation between petrogenic and pyrolytic sources, including those due to degradation. Moreover, by using fuzzy logic, it was possible to identify that water circulation patterns, mass transport, deposition, and degradation processes are more relevant factors in determining hydrocarbon composition than source proximity.