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Clin Case Rep ; 11(10): e8081, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37854259


Key Clinical Message: Burkitt's lymphoma is a highly aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that can affect various parts of the body, which include jaw, facial bones, retroperitoneum, and abdominal viscera, it is worth noting that breast involvement is extremely rare in Burkitt's lymphoma and has not been documented. Abstract: Burkitt's lymphoma is a highly aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that can affect various parts of the body including breast. This sarcoma is identified as a rapidly fatal malignant lymphoma syndrome and 50% of all malignant tumors in children. However, breast involvement has not been documented. A 19-year-old male presented to our emergency department with a left breast swelling for 2 months associated with drenching night sweats, weight loss and evening fevers. Physical examination revealed a mass measuring approximately 15 × 16 × 15 cm in the widest dimension, skin hyperpigmentation, no nipple discolorations, discharges, and non-tender on palpation. Biopsy was done, and the histology report revealed sheets of monomorphic medium lymphocytes with a high mitotic rate and frequent apoptotic bodies showing a starry-sky appearance. The immunohistochemistry report revealed positive staining for Ki-67, CD-20, and CD-10 tumor markers and CD45 on flow cytometry. The patient was started on aggressive hydration, rasubricase administration, CODOX-M/IVAC regimen 6 cycles, and G-CSF and registered significant reduction in the size of the mass. Burkitt's lymphoma is a highly aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that can affect various parts of the body. It commonly involves the jaw, facial bones, retroperitoneum, and abdominal viscera. The disease typically affects young patients in areas of high incidence, such as the jaw, whereas visceral involvement is more common in older patients in low-incidence areas. It is worth noting that breast involvement is extremely rare in Burkitt's lymphoma.

Clin Case Rep ; 11(5): e7211, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37143452


Sarcomas of the head and neck account for about 2% of all head and neck malignancies in adults. The median age at diagnosis is 50-54 years with a slight male predominance. The rarity of these sarcomas and lack of prospective trials make it difficult to reach valid conclusions. A 36-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of an expanding non-pulsatile mass in the right supraclavicular fossa with associated numbness and paresthesia of the right forearm. The patient reported that the mass had gradually enlarged for the past 5 months. She had no history of trauma or any chronic illnesses. A physical examination revealed a mass measuring approximately 7 cm × 5 cm above the right clavicle with no palpable thrill or bruit. Ultrasound-guided biopsy was done and the histology report revealed soft tissue cells, fatty cells, and skeletal muscle cells; no tumor cells were identified. Magnetic resonance angiogram studies were made and revealed a highly vascularized supraclavicular mass. Under a multidisciplinary approach, the mass was resected. Head and neck sarcomas are relatively rare tumors and those of the head and neck account for about 2% of all head and neck malignancies and 4%-10% of all sarcomas in adults. The main histologic subtypes are rhabdomyosarcoma, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and angiosarcoma.