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Front Urol ; 32023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37920725


Introduction: Parents of infants and young children newly diagnosed with differences of sex development (DSD) commonly face medical and psychosocial management decisions at a time when they are first learning about the condition and cannot consult their child for input. The aim of this study was to identify areas of greatest need for parental decisional support. Methods: 34 parents of children receiving care for DSD at one of three US children's hospitals participated in a survey to learn what clinical and psychosocial decisions needed to be made on behalf of their child. Parents were then asked to identify and focus on a "tough" decision and respond to questions assessing factors affecting decision-making, decision-making preferences, decisional conflict, and decision regret. Descriptive analyses were conducted. Results: Decisions about surgery and aspects of sharing information about their child's condition with others were the two most frequently reported decisions overall, experienced by 97% and 88% of parents, as well as most frequently nominated as tough decisions. Many parents reported mild to moderate levels of decisional conflict (59%) and decision regret (74%). Almost all parents (94%) reported experiencing at least one factor as interfering with decision-making (e.g., "worried too much about choosing the 'wrong' option"). Parents universally reported a desire to be involved in decision-making - preferably making the final decision primarily on their own (79%), or together with their child's healthcare providers (21%). The majority of parents judged healthcare providers (82%) and patient/family organizations (58%) as trustworthy sources of information. Discussion: Parents of children with DSD encounter medical, surgical, and psychosocial management decisions. Despite difficulties including emotional distress and informational concerns (including gaps and overload), parents express strong desires to play key roles in decision-making on behalf of their children. Healthcare providers can help identify family-specific needs through observation and inquiry in the clinical context. Together with families, providers should focus on specific clinical management decisions and support parental involvement in making decisions on behalf of young children with DSD.

Front Urol ; 22023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37885597


Introduction: Parents and guardians of infants and young children with differences of sex development (DSD) often face numerous health and social decisions about their child's condition. While proxy health decisions can be stressful in any circumstance, they are further exacerbated in this clinical context by significant variations in clinical presentation, parental lack of knowledge about DSD, irreversibility of some options (e.g., gonadectomy), a paucity of research available about long-term outcomes, and anticipated decisional regret. This study aimed to engage clinicians, parents, and an adult living with DSD to collaboratively develop a suite of patient decision aids (PDAs) to respond to the decisional needs of parents and guardians of infants and young children diagnosed with DSD. Methods: We used a systematic co-development process guided by the Ottawa Decision Support Framework and the International Patient Decision Aids Standards (IPDAS). The five steps were: literature selection, establish the team, decisional needs assessment, create the PDAs, and alpha testing. Results: We developed four PDAs to support parents/guardians of infants or young children diagnosed with DSD about four priority decisions identified through our decisional needs assessment: genetic testing, gender of rearing, genital surgery and gonadal surgery. All four PDAs include information for parents about DSD, the options, reasons to choose or avoid each option, and opportunities for parents/guardians to rate the importance of features of each option to clarify their values for these features. Qualitative feedback was positive from clinicians, parents and an adult living with DSD. Conclusions: These PDAs are clinical tools designed to support parents/guardians and to promote making an informed and shared DSD-related decision. While these tools are specific to DSD, they contain themes and elements translatable to other pediatric populations.