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Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(4): 536-547, dic. 2021. tab.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392365


En condiciones adecuadas como humedad, alcalinidad, o temperatura, determinados patógenos logran adherirse a las superficies y sobrevivir ciertos períodos fuera de un anfitrión, persistiendo en algunos casos a procesos deficientes de limpieza y desinfección, configurándose como un posible foco de transmisión. Por ello, el correcto saneamiento cumple un propósito vital en la protección de los trabajadores de la industria y otros sectores frente al riesgo de contaminación por contacto directo con las superficies contaminadas. La literatura científica muestra amplia evidencia de la supervivencia de patógenos sobre superficies que son habituales dentro de instalaciones industriales, como acero, aluminio, madera, plástico y vidrio. La supervivencia de microorganismos en las superficies puede configurarse como candidato a marcador de biodisponibilidad, que puede ser usado en la industria para establecer y auditar los planes de higienización y saneamiento industrial, permitiendo estudiar la eficacia de los compuestos usados en la desinfección, y variables como su concentración, temperatura, e intervalos de aplicación y remoción(AU)

Under suitable conditions such as humidity, alkalinity, or temperature, certain pathogens manage to adhere to surfaces and survive certain periods outside of a host, persisting in some cases to poor cleaning and disinfection processes, becoming a possible source of transmission. Therefore, proper sanitation serves a vital purpose in protecting workers in industry and other sectors from the risk of contamination by direct contact with contaminated surfaces. The scientific literature shows ample evidence of the survival of pathogens on surfaces that are common within industrial facilities, such as steel, aluminum, wood, plastic and glass. The survival of microorganisms on surfaces can be configured as a candidate for bioavailability marker, which can be used in the industry to establish and audit industrial sanitation and sanitation plans, allowing to study the efficacy of the compounds used in disinfection, and variables such as its concentration, temperature, and application and removal intervals(AU(

Disponibilidade Biológica , Desinfecção , Saneamento na Indústria , Poluição Ambiental , Noxas , Plásticos , Aço , Madeira , Alumínio , Instalações Industriais e de Manufatura , Vidro
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(4): 657-663, dic. 2021. tab., ilus.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1396110


Se ha comprobado que la exposición a bioaerosoles se asocia con varios efectos sobre la salud, como enfermedades pulmonares y alergias. El presente estudio transversal tuvo como objetivo investigar la contaminación por hongos en varias superficies pertenecientes a dos industrias de alimentos. La toma de muestra se realizó en tres semanas, inmediatamente después de realizada la limpieza y desinfección y antes de iniciar la producción. Se recolectaron 400 muestras de superficie (vidrio, acero inoxidable, aluminio, goma y plástico), también se evaluó la eficacia del programa de higienización en el control de la población de hongos. Todas las muestras presentaron recuentos fúngicos <10 ufc/cm2, sin haber diferencias significativas entre los tipos de superficie, sin embargo, las superficies plásticas exhibieron mayor crecimiento logarítmico de los hongos. Se determinó que 49,60% de las especies identificadas correspondieron al género Penicillium. Aunque los niveles de hongos en las industrias estudiadas fueron inferiores a los niveles recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, algunas medidas de salud ambiental como lavar y desinfectar las superficies después de cada turno de trabajo, y se recomiendan inspecciones periódicas para garantizar la seguridad de los trabajadores y de los productos que allí se manufacturan(AU)

It has been proven that exposure to bioaerosols is associated with several health effects, such as pulmonary diseases and allergies. The present crosssectional study aimed to investigate fungal contamination on various surfaces belonging to two food industries. The sampling was carried out in three weeks, immediately after cleaning and disinfection and before starting production. 400 surface samples were collected (glass, stainless steel, aluminum, rubber and plastic), the effectiveness of the sanitation program in controlling the fungal population was also evaluated. All the samples presented fungal counts <10 cfu / cm2, with no significant differences between the types of surfaces, however, the plastic surfaces exhibited higher logarithmic growth of the fungi. It was determined that 49.60% of the identified species corresponded to the Penicillium genus.Although the levels of fungi in the studied baths were lower than the levels recommended by the World Health Organization, some environmental health measure ssuch as washing and disinfecting surfaces after each working shift and periodic inspections are recommended ensuring the safety of the workers and the products that are manufactured there(AU)

Humanos , Contagem de Colônia Microbiana , Indústria Alimentícia , Saneamento/métodos , Poluição Ambiental/prevenção & controle , Fungos , Penicillium , Plásticos , Aspergillus , Rhizopus , Aço Inoxidável , Riscos Ocupacionais , Desinfecção/métodos , Alternaria , Alimentos , Instalações Industriais e de Manufatura , Vidro , Categorias de Trabalhadores
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(4): 683-692, dic. 2021. tab., ilus.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1397253


La lucha epidemiológica contra la pandemia COVID-19 ha incluido medidas sociales como el confinamiento y el cierre de actividades laborales y académicas. A consecuencia, tareas que se llevaban a cabo en el contexto presencial debieron ser ejecutadas desde los hogares, adoptando estrategias como el teletrabajo y la educación virtual, haciendo necesario el uso de herramientas como ordenadores y laptops. De allí que las personas han incrementado la exposición a las pantallas de dispositivos electrónicos, como son computadoras y laptops, trayendo como consecuencia afectaciones en la salud visual de las personas tales como el síndrome visual informático (SVI). Se realizó un estudio transversal con el objetivo de determinar la afectación por SVI en la población peruana y su relación con la exposición prolongada a DEV, generada a raíz de las medidas sociales de enfrentamiento a la pandemia de COVID-19. El tiempo promedio en que los sujetos de nuestro estudio usaron DEV dentro de los hogares se acrecentó un 120%, es decir 4,26±2,36 horas diarias adicionales al comparar con el año anterior a la pandemia COVID-19. La adopción masiva de actividades como el teletrabajo y la educación virtual podrían explicar el hecho que los grupos de empleados/patronos y estudiantes fueron los mayores usuarios de DEV, con 10,41 y 9,32 horas diarias. De acuerdo a los hallazgos obtenidos, es estadísticamente válido afirmar que las medidas sociales para enfrentar la pandemia COVID-19 indujeron al aumento en la prevalencia de SVI en los pobladores peruanos (p<0,001). En la actual investigación, la proporción de individuos que manifestaron SVI pasó de 38 a 64%, antes y durante la aplicación de las medidas, respectivamente(AU)

The epidemiological fight against the COVID-19 pandemic has included social measures such as confinement and the closure of work and academic activities. As a consequence, tasks that were carried out in the face-to-face context had to be carried out from homes, adopting strategies such as teleworking and virtual education, requiring the use of tools such as computers and laptops. Hence, people have increased exposure to the screens of electronic devices, such as computers and laptops, resulting in effects on people's visual health such as computer vision syndrome (SVI). A cross-sectional study was carried out in order to determine the affectation by SVI in the Peruvian population and its relationship with prolonged exposure to DEV, generated as a result of social measures to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The average time in which the subjects in our study used DEV within homes increased by 120%, that is, 4.26 ± 2.36 additional daily hours when compared to the year before the COVID-19 pandemic. The massive adoption of activities such as teleworking and virtual education could explain the fact that groups of employees / employers and students were the largest users of DEV, with 10.41 and 9.32 hours per day. According to the findings obtained, it is statistically valid to affirm that the social measures to face the COVID-19 pandemic induced an increase in the prevalence of SVI in the Peruvian population (p <0.001). In the current investigation, the proportion of individuals who manifested SVI went from 38 to 64%, before and during the application of the measures, respectively(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Disparidade Visual , Astenopia , Educação a Distância , Teletrabalho , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Peru , Síndrome , Computadores , Saúde Ocular , Estudos Transversais , Estratégias de Saúde , Miopia
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(3): 486-495, ago. 2021. tab., ilus.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1418332


El COVID persistente se caracteriza por síntomas y secuelas funcionales y psicológicas que persisten por más de 12 semanas post infección, tales como: fatiga, disnea, ansiedad, depresión; generando inconvenientes en la reanudación de actividades laborales de los trabajadores. Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo de corte transversal, evaluando la reincorporación de trabajadores operadores de industrias metalmecánicas de Lima, Perú; recuperados y COVID persistentes, entre el tercer trimestre 2020 y primer trimestre 2021. Se aplicaron las escalas de disnea de Borg y la escala de disnea modificada del Medical Research Council (mMRC), además de la escala de ansiedad y depresión de Goldberg. Los resultados se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva, empleando medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Se observó que más del 80% de trabajadores recuperados son reincorporados; y para COVID persistente se reincorpora entre 75% y 43% para los cargos 8121 y 8122, respectivamente. El esfuerzo respiratorio en reposo resultó normal por la escala de Borg para cada grupo, mientras que en esfuerzo se obtuvo un valor R2= 0.2986 indicando la no reincorporación en 74,51% y 43,33% en las categorias 8121 y 8122, respectivamente; además 45,12% y 42,68% de los trabajadores recuperados y COVID persistentes mostraron sintomas de fatiga; 36,25% y 35,26% de ansiedad; 25,4% y 15,21% de depresión, respectivamente; asimismo, el total de trabajadores presentaron sobrepeso con IMC promedio > 26 Kg/m2; siendo más elevado en mujeres (27,4 Kg/m2). El COVID-19 afecta la salud de trabajadores (recuperados y COVID persistentes), reduce el reintegro al trabajo y en consecuencia la productividad de las empresas(AU)

Persistent COVID is characterized by functional and psychological symptoms and sequelae that persist for more than 12 weeks post infection, such as: fatigue, dyspnea, anxiety, depression; generating inconveniences in the resumption of work activities of workers. A descriptive, cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out, evaluating the reincorporation of workers operating in metalworking industries in Lima, Peru; recovered and persistent COVID, between the third quarter 2020 and the first quarter 2021. The Borg dyspnea scales and the modified dyspnea scale of the Medical Research Council (mMRC) were applied, in addition to the Goldberg anxiety and depression scale. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, using measures of central tendency and dispersion. It was observed that more than 80% of recovered workers are reinstated; and for persistent COVID, between 75% and 43% are reinstated for charges 8121 and 8122, respectively. Respiratory effort at rest was normal by the Borg scale for each group, while in effort a value R2 = 0.2986 was obtained, indicating no reincorporation in 74.51% and 43.33% in categories 8121 and 8122, respectively; also 45.12% and 42.68% of the recovered workers and persistent COVID showed symptoms of fatigue; 36.25% and 35.26% anxiety; 25.4% and 15.21% of depression, respectively; Likewise, the total of workers were overweight with an average BMI> 26 Kg / m2; being higher in women (27.4 Kg / m2). COVID-19 affects the health of workers (recovered and persistent COVID), reduces return to work and consequently the productivity of companies(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Dispneia , Retorno ao Trabalho , COVID-19/complicações , Síndrome de COVID-19 Pós-Aguda , Ansiedade , Peru/epidemiologia , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Indústria Metalúrgica , Pessoal de Operação , Estudos Transversais , Depressão , Sobrepeso , Categorias de Trabalhadores
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(3): 527-532, ago. 2021. tab.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1418408


Los trabajadores de la industria están expuestos a distintos tipos de riesgos, incluyendo la exposición laboral a agentes biológicos como virus, bacterias, hongos, parásitos, esporas o toxinas capaces de originar algún tipo de infección, enfermedad o toxicidad. Gran variedad de estos patógenos ha sido identificada sobre distintas superficies dentro de instalaciones de trabajo, persistiendo en algunos casos luego de las jornadas de limpieza habituales, e incluso sobreviviendo por largos períodos de tiempo. Los hallazgos preliminares indican que los procesos de higiene en dos industrias permitieron disminuir de manera estadísticamente significativa la presencia de E. Coli y Sars-Cov-2, en las superficies dentro de las instalaciones. Por el contrario, en una tercera industria se observó que los procesos de higiene y limpieza no lograron reducir eficazmente la presencia de los patógenos La auditoría de higiene en instalaciones de industrias textiles debe incluir la capacidad de hallar e identificar los peligros biológicos que aún estén presentes en superficies, una vez ejecutados los protocolos rutinarios de limpieza y desinfección establecidos por la organización. Para esta labor proponemos la práctica complementaria de tres procedimientos: la determinación microbiológica, mediante torundas o placas de contacto, la determinación visual con luz ultravioleta, para comprobar el grado de eficacia de la limpieza, y la determinación específica, consistente en la detección de ARN de virus SARS-CoV-2 (causante del COVID-19) en muestras ambientales de superficies por el método de PCR en tiempo real(AU)

Industrial workers are exposed to different types of risks, including occupational exposure to biological agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, spores or toxins capable of causing some type of infection, disease or toxicity. A great variety of these pathogens have been identified on different surfaces within work facilities, persisting in some cases after the usual cleaning days, and even surviving for long periods of time. Preliminary findings indicate that hygiene processes in two industries allowed a statistically significant decrease in the presence of E. Coli and Sars-Cov-2, on surfaces within the facilities. On the contrary, in a third industry it was observed that hygiene and cleaning processes failed to effectively reduce the presence of pathogens Hygiene audit in textile industry facilities should include the ability to find and identify biological hazards that are still present on surfaces, once the routine cleaning and disinfection protocols established by the organization have been executed. For this work, we propose the complementary practice of three procedures: microbiological determination, using swabs or contact plates, visual determination with ultraviolet light, to verify the degree of cleaning efficiency, and specific determination, consisting of RNA detection. of SARS-CoV-2 virus (causing COVID-19) in environmental samples of surfaces by the real-time PCR method(AU)

Humanos , Medidas de Segurança/organização & administração , Riscos Ocupacionais , Escherichia coli , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Peru , Indústria Têxtil , Raios Ultravioleta , Desinfecção , Exposição Ocupacional
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(3): 401-408, ago. 2021. tab.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1400105


El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la literatura existente sobre el SVI y sus afectaciones a las personas producto por alta exposición a equipos electrónicos generados por la pandemia del COVID-19 El tipo de investigación es revisión de literatura, de diseño bibliográfico o documental; el método de investigación empleado fue el de revisión de literatura. La población estuvo constituida por 35 artículos y la muestra de 19 artículos en diversos idiomas, seleccionados de manera intencional de acuerdo a criterios de inclusión y exclusión previamente establecidos; las técnicas e instrumentos empleados para el recojo de información fueron el análisis documental, y el fichaje y la computadora respectivamente. Entre los principales resultados se tiene que el SVI tiene gran prevalencia en personas que tienen gran periodo de exposición a pantallas de dispositivos electrónicos, asimismo, vinculados a fallas en las condiciones ergonómicas en sus estaciones de trabajo o estudio. Se concluye, el promedio de prevalencia del SVI en los artículos revisados es de 73.2%, siendo el máximo 98.7% y el mínimo 50%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres; respecto a los síntomas más frecuente que se presentan se tienen: dolor en ojos, cansancio visual o visión borrosa, picazón, sequedad en los ojos, sensación de empeoramiento de la vista, lagrimeo y párpados pesados(AU)

The objective of this article is to analyze the existing literature on IVS and its effects on people as a result of high exposure to electronic equipment generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The type of research is literature review, bibliographic or documentary design; the research method used was the literature review. The population consisted of 35 articles and the sample of 19 articles in various languages, intentionally selected according to previously established inclusion and exclusion criteria; the techniques and instruments used for the collection of information were the documentary analysis, and the signing and the computer respectively. Among the main results is that SVI has a high prevalence in people who have a long period of exposure to electronic device screens, also linked to failures in ergonomic conditions in their workstations or study. It is concluded that the average prevalence of SVI in the reviewed articles is 73.2%, the maximum being 98.7% and the minimum 50%, being more frequent in women; Regarding the most frequent symptoms that appear, there are: pain in the eyes, visual fatigue or blurred vision, itching, dry eyes, sensation of worsening of sight, tearing and heavy eyelids(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto , Síndromes do Olho Seco/etiologia , Astenopia , Oftalmopatias/etiologia , Tempo de Tela , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , COVID-19 , Ergonomia
Colomb Med (Cali) ; 51(1): e4141, 2020 Mar 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32952230


AIM: We aimed to evaluate the correlation between the polymorphism of the interleukin 1-Beta (IL1-ß, +3954 C>T) and tooth movement, in a group of Colombian patients undergoing surgically accelerated orthodontic tooth movement. METHODS: The study was nested to a controlled clinical trial. Blood samples were taken from 11 women and 29 healthy Colombian male volunteers between 18 and 40 years old, after 1 year of starting orthodontic treatment. The patients presented malocclusion class I, with grade II or III. To detect the genetic polymorphism of the nucleotide +3954 C to T in the IL-1ß gene, we used a real-time PCR assay. RESULTS: Eleven individuals presented the allele 2 (T) heterozygous with the allele 1 (T/C) and 19 individuals were homozygous for the allele 1 (C/C). When analyzing the presence of the SNP, no significant differences were found in any of the variables. The best treatment was reflected in Group 3 (selective upper and lower alveolar decortication and 3D collagen matrix) and Group 4 (only selective alveolar decortication in the upper arch, with 3D collagen matrix), with 27% and 35% more speed respectively than in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Our analyses indicated that a reduction in the total treatment time can be mostly potentiated by using decortication and collagen matrices and not for the presence of the allele 2 in the IL-1ß. Nevertheless, it is important that further studies investigate if the polymorphism could be associated with the speed of tooth movement and analyze the baseline protein levels.

OBJETIVO: Evaluar la correlación entre el polimorfismo de la interleucina 1-Beta (IL1-ß, +3954 C> T) y el movimiento de los dientes, en un grupo de pacientes colombianos sometidos a un movimiento dental ortodóncico acelerado quirúrgicamente. MÉTODOS: Este fue un estudio secundario derivado de un ensayo clínico aleatorio controlado. Se tomaron muestras de sangre de 11 mujeres y 29 voluntarios varones colombianos sanos entre 18 y 40 años, después de 1 año de comenzar el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Los pacientes presentaron maloclusión clase I, con grado II o III. Para detectar el polimorfismo genético del nucleótido +3954 C a T en el gen IL-1ß, se usó un ensayo de PCR en tiempo real. RESULTADOS: 11 individuos presentaron el alelo 2 (T) heterocigoto con el alelo 1 (T / C) y 19 individuos fueron homocigotos para el alelo 1 (C / C). Al analizar la presencia del SNP, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en ninguna de las variables. El mejor tratamiento se reflejó en el Grupo 3 (decorticación alveolar superior e inferior selectiva y matriz de colágeno 3D) y el Grupo 4 (solo decorticación alveolar selectiva en el arco superior, con matriz de colágeno 3D), con un 27% y un 35% más de velocidad, respectivamente, que en el grupo de control. CONCLUSIONES: Los análisis indicaron que una reducción en el tiempo total de tratamiento puede potenciarse principalmente mediante el uso de decorticación y matrices de colágeno y no por la presencia del alelo 2 en la IL-1ß. Sin embargo, es importante que otros estudios investiguen si el polimorfismo podría estar asociado con la velocidad del movimiento de los dientes y analizar los niveles de proteína de referencia.

Interleucina-1beta/genética , Má Oclusão/genética , Má Oclusão/terapia , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária/métodos , Adulto , Alelos , Colômbia , Análise de Dados , Feminino , Heterozigoto , Homozigoto , Humanos , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Masculino , Má Oclusão/classificação , Mecanotransdução Celular/fisiologia , Duração da Cirurgia , Fatores de Tempo , Adulto Jovem
Colomb. med ; 51(1): e4141, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124606


Abstract Aim: We aimed to evaluate the correlation between the polymorphism of the interleukin 1-Beta (IL1-β, +3954 C>T) and tooth movement, in a group of Colombian patients undergoing surgically accelerated orthodontic tooth movement. Methods: The study was nested to a controlled clinical trial. Blood samples were taken from 11 women and 29 healthy Colombian male volunteers between 18 and 40 years old, after 1 year of starting orthodontic treatment. The patients presented malocclusion class I, with grade II or III. To detect the genetic polymorphism of the nucleotide +3954 C to T in the IL-1β gene, we used a real-time PCR assay. Results: Eleven individuals presented the allele 2 (T) heterozygous with the allele 1 (T/C) and 19 individuals were homozygous for the allele 1 (C/C). When analyzing the presence of the SNP, no significant differences were found in any of the variables. The best treatment was reflected in Group 3 (selective upper and lower alveolar decortication and 3D collagen matrix) and Group 4 (only selective alveolar decortication in the upper arch, with 3D collagen matrix), with 27% and 35% more speed respectively than in the control group. Conclusions: Our analyses indicated that a reduction in the total treatment time can be mostly potentiated by using decortication and collagen matrices and not for the presence of the allele 2 in the IL-1β. Nevertheless, it is important that further studies investigate if the polymorphism could be associated with the speed of tooth movement and analyze the baseline protein levels.

Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la correlación entre el polimorfismo de la interleucina 1-Beta (IL1-β, +3954 C> T) y el movimiento de los dientes, en un grupo de pacientes colombianos sometidos a un movimiento dental ortodóncico acelerado quirúrgicamente. Métodos: Este fue un estudio secundario derivado de un ensayo clínico aleatorio controlado. Se tomaron muestras de sangre de 11 mujeres y 29 voluntarios varones colombianos sanos entre 18 y 40 años, después de 1 año de comenzar el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Los pacientes presentaron maloclusión clase I, con grado II o III. Para detectar el polimorfismo genético del nucleótido +3954 C a T en el gen IL-1β, se usó un ensayo de PCR en tiempo real. Resultados: 11 individuos presentaron el alelo 2 (T) heterocigoto con el alelo 1 (T / C) y 19 individuos fueron homocigotos para el alelo 1 (C / C). Al analizar la presencia del SNP, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en ninguna de las variables. El mejor tratamiento se reflejó en el Grupo 3 (decorticación alveolar superior e inferior selectiva y matriz de colágeno 3D) y el Grupo 4 (solo decorticación alveolar selectiva en el arco superior, con matriz de colágeno 3D), con un 27% y un 35% más de velocidad, respectivamente, que en el grupo de control. Conclusiones: Los análisis indicaron que una reducción en el tiempo total de tratamiento puede potenciarse principalmente mediante el uso de decorticación y matrices de colágeno y no por la presencia del alelo 2 en la IL-1β. Sin embargo, es importante que otros estudios investiguen si el polimorfismo podría estar asociado con la velocidad del movimiento de los dientes y analizar los niveles de proteína de referencia.

Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária/métodos , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Interleucina-1beta/genética , Má Oclusão/genética , Má Oclusão/terapia , Fatores de Tempo , Colômbia , Mecanotransdução Celular/fisiologia , Alelos , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Duração da Cirurgia , Análise de Dados , Heterozigoto , Homozigoto , Má Oclusão/classificação
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 31(1): 147-161, July-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115198


ABSTRACT Introduction: the aim of this systematic review is to explore the published literature to analyze the relationship between polymorphism of interleukin 1-beta (IL-1β) and orthodontics. Methods: the search strategy developed for Medline, Scopus and Embase was used, verifying search records and selecting articles according to the guidelines set forth by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Two researchers evaluated studies in humans undergoing orthodontic treatment that evaluate IL-1β polymorphism, movement speed and/or root resorption, including clinical trials, case-control studies, cross-sectional studies, and cohort studies, published up to April 2017. Results: of the 123 relevant articles identified, 9 studies published between 2001 and 2016 were included in the detailed analysis. Studies on tooth movement generally agree that there is an increase in IL-1β levels in the first hours after starting the orthodontic treatment. Conclusion: an association of IL-1β polymorphism with external root resorption and tooth movement speed was found.

RESUMEN Introducción: el objetivo de esta revisión sistemática es analizar, a través de la literatura publicada, la relación entre el polimorfismo de la interleuquina 1 beta (IL-1β) y la ortodoncia. Métodos: se aplicó la estrategia de búsqueda desarrollada para Medline, Scopus y Embase y se verificaron los registros de la búsqueda y los artículos seleccionados de acuerdo a los lineamientos de la declaración para Revisiones Sistemáticas y Metaanálisis (PRISMA). Dos investigadores evaluaron los estudios en humanos sometidos a tratamiento de ortodoncia, donde se evalúan el polimorfismo de la IL-1β y la velocidad de movimiento y/o resorción radicular, como ensayos clínicos, estudios de casos y controles, estudios transversales o estudios de cohortes, publicados hasta abril de 2017. Resultados: de los 123 estudios relevantes identificados, 9 de ellos, publicados entre 2001 y 2016, fueron incluidos en el análisis detallado. Los estudios de movimiento dental concuerdan en el aumento de los niveles de IL-1β en las primeras horas de inicio del tratamiento ortodóncico. Conclusión: se encontró asociación del polimorfismo de la IL-1β con la resorción radicular externa y la velocidad de movimiento dental.

Interleucina-1beta , Ortodontia , Reabsorção da Raiz , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 30(2): 264-271, Jan.-June 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092027


ABSTRACT Rehabilitation of the partially edentulous anterior maxilla is considered one of the most difficult challenges for the restorative dentist due to the esthetic, functional and psychological implications. Implant-supported restorations provide an appealing treatment alternative that responds to today's patient expectations. The gold standard for this scenario has been the use of an implant-supported fixed partial denture with pontics that masks the soft tissue deficiencies, with acceptable esthetic results. However, nowadays patients are looking for individual single crowns since they believe that this type of restorations resemble the natural dentition, are easy to clean and floss. From the dentist perspective, they are easy to maintain and in case of prosthetic complications they can be repaired or changed without compromising the adjacent restorations. Three parameters have been identified that could guide the decision-making process when multiple adjacent implant supported restorations (MAISR) are selected as the treatment of choice: 1) Smile line 2) Inter-implant distance and tooth-implant distance 3) Patient's expectations and ability to clean.

RESUMEN La rehabilitación del maxilar anterior parcialmente edéntulo se considera uno de los retos más difíciles para el dentista restaurador debido a las implicaciones estéticas, funcionales y psicológicas. Las restauraciones apoyadas por implantes proporcionan una alternativa de tratamiento atractiva que responde a las expectativas actuales de los pacientes. El patrón de referencia en este contexto ha sido el uso de una prótesis parcial fija con implantes con pónticos para enmascarar las deficiencias de tejido blando, el cual ha tenido resultados estéticos aceptables. Sin embargo, hoy en día los pacientes están buscando coronas individuales ya que creen que este tipo de restauraciones se asemejan a la dentición natural y son fáciles de limpiar con cepillado e hilo dental. Desde la perspectiva del dentista, son fáciles de mantener y en caso de complicaciones protésicas pueden ser reparadas o cambiadas sin comprometer las restauraciones adyacentes. Se han identificado tres parámetros que podrían guiar el proceso de toma de decisiones cuando se seleccionan varias restauraciones compatibles con implantes adyacentes como el tratamiento de elección: 1) Línea de sonrisa 2) Distancia entre implantes y distancia de implante dental 3) Las expectativas del paciente y la facilidad de limpieza.

Reabilitação Bucal , Implantes Dentários
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30472195


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to validate a method of mandibular digital model (DM) registration, acquired from an intraoral scanner, compared with high-resolution voxel-based cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) registration with use of the mucogingival junction as the reference. STUDY DESIGN: Pre- and post-treatment CBCT and DM images from 12 adults were randomly selected from an initial sample of 40 patients who had undergone orthodontic treatment. The DM registration was performed in 6 steps: (1) construction of 3-dimensional (3-D) volumetric label maps of CBCT scans, (2) voxel-based registration of CBCT scans, (3) prelabeling of CBCT images, (4) approximation and registration of DM models to the corresponding CBCT models, (5) mucogingival-junction registration of pretreatment and post-treatment DM images, and (6) measurements. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to calculate the significance of differences between the CBCT and DM registrations. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was performed to assess reproducibility of the registration method. RESULTS: When registered CBCT models and registered DM models were compared, no statistically significant differences in the measurements were found (right-left P = .267; anterior-posterior P = .238; superior-inferior P = .384; and 3-D P = .076). ICC showed excellent intra- and inter-rater correlation (ICC > 0.90). CONCLUSIONS: The method of DM registration of the mandible with use of the mucogingival junction as the reference is accurate, reliable, and reproducible.

Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Mandíbula , Adulto , Gengiva , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologia , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Valores de Referência , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Cir Cir ; 86(5): 392-398, 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30226490


ANTECEDENTES: La escoliosis idiopática del adolescente se define como una deformidad tridimensional de la columna vertebral que se presenta entre los 10 y los 18 años, y que se manifiesta con una curvatura vertebral en el plano coronal mayor de 10°. Esta deformidad afecta al 2-3% de la población general, pero solo el 10% del total requerirá en algún momento tratamiento quirúrgico. El método de elección para el manejo es el uso de tornillos transpediculares y barras desrotadoras. OBJETIVO: Realizar un análisis descriptivo de los pacientes que recibieron manejo quirúrgico en nuestro instituto con tornillos transpediculares y barras. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, analítico, abierto, de muestreo no probabilístico, en el que se incluyeron los pacientes tratados con manejo quirúrgico entre 2012 y 2013. Las deformidades se estratificaron de acuerdo con la clasificación de Lenke. El ángulo de corrección de la deformidad, los niveles instrumentados, el sangrado transquirúrgico y la presencia de complicaciones fueron las variables analizadas. RESULTADOS: La mayoría de los pacientes presentaron curvas Lenke IBN, Nash Moe III, Cobb un promedio de 59.4° y cifosis de 47.8. En promedio se siguió a los pacientes por 35.84 meses, detectando un aumento de la curvatura coronal de 2.28° y un aumento de la curvatura sagital de 2.8°. CONCLUSIÓN: Al comparar estos resultados y la literatura mundial se concluyó que el tratamiento de la escoliosis idiopática del adolescente es un método seguro y reproducible que ofrece una mayor ventaja biomecánica y biológica sobre el uso de instrumentación mixta utilizada anteriormente. BACKGROUND: Adolescent's idiopathic scoliosis is defined as a three-dimensional deformity of the spine, which occurs between 10 and 18-year-old, has a spinal curvature >10° in the coronal plane. This deformity affects 2­3% of the general population, however, only 10% of the total will require surgery at some point. The method of choice for management is the use of pedicle screws and rods derotational. OBJECTIVE: To perform a descriptive analysis of patients who received surgical treatment in our institute with pedicle screws and rods. METHODS: This is an observational, retrospective, analytical, open study, non-probability sampling, in which patients requiring surgical treatment at our institute between 2012 and 2013 were included, the deformities were stratified according to the classification of Lenke. The angle of deformity correction, instrumented levels, amount of bleeding, presence of complications were the variables analyzed. RESULTS: Lenke classifying mostly IBN, Moe Nash III, an average of 59.4° Cobb and kyphosis of 47.8. On average it was followed patients for 35.84 months, detecting an increase 2.28° coronal curvature and sagittal curvature increase of 2.8°. CONCLUSION: Comparing these results and world literature concluded that the treatment of adolescent's idiopathic scoliosis is a safe and reproducible method that provides greater biomechanical and biological advantage over the use of mixed instrumentation used previously.

Escoliose/cirurgia , Fusão Vertebral/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Parafusos Ósseos , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Tempo de Internação , Masculino , México , Próteses e Implantes , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fusão Vertebral/instrumentação , Fusão Vertebral/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento
J Periodontol ; 88(10): 946-959, 2017 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28967330


BACKGROUND: Application of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has grown exponentially across dentistry with a clear impact in implant dentistry. This review aims at providing the scientific context to understand if CBCT imaging should become the standard of care for patients requiring dental implants. METHODS: A literature search for CBCT applications in implant dentistry was performed using the PubMed database that included studies published between January 1, 2000, and June 24, 2017. RESULTS: Of 559 citations identified and manually screened, 161 were selected as suitable for the purpose of the review. The selected studies belonged to three distinct categories: 1) diagnosis and treatment outcome assessment, 2) implant treatment planning, and 3) anatomic characterization. CONCLUSIONS: The current available literature reflects an increased optimization of emerging CBCT imaging protocols and further highlights its diverse applications for dental implant therapy. This technology continues to be considered an advanced point-of-care imaging modality and should be used selectively as an adjunct to two-dimensional dental radiography. As with other ionizing radiation imaging modalities, CBCT imaging should be used only when the potential benefits to the patient outweigh the risks. Dental health care professionals should consider CBCT imaging only when they expect the diagnostic information yielded will lead to better patient care, enhanced patient safety, and ultimately facilitate a more predictable, optimal treatment outcome.

Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/estatística & dados numéricos , Implantação Dentária , Implantes Dentários , Planejamento de Assistência ao Paciente , Odontologia Baseada em Evidências , Humanos , Sociedades Odontológicas , Estados Unidos
J Periodontol ; 88(10): 939-945, 2017 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28967333


BACKGROUND: The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) recently embarked on a Best Evidence Consensus (BEC) model of scientific inquiry to address questions of clinical importance in periodontology for which there is insufficient evidence to arrive at a definitive conclusion. This review addresses oral indications for use of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). METHODS: To develop the BEC, the AAP convened a panel of experts with knowledge of CBCT and substantial experience in applying CBCT to a broad range of clinical scenarios that involve critical structures in the oral cavity. The panel examined a clinical scenario or treatment decision that would likely benefit from additional evidence and interpretation of evidence, performed a systematic review on the individual, debated the merits of published data and experiential information, developed a consensus report, and provided a clinical bottom line based on the best evidence available. RESULTS: This BEC addressed the potential value and limitations of CBCT relative to specific applications in the management of patients requiring or being considered for the following clinical therapies: 1) placement of dental implants; 2) interdisciplinary dentofacial therapy involving orthodontic tooth movement in the management of malocclusion with associated risk on the supporting periodontal tissues (namely, dentoalveolar bone); and 3) management of periodontitis. CONCLUSION: For each specific question addressed, there is a critical mass of evidence, but insufficient evidence to support broad conclusions or definitive clinical practice guidelines.

Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/estatística & dados numéricos , Doenças Estomatognáticas/diagnóstico por imagem , Consenso , Odontologia Baseada em Evidências , Humanos , Sociedades Odontológicas , Estados Unidos
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 24(5): 523-531, sep.-oct. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-900577


Resumen Introducción: la patología cardiovascular es la principal causa de muerte en Colombia y en el mundo y los estilos de vida saludables constituyen factores protectores ante esta. No se ha estudiado en Medellín el efecto de los estilos de vida saludable sobre el colesterol HDL. Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre los niveles de colesterol HDL y la actividad física y alimentación en población de 18 a 65 años en Medellín. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal analítico de la base de datos de la aplicación del método STEPS de la Organización Mundial de la Salud hecho en Medellín en el año 2011 a personas entre 18 y 65 años. La evaluación de la relación entre colesterol HDL y los estilos de vida saludable se hizo a través de regresión logística. Resultados: Se analizaron datos de 1.300 adultos con medición de colesterol HDL, con una edad promedio de 40,6 ± 13,5 años. El 50% tenía el colesterol HDL por debajo de 36,7 mg/dl (RI 31,2-43,5). El nivel socioeconómico alto (OR 0,168; IC95% 0,064 - 0,442) y medio (OR 0,154; IC95% 0,084 - 0,282) así como la actividad física intensa en el tiempo libre (OR 0,600; IC95% 0,383-0,939) constituyen un factor protector frente a un HDL bajo. Conclusión: Los bajos niveles de colesterol HDL tienen alta prevalencia en población adulta de Medellín y se requieren políticas administrativas y de salud pública que promuevan estilos de vida saludable para modificarlos.

Abstract Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of death in Colombia and in the world, and healthy lifestyles are protective factors against this. The effect of healthy lifestyles on HDL cholesterol has not been studied in Medellin. Objective: To establish the relationship between HDL cholesterol levels and physical activity and diet in the population aged 18 to 65 in Medellín. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study was carried out by applying the World Health Organisation STEPS method on a data base gathered in Medellin in the year 2011 onindividuals between 18 and 65 years. The evaluation of the relationship between HDL colesterol and healthy lifestyles was made using logistic regression. Results: The data were analysed from 1,300 adults, with a mean age of 40.6 ± 13.5 years, and with an HDL measurement. Half of them (50%) had an HDL cholesterol below 36.7 mg/dL (RI 31.2-43.5). Protective factors against a low HDL were a high (OR 0.168; 95% CI; 0.064-0.442) and medium socio-economic level (OR 0.154; 95% CI; 0.084-0.282), as well as the carrying out intense physical activity in their free time (OR 0.600; 95% CI; 0.383-0.939). Conclusion: Low HDL levels are highly prevalent in the adult population of Medellin, and require governmental and public health policies that promote health lifestyles in order to modify them.

Humanos , HDL-Colesterol , Doenças Cardiovasculares , Estilo de Vida
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet ; 58(1): 10-16, jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-896697


La Leucosis Enzootica Bovina (LEB) es una enfermedad de distribución mundial que genera grandes pérdidas económicas. Esta enfermedad, afecta principalmente la ganadería de las zonas lecheras y en Colombia no se tienen datos exactos del estado sanitario, ni se han estimado las pérdidas generadas a causa de esta patología. El objetivo fue determinar la presencia de LEB utilizando las claves hematológicas de Göttingen en Toca, Boyacá (Colombia). Se tomaron 243 muestras serológicas a 81 hembras de razas lecheras, seleccionadas al azar en intervalos de dos meses. Posteriormente, las muestras positivas y sospechosas a las claves, fueron procesadas mediante la técnica de ELISA, con el fin de corroborar su seropositividad. Las claves de Göttingen permitieron clasificar, de los 81 ejemplares, cinco muestras positivas y 18 sospechosas, de las cuales las cinco positivas resultaron también positivas a la técnica de ELISA. De los 18 ejemplares sospechosos, cinco resultaron seropositivos. La prevalencia total fue del 13.5 %; para los ejemplares entre 3 y 6 años de edad fue de 25% y para mayores de seis años fue del 6%. Se pudo concluir que el recuento de leucocitos fue de relevancia para el diagnóstico de la LEB. Sin embargo, las técnicas de Göttingen resultan no ser tan específicas para la detección de la enfermedad, por lo cual se recomienda la aplicación de técnicas con una especificidad y una sensibilidad mayor como ELISA y PCR.

Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) is an internationally prevalent disease that causes great economic losses. It mainly affects livestock in dairy production areas. Colombia lacks accurate data on the prevalence of BLV and its economic effect. This study aimed to determine the presence of BLV using Göttingen Hematological Keys in Toca, Boyacá (Colombia). A total of 243 serological samples were taken from 81 females of randomly selected dairy breeds at two-month intervals. Subsequently, the positive and suspect samples to the keys were processed by the ELISA technique in order to corroborate their seropositivity. The Göttingen keys allowed researchers to classify, from the 81 specimens, five positive samples and 18 suspicious ones, of which the five positive samples were also positive for the ELISA technique. Of the 18 suspected specimens, five were also seropositive. The total prevalence was 13.5%; for individuals between 3 and 6 years of age the prevalence was 25% and for individuals over 6 years the prevalence was 6%. Researchers concluded that the leukocyte count was relevant for the diagnosis of LEB. However, the Göttingen techniques are unspecific for the detection of the disease, so techniques with greater specificity and sensitivity such as ELISA and PCR yield more accurate results.

RMD Open ; 2(2): e000349, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27933212


OBJECTIVE: Shared epitope (SE)-coding DRB1 alleles are associated with bone erosion in several diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and periodontal disease (PD), but the underlying mechanism is unknown. We have recently identified the SE as an osteoclast-activating ligand. To better understand the biological effects of the SE in vivo, here we sought to determine whether it can facilitate spontaneous bone damage in naïve mice. METHODS: 3-month old naïve transgenic mice that carry the human SE-coding allele DRB1*04:01, or a SE-negative allele DRB1*04:02 were studied. Bone tissues were analysed by micro-CT, and the tooth-supporting tissues were studied by histology, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. Serum biomarkers were determined by ELISA. RESULTS: Transgenic mice expressing the SE-coding DRB1*04:01 allele, but not mice carrying the SE-negative allele DRB1*04:02, showed spontaneous PD associated with interleukin (IL)-17 overabundance and periostin disruption. Mandibular bone volumetric and mineralisation parameters were significantly lower in SE-positive mice, and alveolar bone resorption was significantly increased in these mice. SE-positive mice also had more slender tibiae, and their marrow, cortical and total areas were lower than those of SE-negative mice. Additionally, significantly increased serum IL-17, tumour necrosis factor-α and osteoprotegrin levels were found in SE-positive mice, while their receptor activator of nuclear factor κ-B ligand levels were significantly lower. CONCLUSIONS: A human SE-coding allele increases the propensity to spontaneous bone-destructive periodontal inflammation and skeletal bone damage in transgenic mice. These findings provide new insights into the previously documented but poorly understood association of the SE with accelerated bone erosion in RA and several other human diseases.

J Clin Periodontol ; 42(8): 764-772, 2015 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26202398


BACKGROUND: Tissue repair and regeneration is assisted by the efficient coordination of cell and extracellular matrix interactions mediated by matricellular molecules such as periostin. Given its high expression around the teeth, the periodontal organ represents an ideal system to capture the protein dynamics during wound healing. METHODS: An observational prospective case-control study was designed to characterize periostin changes over time after periodontal surgery in tissue, oral fluids and serum by histological, protein and mRNA analyses. RESULTS: Histological analysis showed lower periostin with a diffuse local distribution pattern in disease patients. Levels of periostin in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) increased over time for both groups, more noticeably in the periodontitis subjects. A transient and subtle change in circulating periostin levels was also noticed. The mRNA periostin levels contrasted with the protein levels and may indicate the underlying post-transcriptional regulatory process during chronic inflammation. Levels of known periodontal disease biomarkers such as IL-ß, IL1-α, TNF-α, MIP-1α and CRP served as tissue stability markers and complemented the clinical parameters recorded. CONCLUSION: The transient local increase in GCF periostin after eliminating the local etiology in periodontally affected sites suggests its importance in the maturation and stability of the connective tissue. The decreasing levels observed as the tissue healed highlight its spatial/temporal significance.

J Periodontol ; 86(2 Suppl): S134-52, 2015 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25644297


More than 30 years have passed since the first successful application of regenerative therapy for treatment of periodontal diseases. Despite being feasible, periodontal regeneration still faces numerous challenges, and complete restoration of structure and function of the diseased periodontium is often considered an unpredictable task. This review highlights developing basic science and technologies for potential application to achieve reconstruction of the periodontium. A comprehensive search of the electronic bibliographic database PubMed was conducted to identify different emerging therapeutic approaches reported to influence either biologic pathways and/or tissues involved in periodontal regeneration. Each citation was assessed based on its abstract, and the full text of potentially eligible reports was retrieved. Based on the review of the full papers, their suitability for inclusion in this report was determined. In principle, only reports from scientifically well-designed studies that presented preclinical in vivo (animal studies) or clinical (human studies) evidence for successful periodontal regeneration were included. Hence, in vitro studies, namely those conducted in laboratories without any live animals, were excluded. In case of especially recent and relevant reviews with a narrow focus on specific regenerative approaches, they were identified as such, and thereby the option of referring to them to summarize the status of a specific approach, in addition to or instead of listing each separately, was preserved. Admittedly, the presence of subjectivity in the selection of studies to include in this overview cannot be excluded. However, it is believed that the contemporary approaches described in this review collectively represent the current efforts that have reported preclinical or clinical methods to successfully enhance regeneration of the periodontium. Today's challenges facing periodontal regenerative therapy continue to stimulate important research and clinical development, which, in turn, shapes the current concept of periodontal tissue engineering. Emerging technologies--such as stem cell therapy, bone anabolic agents, genetic approaches, and nanomaterials--also offer unique opportunities to enhance the predictability of current regenerative surgical approaches and inspire development of novel treatment strategies.

Regeneração Tecidual Guiada Periodontal/tendências , Substitutos Ósseos/uso terapêutico , Terapia Genética/tendências , Humanos , Peptídeos e Proteínas de Sinalização Intercelular/uso terapêutico , Terapia a Laser/tendências , Transplante de Células-Tronco/tendências , Engenharia Tecidual/tendências
J Periodontol ; 86(2 Suppl): S153-6, 2015 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25317603


BACKGROUND: Historically, periodontal regeneration has focused predominantly on bone substitutes and/or barrier membrane application to provide for defect fill and/or selected cell repopulation of the lesion. More recently, a number of technologies have evolved that can be viewed as emerging therapeutic approaches for periodontal regeneration, and these technologies were considered in the review paper and by the consensus group. The goal of this consensus report on emerging regenerative approaches for periodontal hard and soft tissue reconstruction was to develop a consensus document based on the accompanying review paper and on additional materials submitted before and at the consensus group session. METHODS: The review paper was sent to all the consensus group participants in advance of the consensus conference. In addition and also before the conference, individual consensus group members submitted additional material for consideration by the group. At the conference, each consensus group participant introduced themselves and provided disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest. The review paper was briefly presented by two of the authors and discussed by the consensus group. A discussion of each of the following topics then occurred based on the content of the review: a general summary of the topic, implications for patient-reported outcomes, and suggested research priorities for the future. As each topic was discussed based on the review article, supplemental information was then added that the consensus group agreed on. Last, an updated reference list was created. RESULTS: The application of protein and peptide therapy, cell-based therapy, genetic therapy, application of scaffolds, bone anabolics, and lasers were found to be emerging technologies for periodontal regeneration. Other approaches included the following: 1) therapies directed at the resolution of inflammation; 2) therapies that took into account the influence of the microbiome; 3) therapies involving the local regulation of phosphate and pyrophosphate metabolism; and 4) approaches directed at harnessing current therapies used for other purposes. The results indicate that, with most emerging technologies, the specific mechanisms of action are not well understood nor are the specific target cells identified. Patient-related outcomes were typically not addressed in the literature. Numerous recommendations can be made for future research priorities for both basic science and clinical application of emerging therapies. The need to emphasize the importance of regeneration of a functional periodontal organ system was noted. The predictability and efficacy of outcomes, as well as safety concerns and the cost-to-benefit ratio were also identified as key factors for emerging technologies. CONCLUSIONS: A number of technologies appear viable as emerging regenerative approaches for periodontal hard and soft tissue regeneration and are expanding the potential of reconstructing the entire periodontal organ system. The cost-to-benefit ratio and safety issues are important considerations for any new emerging therapies. Clinical Recommendation: At this time, there is insufficient evidence on emerging periodontal regenerative technologies to warrant definitive clinical recommendations.

Regeneração Tecidual Guiada Periodontal/tendências , Terapia Genética/tendências , Humanos , Peptídeos e Proteínas de Sinalização Intercelular/uso terapêutico , Terapia a Laser/tendências , Transplante de Células-Tronco/tendências , Engenharia Tecidual/tendências