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J Contam Hydrol ; 267: 104425, 2024 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244813


This study applied electrokinetic (EK) in situ soil remediation for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) removal from kaolinite soil. The kaolinite soil was spiked with 10 mg/kg PFOA for the EK treatment using Sodium Cholate bio-surfactant coupled with Activated Carbon (AC) or iron-coated Activated Carbon (FeAC) permeable reactive barrier (PRB). The study also evaluated the impact of AC and FeAC PRBs' position on the EK process performance. In the EK with the PRB in the middle section, PFOA removal from kaolinite was 52.35 % in the AC-EK tests and 59.55 % in the FeAC-EK. Experimental results showed the accumulation of PFOA near the cathode region in FeAC PRB tests, hypothesising that Fe from the PRB formed a complex with PFOA ions and transported it to the cathode region. Spent PRBs were regenerated with methanol for PFOA extraction and reuse in the EK experiments. Although FeAC PRB achieved better PFOA removal than AC PRB, the EK tests with regenerated AC-EK and FeAC-EK PRBs achieved 40.37 % and 20.62 % PFOA removal. For EK with FeAC PRB near the anode, PFOA removal was 21.96 %. Overall, using PRB in conjunction with the EK process can further enhance the removal efficiency. This concept could be applied to enhance the removal of various PFAS compounds from contaminated soils by combining a suitable PRB with the EK process. It also emphasizes the feasibility of in-situ soil remediation technologies for forever chemical treatment.

Langmuir ; 40(19): 10184-10194, 2024 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38699923


We report the controlled synthesis of iron oxide microcubes (IOMCs) through the self-assembly arrays of ferric oxide hydroxide nanorods (NRs). The formation of IOMCs involves a complex interplay of nucleation, self-assembly, and growth mechanisms influenced by time, thermal treatment, and surfactant dynamics. The self-assembly of vertically aligned NRs into IOMCs is controlled by dynamic magnetism properties and capping agents like cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), whose concentration and temperature modulation dictate growth kinetics and structural uniformity. These controlled structural growths were obtained via a hydrothermal process at 120 °C at various intervals of 8, 16, 24, and 32 h in the presence of CTAB as the capping agent. In this hydrothermal method, the formation of vertically oriented NR arrays was observed without the presence of ligands, binders, harsh drying techniques, and solvent evaporation. The formation of the self-assembly of NRs to IOMCs is obtained with an increase in saturated magnetization to attain the most stable state. The synthesized IOMCs have a uniform size, quasi-shape, and excellent dispersion. Due to its excellent magnetic and catalytic properties, IOMCs were employed to remove the various emerging pollutants known as per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS). Various microscopic and spectroscopic techniques were employed for the characterization and interaction studies of IOMCs with various PFAS. The interaction between IOMCs and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) was investigated, revealing strong adsorption tendencies facilitated by electrostatic interactions, as evidenced by UV-vis and FT-IR spectroscopic studies. Furthermore, the higher magnetic and positive surface charge of IOMCs is responsible for an effective remediation eliminating any secondary pollution with ease of recovery after the sorption interaction studies, thereby making it practically worthwhile.

Sci Total Environ ; 930: 172516, 2024 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38636874


The electrokinetic process has been proposed for in-situ soil remediation to minimize excavation work and exposure to hazardous materials. The precipitation of heavy metals in alkaline pH near the cathode is still challenging. Reactive filter media and enhancement agents have been used in electrokinetics to enhance the removal of heavy metals. This study investigated coupling industrial iron slag waste and iron slag-activated carbon reactive filter media with electrokinetic for a single and mixture of heavy metals treatment. Instead of using acid enhancement agents, the anolyte solution was recycled to neutralize the alkaline front at the cathode, reducing the operation cost and chemical use. Experiments were conducted for 2 and 3 weeks at 20 mA electric current. Copper removal increased from 3.11 % to 23 % when iron slag reactive filter media was coupled with electrokinetic. Copper removal increased to 70.14 % in the electrokinetic experiment with iron slag-activated carbon reactive filter media. The copper removal increased to 89.21 % when the anolyte solution was recycled to the cathode compartment. Copper removal reached 93.45 % when the reactive filter media-electrokinetic process with anolyte recirculation was extended to 3 weeks. The reactive filter media- an electrokinetic process with anolyte recycling was evaluated for removing copper, nickel, and zinc mixture, and results revealed 81.1 % copper removal, 89.04 % nickel removal, and 92.31 % zinc removal in a 3-week experiment. The greater nickel and zinc removal is attributed to their higher solubility than copper. The results demonstrated the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the electrokinetic with iron slag-activated carbon reactive filter media with anolyte recirculation for soil remediation from heavy metals.

J Hazard Mater ; 460: 132360, 2023 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37657326


The efficacy of the Standalone Electrokinetic (EK) process in soil PFAS removal is negligible, primarily due to the intersecting mechanisms of electromigration and electroosmosis transportation. Consequently, the redistribution of PFAS across the soil matrix occurs, hampering effective remediation efforts. Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) has been used to capture contaminants and extract them at the end of the EK process. This study conducted laboratory-scale tests to evaluate the feasibility of the iron slag PRB enhanced-EK process in conjunction with Sodium Cholate (NaC) biosurfactant as a cost-effective and sustainable method for removing PFOA from the soil. A 2 cm iron slag-based PRB with a pH of 9.5, obtained from the steel-making industry, was strategically embedded in the middle of the EK reactors to capture PFOA within the soil. The main component of the slag, iron oxide, exhibited significant adsorption capacity for PFOA contamination. The laboratory-scale tests were conducted over two weeks, revealing a PFOA removal rate of more than 79% in the slag/activated carbon PRB-EK test with NaC enhancement and 70% PFOA removal in the slag/activated carbon PRB-EK without NaC. By extending the duration of the slag/AC PRB-EK test with NaC enhancement to three weeks, the PFOA removal rate increased to 94.09%, with the slag/AC PRB capturing over 87% of the initial PFOA concentration of 10 mg/L. The specific energy required for soil decontamination by the EK process was determined to be 0.15 kWh/kg. The outcomes of this study confirm the feasibility of utilizing iron slag waste in the EK process to capture PFOA contaminants, offering a sustainable approach to soil decontamination. Combining iron slag PRB and NaC biosurfactant provides a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method for efficient PFOA removal from soil.

Langmuir ; 36(26): 7332-7344, 2020 07 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32510224


The rapid, ultralow detection, degradation, and complete removal of pesticides demand the design of potential substrates. Herein, we discussed gold nanorods (Au NRs) as the potential substrate for the naked eye detection and degradation of two common and broad-spectrum pesticides, chlorpyrifos (CPF) and malathion (MLT), up to 0.15 ppt concentration within 2 min. Under certain environmental conditions, both the pesticides degraded and adsorbed on the surface of Au NRs. The degraded moieties of CPF and MLT on the surface of Au NRs formed side-to-side and end-to-end interactions, respectively, leading to a long-range assembly. This shows that no external agent is required, and only CPF and MLT analytes are quite enough for the formation of assembly of Au NRs. Assembly of Au NRs is confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, and degradation is supported by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses. Au NRs were recovered and reused for four consecutive cycles. The fast and ultralow detection of pesticides demonstrates that Au NRs are a potential substrate for the detection and degradation of pesticides.