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Open Respir Arch ; 4(4): 100204, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37496956


The health damage caused by passive smoking is well known in closed public spaces such as workplaces, inside homes and restaurants. However, at present, the number of smokers in open public spaces such as terraces has increased and consequently a loss of the quality of the air breathed, increasing the concentration of particles and other contaminating agents, affecting the health of workers and customers, of these spaces. Multiple studies show that high exposure to tobacco smoke in these environments augments the risk of developing cardiorespiratory diseases, especially in the vulnerable population, but also respiratory infections. Tobacco smoke can be an excellent vehicle for transmitting viral particles, favoring coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Es bien conocido el daño sobre la salud que provoca el tabaquismo pasivo en espacios públicos cerrados como los lugares de trabajo, domicilios y restaurantes. No obstante, en la actualidad, el número de fumadores en espacios públicos abiertos como como terrazas ha aumentado y como consecuencia esto ha generado una pérdida de la calidad del aire respirado, incrementándose la concentración de partículas y otros agentes contaminantes, afectando la salud de trabajadores y clientes de estos espacios. Múltiples estudios muestran que la alta exposición al humo del tabaco en estos ambientes aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades cardiorrespiratorias, especialmente en la población vulnerable, pero también de infecciones respiratorias. El humo del tabaco puede ser un excelente vehículo de transmisión de partículas virales, favoreciendo enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).

Open Respir Arch ; 4(2): 100175, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37497325


In the last decade, the appearance of electronic cigarettes and new tobacco products (heated tobacco or smokeless tobacco) has generated a growing interest in harm reduction methods that are defined as mechanisms that seek to reduce the harmful consequences of tobacco without give up the pleasant effects of it by replacing it with these new electronic devices. However, these products are addictive and not safe as they contain nicotine. Harm reduction is a false solution as it represents a commercial strategy of the tobacco industry to increase its sales, making it difficult to control smoking, since it keeps smokers from consuming tobacco and prevents them from making serious attempts to quit. In addition, these products are a gateway to adolescents in tobacco.